977 resultados para remodelando RH


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Jovens empregados valorizam mais desafios e crescimento pessoal do que dinheiro e status - estão remodelando os padrões de RH.


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Polymorphisms of Rh, Kell, Duffy, Kidd and Diego blood group systems were studied in 209 unrelated Brazilian Japanese descendants from South of Brazil. The methods used were multiplex-PCR, AS-PCR and RFLP-PCR. The differences in frequencies among the populations were evaluated using chi-square test. The frequencies for Rh, Kell, Kidd and Diego system were similar to those of the Japanese. RHCE(*)CC, RHCE(*)EE genotypes and FY(*)01 allele were lower and FY(*)01N.01 was higher than Japanese. These differences in the frequencies between Brazilian Japanese descendants and Japanese could indicate a gene flow in Brazilian population and reinforce the importance of this knowledge to achieve safe red blood cells.


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Alloimmunisation is a major complication in patients with sickle cell disease (SCD) receiving red blood cell (RBC) transfusions and despite provision of Rh phenotyped RBC units, Rh antibodies still occur. These antibodies in patients positive for the corresponding Rh antigen are considered autoantibodies in many cases but variant RH alleles found in SCD patients can also contribute to Rh alloimmunisation. In this study, we characterised variant RH alleles in 31 SCD patients who made antibodies to Rh antigens despite antigen-positive status and evaluated the clinical significance of the antibodies produced. RHD and RHCE BeadChip™ from BioArray Solutions and/or amplification and sequencing of exons were used to identify the RH variants. The serological features of all Rh antibodies in antigen-positive patients were analysed and the clinical significance of the antibodies was evaluated by retrospective analysis of the haemoglobin (Hb) levels before and after transfusion; the change from baseline pre-transfusion Hb and the percentage of HbS were also determined. We identified variant RH alleles in 31/48 (65%) of SCD patients with Rh antibodies. Molecular analyses revealed the presence of partial RHD alleles and variant RHCE alleles associated with altered C and e antigens. Five patients were compound heterozygotes for RHD and RHCE variants. Retrospective analysis showed that 42% of antibodies produced by the patients with RH variants were involved in delayed haemolytic transfusion reactions or decreased survival of transfused RBC. In this study, we found that Rh antibodies in SCD patients with RH variants can be clinically significant and, therefore, matching patients based on RH variants should be considered.


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The crystalline structure of transition-metals (TM) has been widely known for several decades, however, our knowledge on the atomic structure of TM clusters is still far from satisfactory, which compromises an atomistic understanding of the reactivity of TM clusters. For example, almost all density functional theory (DFT) calculations for TM clusters have been based on local (local density approximation-LDA) and semilocal (generalized gradient approximation-GGA) exchange-correlation functionals, however, it is well known that plain DFT fails to correct the self-interaction error, which affects the properties of several systems. To improve our basic understanding of the atomic and electronic properties of TM clusters, we report a DFT study within two nonlocal functionals, namely, the hybrid HSE (Heyd, Scuseria, and Ernzerhof) and GGA + U functionals, of the structural and electronic properties of the Co(13), Rh(13), and Hf(13) clusters. For Co(13) and Rh(13), we found that improved exchange-correlation functionals decrease the stability of open structures such as the hexagonal bilayer (HBL) and double simple-cubic (DSC) compared with the compact icosahedron (ICO) structure, however, DFT-GGA, DFT-GGA + U, and DFT-HSE yield very similar results for Hf(13). Thus, our results suggest that the DSC structure obtained by several plain DFT calculations for Rh(13) can be improved by the use of improved functionals. Using the sd hybridization analysis, we found that a strong hybridization favors compact structures, and hence, a correct description of the sd hybridization is crucial for the relative energy stability. For example, the sd hybridization decreases for HBL and DSC and increases for ICO in the case of Co(13) and Rh(13), while for Hf(13), the sd hybridization decreases for all configurations, and hence, it does not affect the relative stability among open and compact configurations.


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This paper describes the preparation of a Pt-Rh alloy surface electrodeposited on Pt electrodes and its electrocatalytic characterization for methanol oxidation. The X-ray photoelectronic spectroscopy ( XPS) results demonstrate that the surface composition is approximately 24 at-% Rh and 76 % Pt. The cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical quartz crystal (EQCN) results for the alloy were associated, for platinum, to the well known profile in acidic medium. For Rh, on the alloy, the generation of rhodium hydroxide species (Rh(OH)(3) and RhO(OH)(3)) was measured. During the successive oxidation-reduction cycles the mass returns to its original value, indicating the reversibility of the processes. It was not observed rhodium dissolution during the cycling. The 76/24 at % Pt-Rh alloy presented singular electrocatalytic activity for methanol electrooxidation, which started at more negative potentials compared to pure Pt (70 mV). During the sweep towards more negative potentials, there is only weak CO re-adsorption on both Rh and Pt-Rh alloy surfaces, which can be explained by considering the interaction energy between Rh and CO.


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Este projeto refere-se ao programa de acompanhamento sistematizado dos servidores t??cnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina que apresentem ind??cios de uso indevido de drogas, alcoolismo, problemas de relacionamento e outros que influenciam diretamente no comportamento funcional. Para o desenvolvimento deste programa, uma equipe multiprofissional (composta de pedagogo, t??cnico em assuntos educacionais e assistente social) da pr??pria universidade se envolveu com o trabalho. Os resultados s??o significativos principalmente no que se refere ?? inser????o do servidor no ambiente de trabalho, de forma mais produtiva


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Chemistry


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A isoimunização RhD durante a gravidez tem graves repercussões fetais e neonatais. Apesar da imunoprofilaxia com imunoglobulina anti-D ter diminuído drasticamente a mortalidade e morbilidade perinatais, continuam a existir casos de isoimunização que se devem a uma administração inadequada. No âmbito de um projecto de padronização da administração de imunoglobulina anti-D, foram levados a cabo um inquérito aos obstetras da MAC e uma análise retrospectiva de processos de mulheres RhD negativas. Neste artigo são apresentados os resultados destes dois trabalhos. É também apresentada uma proposta de protocolo de imunoprofilaxia.


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Estudaram-se retrospectivamente 38 processos de Recém-Nascidos (RN) com isoimunização Rh, 25 dos quais foram tratados com imunoglobulina intravenosa (IGIV) — 500 mg/Kg. Esta terapêutica iniciada no ano 1995 teve como objectivo diminuir a hemólise e consequentemente evitar a exsanguíneo- -transfusão (ET) que seria sempre efectuada desde que se verificassem os critérios classicamente aceites para a evolução e níveis séricos de bilirrubina. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que apenas 28% dos 25 RN que fizeram IGIV necessitaram de ET contrastando com 92% dos 13 casos diagnosticados nos 2 anos imediatamente anteriores ao início desta terapêutica. Parece assim ter sido eficaz na contenção da hemólise mesmo quando a apresentação inicial da doença evidenciou uma anemia que necessitou de ser corrigida. A transfusão de concentrado eritrocitário foi efectuada logo no 1.° dia a 13 dos 25 RN, 68% de todos os casos transfundidos em toda a evolução da doença. Admitimos que esta terapêutica seja uma alternativa válida com menor morbilidade. No nosso estudo não verificámos qualquer efeito secundário.


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The three organometallic complexes [(Cis-PtII (DDH) (2,5-Dihidroxibenzensulfonic)2, RhI (CO)2 Cl(2-Aminobenzothiazole) and RhI (CO)2 Cl(5-Cl-2-Methilbenzothiazole)] used in this study had been previously found to have a high in vitro activity against promastigote and amastigote like forms of Leishmania donovani. Here, the cytotoxic effect of these new organometallic complexes on the J-774 macrophages were studied. Only the RhI(CO)2 Cl (2-Aminobenzothiazole) complex induced substantial toxicity in the cells. Also, we assayed the effect of this complex on the parasite's biosynthesis of macromolecules. The RhI(CO)2Cl (5-Cl-2-Methylbenzothiazole) complex inhibited DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis. On the other hand, the two other compounds tested did not inhibit the incorporation of radioactive precursors. Finally important ultrastructural alterations in the parasites treated with the two non-cytotoxic complexes were observed.


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Although the predilection for Toxoplasma gondii to form cysts in the nervous system and skeletal and heart muscles has been described for more than fifty years, skeletal muscle cells (SkMCs) have not been explored as a host cell type to study the Toxoplasma-host cell interaction and investigate the intracellular development of the parasite. Morphological aspects of the initial events in the Toxoplasma-SkMC interaction were analysed and suggest that there are different processes of protozoan adhesion and invasion and of the subsequent fate of the parasite inside the parasitophorous vacuole (PV). Using scanning electron microscopy,Toxoplasma tachyzoites from the mouse-virulent RH strain were found to be attached to SkMCs by the anterior or posterior region of the body, with or without expansion of the SkMC membrane. This suggests that different types of parasite internalization occurred. Asynchronous multiplication and differentiation of T. gondii were observed. Importantly, intracellular parasites were seen to display high amounts of amylopectin granules in their cytoplasm, indicating that tachyzoites of the RH strain were able to differentiate spontaneously into bradyzoites in SkMCs. This stage conversion occurred in approximately 3% of the PVs. This is particularly intriguing as tachyzoites of virulent Toxoplasma strains are not thought to be prone to cyst formation. We discuss whether biological differences in host cells are crucial to Toxoplasma stage conversion and suggest that important questions concerning the host cell type and its relevance in Toxoplasma differentiation are still unanswered.


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Hemolytic disease of the newborn is an often fatal condition of some newborn babies due to the immunogenicity of their Rh D positive erythrocytes in the Rh D negative mother. This condition can be prevented by injecting anti-Rh D antibodies. The current source of these antibodies is blood from immunized human donors. In order to avoid problems with limited supply and donor safety, the Rh D project was set up to develop recombinant monoclonal anti-Rh D antibodies as a possible replacement. In a multidisciplinary collaboration between the Zentrallaboratorium Blutspendedienst (ZlB) of the Swiss Red Cross, the Center of Biotechnology of the University and the EPFL (CBUE), and the Institute of Chemical and Biochemical Engineering (EPFl), co-funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation and ZLB, a candidate monoclonal anti-Rh D antibody has been selected, expressed in CHO cells, and a manufacturing process for large-scale production has been developed.


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