943 resultados para reliability analysis


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The most-used refrigeration system is the vapor-compression system. In this cycle, the compressor is the most complex and expensive component, especially the reciprocating semihermetic type, which is often used in food product conservation. This component is very sensitive to variations in its operating conditions. If these conditions reach unacceptable levels, failures are practically inevitable. Therefore, maintenance actions should be taken in order to maintain good performance of such compressors and to avoid undesirable stops of the system. To achieve such a goal, one has to evaluate the reliability of the system and/or the components. In this case, reliability means the probability that some equipment cannot perform their requested functions for an established time period, under defined operating conditions. One of the tools used to improve component reliability is the failure mode and effect analysis (FMEA). This paper proposes that the methodology of FMEA be used as a tool to evaluate the main failures found in semihermetic reciprocating compressors used in refrigeration systems. Based on the results, some suggestions for maintenance are addressed.


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Objective To evaluate the reliability of two- and three-dimensional ultrasonographic measurement of the thickness of the lower uterine segment (LUS) in pregnant women by transvaginal and transabdominal approaches. Methods This was a study of 30 pregnant women who bad bad at least one previous Cesarean section and were between 36 and 39 weeks` gestation, with singleton pregnancies in cephalic presentation. Sonographic examinations were performed by two observers using both 4-7-MHz transabdominal and 5-8-MHz transvaginal volumetric probes. LUS measurements were performed using two- and three-dimensional ultrasound, evaluating the entire LUS thickness transabdominally and the LUS muscular thickness transvaginally. Each observer measured the LUS four times by each method. Reliability was analyzed by comparing the mean of the absolute differences, the intraclass correlation coefficients, the 95% limits of agreement and the proportion of differences <1 mm. Results Transvaginal ultrasound provided greater reliability in LUS measurements than did transabdominal ultrasound. The use of three-dimensional ultrasound improved significantly the reliability of the LUS muscular thickness measurement obtained transvaginally. Conclusions Ultrasonographic measurement of the LUS muscular thickness transvaginally appears more reliable than does that of the entire LUS thickness transabdominally. The use of three-dimensional ultrasound should be considered to improve measurement reliability. Copyright (c) 2009 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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Assessing the safety of existing timber structures is of paramount importance for taking reliable decisions on repair actions and their extent. The results obtained through semi-probabilistic methods are unrealistic, as the partial safety factors present in codes are calibrated considering the uncertainty present in new structures. In order to overcome these limitations, and also to include the effects of decay in the safety analysis, probabilistic methods, based on Monte-Carlo simulation are applied here to assess the safety of existing timber structures. In particular, the impact of decay on structural safety is analyzed and discussed, using a simple structural model, similar to that used for current semi-probabilistic analysis.


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Internationalization and the following rapid growth have created the need to concentrate the IT systems of many small-to-medium-sized production companies. Enterprise Resource Planning systems are a common solution for such companies. Deployment of these ERP systems consists of many steps, one of which is the implementation of the same shared system at all international subsidiaries. This is also one of the most important steps in the internationalization strategy of the company from the IT point of view. The mechanical process of creating the required connections for the off-shore sites is the easiest and most well-documented step along the way, but the actual value of the system, once operational, is perceived in its operational reliability. The operational reliability of an ERP system is a combination of many factors. These factors vary from hardware- and connectivity-related issues to administrative tasks and communication between decentralized administrative units and sites. To accurately analyze the operational reliability of such system, one must take into consideration the full functionality of the system. This includes not only the mechanical and systematic processes but also the users and their administration. All operational reliability in an international environment relies heavily on hardware and telecommunication adequacy so it is imperative to have resources dimensioned with regard to planned usage. Still with poorly maintained communication/administration schemes no amount of bandwidth or memory will be enough to maintain a productive level of reliability. This thesis work analyzes the implementation of a shared ERP system to an international subsidiary of a Finnish production company. The system is Microsoft Dynamics Ax, currently being introduced to a Slovakian facility, a subsidiary of Peikko Finland Oy. The primary task is to create a feasible base of analysis against which the operational reliability of the system can be evaluated precisely. With a solid analysis the aim is to give recommendations on how future implementations are to be managed.


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Distribution companies are facing numerous challenges in the near future. Regulation defines correlation between power quality and revenue cap. Companies have to take measures for reliability increase to successfully compete in modern conditions. Most of the failures seen by customers originate in medium voltage networks. Implementation of network automation is the very effective measure to reduce duration and number of outages, and consequently, outage costs. Topic of this diploma work is study of automation investments effect on outage costs and other reliability indices. Calculation model have been made to perform needed reliability calculations. Theoretical study of different automation scenarios has been done. Case feeder from actual distribution company has been studied and various renovation plans have been suggested. Network automation proved to be effective measure for increasing medium voltage network reliability.


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In the present environment, industry should provide the products of high quality. Quality of products is judged by the period of time they can successfully perform their intended functions without failure. The cause of the failures can be ascertained through life testing experiments and the times to failure due to different cause are likely to follow different distributions. Knowledge of this distribution is essential to eliminate causes of failures and thereby to improve the quality and the reliability of products. The main accomplishment expected to the study is to develop statistical tools that could facilitate solution to lifetime data arising in such and similar contexts


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Reliability analysis of probabilistic forecasts, in particular through the rank histogram or Talagrand diagram, is revisited. Two shortcomings are pointed out: Firstly, a uniform rank histogram is but a necessary condition for reliability. Secondly, if the forecast is assumed to be reliable, an indication is needed how far a histogram is expected to deviate from uniformity merely due to randomness. Concerning the first shortcoming, it is suggested that forecasts be grouped or stratified along suitable criteria, and that reliability is analyzed individually for each forecast stratum. A reliable forecast should have uniform histograms for all individual forecast strata, not only for all forecasts as a whole. As to the second shortcoming, instead of the observed frequencies, the probability of the observed frequency is plotted, providing and indication of the likelihood of the result under the hypothesis that the forecast is reliable. Furthermore, a Goodness-Of-Fit statistic is discussed which is essentially the reliability term of the Ignorance score. The discussed tools are applied to medium range forecasts for 2 m-temperature anomalies at several locations and lead times. The forecasts are stratified along the expected ranked probability score. Those forecasts which feature a high expected score turn out to be particularly unreliable.


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Solution of structural reliability problems by the First Order method require optimization algorithms to find the smallest distance between a limit state function and the origin of standard Gaussian space. The Hassofer-Lind-Rackwitz-Fiessler (HLRF) algorithm, developed specifically for this purpose, has been shown to be efficient but not robust, as it fails to converge for a significant number of problems. On the other hand, recent developments in general (augmented Lagrangian) optimization techniques have not been tested in aplication to structural reliability problems. In the present article, three new optimization algorithms for structural reliability analysis are presented. One algorithm is based on the HLRF, but uses a new differentiable merit function with Wolfe conditions to select step length in linear search. It is shown in the article that, under certain assumptions, the proposed algorithm generates a sequence that converges to the local minimizer of the problem. Two new augmented Lagrangian methods are also presented, which use quadratic penalties to solve nonlinear problems with equality constraints. Performance and robustness of the new algorithms is compared to the classic augmented Lagrangian method, to HLRF and to the improved HLRF (iHLRF) algorithms, in the solution of 25 benchmark problems from the literature. The new proposed HLRF algorithm is shown to be more robust than HLRF or iHLRF, and as efficient as the iHLRF algorithm. The two augmented Lagrangian methods proposed herein are shown to be more robust and more efficient than the classical augmented Lagrangian method.


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A reliability analysis method is proposed that starts with the identification of all variables involved. These are divided in three groups: (a) variables fixed by codes, as loads and strength project values, and their corresponding partial safety coefficients, (b) geometric variables defining the dimension of the main elements involved, (c) the cost variables, including the possible damages caused by failure, (d) the random variables as loads, strength, etc., and (e)the variables defining the statistical model, as the family of distribution and its corresponding parameters. Once the variables are known, the II-theorem is used to obtain a minimum equivalent set of non-dimensional variables, which is used to define the limit states. This allows a reduction in the number of variables involved and a better understanding of their coupling effects. Two minimum cost criteria are used for selecting the project dimensions. One is based on a bounded-probability of failure, and the other on a total cost, including the damages of the possible failure. Finally, the method is illustrated by means of an application.


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Fault tree analysis is used as a tool within hazard and operability (Hazop) studies. The present study proposes a new methodology for obtaining the exact TOP event probability of coherent fault trees. The technique uses a top-down approach similar to that of FATRAM. This new Fault Tree Disjoint Reduction Algorithm resolves all the intermediate events in the tree except OR gates with basic event inputs so that a near minimal cut sets expression is obtained. Then Bennetts' disjoint technique is applied and remaining OR gates are resolved. The technique has been found to be appropriate as an alternative to Monte Carlo simulation methods when rare events are countered and exact results are needed. The algorithm has been developed in FORTRAN 77 on the Perq workstation as an addition to the Aston Hazop package. The Perq graphical environment enabled a friendly user interface to be created. The total package takes as its input cause and symptom equations using Lihou's form of coding and produces both drawings of fault trees and the Boolean sum of products expression into which reliability data can be substituted directly.


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The adverse health effects of long-term exposure to lead are well established, with major uptake into the human body occurring mainly through oral ingestion by young children. Lead-based paint was frequently used in homes built before 1978, particularly in inner-city areas. Minority populations experience the effects of lead poisoning disproportionately. ^ Lead-based paint abatement is costly. In the United States, residents of about 400,000 homes, occupied by 900,000 young children, lack the means to correct lead-based paint hazards. The magnitude of this problem demands research on affordable methods of hazard control. One method is encapsulation, defined as any covering or coating that acts as a permanent barrier between the lead-based paint surface and the environment. ^ Two encapsulants were tested for reliability and effective life span through an accelerated lifetime experiment that applied stresses exceeding those encountered under normal use conditions. The resulting time-to-failure data were used to extrapolate the failure time under conditions of normal use. Statistical analysis and models of the test data allow forecasting of long-term reliability relative to the 20-year encapsulation requirement. Typical housing material specimens simulating walls and doors coated with lead-based paint were overstressed before encapsulation. A second, un-aged set was also tested. Specimens were monitored after the stress test with a surface chemical testing pad to identify the presence of lead breaking through the encapsulant. ^ Graphical analysis proposed by Shapiro and Meeker and the general log-linear model developed by Cox were used to obtain results. Findings for the 80% reliability time to failure varied, with close to 21 years of life under normal use conditions for encapsulant A. The application of product A on the aged gypsum and aged wood substrates yielded slightly lower times. Encapsulant B had an 80% reliable life of 19.78 years. ^ This study reveals that encapsulation technologies can offer safe and effective control of lead-based paint hazards and may be less expensive than other options. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and the CDC are committed to eliminating childhood lead poisoning by 2010. This ambitious target is feasible, provided there is an efficient application of innovative technology, a goal to which this study aims to contribute. ^


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The Pierre Auger Cosmic Ray Observatory North site employs a large array of surface detector stations (tanks) to detect the secondary particle showers generated by ultra-high energy cosmic rays. Due to the rare nature of ultra-high energy cosmic rays, it is important to have a high reliability on tank communications, ensuring no valuable data is lost. The Auger North site employs a peer-to-peer paradigm, the Wireless Architecture for Hard Real-Time Embedded Networks (WAHREN), designed specifically for highly reliable message delivery over fixed networks, under hard real-time deadlines. The WAHREN design included two retransmission protocols, Micro- and Macro- retransmission. To fully understand how each retransmission protocol increased the reliability of communications, this analysis evaluated the system without using either retransmission protocol (Case-0), both Micro- and Macro-retransmission individually (Micro and Macro), and Micro- and Macro-retransmission combined. This thesis used a multimodal modeling methodology to prove that a performance and reliability analysis of WAHREN was possible, and provided the results of the analysis. A multimodal approach was necessary because these processes were driven by different mathematical models. The results from this analysis can be used as a framework for making design decisions for the Auger North communication system.


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Reliability analysis is a well established branch of statistics that deals with the statistical study of different aspects of lifetimes of a system of components. As we pointed out earlier that major part of the theory and applications in connection with reliability analysis were discussed based on the measures in terms of distribution function. In the beginning chapters of the thesis, we have described some attractive features of quantile functions and the relevance of its use in reliability analysis. Motivated by the works of Parzen (1979), Freimer et al. (1988) and Gilchrist (2000), who indicated the scope of quantile functions in reliability analysis and as a follow up of the systematic study in this connection by Nair and Sankaran (2009), in the present work we tried to extend their ideas to develop necessary theoretical framework for lifetime data analysis. In Chapter 1, we have given the relevance and scope of the study and a brief outline of the work we have carried out. Chapter 2 of this thesis is devoted to the presentation of various concepts and their brief reviews, which were useful for the discussions in the subsequent chapters .In the introduction of Chapter 4, we have pointed out the role of ageing concepts in reliability analysis and in identifying life distributions .In Chapter 6, we have studied the first two L-moments of residual life and their relevance in various applications of reliability analysis. We have shown that the first L-moment of residual function is equivalent to the vitality function, which have been widely discussed in the literature .In Chapter 7, we have defined percentile residual life in reversed time (RPRL) and derived its relationship with reversed hazard rate (RHR). We have discussed the characterization problem of RPRL and demonstrated with an example that the RPRL for given does not determine the distribution uniquely