188 resultados para regulatory_T_cells Treg kinome_array Casein_Kinase_2 CK2


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Regulatorische T-Zellen (Tregs) leisten durch ihre suppressiven Eigenschaften einen essenziellen Beitrag zur Aufrechterhaltung der immunologischen Toleranz. Sie verhindern schädliche Immunreaktionen gegen Autoantigene, kommensale Bakterien, sowie harmlose Nahrungsmittel-bestandteile. Gleichzeitig gewährleisten sie die Entwicklung effektiver Immunantworten gegen eindringende Pathogene, wie z.B. Parasiten, Bakterien und Viren. Damit haben Tregs direkten Einfluss auf das Gleichgewicht zwischen Immunität und Toleranz. Fehler in der suppressiven Funktionsweise von Tregs begünstigen daher auf der einen Seite die Entstehung zahlreicher autoimmuner Erkrankungen und Allergien. Auf der anderen Seite können Tregs Immunreaktionen bei chronischen Infektionen reduzieren, sowie die Entstehung effektiver Immunantworten gegen Tumore hemmen. Ihre Beteiligung an der Ätiologie all dieser Krankheiten macht Tregs zu einem bedeutenden potenziellen Zielobjekt, um diese Krankheiten effektiv zu therapieren. Die Erweiterung des Grundwissens um die molekularen Mechanismen der Treg-vermittelten Suppression ist daher ein notwendiger Schritt bei der Entwicklung Treg-basierter Theraphieansätze. 2003 konnte mit Foxp3 ein Transkriptionsfaktor identifiziert werden, der maßgeblich die suppressiven Funktionen von Tregs steuert. Um weiteren Einblick in die der Suppression zugrundeliegenden Signalwege zu erhalten, wurde im Institut für Immunologie ein komparativer Kinomarray durchgeführt, anhand dessen die Casein Kinase 2 (CK2) als eine der aktivsten Kinasen in Tregs identifiziert wurde (Daten freundlicherweise von Prof. Dr. Tobias Bopp bereitgestellt). rnBasierend auf den Ergebnissen des Kinomarrays wurde in dieser Arbeit die Funktion der CK2 in Tregs untersucht. Dabei konnte in in vitro Experimenten die Treg-vermittelte Suppression durch den pharmakologische CK2 Inhibitor DMAT aufgehoben werden. Weil derartige Inhibitoren jedoch nicht absolut spezifisch die Aktivität nur einer Kinase supprimieren, wurden außerdem Mäuse mit konditionalem „knockout“ der CK2β Untereinheit spezifisch in Tregs gekreuzt (CK2βTreg-/- Mäuse). Die Analyse dieser Tiere offenbarte eine essenzielle Beteiligung der CK2 an den suppressiven Funktionen von Tregs. So entwickeln CK2βTreg-/- Mäuse mit zunehmendem Alter Splenomegalien und Lymphadenopathien, von denen in besonderem Maße die Mukosa-assoziierten Lymphknoten betroffen sind. Eine Analyse des Aktivierungsstatus der T-Zellen in den Tieren konnte zudem einen erhöhten Anteil sogenannter Effektor-Gedächtnis T-Zellen aufdecken, die charakteristische Merkmale eines Th2 Phänotyps zeigten. Erhöhte Titer des Antikörperisotyps IgE in den Seren von CK2βTreg-/- Mäusen suggerieren zusätzlich eine fehlerhafte Suppression speziell Th2-vermittelter Immunantworten durch CK2β-defiziente Tregs. In Th2-vermittelten Asthma Experimenten in vivo konnte der Verdacht der fehlerhaften Kontrolle von Th2-Antwort bestätigt werden, wobei zusätzlich aufgedeckt wurde, dass bereits unbehandelte CK2βTreg-/- Mäuse Zeichen einer Entzündungsreaktion in der Lunge aufweisen. Bei der Suche nach den molekularen Ursachen der fehlerhaften Suppression Th2-vermittelter Immunantworten durch CK2β-defiziente Tregs konnten zwei mögliche Erklärungsansätze gefunden werden. Zum einen zeigen CK2β-defiziente Tregs eine verringerte Expression von Foxp3, was, in Analogie zu Ergebnissen der Gruppe von R. Flavell (Wang Y.Y. Nature. 445, 766-770 (2007)), zu einer Konversion von Tregs zu Th2 Zellen und damit zur Entstehung eines Th2-basierten, autoimmunen Phänotyps führt. Des Weiteren weisen CK2β-defiziente Tregs eine reduzierte Expression des Transkriptionsfaktors IRF4 auf, der in Tregs entscheidend für die Kontrolle Th2-basierter Immunreaktionen ist (Zheng Y. Nature. 19; 351-356 (2009)). Die dargelegten Ergebnisse identifizieren die CK2 damit als Kinase, die entscheidend an der Treg-vermittelten Suppression speziell Th2-basierter Immunantworten beteiligt ist. Demnach könnten pharmakologische CK2 Inhibitoren beispielsweise dazu eingesetzt werden, um die Treg-vermittelte Suppression im Rahmen chronischer Parasiten-Infektionen aufzuheben. Die in CK2βTreg-/- Mäusen beobachtete Prävalenz der Funktion der CK2 für Mukosa-assoziierte Organe stellt dabei einen zusätzlichen Vorteil dar, weil systemische Nebenwirkungen, die durch die Blockade der Treg-vermittelte Suppression entstehen, zumindest in nicht-Mukosa-assoziierten Geweben nicht zu erwarten sind.rn


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O gênero Leishmania apresenta espécies capazes de desenvolver doenças de grande importância para a saúde pública, as leishmanioses, que apresentam prevalência mundial de 12 milhões de pessoas. Quando os parasitos entram em contato com o hospedeiro humano passam por um processo de metaciclogênese adquirindo capacidade de interagir com os macrófagos. Inúmeras atividades biológicas são desencadeadas pela ativação de sistemas de transdução de sinais, onde as proteínas cinases e fosfatases desempenham papel fundamental. A proteína cinase CK2 parece estar presente em todas as células eucarióticas (núcleo, citoplasma e superfície). É caracterizada como enzima serina/treonina cinase, embora também seja capaz de fosforilar resíduos de tirosina em suas proteínas-alvo. No presente trabalho, demonstramos que o principal inibidor da CK2, TBB, foi capaz de inibir o crescimento de formas promastigotas de L. donovani e mostrou um mecanismo de ação irreversível, entretanto não foi capaz de induzir apoptose nas formas promastigotas de L. donovani. O pré-tratamento dos parasitos e macrófagos, assim como a adição do TBB durante o processo de infecção induziram uma redução significativa no número de amastigotas por macrófagos possivelmente pelo mecanismo de morte celular programada demosntrada pela técnica do TUNEL. O tratamento de macrófagos com TBB não induziram o aumento de óxido nítrico. Ensaios de imunofluorescência demonstraram a presença de CK2α em promastigotas. Macrófagos não infectados demonstraram pouca marcação para CK2α. Após a interação, a enzima mostrou-se distribuída preferencialmente na periferia dos macrófagos. Os dados do trabalho sugerem que a CK2 é uma importante enzima para a atividade biológica da Leishmania donovani, tendo seu estudo importante relevância para a descoberta de novos alvos terapêuticos.


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O gênero Leishmania é responsável por um grupo de parasitoses que podem variar desde lesões auto-limitadas até severa injúria de tecido. Estes protozoários são parasitos obrigatoriamente intracelulares, tendo o macrófago como célula hospedeira. Durante o processo de fagocitose os macrófagos utilizam a maquinaria presente em seu citoesqueleto, a qual compreende a participação de miosinas e actinas, para a formação do fagossoma. Estas proteínas estão envolvidas em processos como citocinese, tráfego intracelular de organelas e vesículas, podendo interferir com a penetração do parasito. Alguns trabalhos vêm sendo realizados visando analisar a expressão, localização e o papel de miosina e de actina em Leishamania. Estudos associados à participação destas proteínas motoras em processo vitais para a biologia do parasito podem auxiliar na compreensão de seu ciclo e permitir a geração de conhecimentos que apontem novos alvos para intervenções terapêuticas. Uma vez que a miosina é necessária no transporte intracelular, alguns estudos tentam analisar a expressão e a localização intracelular de miosinas na Leishmania. Estudos mostram a presença de atividades cinásicas do tipo CK2 em diversos tripanossomatídeos, ligadas ao crescimento celular, morfologia e infectividade de promastigotas para macrófagos. Desta maneira, como objetivo desta tese temos o estudo da participação das miosinas, actina e CK2 na infectividade da Leishmania braziliensis. Além disso, investigamos a influência destas proteínas na produção de citocinas pelos macrófagos e em sua atividade microbicida. Lipoxina, latrunculina, nocodazol e TBB promoveram uma inibição de, pelo menos, 50% no crescimento de L. braziliensis. A CK2 secretada pelo parasito foi purificada de seu sobrenadante através de coluna de HPLC e a fração 44 mostrou ser a fração correspondente a esta enzima. A lipoxina e o TBB promoveram a inibição da atividade desta enzima ao contrário da latrunculina que forneceu aumento dessa atividade. O pré-tratamento dos parasitos ou dos macrófagos com lipoxina, latrunculina, nocodazol e TBB promoveram uma inibição de cerca de 50% no índice de associação entre Leishmania e macrófagos não-ativados ou ativados por LPS e IFN-γ. Latrunculina e TBB aumentaram a produção de NO em macrófagos não ativados e não infectados enquanto que em macrófagos ativados à exceção do TBB, todas as drogas diminuíram a produção de NO. A liberação de IL-10 foi diminuída após tratamento com todas as drogas em macrófagos não ativados em ausência de promastigotas e ativados em presença do parasito. Para a produção de TNF-α há uma redução significativa em macrófagos ativados não infectados tratados com latrunculina, nocodazol e TBB. Quando ativados e infectados, os macrófagos tratados com lipoxina tiveram a produção dessa citocina aumentada, ao contrário do TBB em que houve redução. Quando avaliamos a integridade da actina verificamos que todos os compostos foram capazes de influenciar a distribuição dessa proteína, levando a uma redução no índice de associação. Ao transfectarmos a cauda da miosina Va fusionada a GFP nos macrófagos observamos que houve uma diminuição de 94% no índice de associação. Nossos dados confirmam a importância da CK2, actina e miosina Va no processo de interação parasito- macrófago.


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Identifying differential expression of genes in psoriatic and healthy skin by microarray data analysis is a key approach to understand the pathogenesis of psoriasis. Analysis of more than one dataset to identify genes commonly upregulated reduces the likelihood of false positives and narrows down the possible signature genes. Genes controlling the critical balance between T helper 17 and regulatory T cells are of special interest in psoriasis. Our objectives were to identify genes that are consistently upregulated in lesional skin from three published microarray datasets. We carried out a reanalysis of gene expression data extracted from three experiments on samples from psoriatic and nonlesional skin using the same stringency threshold and software and further compared the expression levels of 92 genes related to the T helper 17 and regulatory T cell signaling pathways. We found 73 probe sets representing 57 genes commonly upregulated in lesional skin from all datasets. These included 26 probe sets representing 20 genes that have no previous link to the etiopathogenesis of psoriasis. These genes may represent novel therapeutic targets and surely need more rigorous experimental testing to be validated. Our analysis also identified 12 of 92 genes known to be related to the T helper 17 and regulatory T cell signaling pathways, and these were found to be differentially expressed in the lesional skin samples.


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We have shown previously that a fetal sheep liver extract (FSLE) containing significant quantities of fetal ovine gamma globin chain (Hbgamma) and LPS injected into aged (>20 months) mice could reverse the altered polarization (increased IL-4 and IL-10 with decreased IL-2 and IFNgamma) in cytokine production seen from ConA stimulated lymphoid cells of those mice. The mechanism(s) behind this change in cytokine production were not previously investigated. We report below that aged mice show a >60% decline in numbers and suppressive function of both CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg and so-called Tr3 (CD4(+)TGFbeta(+)), and that their number/function is restored to levels seen in control (8-week-old) mice by FSLE. In addition, on a per cell basis, CD4(+)CD25(-)Treg from aged mice were >4-fold more effective in suppression of proliferation and IL-2 production from ConA-activated lymphoid cells of a pool of CD4(+)CD25(-)T cells from 8-week-old mice than similar cells from young animals, and this suppression by CD25(-)T cells was also ameliorated following FSLE treatment. Infusion of anti-TGFbeta and anti-IL-10 antibodies in vivo altered Treg development following FSLE treatment, and attenuated FSLE-induced alterations in cytokine production profiles.


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TGA2 is a dual-function Systemic Acquired Resistance (SAR) transcription factor involved in the activation and repression of pathogenesis-related (PR) genes. Recent studies have shown that TGA2 is able to switch from a basal repressor to activator, likely, through regulatory control from its N-terminus. The N-terminus has also been shown to affect DNA binding of the TGA2 bZIP domain when phosphorylated by Casein Kinase II (CK2). The mechanisms involved for directing a switch from basal repressor to activator, and the role of kinase activity, have not previously been looked at in detail. This study provides evidence for the involvement of a CK2-like kinase in the switch of TGA2 activity from repressor to activator, by regulating the DNA-binding activity of TGA2 by phosphorylating residues in the N terminus of the protein.


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During infection, the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana is capable of activating long lasting defence responses both in tissue directly affected by the pathogen and in more distal tissue. Systemic acquired resistance (SAR) is a type of systemic defence response deployed against biotrophic pathogens resulting in altered plant gene expression and production of antimicrobial compounds. One such gene involved in plant defence is called pathogenesis-related 1 (PR1) and is under the control of several protein regulators. TGA II-clade transcription factors (namely TGA2) repress PR1 activity prior to infection by forming large oligomeric complexes effectively blocking gene transcription. After pathogen detection, these complexes are dispersed by a mechanism unknown until now and free TGA molecules interact with the non-expressor of pathogenesis-related gene 1 (NPR1) protein forming an activating complex enabling PR1 transcription. This study elucidates the TGA2 dissociation mechanism by introducing protein kinase CK2 into this process. This enzyme efficiently phosphorylates TGA2 resulting in two crucial events. Firstly, the DNA-binding ability of this transcription factor is completely abolished explaining how the large TGA2 complexes are quickly evicted from the PR1 promoter. Secondly, a portion of TGA2 molecules dissociate from the complexes after phosphorylation which likely makes them available for the formation of the TGA2-NPR1 activating complex. We also show that phosphorylation of a multiserine motif found within TGA2’s N terminus is responsible for the change of affinity to DNA, while modification of a single threonine in the leucine zipper domain seems to be responsible for deoligomerization. Despite the substantial changes caused by phosphorylation, TGA2 is still capable of interacting with NPR1 and these proteins together form a complex on DNA promoting PR1 transcription. Therefore, we propose a change in the current model of how PR1 is regulated by adding CK2 which targets TGA2 displacing it’s complexes from the promoter and providing solitary TGA2 molecules for assembly of the activating complex. Amino acid sequences of regions targeted by CK2 in Arabidopsis TGA2 are similar to those found in TGA2 homologs in rice and tobacco. Therefore, the molecular mechanism that we have identified may be conserved among various plants, including important crop species, adding to the significance of our findings.


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Regulatory T (Treg) cells are fundamental in the control of immunity and excessive tissue pathology. In paracoccidioidomycosis, an endemic mycosis of Latin America, the immunoregulatory mechanisms that control the progressive and regressive forms of this infection are poorly known. Due to its modulatory activity on Treg cells, we investigated the effects of anti-CD25 treatment over the course of pulmonary infection in resistant (A/J) and susceptible (B10.A) mice infected with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis. We verified that the resistant A/J mice developed higher numbers and more potent Treg cells than susceptible B10.A mice. Compared to B10.A cells, the CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cells of A/J mice expressed higher levels of CD25, CTLA4, GITR, Foxp3, LAP and intracellular IL-10 and TGF-beta. In both resistant and susceptible mice, anti-CD25 treatment decreased the CD4(+)CD25(+)Foxp3(+) Treg cell number, impaired indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase expression and resulted in decreased fungal loads in the lungs, liver and spleen. In A/J mice, anti-CD25 treatment led to an early increase in T cell immunity, demonstrated by the augmented influx of activated CD4(+) and CD8(+) T cells, macrophages and dendritic cells to the lungs. At a later phase, the mild infection was associated with decreased inflammatory reactions and increased Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokine production. In B10.A mice, anti-CD25 treatment did not alter the inflammatory reactions but increased the fungicidal mechanisms and late secretion of Th1/Th2/Th17 cytokines. Importantly, in both mouse strains, the early depletion of CD25(+) cells resulted in less severe tissue pathology and abolished the enhanced mortality observed in susceptible mice. In conclusion, this study is the first to demonstrate that anti-CD25 treatment is beneficial to the progressive and regressive forms of paracoccidioidomycosis, potentially due to the anti-CD25-mediated reduction of Treg cells, as these cells have suppressive effects on the early T cell response in resistant mice and the clearance mechanisms of fungal cells in susceptible mice.


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OBJECTIVES: FTY720 modulates CD4(+)T cells by the augmentation of regulatory T cell activity, secretion of suppressive cytokines and suppression of IL-17 secretion by Th17 cells. To further understand the process of graft rejection/acceptance, we evaluated skin allograft survival and associated events after FTY720 treatment. METHODS: F1 mice (C57BL/6xBALB/c) and C57BL/6 mice were used as donors for and recipients of skin transplantation, respectively. The recipients were transplanted and either not treated or treated with FTY720 by gavage for 21 days to evaluate the allograft survival. In another set of experiments, the immunological evaluation was performed five days post-transplantation. The spleens, axillary lymph nodes and skin allografts of the recipient mice were harvested for phenotyping (flow cytometry), gene expression (real-time PCR) and cytokine (Bio-Plex) analysis. RESULTS: The FTY720 treatment significantly increased skin allograft survival, reduced the number of cells in the lymph nodes and decreased the percentage of Tregs at this site in the C57BL/6 recipients. Moreover, the treatment reduced the number of graft-infiltrating cells and the percentage of CD4(+) graft-infiltrating cells. The cytokine analysis (splenocytes) showed decreased levels of IL-10, IL-6 and IL-17 in the FTY720-treated mice. We also observed a decrease in the IL-10, IL-6 and IL-23 mRNA levels, as well as an increase in the IL-27 mRNA levels, in the splenocytes of the treated group. The FTY720-treated mice exhibited increased mRNA levels of IL-10, IL-27 and IL-23 in the skin graft. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated prolonged but not indefinite skin allograft survival by FTY720 treatment. This finding indicates that the drug did not prevent the imbalance between Tr1 and Th17 cells in the graft that led to rejection.


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CD4+CD25+FoxP3+ regulatorische T-Zellen (Treg) spielen eine essentielle Rolle bei der Unterdrückung von schädlichen Immunreaktionen. Da aktivierte CD4+ T-Helferzellen auch CD25 und FoxP3 exprimieren, können diese nicht als spezifische Marker zur Identifikation von Treg verwendet werden. Die Analyse der Membranproteinexpression beider Populationen führte zur Identifikation von GARP (glycoprotein A repetitions predominant) als spezifischer Marker auf aktivierten Treg. GARP bindet LAP und TGF-beta, welches für die Unterdrückung von entzündlichen T-Zellantworten von Bedeutung ist. Um die Funktion von GARP unabhängig von Treg zu untersuchen, wurde ein lösliches GARP Protein (sGARP) synthetisiert und sein Effekt auf die Aktivierung und Differenzierung von humanen T-Zellen untersucht. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass sGARP die Proliferation von naiven CD4+ T-Zellen supprimiert und zu einer Phosphorylierung von SMAD2/3 sowie zu der Induktion von FoxP3 führt. Zusätzlich inhibiert sGARP die Produktion von Effektorzytokinen wie IL-2 und IFN-gamma. Die Stimulation von naiven CD4+ T-Zellen mit sGARP induziert die Differenzierung zu Treg, welche in Kokultur die Aktivierung von T-Effektorzellen supprimieren. Die Wirkung war vergleichbar in naiven CD4+ und ruhenden CD4+CD45RA+ T-Zellen, konnte aber in differenzierten CD4+CD45RO+ T-Zellen nicht nachgewiesen werden. Die Induktion von FoxP3 und die Phosphorylierung von SMAD2/3 konnte durch eine Blockade des TGF-beta-Signalweges inhibiert werden. Dies lässt vermuten, dass die Funktion von sGARP zumindest teilweise von TGF-beta abhängig ist. Zusätzlich zu seiner passiven Rolle als TGF-beta-Transporter, induzierte sGARP die TGF-beta-Produktion in naiven T-Zellen und trägt so zum Mechanismus der infektiösen Toleranz bei. Des Weiteren fördert die Stimulation von sGARP in Anwesenheit von IL-6 und IL-23 die Differenzierung zu Th17 Zellen. rnNeben dem Einfluss von sGARP auf die Differenzierung von CD4+ T-Zellen, supprimiert sGARP die Proliferation und Granzyme B-Expression in CD8+ T-Zellen. rnFür die Analyse der immunmodulatorischen Funktion von sGARP in vivo wurde ein Modell einer xenogenen GvHD (graft-versus-host disease) verwendet. Der Transfer von humanen PBMC in neugeborene, immundefiziente Rag2-/-gamma-chain-/--Mäuse führt zu einer letalen GvHD, welche durch die Applikation von humanen Treg dosisabhängig unterdrückt werden kann. In diesem Modell konnte die repetitive Gabe von sGARP, ohne zusätzliche Zugabe von Treg, ebenfalls die GvHD unterdrücken. Dies lässt auf einen synergistischen Effekt von sGARP und Treg bei der Suppression inflammatorischer T-Zellantworten schließen. rnZusammengefasst lassen die Ergebnisse auf eine entscheidende Rolle von GARP in der Modulation der peripheren Toleranz folgern und zeigen sGARP als potentes Biological für die Behandlung von unerwünschten inflammatorischen Immunantworten.


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Up to 10% of patients with severe immune-mediated drug hypersensitivity reactions have tendencies to develop multiple drug hypersensitivities (MDH). The reason why certain individuals develop MDH and the underlying pathomechanism are unclear. We investigated different T cell subpopulations in MDH patients and compared them with patients allergic to a single drug and with healthy controls (HC).


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BACKGROUND Insect bite hypersensitivity (IBH) is a recurrent allergic dermatitis of horses with similarities to human atopic eczema, caused by bites of insects of the genus Culicoides. Previous studies suggested a dysregulated T cell tolerance to Culicoides allergen in IBH-affected horses. OBJECTIVE We have investigated whether the suppressive function of CD4(+) CD25(high) cells is impaired in IBH-affected horses and possible ways to restore it. METHODS CD4(+) CD25(-) cells sorted from peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated with irradiated autologous PBMC pulsed with Culicoides or tetanus toxoid as control antigen, in the presence of CD4(+) CD25(high) cells. Furthermore, Culicoides-specific CD4(+) CD25(high) regulatory cells were expanded or induced from CD4(+) CD25(-) cells in vitro in the presence of a combination of rIL-2 and rTGF-β1 (rIL-2/rTGF-β1) or of retinoic acid and rapamycin (RetA/Rapa). Proliferation was determined by [(3) H] thymidine incorporation and cytokine production measured by flow cytometry. RESULTS The ability of Culicoides- but not tetanus-stimulated CD4(+) CD25(high) cells to suppress proliferation of CD4(+) CD25(-) cells was significantly lower in IBH-affected horses (28%) than in healthy controls (86%). The decreased suppression in IBH-affected horses was associated with a significantly higher proportion of IL-4(+) cells and a lower percentage of FoxP3(+) IL-10(+) compared to controls. Addition of rIL-2/rTGF-β1 or of RetA/Rapa to Culicoides-stimulated CD4(+) CD25(high) cells from IBH-affected horses significantly increased the proportion of FoxP3(+) IL-10(+) cells. We also found that RetA/Rapa induced a more significant decrease in the frequency of IL-4(+) cells than rIL-2/rTGF-β1. Moreover, the suppressive activity of Culicoides-stimulated CD4(+) CD25(high) cells was significantly restored by both rIL-2/rTGF-β1and RetA/Rapa, albeit in an antigen-unspecific manner. In contrast, in vitro induced Culicoides-specific CD4(+) CD25(high) cells suppressed proliferation of CD4(+) CD25(-) cells in an antigen-specific manner. CONCLUSION AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE The in vitro induction of functional allergen-specific Treg cells in IBH-affected horses suggests a potential therapeutic use of these cells in allergy.


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RP1 (synonym: MAPRE2, EB2) is a member of the microtubule binding EB1 protein family, which interacts with APC, a key regulatory molecule in the Wnt signalling pathway. While the other EB1 proteins are well characterized the cellular function and regulation of RP1 remain speculative to date. However, recently RP1 has been implicated in pancreatic cancerogenesis. CK2 is a pleiotropic kinase involved in adhesion, proliferation and anti-apoptosis. Overexpression of protein kinase CK2 is a hallmark of many cancers and supports the malignant phenotype of tumor cells. In this study we investigate the interaction of protein kinase CK2 with RP1 and demonstrate that CK2 phosphorylates RP1 at Ser(236) in vitro. Stable RP1 expression in cell lines leads to a significant cleavage and down-regulation of N-cadherin and impaired adhesion. Cells expressing a Phospho-mimicking point mutant RP1-ASP(236) show a marked decrease of adhesion to endothelial cells under shear stress. Inversely, we found that the cells under shear stress downregulate endogenous RP1, most likely to improve cellular adhesion. Accordingly, when RP1 expression is suppressed by shRNA, cells lacking RP1 display significantly increased cell adherence to surfaces. In summary, RP1 phosphorylation at Ser(236) by CK2 seems to play a significant role in cell adhesion and might initiate new insights in the CK2 and EB1 family protein association.