995 resultados para referring expressions generation


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The research reported in this article is based on the Ph.D. project of Dr. RK, which was funded by the Scottish Informatics and Computer Science Alliance (SICSA). KvD acknowledges support from the EPSRC under the RefNet grant (EP/J019615/1).


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Article Accepted Date: 29 May 2014 Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of the Cognitive Science Society for the organisation of the Workshop on Production of Referring Expressions: Bridging the Gap between Cognitive and Computational Approaches to Reference, from which this special issue originated. Funding Emiel Krahmer and Albert Gatt thank The Netherlands Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO) for VICI grant Bridging the Gap between Computational Linguistics and Psycholinguistics: The Case of Referring Expressions (grant number 277-70-007).


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This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (grant TIN2014-56633-C3-1-R) and by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF/FEDER) and the Galician Ministry of Education (grants GRC2014/030 and CN2012/151). Alejandro Ramos-Soto is supported by the Spanish Ministry for Economy and Competitiveness (FPI Fellowship Program) under grant BES-2012-051878.


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Che cos’è il riferimento? La risposta che difendo è che il riferimento è un atto che coinvolge un parlante, un’espressione linguistica e uno specifico oggetto, in una data occasione d’uso. Nel primo capitolo, inquadro storicamente il dibattito sul riferimento opponendo il modello soddisfazionale à la Russell a quello referenziale à la Donnellan. Introduco la teoria russelliana su nomi propri e descrizioni definite e difendo la tesi che gli usi referenziali siano caratterizzati da una direzione di adattamento inversa rispetto al modello soddisfazionale. Nel secondo capitolo, sostengo che il riferimento è un’azione che può essere felice o infelice, a seconda che il parlante ne rispetti i vincoli o meno. Analizzo due condizioni necessarie del riferimento: che vi sia un legame causale tra parlante, espressione e referente, e che le parole siano usate convenzionalmente. Normalmente, si parla di fallimento referenziale solo quando il presunto referente non esiste, mentre io propongo di usare l’espressione per i riferimenti infelici. Secondo e terzo capitolo equiparano più tipi di espressioni in merito al riferimento. Insisto sulla dipendenza contestuale di nomi propri e descrizioni definite (sia usate referenzialmente che attributivamente). Due degli argomenti usati sono basati sui nomi omofoni e omografi e sulle descrizioni definite incomplete. Infine sintetizzo i punti precedenti in una proposta originale. L’atto referenziale, di cui ho difeso la possibilità che fallisca, è dipendente anche dall’essere teso verso la comunicazione. Per illustrare il punto confronto il processo di istituzione di una convenzione con l’uso di una convenzione già istituita. Il progetto è di dare un resoconto del riferimento bilanciato tra l’uso del linguaggio incentrato sul soggetto e i suoi legami con il mondo, da una parte, e le espressioni linguistiche, strumenti per ottenere risultati all’interno di una data comunità, dall’altra parte. L’atto referenziale, sostengo, ha diverse gradazioni di efficacia dipendenti da tutti questi elementi.


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Humans are especially good at taking another's perspective-representing what others might be thinking or experiencing. This "mentalizing" capacity is apparent in everyday human interactions and conversations. We investigated its neural basis using magnetoencephalography. We focused on whether mentalizing was engaged spontaneously and routinely to understand an utterance's meaning or largely on-demand, to restore "common ground" when expectations were violated. Participants conversed with 1 of 2 confederate speakers and established tacit agreements about objects' names. In a subsequent "test" phase, some of these agreements were violated by either the same or a different speaker. Our analysis of the neural processing of test phase utterances revealed recruitment of neural circuits associated with language (temporal cortex), episodic memory (e.g., medial temporal lobe), and mentalizing (temporo-parietal junction and ventromedial prefrontal cortex). Theta oscillations (3-7 Hz) were modulated most prominently, and we observed phase coupling between functionally distinct neural circuits. The episodic memory and language circuits were recruited in anticipation of upcoming referring expressions, suggesting that context-sensitive predictions were spontaneously generated. In contrast, the mentalizing areas were recruited on-demand, as a means for detecting and resolving perceived pragmatic anomalies, with little evidence they were activated to make partner-specific predictions about upcoming linguistic utterances.


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En el marco de la escala de accesibilidad (Givenness Hierarchy), este trabajo presenta el mecanismo en chino que lleva a cabo la misma función anafórica que desempeña el artículo definido en español y analiza desde una perspectiva contrastiva las aportaciones que contribuye la anáfora nominal a la construcción del discurso. Se llega a la conclusión de que a pesar de algunas diferencias en los comportamientos concretos, en ambas lenguas la anáfora favorece a la organización del discurso manteniendo la coherencia discursiva y diversificando las expresiones.


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A computer vision system that has to interact in natural language needs to understand the visual appearance of interactions between objects along with the appearance of objects themselves. Relationships between objects are frequently mentioned in queries of tasks like semantic image retrieval, image captioning, visual question answering and natural language object detection. Hence, it is essential to model context between objects for solving these tasks. In the first part of this thesis, we present a technique for detecting an object mentioned in a natural language query. Specifically, we work with referring expressions which are sentences that identify a particular object instance in an image. In many referring expressions, an object is described in relation to another object using prepositions, comparative adjectives, action verbs etc. Our proposed technique can identify both the referred object and the context object mentioned in such expressions. Context is also useful for incrementally understanding scenes and videos. In the second part of this thesis, we propose techniques for searching for objects in an image and events in a video. Our proposed incremental algorithms use the context from previously explored regions to prioritize the regions to explore next. The advantage of incremental understanding is restricting the amount of computation time and/or resources spent for various detection tasks. Our first proposed technique shows how to learn context in indoor scenes in an implicit manner and use it for searching for objects. The second technique shows how explicitly written context rules of one-on-one basketball can be used to sequentially detect events in a game.


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The process of resonant generation of the second harmonic of the surface wave, propagating along the external magnetic field at the plasma-metal boundary is considered. The periodic process of the energy exchange between the first and the second harmonics of the wave is investigated as well. It is shown that the process under study is periodic one. The analytical expressions are obtained and numerical estimations are presented for characteristic time of nonlinear energy exchange. The self-action effect of main frequency wave is account for harmonics interaction. It is shown that the effect leads to nonlinear phenomena attenuation, which expresses in narrowing possible value interval of harmonics amplitudes during energy exchange process and in increasing the nonlinear interaction time.


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The simulating wave nearshore (SWAN) wave model has been widely used in coastal areas, lakes and estuaries. However, we found a poor agreement between modeling results and measurements in analyzing the chosen four typical cases when we used the default parameters of the source function formulas of the SWAN to make wave simulation for the Bohai Sea. Also, it was found that at the same wind process the simulated results of two wind generation expressions (Komen, Janssen) demonstrated a large difference. Further study showed that the proportionality coefficient alpha in linear growth term of wave growth source function plays an unperceived role in the process of wave development. Based on experiments and analysis, we thought that the coefficient alpha should change rather than be a constant. Therefore, the coefficient alpha changing with the variation of friction velocity U (*) was introduced into the linear growth term of wave growth source function. Four weather processes were adopted to validate the improvement in the linear growth term. The results from the improved coefficient alpha agree much better with the measurements than those from the default constant coefficient alpha. Furthermore, the large differences of results between Komen wind generation expression and Janssen wind generation expression were eliminated. We also experimented with the four weather processes to test the new white-capping mechanisms based on the cumulative steepness method. It was found that the parameters of the new white-capping mechanisms are not suitable for the Bohai Sea, but Alkyon's white-capping mechanisms can be applicable to the Bohai Sea after amendments, demonstrating that this improvement of parameter alpha can improve the simulated results of the Bohai Sea.


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Este trabalho investiga novas metodologias para as redes óticas de acesso de próxima geração (NG-OAN). O trabalho está dividido em quatro tópicos de investigação: projeto da rede, modelos numéricos para efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica, impacto dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica e otimização da rede. A rede ótica de acesso investigada nesse trabalho está projetado para suprir os requisitos de densidade de utilizadores e cobertura, isto é, suportar muitos utilizadores ( 1000) com altas velocidades de conexão dedicada ( 1 Gb/s) ocupando uma faixa estreita do espectro ( 25 nm) e comprimentos de fibra ótica até 100 km. Os cenários são baseados em redes óticas passivas com multiplexagem por divisão no comprimento de onda de alta densidade (UDWDM-PON) utilizando transmissores/receptores coerentes nos terminais da rede. A rede é avaliada para vários ritmos de transmissão usando formatos de modulação avançados, requisitos de largura de banda por utilizador e partilha de banda com tecnologias tradicionais de redes óticas passivas (PON). Modelos numéricos baseados em funções de transferência das séries de Volterra (VSTF) são demonstrados tanto para a análise dos efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica quanto para avaliação do desempenho total da rede. São apresentadas as faixas de potência e distância de transmissão nas quais as séries de Volterra apresentam resultados semelhantes ao modelo referência Split-Step Fourier (SSF) (validado experimentalmente) para o desempenho total da rede. Além disso, um algoritmo, que evita componentes espectrais com intensidade nulo, é proposto para realizar cálculos rápidos das séries. O modelo VSTF é estendido para identificar unicamente os efeitos não lineares da fibra ótica mais relevantes no cenário investigado: Self-Phase Modulation (SPM), Cross-Phase Modulation (XPM) e Four-Wave Mixing (FWM). Simulações numéricas são apresentadas para identificar o impacto isolado de cada efeito não linear da fibra ótica, SPM, XPM e FWM, no desempenho da rede com detecção coerente UDWDM-PON, transportando canais com modulação digital em fase (M-ária PSK) ou modulação digital em amplitude (M-ária QAM). A análise numérica é estendida para diferentes comprimentos de fibra ótica mono modo (SSMF), potência por canal e ritmo de transmissão por canal. Por conseguinte, expressões analíticas são extrapoladas para determinar a evolução do SPM, XPM e FWM em função da potência e distância de transmissão em cenários NG-OAN. O desempenho da rede é otimizada através da minimização parcial da interferência FWM (via espaçamento desigual dos canais), que nesse caso, é o efeito não linear da fibra ótica mais relevante. Direções para melhorias adicionas no desempenho da rede são apresentados para cenários em que o XPM é relevante, isto é, redes transportando formatos de modulação QAM. A solução, nesse caso, é baseada na utilização de técnicas de processamento digital do sinal.


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This paper presents a mixed-integer linear programming approach to solving the problem of optimal type, size and allocation of distributed generators (DGs) in radial distribution systems. In the proposed formulation, (a) the steady-state operation of the radial distribution system, considering different load levels, is modeled through linear expressions; (b) different types of DGs are represented by their capability curves; (c) the short-circuit current capacity of the circuits is modeled through linear expressions; and (d) different topologies of the radial distribution system are considered. The objective function minimizes the annualized investment and operation costs. The use of a mixed-integer linear formulation guarantees convergence to optimality using existing optimization software. The results of one test system are presented in order to show the accuracy as well as the efficiency of the proposed solution technique.© 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Recently, a group of researchers proposed the concept of entransy by analogy with the electrical energy stored in a capacitor, the entransy being a measure of the ability of a body or a system to transfer heat. In comparative terms, the entransy dissipation rate is related with the loss of heat transfer ability just like the exergy destruction rate is proportional to the loss of work ability, being these losses caused by the irreversibilities related to the thermodynamic processes. Some authors have questioned the need for the concept of entransy, claiming that this concept is only an extension of a well established theory of heat transfer. The objective of this work is show the equivalence between the application of the concepts of entransy and entropy generation rate, which can be verified using various application examples. The application examples used here are the thermodynamic modeling of three physical models of solar energy collectors and a physical model of a sensible heat storage system. Analytical results are shown and compared. The results showed that the application of the concept of entransy provided identical expressions obtained by the concept of entropy generation, indicating a duplication of concepts. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Im Rahmen der vorliegenden Dissertation wurden Untersuchungen zur Expression und Funktion der respiratorischen Proteine Neuroglobin (Ngb) und Cytoglobin (Cygb) in Vertebraten durchgeführt. Beide Globine wurden erst kürzlich entdeckt, und ihre Funktionen konnten trotz vorliegender Daten zur Struktur und biochemischen Eigenschaften dieser Proteine bisher nicht eindeutig geklärt werden. Im ersten Abschnitt der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde die zelluläre und subzelluläre Lokalisation von Neuroglobin und Cytoglobin in murinen Gewebeschnitten untersucht. Die Expression von Ngb in neuronalen und endokrinen Geweben hängt offensichtlich mit den hohen metabolischen Aktivitäten dieser Organe zusammen. Insbesondere im Gehirn konnten regionale Unterschiede in der Ngb-Expression beobachtet werden. Dabei korrelierte eine besonders starke Neuroglobin-Expression mit Gehirnbereichen, die bekanntermaßen die höchsten Grundaktivitäten aufweisen. In Anbetracht dessen liegt die Funktion des Neuroglobins möglicherweise im basalen O2-Metabolismus dieser Gewebe, wobei Ngb als O2-Lieferant und kurzfristiger O2-Speicher den vergleichsweise hohen Sauerstoffbedarf vor Ort sicherstellen könnte. Weitere Funktionen in der Entgiftung von ROS bzw. RNS oder die kürzlich publizierte mögliche Rolle des Ngb bei der Verhinderung der Mitochondrien-vermittelten Apoptose durch eine Reduktion des freigesetzten Cytochrom c wären darüber hinaus denkbar. Die Cygb-Expression im Gehirn beschränkte sich auf relativ wenige Neurone in verschiedenen Gehirnbereichen und zeigte dort vorwiegend eine Co-Lokalisation mit der neuronalen NO-Synthase. Dieser Befund legt eine Funktion des Cytoglobins im NO-Metabolismus nahe. Quantitative RT-PCR-Experimente zur mRNA-Expression von Ngb und Cygb in alternden Säugern am Bsp. der Hamsterspezies Phodopus sungorus zeigten keine signifikanten Änderungen der mRNA-Mengen beider Globine in alten im Vergleich zu jungen Tieren. Dies widerspricht publizierten Daten, in denen bei der Maus anhand von Western Blot-Analysen eine Abnahme der Neuroglobin-Menge im Alter gezeigt wurde. Möglicherweise handelt es sich hierbei um speziesspezifische Differenzen. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführte vergleichende Sequenzanalyse der humanen und murinen NGB/Ngb-Genregion liefert zum einen Hinweise auf die mögliche Regulation der Ngb-Expression und zum anderen eine wichtige Grundlage für die funktionellen Analysen dieses Gens. Es konnte ein minimaler Promotorbereich definiert werden, der zusammen mit einigen konservierten regulatorischen Elementen als Basis für experimentelle Untersuchungen der Promotoraktivität in Abhängigkeit von äußeren Einflüssen dienen wird. Bioinformatische Analysen führten zur Identifizierung des sog. „neuron restrictive silencer element“ (NRSE) im Ngb-Promotor, welches vermutlich für die vorwiegend neuronale Expression des Proteins verantwortlich ist. Die kontrovers diskutierte O2-abhängige Regulation der Ngb-Expression konnte hingegen anhand der durchgeführten komparativen Sequenzanalysen nicht bestätigt werden. Es wurden keine zwischen Mensch und Maus konservierten Bindestellen für den Transkriptionsfaktor HIF-1 identifiziert, der die Expression zahlreicher hypoxieregulierter Gene, z.B. Epo und VEGF, vermittelt. Zusammen mit den in vivo-Daten spricht dies eher gegen eine Regulation der Ngb-Expression bei verminderter Verfügbarkeit von Sauerstoff. Die Komplexität der Funktionen von Ngb und Cygb im O2-Stoffwechsel der Vertebraten macht den Einsatz muriner Modellsysteme unerlässlich, die eine sukzessive Aufklärung der Funktionen beider Proteine erlauben. Die vorliegende Arbeit liefert auch dazu einen wichtigen Beitrag. Die hergestellten „gene-targeting“-Vektorkonstrukte liefern in Verbindung mit den etablierten Nachweisverfahren zur Genotypisierung von embryonalen Stammzellen die Grundlage zur erfolgreichen Generierung von Ngb-knock out sowie Ngb- und Cygb-überexprimierenden transgenen Tieren. Diese werden für die endgültige Entschlüsselung funktionell relevanter Fragestellungen von enormer Bedeutung sein.


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Las pruebas de software (Testing) son en la actualidad la técnica más utilizada para la validación y la evaluación de la calidad de un programa. El testing está integrado en todas las metodologías prácticas de desarrollo de software y juega un papel crucial en el éxito de cualquier proyecto de software. Desde las unidades de código más pequeñas a los componentes más complejos, su integración en un sistema de software y su despliegue a producción, todas las piezas de un producto de software deben ser probadas a fondo antes de que el producto de software pueda ser liberado a un entorno de producción. La mayor limitación del testing de software es que continúa siendo un conjunto de tareas manuales, representando una buena parte del coste total de desarrollo. En este escenario, la automatización resulta fundamental para aliviar estos altos costes. La generación automática de casos de pruebas (TCG, del inglés test case generation) es el proceso de generar automáticamente casos de prueba que logren un alto recubrimiento del programa. Entre la gran variedad de enfoques hacia la TCG, esta tesis se centra en un enfoque estructural de caja blanca, y más concretamente en una de las técnicas más utilizadas actualmente, la ejecución simbólica. En ejecución simbólica, el programa bajo pruebas es ejecutado con expresiones simbólicas como argumentos de entrada en lugar de valores concretos. Esta tesis se basa en un marco general para la generación automática de casos de prueba dirigido a programas imperativos orientados a objetos (Java, por ejemplo) y basado en programación lógica con restricciones (CLP, del inglés constraint logic programming). En este marco general, el programa imperativo bajo pruebas es primeramente traducido a un programa CLP equivalente, y luego dicho programa CLP es ejecutado simbólicamente utilizando los mecanismos de evaluación estándar de CLP, extendidos con operaciones especiales para el tratamiento de estructuras de datos dinámicas. Mejorar la escalabilidad y la eficiencia de la ejecución simbólica constituye un reto muy importante. Es bien sabido que la ejecución simbólica resulta impracticable debido al gran número de caminos de ejecución que deben ser explorados y a tamaño de las restricciones que se deben manipular. Además, la generación de casos de prueba mediante ejecución simbólica tiende a producir un número innecesariamente grande de casos de prueba cuando es aplicada a programas de tamaño medio o grande. Las contribuciones de esta tesis pueden ser resumidas como sigue. (1) Se desarrolla un enfoque composicional basado en CLP para la generación de casos de prueba, el cual busca aliviar el problema de la explosión de caminos interprocedimiento analizando de forma separada cada componente (p.ej. método) del programa bajo pruebas, almacenando los resultados y reutilizándolos incrementalmente hasta obtener resultados para el programa completo. También se ha desarrollado un enfoque composicional basado en especialización de programas (evaluación parcial) para la herramienta de ejecución simbólica Symbolic PathFinder (SPF). (2) Se propone una metodología para usar información del consumo de recursos del programa bajo pruebas para guiar la ejecución simbólica hacia aquellas partes del programa que satisfacen una determinada política de recursos, evitando la exploración de aquellas partes del programa que violan dicha política. (3) Se propone una metodología genérica para guiar la ejecución simbólica hacia las partes más interesantes del programa, la cual utiliza abstracciones como generadores de trazas para guiar la ejecución de acuerdo a criterios de selección estructurales. (4) Se propone un nuevo resolutor de restricciones, el cual maneja eficientemente restricciones sobre el uso de la memoria dinámica global (heap) durante ejecución simbólica, el cual mejora considerablemente el rendimiento de la técnica estándar utilizada para este propósito, la \lazy initialization". (5) Todas las técnicas propuestas han sido implementadas en el sistema PET (el enfoque composicional ha sido también implementado en la herramienta SPF). Mediante evaluación experimental se ha confirmado que todas ellas mejoran considerablemente la escalabilidad y eficiencia de la ejecución simbólica y la generación de casos de prueba. ABSTRACT Testing is nowadays the most used technique to validate software and assess its quality. It is integrated into all practical software development methodologies and plays a crucial role towards the success of any software project. From the smallest units of code to the most complex components and their integration into a software system and later deployment; all pieces of a software product must be tested thoroughly before a software product can be released. The main limitation of software testing is that it remains a mostly manual task, representing a large fraction of the total development cost. In this scenario, test automation is paramount to alleviate such high costs. Test case generation (TCG) is the process of automatically generating test inputs that achieve high coverage of the system under test. Among a wide variety of approaches to TCG, this thesis focuses on structural (white-box) TCG, where one of the most successful enabling techniques is symbolic execution. In symbolic execution, the program under test is executed with its input arguments being symbolic expressions rather than concrete values. This thesis relies on a previously developed constraint-based TCG framework for imperative object-oriented programs (e.g., Java), in which the imperative program under test is first translated into an equivalent constraint logic program, and then such translated program is symbolically executed by relying on standard evaluation mechanisms of Constraint Logic Programming (CLP), extended with special treatment for dynamically allocated data structures. Improving the scalability and efficiency of symbolic execution constitutes a major challenge. It is well known that symbolic execution quickly becomes impractical due to the large number of paths that must be explored and the size of the constraints that must be handled. Moreover, symbolic execution-based TCG tends to produce an unnecessarily large number of test cases when applied to medium or large programs. The contributions of this dissertation can be summarized as follows. (1) A compositional approach to CLP-based TCG is developed which overcomes the inter-procedural path explosion by separately analyzing each component (method) in a program under test, stowing the results as method summaries and incrementally reusing them to obtain whole-program results. A similar compositional strategy that relies on program specialization is also developed for the state-of-the-art symbolic execution tool Symbolic PathFinder (SPF). (2) Resource-driven TCG is proposed as a methodology to use resource consumption information to drive symbolic execution towards those parts of the program under test that comply with a user-provided resource policy, avoiding the exploration of those parts of the program that violate such policy. (3) A generic methodology to guide symbolic execution towards the most interesting parts of a program is proposed, which uses abstractions as oracles to steer symbolic execution through those parts of the program under test that interest the programmer/tester most. (4) A new heap-constraint solver is proposed, which efficiently handles heap-related constraints and aliasing of references during symbolic execution and greatly outperforms the state-of-the-art standard technique known as lazy initialization. (5) All techniques above have been implemented in the PET system (and some of them in the SPF tool). Experimental evaluation has confirmed that they considerably help towards a more scalable and efficient symbolic execution and TCG.


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Waterfalls attract tourists because they are aesthetically appealing landscape features that are not part of everyday experience. It is generally understood that falls are usually seen at their best when there is a copious flow of water, especially after heavy rain. Guidebooks often contain this observation when referring to waterfalls, sometimes warning readers that the flow may be severely reduced during dry periods. Indeed, many visitors are disappointed when they see falls at such times. Some are saddened when the discharge of a waterfall has been depleted by the abstraction of water upstream for power generation or other purposes. While, for those in search of the Sublime or merely the superlative, size is often important, small waterfalls can give great pleasure to lovers of landscape beauty. According to guidebooks, however, even these falls are usually best seen after rain. Drawing on tourist and travel literature and personal journals from the eighteenth century to the present, and with reference to examples from different parts of the world, this paper discusses the importance of discharge in the tourist experience of waterfalls.