996 resultados para redigering Avid Final Cut programvaror utveckling


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Denna uppsats är en undersökning och en jämförelse av redigeringsprogrammen Avid Media Composer och Final Cut Pro X. Utgångspunkten i analysen är användbarhet och användaren. Saker som tas upp och diskuteras är teknikutvecklingen och konkurrensen mellan redigeringsprogrammen. Den historiska aspekten presenteras och förklaras för att lägga en grund till hur det ser ut i dagsläget. Några av de sakerna som jag kommer fram till är att teknikutvecklingen ofta sker på användbarhetens bekostnad och att användaren ofta måste anpassa sig efter tekniken. Konkurrensen mellan programmen påverkas av den växande marknaden för hobbyredigering och det leder till annorlunda utveckling.


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The loss of seed-rich wintering habitats has been a major contributory cause of farmland bird population declines in western Europe. Agricultural grasslands are particularly poor winter foraging habitats for granivorous birds, which have declined most in the pastoral farming regions of western Britain. We describe an experiment to test the utility of fertile ryegrass (Lolium) swards as a potentially rich source of winter seed for declining farmland birds. Four patches of final-cut grass silage were allowed to set seed and were left in situ overwinter. Half of each patch was lightly aftermath grazed in an attempt to increase the accessibility of the seed to foraging birds and reduce the perceived predation risk. Large numbers of yellowhammers (Emberiza citrinella) and reed buntings (E. schoeniclus) foraged on the seeded plots throughout the winter. They preferred to forage on ungrazed seeded plots, where the accumulation of senescent foliage resulted in a 14% average loss in silage yield in the following season. However, seed produced on the plots also led to sward regeneration, increasing subsequent yields on some plots. The technique offers clear benefits as a potential future agri-environment measure for declining granivorous birds, with wide applicability, but requires further development to minimise sward damage and costs to the farmer. Autumn grazing should reduce sward damage, but at the cost of reduced usage by buntings. Using the technique just prior to reseeding would be one way of avoiding any costs of sward damage.


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"Project no. 80.096."


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Discusses her film, For the Record, the making of which was funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. The research material used in the making of FOR THE RECORD consists of official records, private diaries, personal testimony, historical expert interviews and archive footage - all related to the Internment period 1956-1960 in Northern Ireland. Through the use of clips from the film and footage that did not make it into the final cut, this talk examines how selected material is used and to what purpose. FOR THE RECORD is a film about a daughter documenting a period in her father's life and centres on PJ McClean's prison diary, secretly written on the inside of envelopes during the first 30 days in his cell. This brings the viewer into the intimate space of personal testimony. This intimacy is also reflected in the interviews between father and daughter. Throughout the film the diaries are illustrated by experimental Super8 and 16mm footage shot by the filmmaker, over a period of 10 years, of home life. The film unravels the complex story of internment; the why, the how and the ‘for what’? Official records obtained from the Public Records Office Northern Ireland (which have been closed to the public for the past fifty years) combine with archive footage of the then Northern Irish Prime Minister, Basil Brookeborough, to give a wider political perspective to this personal testament. FOR THE RECORD deals with memory, memorabilia and the question of testimony in a complex political landscape. [From the Author]


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"ENTRE DEUX", le film que j'ai écrit et réalisé pour cette recherche-création, a été filmé avec les caméras Canon 5D et 7D et monté en utilisant le logiciel final cut pro 7


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This report presents an algorithm for locating the cut points for and separatingvertically attached traffic signs in Sweden. This algorithm provides severaladvanced digital image processing features: binary image which representsvisual object and its complex rectangle background with number one and zerorespectively, improved cross correlation which shows the similarity of 2Dobjects and filters traffic sign candidates, simplified shape decompositionwhich smoothes contour of visual object iteratively in order to reduce whitenoises, flipping point detection which locates black noises candidates, chasmfilling algorithm which eliminates black noises, determines the final cut pointsand separates originally attached traffic signs into individual ones. At each step,the mediate results as well as the efficiency in practice would be presented toshow the advantages and disadvantages of the developed algorithm. Thisreport concentrates on contour-based recognition of Swedish traffic signs. Thegeneral shapes cover upward triangle, downward triangle, circle, rectangle andoctagon. At last, a demonstration program would be presented to show howthe algorithm works in real-time environment.


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We describe the diversity of aquatic invertebrates colonising water-filled final voids produced by an open-cut coal mine near Moura, central Queensland. Ten disused pits that had been filled with water from < 1 year to 22 years prior to the survey and three nearby 'natural' water bodies were sampled in December 1998 and again in March 1999. All invertebrates collected were identified to family with the exception of oligochaetes, cladocerans, ostracods and copepods, which were identified to these coarser taxonomic levels. Sixty-two taxa were recorded from > 20 000 individuals. The greatest familial richness was displayed by the Insecta (33 families) followed by the mites (Acari) with 12 families. While natural water bodies held the greatest diversity, several mine pits were almost as rich in families. Classification analyses showed that natural sites tended to cluster together, but the groupings did not clearly exclude pit sites. Mining pits that supported higher diversity tended to be older and had lower salinity (< 2000 mu S/cm); however, salinity in all water bodies varied with rainfall conditions. We conclude that ponds formed in final voids at this mine have the potential to provide habitat for many invertebrate taxa typical of lentic inland water bodies in central Queensland.


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Quality of fresh-cut carambola (Averrhoa carambola L) is related to many chemical and biochemical variables especially those involved with softening and browning, both influenced by storage temperature. To study these effects, a multivariate analysis was used to evaluate slices packaged in vacuum-sealed polyolefin bags, and stored at 2.5 degrees C, 5 degrees C and 10 degrees C, for up to 16 d. The quality of slices at each temperature was correlated with the duration of storage, O(2) and CO(2) concentration in the package, physical chemical constituents, and activity of enzymes involved in softening (PG) and browning (PPO) metabolism. Three quality groups were identified by hierarchical cluster analysis, and the classification of the components within each of these groups was obtained from a principal component analysis (PCA). The characterization of samples by PCA clearly distinguished acceptable and non-acceptable slices. According to PCA, acceptable slices presented higher ascorbic acid content, greater hue angles ((o)h) and final lightness (L-5) in the first principal component (PC1). On the other hand, non-acceptable slices presented higher total pectin content. PPO activity in the PC1. Non-acceptable slices also presented higher soluble pectin content, increased pectin solubilisation and higher CO(2) concentration in the second principal component (PC2) whereas acceptable slices showed lower total sugar content. The hierarchical cluster and PCA analyses were useful for discriminating the quality of slices stored at different temperatures.


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Resumen: El objetivo de este estudio fue evaluar el rendimiento de Chloris gayana Kunth (Grama Rhodes) cv. Fine Cut en relación con los rendimientos del campo natural. Este ensayo experimental se desarrolló en Verónica, Punta Indio, Provincia de Bs As. Las parcelas en donde se realizó el experimento fueron preparadas mediante labranza convencional. La siembra del cultivo se llevó a cabo el 4 Diciembre del 2009. Ésta se realizó en hileras distanciadas en 30cm y con una profundidad de 1cm. En cuanto al modelo experimental utilizado para la medición de biomasa de Chloris gayana Kunth cv. Fine Cut (con fertilización y sin fertilización), y de macollos, se utilizó un Diseño de Bloques al azar, (DBA), tomando como unidad elemental cada parcela con dos tratamientos. En el caso de la medición de biomasa de campo natural vs. Chloris gayana Kunth cv. Fine Cut no fertilizada se utilizó un Diseño Completamente Aleatorizado, (DCA), con tres repeticiones. Los datos obtenidos fueron analizados mediante un análisis de varianzas. El rendimiento de Chloris gayana superó al obtenido en el campo natural, (3548,44 Kg Ms ha‐1 vs. 8447,25 kg MS ha‐1 para campo natural y Chloris gayana, respectivamente). La aplicación de 75 kg de Nitrógeno incrementó la producción de Ch. gayana hasta los 14144,34 kg MS ha‐1. Estos rendimientos fueron obtenidos en un lapso de tiempo que va desde fines de diciembre del 2011 hasta mediados de abril del 2012 período en el cual se realizaron 4 cortes. En el cuarto año de producción (2012‐2013) la pastura no rebrotó, siendo las causas aparentes un anegamiento temporario junto con una posible helada que afectó su rebrote. Los datos recolectados sugieren que esta especie podría ser considerada como una alternativa interesante para el incremento de la producción primaria en este ambiente.


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A new 2-D quality-guided phase-unwrapping algorithm, based on the placement of the branch cuts, is presented. Its framework consists of branch cut placing guided by an original quality map and reliability ordering performed on a final quality map. To improve the noise immunity of the new algorithm, a new quality map, which is used as the original quality map to guide the placement of the branch cuts, is proposed. After a complete description of the algorithm and the quality map, several wrapped images are used to examine the effectiveness of the algorithm. Computer simulation and experimental results make it clear that the proposed algorithm works effectively even when a wrapped phase map contains error sources, such as phase discontinuities, noise, and undersampling. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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A new 2-D quality-guided phase-unwrapping algorithm, based on the placement of the branch cuts, is presented. Its framework consists of branch cut placing guided by an original quality map and reliability ordering performed on a final quality map. To improve the noise immunity of the new algorithm, a new quality map, which is used as the original quality map to guide the placement of the branch cuts, is proposed. After a complete description of the algorithm and the quality map, several wrapped images are used to examine the effectiveness of the algorithm. Computer simulation and experimental results make it clear that the proposed algorithm works effectively even when a wrapped phase map contains error sources, such as phase discontinuities, noise, and undersampling. (c) 2005 Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers.


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Esta dissertação estuda, por meio do uso da ferramenta Globalscorecard, a relação entre o movimento resposta eficiente ao consumidor (ECR) e a indústria brasileira de papéis cut to size, tendo como base o caso da cadeia de distribuição composta por uma indústria e dois distribuidores de papéis cut to size no Brasil. O caso está estruturado com base em dados e informações coletadas em pesquisas, artigos, publicações e nas empresas, objeto do estudo. A metodologia utilizada é a análise de casos. Também está analisada, à luz do ECR, a questão da colaboração e da eficiência na cadeia de distribuição. Ao final, são feitos comentários e considerações acerca dos resultados obtidos, recomendações para as empresas envolvidas e sugestões para futuros estudos acadêmicos nessa área.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)