Aquatic invertebrates in final void water bodies at an open-cut coal mine in central Queensland

Autoria(s): Proctor, H.; Grigg, A.

John Matthiessen




We describe the diversity of aquatic invertebrates colonising water-filled final voids produced by an open-cut coal mine near Moura, central Queensland. Ten disused pits that had been filled with water from < 1 year to 22 years prior to the survey and three nearby 'natural' water bodies were sampled in December 1998 and again in March 1999. All invertebrates collected were identified to family with the exception of oligochaetes, cladocerans, ostracods and copepods, which were identified to these coarser taxonomic levels. Sixty-two taxa were recorded from > 20 000 individuals. The greatest familial richness was displayed by the Insecta (33 families) followed by the mites (Acari) with 12 families. While natural water bodies held the greatest diversity, several mine pits were almost as rich in families. Classification analyses showed that natural sites tended to cluster together, but the groupings did not clearly exclude pit sites. Mining pits that supported higher diversity tended to be older and had lower salinity (< 2000 mu S/cm); however, salinity in all water bodies varied with rainfall conditions. We conclude that ponds formed in final voids at this mine have the potential to provide habitat for many invertebrate taxa typical of lentic inland water bodies in central Queensland.





Blackwell Publishing

Palavras-Chave #Biodiversity #Macroinvertebrates #Mining #New-south-wales #Western-australia #Multivariate-analysis #Rapid Assessment #Biotic Indexes #Family-level #River System #Macroinvertebrates #Bioassessment #C1 #300801 Environmental Management and Rehabilitation #771007 Rehabilitation of degraded mining lands

Journal Article