982 resultados para reality management


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Tutkielman aiheena oli yhteisen todellisuuden muodostaminen johtamisen menetelmänä. Tutkimuksen kohteena oli prosessi ja tapaa jolla organisaatiossa muodostetaan yhteistä todellisuutta. Tästä kehitettiin yhteisen todellisuuden muodostamisen malli, YTM-malli. Vastaavaa prosessia ei ole aiemmin kuvattu. Samalla vertailtiin YTM-mallin ja Nonakan ja Takeuchin uuden tiedon SECI-mallin liittymäpintoja. Tämä toi esille tiedon keskeisen roolin yhteisen todellisuuden muodostamisessa. Lopuksi tarkasteltiin empiirisen aineiston avullaYTM-mallin osa-alueiden ja sen osien ilmenemistä organisaatioissa käydyissä keskusteluissa. Tutkielmassa käytettiin kvalitatiivista tutkimusotetta. Tutkimusaineistona hyödynnettiin valmiita aineistoja, jotka olivat otteita yrityksissä käydyistä keskusteluista. Analysoitavat keskustelut jaettiin kahteen esimerkkiin, jotka pilkottiin helpommin hallinnoitaviin osiin. Ensimmäinen esimerkki oli organisaation skenaarioistunnosta. Nauhoitetusta aineistosta litteroitiin analysoitavat osat. Toinen esimerkki oli vuonna 2003 julkaistujen lyhyiden keskustelujen analysointia. Analyysien tuloksena havaittiin YTM-mallissa havainnollistetun prosessin toisteisuus.


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Con el presente trabajo se detectó, se analizó y se consolidó un grupo de errores en la gestión administrativa en el ejercicio de las funciones que les compete desarrollar a algunos de los gerentes o directivos de las organizaciones del sector terceario; en especial se abordó el caso de errores cometidos por los gerentes en las empresas Philips Colombia S.A.S, Team Foods Colombia S.A y Cencosud Colombia S.A de la ciudad de Bogotá y como resultado del estudio se proponen soluciones prácticas y aplicables a los gerentes de estas organizaciónes mediante futuras decisiones que permitan abordar la solución de los errores encontrados y faciliten el mejoramiento de la futura gestión gerencial de las organizaciones objeto de estudio o donde les competa ejercer las funciones administrativas propias de su cargo.


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Soil erosion is more detrimental and affects the chemical, physical and biological properties of the soil. Degradation of soil and water resources is a worldwide problem. Over the next two decades, it is expected that the world will need 17% more water to grow food for the increasing population in developing countries and that total water use will increase by 40%. The total land area subjected to human-induced soil degradation is estimated as 20 x 106 (km)2 Hence conservation of soil and water is essential for the subsistence of life. This can be made possible through sustainable watershed management. This thesis aims at investigating the condition under which sustainable watershed management is possible in Kerala, in South India. The research has been carried out in three stages. In the first stage a conceptual framework is formulated (Chapter 3) based on the relevant literature (Chapter 2) in the field of watershed management. In the second stage this framework is applied to two existing case studies in Kerala State (Chapter 4). In the third stage, the methodology is used to test out geo textile innovation (Chapter 5) in two field experiments (Chapter 6).


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The purpose of this study is to explore the mechanisms that influence decisions regarding outsourcing competencies in the operation of project management offices (PMOs). The exploratory research described here involves the use of a web-based survey for enterprises in Brazil. In 78 of the survey's valid cases, the PMO is operated using the organization's internal resources. A possible conclusion is that the PMO is unlikely to positively relate to the culture of external services used by the organization and to use outsourcing to operate the PMO.


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The recent crisis in Japan, which combined tsunami and technological events, shows that any crisis, especially those in developed and developing countries, is from here out a hybrid crisis, mixing natural factors and human/technological (NATECH). Faced with such dramatic events, which exceed any means available for emergency rescue service, it is necessary a) to remain prudent and b) to prepare. One of the means for preparing is unquestionably training. However, here, undoubtedly there are important constraints: How to train, for example, while reproducing vividly and realistically, an event? How to exceed the admittedly useful, although very limited, level of the table-top exercise? How also to avoid the unnecessary mobilization of dozens, even hundreds, of field and operation staffers to take part in an exercise which could lead to a disappointing outcome? A major crisis, a major exercise, in effect. The solution of virtual reality has emerged, in Europe and in the United States. It is also sometimes called “serious game”.


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A strong focus of NITL’s research activity is on monitoring the extent to which SCM principles and concepts are adopted by organisations based in Ireland. For more than a decade this work has aimed to develop a profile of SCM adoption, as well as identifying some of the critical success factors and barriers influencing firms in their attempts to improve supply chain capability and performance. This article explains the role of SCM in Ireland’s economic recovery and provides an overview of NITL’s latest findings in relation to the adoption of SCM practices by firms in Ireland.


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As a witness on the industrialization in Bologna, since its first generation was born in the late 1760, the Battiferro lock has been coping with the innovation that the city experienced throughout the centuries, until it has lost its functionality due to the technological development for which Bologna’s canals were gradually covered starting from the 1950s under Giuseppe Dozza ’s administration, as part of the reconstruction, reclamation and urban requalification that was carried out in the aftermath the World War II and which involved the whole city. The interest of the research carried out on this case study was primarily to reintroduce the landmark that is still intact, to what is considered to be the fourth generation of the industrial revolution, namely in the construction field, which is recognized as Construction 4.0, by means of the Historic (or Heritage) Information Modeling HBIM and Virtual Reality (VR) application. A scan-to-BIM approach was followed to create 3D as-built BIM model, as a first step towards the storytelling of the abandoned industrial built asset in VR environment, or as a seed for future applications such as Digital Twins (DT), heritage digital learning, sustainable impact studies, and/or interface with other interfaces such as GIS. Based on the HBIM product, examples of the primary BIM deliverables such as 2D layouts is given, then a workflow to VR is proposed and investigated the reliability of data and the type of users that may benefit of the VR experience, then the potential future development of the model is investigated, with comparison of a relatively similar experience in the UK.


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This paper presents a proposal for a Quality Management System for a generic GNSS Surveying Company as an alternative for management and service quality improvements. As a result of the increased demand for GNSS measurements, a large number of new or restructured companies were established to operate in that market. Considering that GNSS surveying is a new process, some changes must be performed in order to accommodate the old surveying techniques and the old fashioned management to the new reality. This requires a new management model that must be based on a well-described procedure sequence aiming at the Total Management Quality for the company. The proposed Quality Management System was based on the requirements of the Quality System ISO 9000:2000, applied to the whole company, focusing on the productive process of GNSS surveying work.