939 resultados para rating curve
Understanding hydrosedimental behavior of a watershed is essential for properly managing and using its hydric resources. The objective of this study was to verify the feasibility of the alternative procedure for the indirect determination of the sediment key curve using a turbidimeter. The research was carried out on the São Francisco Falso River, which is situated in the west of the state of Paraná on the left bank of ITAIPU reservoir. The direct method was applied using a DH-48 sediment suspended sampler. The indirect method consisted of the use of a linigraph and a turbidimeter. Based on the results obtained, it was concluded that the indirect method using a turbidimeter showed to be fully feasible, since it gave a power function-type mathematical model equal of the direct method. Furthermore, the average suspended sediment discharge into the São Francisco Falso River during the 2006/2007 harvest was calculated at 7.26 metric t day-1.
This work quantifies, using ADP and rating curve techniques, the instantaneous outflows at estuarine interfaces: higher to middle estuary and middle to lower estuary, in two medium-sized watersheds (72 000 and 66 000 km(2) of area, respectively), the Jaguaribe and Contas Rivers located in the northeastern (semi-arid) and eastern (tropical humid) Brazilian coasts, respectively. Results from ADP showed that the net water balances show the Contas River as a net water exporter, whereas the Jaguaribe River Estuary is a net water importer. At the Jaguaribe Estuary, water retention during flood tide contributes to 58% of the total volume transferred during the ebb tide from the middle to lower estuary. However, 42% of the total water volume (452 m(3) s(-1)) that entered during flood tide is retained in the middle estuary. In the Contas River, 90% of the total water is retained during the flood tide contributing to the volume transported in the ebb tide from the middle to the lower estuary. Outflows obtained with the rating curve method for the Contas and Jaguaribe Rivers were uniform through time due to river flow normalization by dams in both basins. Estimated outflows with this method are about 65% (Contas) and 95% (Jaguaribe) lower compared to outflows obtained with ADP. This suggests that the outflows obtained with the rating curve method underestimate the net water balance in both systems, particularly in the Jaguaribe River under a semi-arid climate. This underestimation is somewhat decreased due to wetter conditions in the Contas River basin. Copyright. (C) 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
This paper quantifies the yields of suspended solids (SS) from a headwater catchment managed as improved temperate grassland, providing the first direct, catchment-scale evidence of the rates of erosion from this land-use in the UK and assessing the threat posed to aquatic ecosystems. High-resolution monitoring of catchment hydrology and the concentrations of SS and volatile organic matter (VOM) were carried out in the first-order channel of the Den Brook headwater catchment in Devon (UK) during the 2006-2007 hydrological season. The widely used 'rating curve' (discharge-concentration) approach was employed to estimate yields of SS, but as demonstrated by previous researchers, this study showed that discharge is a poor predictor of SS concentrations and therefore any yields estimated from this technique are likely to be highly uncertain. Nevertheless, for the purpose of providing estimates of yields that are comparable to previous studies on other land uses/sources, this technique was adopted albeit in an uncertainty-based framework. The findings suggest that contrary to the common perception, grasslands can be erosive landscapes with SS yields from this catchment estimated to be between 0.54 and 1.21 t ha(-1) y(-1). In terms of on-site erosion problems, this rate of erosion does not significantly exceed the commonly used 'tolerable' threshold in the UK ( approximately 1 t ha(-1) y(-1)). In terms of off-site erosion problems, it is argued here that the conventional expression of SS yield as a bulk annual figure has little relevance to the water quality and ecological status of surface waters and therefore an alternative technique (the concentration-frequency curve) is developed within this paper for the specific purpose of assessing the ecological threat posed by the delivery of SS into surface waters. This technique illustrates that concentrations of SS recorded at the catchment outlet frequently exceed the water quality guidelines, such as those of the EU Freshwater Fisheries Directive (78/659/EC), and pose a serious threat to aquatic organisms. It is suggested that failure to recognise improved temperate grasslands as a potential source of particulate material could result in the non-compliance of surface waters to water quality guidelines, deterioration of ecological status and failure of water quality remediation measures.
La Comunità Europea, alla luce dei recenti eventi alluvionali occorsi nei Paesi Membri ed al progressivo aumento dei danni economici da essi provocati, ha recentemente emanato una direttiva (Direttiva Europea 2007/60/CE, Flood Directive) per la valutazione e la predisposizione di piani di gestione del rischio idraulico alluvionale. Con riferimento a tale contesto l’attività di ricerca condotta si è concentrata sulla valutazione delle potenzialità offerte dalla modellistica numerico-idraulica mono e bidimensionale quale strumento per l’attuazione della Direttiva 2007/60. Le attività sono state affrontate ponendo particolare attenzione alla valutazione dei termini di incertezza che caratterizzano l’applicazione dei modelli numerico-idraulici, esaminando i possibili effetti di tale incertezza sulla mappatura della pericolosità idraulica. In particolare, lo studio si concentra su diversi tratti fluviali del corso medio inferiore del Fiume Po e si articola in tre parti: 1) analisi dell’incertezza connessa alla definizione delle scale di deflusso in una generica sezione fluviale e valutazione dei suoi effetti sulla calibrazione dei modelli numerici quasi-bidimensionali (quasi-2D); 2) definizione di mappe probabilistiche di allagamento per tratti fluviali arginati in presenza di tre sorgenti di incertezza: incertezza nelle condizioni al contorno di monte, nelle condizioni di valle e nell’identificazione delle eventuali brecce arginali; 3) valutazione dell’applicabilità di un modello quasi-2D per la definizione, a grande scala spaziale, di strategie alternative al tradizionale rialzo dei manufatti arginali per la mitigazione del rischio alluvionale associato a eventi di piena catastrofici. Le analisi condotte, oltre ad aver definito e valutato le potenzialità di metodologie e modelli idraulici a diversa complessità, hanno evidenziato l’entità e l’impatto dei più importanti elementi d’incertezza, sottolineando come la corretta mappatura della pericolosità idraulica debba sempre essere accompagnata da una valutazione della sua incertezza.
The dataset contains measurements of river stage and discharge for one sites along the Akuliarusiarsuup Kuua River's northern tributary, with 30 minute temporal resolution between June 2008 and August 2013 This river is a tributary to the Watson River discharging into Kangerlussuaq Fjord by the town of Kangerlussuaq, Southwest Greenland. Additional data of water temperature, air pressure are also provided. Compared to version 1.0 of the dataset, this dataset used a total of 36 in situ discharge observations collected between 2008 and 2012 to construct the rating curve. Furthermore, data of Station AK-004-001 between 2010-09-06T11:30 to 2010-09-07T13:30 have been removed from version 2.0 because these values were likely caused by backflow when a jokulhlaup from a large glacier dammed lake caused increased water levels in the downstreams lake. Thus, data measured at AK-004-001 between 2010-09-06T11:30 to 2010-09-07T13:30 are not representative for the AK-004 catchment.
This paper describes the extraordinary difficulties met in gauging glacier streams and establishes criteria that have to be fulfilled for a correct determination of glacier run off. Discussion of the hydraulic principles of gauging in tranquil and rapid flow shows why the latter is to be favored for glacier streams.The concept of the station at Vernagtbach, the original stream bed, considerations ofproper dimensioning and characteristics of the construction of the gauging channel aredescribed in detail. A brief history is given of planning, organization and technology involved.The water level is recorded by two floats and one pneumatie gauge which together provide uninterrupted and trouble-free records. The rating curve was determined with current meters and shows an unambiguous relation between water level and discharge with little scattering of calibration values. Temporary changes of flow conditions upstream of the station do not have any noticeable effect on the water level in the channel.The discharge records of the summers 1974-1976 are presented and discussed. The maximum mean summer discharge was 1.33 m**3/s in June-September 1975; extreme mean monthly discharge was found in July 1976 with 2.51 m**3/s, the highest daily mean was 4.76 m**3/s and the maximum hourly mean was found at 7.23 m**3/s. The discharge conditions of the summers of 1974 and 1975 are very similar, while in the summer of 1976 they differed completely as far as seasonal and mean daily hydrographs are concerned: in 1975, 42 % of summer discharge was recorded in June and July compared to 76 % in 1976. The analysis of the hydrographs gives valuable clues to the mass and heat balances of the glacier.
The Global River Discharge (RivDIS) data set contains monthly discharge measurements for 1018 stations located throughout the world. The period of record varies widely from station to station, with a mean of 21.5 years. These data were digitized from published UNESCO archives by Charles Voromarty, Balaze Fekete, and B.A. Tucker of the Complex Systems Research Center (CSRC) at the University of New Hampshire. River discharge is typically measured through the use of a rating curve that relates local water level height to discharge. This rating curve is used to estimate discharge from the observed water level. The rating curves are periodically rechecked and recalibrated through on-site measurement of discharge and river stage.
The concentrations, distributions, and stable carbon isotopes (d13C) of plant waxes carried by fluvial suspended sediments contain valuable information about terrestrial ecosystem characteristics. To properly interpret past changes recorded in sedimentary archives it is crucial to understand the sources and variability of exported plant waxes in modern systems on seasonal to inter-annual timescales. To determine such variability, we present concentrations and d13C compositions of three compound classes (n-alkanes, n-alcohols, n-alkanoic acids) in a 34-month time series of suspended sediments from the outflow of the Congo River. We show that exported plant-dominated n-alkanes (C25-C35) represent a mixture of C3 and C4 end members, each with distinct molecular distributions, as evidenced by an 8.1 ± 0.7 per mil (±1Sigma standard deviation) spread in d13C values across chain-lengths, and weak correlations between individual homologue concentrations (r = 0.52-0.94). In contrast, plant-dominated n-alcohols (C26-C36) and n-alkanoic acids (C26-C36) exhibit stronger positive correlations (r = 0.70-0.99) between homologue concentrations and depleted d13C values (individual homologues average <= -31.3 per mil and -30.8 per mil, respectively), with lower d13C variability across chain-lengths (2.6 ± 0.6 per mil and 2.0 ± 1.1 per mil, respectively). All individual plant-wax lipids show little temporal d13C variability throughout the time-series (1 Sigma <= 0.9 per mil), indicating that their stable carbon isotopes are not a sensitive tracer for temporal changes in plant-wax source in the Congo basin on seasonal to inter-annual timescales. Carbon-normalized concentrations and relative abundances of n-alcohols (19-58% of total plant-wax lipids) and n-alkanoic acids (26-76%) respond rapidly to seasonal changes in runoff, indicating that they are mostly derived from a recently entrained local source. In contrast, a lack of correlation with discharge and low, stable relative abundances (5-16%) indicate that n-alkanes better represent a catchment-integrated signal with minimal response to discharge seasonality. Comparison to published data on other large watersheds indicates that this phenomenon is not limited to the Congo River, and that analysis of multiple plant-wax lipid classes and chain lengths can be used to better resolve local vs. distal ecosystem structure in river catchments.
The aims of this study were (a) to assess the ability of the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) to predict performance (i.e. number of vertical jumps performed to a fixed jump height) of an intermittent vertical jump exercise, and (b) to determine the ability of RPE to describe the physiological demand of such exercise. Eight healthy men performed intermittent vertical jumps with rest periods of 4, 5, and 6s until fatigue. Heart rate and RPE were recorded every five jumps throughout the sessions. The number of vertical jumps performed was also recorded. Random coefficient growth curve analysis identified relationships between the number of vertical jumps and both RPE and heart rate for which there were similar slopes. In addition, there were no differences between individual slopes and the mean slope for either RPE or heart rate. Moreover, RPE and number of jumps were highly correlated throughout all sessions (r=0.97-0.99; P0.001), as were RPE and heart rate (r=0.93-0.97; P0.001). The findings suggest that RPE can both predict the performance of intermittent vertical jump exercise and describe the physiological demands of such exercise.
Objective To assess the validity and the reliability of the Portuguese version of the Delirium Rating Scale-Revised-98 (DRS-R-98). Methods The scale was translated into Portuguese and back-translated into English. After assessing its face validity, five diagnostic groups (n = 64; delirium, depression, dementia, schizophrenia and others) were evaluated by two independent researchers blinded to the diagnosis. Diagnosis and severity of delirium as measured by the DRS-R-98 were compared to clinical diagnosis, Mini-Mental State Exam, Confusion Assessment Method, and Clinical Global Impressions scale (CGI). Results Mean and rnedian DRS-R-98 total scores significantly distinguished delirium from the other groups (p < 0.001). Inter-rater reliability (ICC between 0.9 and 1) and internal consistency (alpha = 0.91) were very high. DRS-R-98 severity scores correlated highly with the CGI. Mean DRS-R-98 severity scores during delirium differed significantly (p < 0.01) from the post-treatment values. The area under the curve established by ROC analysis was 0.99 and using the cut-off Value of 20 the scale showed sensitivity and specificity of 92.6% and 94.6%, respectively. Conclusion The Portuguese version of the DRS-R-98 is a valid and reliable measure of delirium that distinguishes delirium from other disorders and is sensitive to change in delirium severity, which may be of great value for longitudinal studies. Copyright (c) 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Introduction: Parkinson`s disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative disorder with prominent motor manifestations and many other non-motor symptoms that significantly decrease quality-of-life and are frequently under-recognized, for example depression. Objective: To study the validity of a Brazilian version of the Zung Self-rating Depression Scale (SDS) for the diagnosis of depression in patients with PD. Methods: We evaluated 78 consecutive non demented patients over the age of 40 with diagnosis of PD at a Movement Disorders Outpatient Clinic, who could read and understand questionnaires. They completed the SIDS and the Geriatric Depression Scale with 15 items (GDS-15). The diagnosis of depression was made after a structured clinical interview based on DSM-IV criteria for the diagnosis of major depression (SCID-CV). Results: The prevalence of major depression was 23.1%. Cronbach`s alpha was 0.73 and the area under the ROC curve was 0.93 for the SDS. The score index of 55 had a sensitivity of 88.9% and a specificity of 83.3% for the diagnosis of depression. The total scores of the SDS and GDS-15 were highly correlated (0.652, p < 0.0001) and correlated weakly with the scores of a motor scale. Discussion: The SIDS is a valid too] for screening depression in patients with PD since the specific SDS index of 55 is adopted. Two shortened versions could be used with good results. (C) 2009 Published by Elsevier Ltd.
The aims of this study were (a) to assess the ability of the rating of perceived exertion (RPE) to predict performance (i.e. number of vertical jumps performed to a fixed jump height) of an intermittent vertical jump exercise, and (b) to determine the ability of RPE to describe the physiological demand of such exercise. Eight healthy men performed intermittent vertical jumps with rest periods of 4, 5, and 6s until fatigue. Heart rate and RPE were recorded every five jumps throughout the sessions. The number of vertical jumps performed was also recorded. Random coefficient growth curve analysis identified relationships between the number of vertical jumps and both RPE and heart rate for which there were similar slopes. In addition, there were no differences between individual slopes and the mean slope for either RPE or heart rate. Moreover, RPE and number of jumps were highly correlated throughout all sessions (r=0.97-0.99; P0.001), as were RPE and heart rate (r=0.93-0.97; P0.001). The findings suggest that RPE can both predict the performance of intermittent vertical jump exercise and describe the physiological demands of such exercise.
Introduction. To date, no rating scales for detecting apathy in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients have been validated in Spanish. For this reason, the aim of this study was to validate a Spanish version of Lille apathy rating scale (LARS) in a cohort of PD patients from Spain. Participants and Methods. 130 PD patients and 70 healthy controls were recruited to participate in the study. Apathy was measured using the Spanish version of LARS and the neuropsychiatric inventory (NPI). Reliability (internal consistency, test-retest, and interrater reliability) and validity (construct, content, and criterion validity) were measured. Results. Interrater reliability was 0.93. Cronbach’s α for LARS was 0.81. The test-retest correlation coefficient was 0.97. The correlation between LARS and NPI scores was 0.61. The optimal cutoff point under the ROC curve was , whereas the value derived from healthy controls was . The prevalence of apathy in our population tested by LARS was 42%. Conclusions. The Spanish version of LARS is a reliable and useful tool for diagnosing apathy in PD patients. Total LARS score is influenced by the presence of depression and cognitive impairment. However, both disorders are independent identities with respect to apathy. The satisfactory reliability and validity of the scale make it an appropriate instrument for screening and diagnosing apathy in clinical practice or for research purposes.
Purpose: The aim of this study was to verify the influence of aerobic fitness (VO(2)max) on internal training loads, as measured by the session rating of perceived exertion (session-RPE) method. Methods: Nine male professional outfield futsal players were monitored for 4 wk of the in-season period with regards to the weekly accumulated session-RPE, while participating in the same training sessions. Single-session-RPE was obtained from the product of a 10-point RPE scale and the duration of exercise. Maximal oxygen consumption was determined during an incremental treadmill test. Results: The average training load throughout the 4 wk period varied between 2,876 and 5,035 arbitrary units. Technical-tactical sessions were the predominant source of loading. There was a significant correlation between VO(2)max (59.6 +/- 2.5 mL.kg(-1).min(-1)) and overall training load accumulated over the total period (r = -0.75). Conclusions: The VO(2)max plays a key role in determining the magnitude of an individual's perceived exertion during futsal training sessions.