925 resultados para quest


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Introduction: Work disability is a major consequence of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), associated not only with traditional disease activity variables, but also more significantly with demographic, functional, occupational, and societal variables. Recent reports suggest that the use of biologic agents offers potential for reduced work disability rates, but the conclusions are based on surrogate disease activity measures derived from studies primarily from Western countries. Methods: The Quantitative Standard Monitoring of Patients with RA (QUEST-RA) multinational database of 8,039 patients in 86 sites in 32 countries, 16 with high gross domestic product (GDP) (>24K US dollars (USD) per capita) and 16 low-GDP countries (<11K USD), was analyzed for work and disability status at onset and over the course of RA and clinical status of patients who continued working or had stopped working in high-GDP versus low-GDP countries according to all RA Core Data Set measures. Associations of work disability status with RA Core Data Set variables and indices were analyzed using descriptive statistics and regression analyses. Results: At the time of first symptoms, 86% of men (range 57%-100% among countries) and 64% (19%-87%) of women <65 years were working. More than one third (37%) of these patients reported subsequent work disability because of RA. Among 1,756 patients whose symptoms had begun during the 2000s, the probabilities of continuing to work were 80% (95% confidence interval (CI) 78%-82%) at 2 years and 68% (95% CI 65%-71%) at 5 years, with similar patterns in high-GDP and low-GDP countries. Patients who continued working versus stopped working had significantly better clinical status for all clinical status measures and patient self-report scores, with similar patterns in high-GDP and low-GDP countries. However, patients who had stopped working in high-GDP countries had better clinical status than patients who continued working in low-GDP countries. The most significant identifier of work disability in all subgroups was Health Assessment Questionnaire (HAQ) functional disability score. Conclusions: Work disability rates remain high among people with RA during this millennium. In low-GDP countries, people remain working with high levels of disability and disease activity. Cultural and economic differences between societies affect work disability as an outcome measure for RA.


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Purpose: A gap of more than a hundred years occurred between the first accounts of mesial temporal sclerosis and recognition of its role in the pathogenesis of psychomotor seizures. This paper reviews how the understanding and surgical treatment of temporal lobe epilepsy developed, particularly from the work of Penfield, Jasper, and their associates at the Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI). Methods: Publications on EEG and surgery for temporal lobe seizures from 1935 to 1953 were reviewed and charts of selected patients operated on at the MNI in the same period were examined. Attention was focused on the evolution of surgical techniques for temporal lobe epilepsy. Results: In the late 1930s, some EEG findings suggested deep-lying disturbances originating in the temporal lobe. However, it took another two decades before the correlation of clinical, neurophysiological, and anatomical findings provided evidence for the involvement of the mesial structures in psychomotor or temporal lobe seizures. From 1949 and onward, Penfield and his associates applied this evidence to extend the surgical resections to include the uncus and the hippocampus. Conclusion: The collaborative work of a team led by Penfield and Jasper at the MNI helped to define the role of neurophysiological studies in epilepsy surgery. As a result, the importance of removing the mesial structures in order to obtain better seizure control in patients with temporal lobe epilepsy became firmly established.


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This chapter begins with a definition of terrorism and a brief review of some of the more traditional applications of social psychology theory. The authors then outline a broadly based theory of the self and explore the implications of the theory for the recruitment of terrorists. The final section examines some of the important social norms that facilitate and regulate the behavior of terrorists. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2008 APA, all rights reserved)


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Figures on the relative frequency of synthetic and composite future forms in Ouest-France are presented and compared with those of earlier studies on the passé simple and passé composé. The synthetic future is found to be dominant. Possible formal explanations for distribution are found to be inconclusive. Distribution across different text-types is found to be more promising, since contrastive functions of the two forms can be identified in texts where they co-occur. The composite future typically reports new proposals or plans as current news, while the synthetic future outlines details that will be realised at the time of implementation. Both functions are important in dailies, but current news is more often expressed in the present tense at the expense of the composite future.


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China holds the key to solving many questions crucial to global control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS). The disease appears to have originated in Guangdong Province, and the causative agent, SARS coronavirus, is likely to have originated from an animal host, perhaps sold in public markets. Epidemiologic findings, integral to defining an animal-human linkage, may be confirmed by laboratory studies; once animal host(s) are confirmed, interventions may be needed to prevent further animal-to-human transmission. Community seroprevalence studies may help determine the basis for the decline in disease incidence in Guangdong Province after February 2002. China will also be able to contribute key data about how the causative agent is transmitted and how it is evolving, as well as identifying pivotal factors influencing disease outcome.


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A discuss??o em torno da estabilidade do servidor p??blico emerge a partir de um contexto marcado pela necessidade de transforma????es s??cio-pol??ticas e econ??micas. Essas tranforma????es implicam a reestrutura????o do Estado brasileiro, bem como da administra????o p??blica, tendo em vista a moderniza????o da burocracia, buscando garantir efici??ncia e efic??cia no atendimento do interesse p??blico


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O artigo est?? dividido em tr??s partes. Na primeira parte, as caracter??sticas do novo pacote de reformas de gest??o de despesa p??blica s??o visualizadas em termos da situa????o futura ??? ano 2020. Na segunda, s??o discutidos os acontecimentos passados que contribu??ram para a evolu????o do novo pacote. Na terceira, as inova????es do or??amento cumulativo ou da gest??o da despesa s??o discutidas em termos de sua adequa????o para satisfazer as expectativas atuais, bem como a utilidade do pacote no contexto de rubricas cambiantes de despesa p??blica.


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Este projeto refere-se ao programa de acompanhamento sistematizado dos servidores t??cnico-administrativos da Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina que apresentem ind??cios de uso indevido de drogas, alcoolismo, problemas de relacionamento e outros que influenciam diretamente no comportamento funcional. Para o desenvolvimento deste programa, uma equipe multiprofissional (composta de pedagogo, t??cnico em assuntos educacionais e assistente social) da pr??pria universidade se envolveu com o trabalho. Os resultados s??o significativos principalmente no que se refere ?? inser????o do servidor no ambiente de trabalho, de forma mais produtiva


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O artigo discute a evolu????o recente da problem??tica da crise do Estado a partir dos tr??s movimentos voltados para a sua supera????o: a busca da efici??ncia, a melhoria da qualidade e o resgate da esfera p??blica como instrumento do exerc??cio da cidadania. Em seguida s??o analisadas as limita????es impostas pelo modelo burocr??tico de administra????o p??blica e apresentadas as experi??ncias recentes de reforma nos EUA, Gr??-Bretanha, Fran??a e Brasil. S??o tamb??m avaliados os impactos do novo modelo de gest??o p??blica nas ??reas de planejamento, controle e desenvolvimento de pessoal. Finalmente o artigo discute o contexto de mudan??a e transforma????o do Estado destacando a necessidade de vincular os conceitos de governabilidade e governan??a aos de cidadania e valoriza????o do servidor p??blico.