241 resultados para pullback attractors


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This paper is concerned with the existence of pullback attractors for evolution processes. Our aim is to provide results that extend the following results for autonomous evolution processes (semigroups) (i) An autonomous evolution process which is bounded, dissipative and asymptotically compact has a global attractor. (ii) An autonomous evolution process which is bounded, point dissipative and asymptotically compact has a global attractor. The extension of such results requires the introduction of new concepts and brings up some important differences between the asymptotic properties of autonomous and non-autonomous evolution processes. An application to damped wave problem with non-autonomous damping is considered. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we give general results on the continuity of pullback attractors for nonlinear evolution processes. We then revisit results of [D. Li, P.E. Kloeden, Equi-attraction and the continuous dependence of pullback attractors on parameters, Stoch. Dyn. 4 (3) (2004) 373-384] which show that, under certain conditions, continuity is equivalent to uniformity of attraction over a range of parameters (""equi-attraction""): we are able to simplify their proofs and weaken the conditions required for this equivalence to hold. Generalizing a classical autonomous result [A.V. Babin, M.I. Vishik, Attractors of Evolution Equations, North Holland, Amsterdam, 1992] we give bounds on the rate of convergence of attractors when the family is uniformly exponentially attracting. To apply these results in a more concrete situation we show that a non-autonomous regular perturbation of a gradient-like system produces a family of pullback attractors that are uniformly exponentially attracting: these attractors are therefore continuous, and we can give an explicit bound on the distance between members of this family. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We consider the family of singularly nonautonomous plate equation with structural dampingu(tt) + a(t, x)u(t) - Delta u(t) + (-Delta)(2)(u) + lambda u = f(u),in a bounded domain Omega subset of R(n), with Navier boundary conditions. When the nonlinearity f is dissipative we show that this problem is globally well posed in H(0)(2)(Omega) x L(2)(Omega) and has a family of pullback attractors which is upper-semicontinuous under small perturbations of the damping a.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The Chafee-Infante equation is one of the canonical infinite-dimensional dynamical systems for which a complete description of the global attractor is available. In this paper we study the structure of the pullback attractor for a non-autonomous version of this equation, u(t) = u(xx) + lambda(xx) - lambda u beta(t)u(3), and investigate the bifurcations that this attractor undergoes as A is varied. We are able to describe these in some detail, despite the fact that our model is truly non-autonomous; i.e., we do not restrict to 'small perturbations' of the autonomous case.


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In this paper we consider the strongly damped wave equation with time-dependent terms u(tt) - Delta u - gamma(t)Delta u(t) + beta(epsilon)(t)u(t) = f(u), in a bounded domain Omega subset of R(n), under some restrictions on beta(epsilon)(t), gamma(t) and growth restrictions on the nonlinear term f. The function beta(epsilon)(t) depends on a parameter epsilon, beta(epsilon)(t) -> 0. We will prove, under suitable assumptions, local and global well-posedness (using the uniform sectorial operators theory), the existence and regularity of pullback attractors {A(epsilon)(t) : t is an element of R}, uniform bounds for these pullback attractors, characterization of these pullback attractors and their upper and lower semicontinuity at epsilon = 0. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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In this paper we consider a dissipative damped wave equation with nonautonomous damping of the form u(tt) + beta(t)u(t) - Delta u + f(u) (1) in a bounded smooth domain Omega subset of R(n) with Dirichlet boundary conditions, where f is a dissipative smooth nonlinearity and the damping beta : R -> (0, infinity) is a suitable function. We prove, if (1) has finitely many equilibria, that all global bounded solutions of (1) are backwards and forwards asymptotic to equilibria. Thus, we give a class of examples of nonautonomous evolution processes for which the structure of the pullback attractors is well understood. That complements the results of [Carvalho & Langa, 2009] on characterization of attractors, where it was shown that a small nonautonomous perturbation of an autonomous gradient-like evolution process is also gradient-like. Note that the evolution process associated to (1) is not a small nonautonomous perturbation of any autonomous gradient-like evolution processes. Moreover, we are also able to prove that the pullback attractor for (1) is also a forwards attractor and that the rate of attraction is exponential.


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The development and use of cocycles for analysis of non-autonomous behaviour is a technique that has been known for several years. Initially developed as an extension to semi-group theory for studying rion-autonornous behaviour, it was extensively used in analysing random dynamical systems [2, 9, 10, 12]. Many of the results regarding asymptotic behaviour developed for random dynamical systems, including the concept of cocycle attractors were successfully transferred and reinterpreted for deterministic non-autonomous systems primarily by P. Kloeden and B. Schmalfuss [20, 21, 28, 29]. The theory concerning cocycle attractors was later developed in various contexts specific to particular classes of dynamical systems [6, 7, 13], although a comprehensive understanding of cocycle attractors (redefined as pullback attractors within this thesis) and their role in the stability of non-autonomous dynamical systems was still at this stage incomplete. It was this purpose that motivated Chapters 1-3 to define and formalise the concept of stability within non-autonomous dynamical systems. The approach taken incorporates the elements of classical asymptotic theory, and refines the notion of pullback attraction with further development towards a study of pull-back stability arid pullback asymptotic stability. In a comprehensive manner, it clearly establishes both pullback and forward (classical) stability theory as fundamentally unique and essential components of non-autonomous stability. Many of the introductory theorems and examples highlight the key properties arid differences between pullback and forward stability. The theory also cohesively retains all the properties of classical asymptotic stability theory in an autonomous environment. These chapters are intended as a fundamental framework from which further research in the various fields of non-autonomous dynamical systems may be extended. A preliminary version of a Lyapunov-like theory that characterises pullback attraction is created as a tool for examining non-autonomous behaviour in Chapter 5. The nature of its usefulness however is at this stage restricted to the converse theorem of asymptotic stability. Chapter 7 introduces the theory of Loci Dynamics. A transformation is made to an alternative dynamical system where forward asymptotic (classical asymptotic) behaviour characterises pullback attraction to a particular point in the original dynamical system. This has the advantage in that certain conventional techniques for a forward analysis may be applied. The remainder of the thesis, Chapters 4, 6 and Section 7.3, investigates the effects of perturbations and discretisations on non-autonomous dynamical systems known to possess structures that exhibit some form of stability or attraction. Chapter 4 investigates autonomous systems with semi-group attractors, that have been non-autonomously perturbed, whilst Chapter 6 observes the effects of discretisation on non-autonomous dynamical systems that exhibit properties of forward asymptotic stability. Chapter 7 explores the same problem of discretisation, but for pullback asymptotically stable systems. The theory of Loci Dynamics is used to analyse the nature of the discretisation, but establishment of results directly analogous to those discovered in Chapter 6 is shown to be unachievable. Instead a case by case analysis is provided for specific classes of dynamical systems, for which the results generate a numerical approximation of the pullback attraction in the original continuous dynamical system. The nature of the results regarding discretisation provide a non-autonomous extension to the work initiated by A. Stuart and J. Humphries [34, 35] for the numerical approximation of semi-group attractors within autonomous systems. . Of particular importance is the effect on the system's asymptotic behaviour over non-finite intervals of discretisation.


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In this paper, we prove a stability result about the asymptotic dynamics of a perturbed nonautonomous evolution equation in ℝn governed by a maximal monotone operator. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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This article is a continuation of our previous work [5], where we formulated general existence theorems for pullback exponential attractors for asymptotically compact evolution processes in Banach spaces and discussed its implications in the autonomous case. We now study properties of the attractors and use our theoretical results to prove the existence of pullback exponential attractors in two examples, where previous results do not apply.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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This paper is dedicated to estimate the fractal dimension of exponential global attractors of some generalized gradient-like semigroups in a general Banach space in terms of the maximum of the dimension of the local unstable manifolds of the isolated invariant sets, Lipschitz properties of the semigroup and the rate of exponential attraction. We also generalize this result for some special evolution processes, introducing a concept of Morse decomposition with pullback attractivity. Under suitable assumptions, if (A, A*) is an attractor-repeller pair for the attractor A of a semigroup {T(t) : t >= 0}, then the fractal dimension of A can be estimated in terms of the fractal dimension of the local unstable manifold of A*, the fractal dimension of A, the Lipschitz properties of the semigroup and the rate of the exponential attraction. The ingredients of the proof are the notion of generalized gradient-like semigroups and their regular attractors, Morse decomposition and a fine analysis of the structure of the attractors. As we said previously, we generalize this result for some evolution processes using the same basic ideas. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The ungluing of a strange attractor, gluing of strange attractors, and the coexistence of strange attractors, not reported earlier in the study of the Lorenz system, are discovered numerically.


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The system of coupled oscillators and its time-discretization (with constant stepsize h) are considered in this paper. Under some conditions, it is showed that the discrete systems have one-dimensional global attractors l(h) converging to l which is the global attractor of continuous system.


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In this paper the symmetries of coupled map lattices (CMLs) and their attractors are investigated by group and dynamical system theory, as well as numerical simulation, by means of which the kink-antikink patterns of CMLs in space-amplitude plots are discussed.