636 resultados para pseudomembranous colitis


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Clostridium difficile is a gram positive, spore former, anaerobic bacterium that is able to cause infection and disease, with symptoms ranging from mild diarrhea to pseudomembranous colitis, toxic megacolon, sepsis and death. In the last decade new strains have emerged that caused outbreaks of increased disease severity and higher recurrence, morbidity and mortality rates, and C. difficile is now considered both a main nosocomial pathogen associated with antibiotic therapy as well as a major concern in the community.(...)


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Introduction Despite the known importance of Clostridium difficile as a nosocomial pathogen, few studies regarding Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) in Brazil have been conducted. To date, the diagnostic tests that are available on the Brazilian market for the diagnosis of CDI have not been evaluated. The aim of this study was to compare the performances of four commercial methods for the diagnosis of CDI in patients from a university hospital in Brazil. Methods Three enzyme immunoassays (EIAs) and one nucleic acid amplification test (NAAT) were evaluated against a cytotoxicity assay (CTA) and toxigenic culture (TC). Stool samples from 92 patients with suspected CDI were used in this study. Results Twenty-five (27.2%) of 92 samples were positive according to the CTA, and 23 (25%) were positive according to the TC. All EIAs and the NAAT test demonstrated sensitivities between 59 and 68% and specificities greater than 91%. Conclusions All four methods exhibited low sensitivities for the diagnosis of CDI, which could lead to a large number of false-negative results, an increased risk of cross-infection to other patients, and overtreatment with empirical antibiotics.


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Species of Clostridium are widely distributed in the environment, inhabiting both human and animal gastrointestinal tracts. Clostridium difficile is an important pathogen associated with outbreaks of pseudomembranous colitis and other intestinal disorders, such as diarrhea. In this study, the prevalence of Clostridium spp. and C. difficile, from hospitalized children with acute diarrhea, was examined. These children were admitted to 3 different hospitals for over 12 months. Eighteen (20%) and 19 (21%) stool specimens from children with (90) and without (91) diarrhea respectively, were positive to clostridia. Only 10 C. difficile strains were detected in 5.5% of the stool samples of children with diarrhea. None healthy children (without diarrhea) harbored C. difficile. From these 10 C. difficile, 9 were considered as toxigenic and genotyped as tcdA+/tcdB+ or tcdA-/tcdB+, and 1 strain as nontoxigenic (tcdA-/tdcB-). They were detected by the citotoxicity on VERO cells and by the multiplex-polymerase chain reaction. Thirty clinical fecal extracts produced minor alterations on VERO cells. The presence of C. difficile as a probable agent of acute diarrhea is suggested in several countries, but in this study, the presence of these organisms was not significant. More studies will be necessary to evaluate the role of clostridia or C. difficile in diarrhoeal processes in children.


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Clostridium difficile is an emerging enteropathogen responsible for pseudomembranous colitis in humans and diarrhoea in several domestic and wild animal species. Despite its known importance, there are few studies aboutC. difficile polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ribotypes in Brazil and the actual knowledge is restricted to studies on human isolates. The aim of the study was therefore to compare C. difficileribotypes isolated from humans and animals in Brazil. Seventy-six C. difficile strains isolated from humans (n = 25), dogs (n = 23), piglets (n = 12), foals (n = 7), calves (n = 7), one cat, and one manned wolf were distributed into 24 different PCR ribotypes. Among toxigenic strains, PCR ribotypes 014/020 and 106 were the most common, accounting for 14 (18.4%) and eight (10.5%) samples, respectively. Fourteen different PCR ribotypes were detected among human isolates, nine of them have also been identified in at least one animal species. PCR ribotype 027 was not detected, whereas 078 were found only in foals. This data suggests a high diversity of PCR ribotypes in humans and animals in Brazil and support the discussion of C. difficile as a zoonotic pathogen.


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Introducción La infección por Clostridium difficile, es una de las causas más frecuentes de diarrea nosocomial con una alta morbimortalidad, con un aumento exponencial en su incidencia, en Estados Unidos se duplicó, de 261 casos x 100.000 en 1993 pasó a 546 x 100.000 en 2003 2, y en Canadá se encontraron datos similares con un aumento de 4.5 veces, en 1991 de 35.6 casos x 100.000 a 156.3 casos por 100.000 en 2004 3 . Se han descrito varios factores asociados Materiales y Métodos Se trata de un estudio descriptivo de tipo serie de casos en el que se evaluaron pacientes con diagnóstico de infección por C. Difficile y los factores asociados en un Hospital Universitario entre febrero de 2010 hasta septiembre de 2011 Resultados Se recolectaron 31 pacientes la edad promedio fue de 58 años con un rango entre 18 y 93 años, de los cuales 19 (61%) fueron mujeres y 12 (39%) hombres. El factor asociado a la infección por C. Difficile más frecuentemente encontrado fue el uso de inhibidores de bomba de protones con 54.84% (n=17) .No se encontraron pacientes VIH positivos o con diagnóstico de enfermedad inflamatoria intestinal. Ningún paciente presentó complicaciones asociadas a la infección ni mortalidad alguna. Conclusión El factor asociado que más se presentó fue el uso de antimicrobianos en los quince dias previos al inicio del cuadro en el 74% de los pacientes lo que coincide con lo presentado en la literatura mundial.


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Clostridium difficile, der Auslöser der nosokomialen Antibiotika-assoziierten Durchfälle und der Pseudomembranösen Kolitis, besitzt zwei Hauptvirulenzfaktoren: die Toxine A und B. In vorangegangenen Veröffentlichungen wurde gezeigt, dass Toxin B durch einen zytosolischen Faktor der eukaryotischen Zielzelle während des Aufnahmeweges in die Zelle gespalten wird. Nur die N-terminale katalytische Domäne erreicht das Zytosol. Hierbei wurde davon ausgegangen, dass eine Protease der Zielzelle die Spaltung katalysiert. In dieser Arbeit konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Spaltung von Toxin B ein intramolekularer Prozess ist, der zytosolisches Inositolphosphat der Zielzelle als Kofaktor zur Aktivierung der intrinsischen Protease benötigt. Die Freisetzung der katalytischen Domäne durch Inositolphosphat-induzierte Spaltung ist nicht nur das Prinzip des Clostridium difficile Toxin B sondern auch des Toxin A, als auch des alpha Toxin von Clostridium novyi und das Letale Toxin von Clostridium sordellii. Der kovalente Inhibitor von Aspartatproteasen 1,2-epoxy-3-(p-nitrophenoxy)propan (EPNP), wurde dazu verwendet die intrinsische Protease von Toxin B zu blockieren und ermöglichte die Identifikation des katalytischen Zentrums. EPNP modifiziertes Toxin B verliert die intrinsische Proteaseaktivität und Zytotoxizität, aber wenn es direkt in das Zytosol der Wirtszelle injiziert ist, bleibt die Toxizität erhalten. Diese ist damit der erste Bericht eines bakteriellen Toxins, das eukaryotische Signale zur induzierten Autoproteolyse nutzt, um seine katalytisch-toxische Domäne in das Zytosol der Zielzelle freizusetzen. Durch diese Ergebnisse kann das Modell der Toxin-Prozessierung nun um einen weiteren entscheidenden Schritt vervollständigt werden.


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Background: Incidence of C. difficile infection (CDI) has increased dramatically in the past decade and is the most frequent cause of nosocomial infectious diarrhea. The outcome of infection may range from mild diarrhea to life-threatening pseudomembranous colitis depending on the immunological response of the host, which is highly compromised in this special population that includes bone marrow transplant (BMT), solid organ transplant (SOT) and cancer patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy. ^ Objectives: We conducted a meta-analysis to assess the incidence rates of CDI and the time to onset of infection in patients with iatrogenic immune suppression. ^ Methods: Original studies were identified through an extensive search of electronic databases including PubMed, Ovid Medline (R), RefWorks and Biological Abstracts and their references. The overall incidence rate of CDI in the immune suppressed population was calculated using random effects model and their 95% confidence interval was derived. Differences in the incidence of CDI and time to onset of infection were calculated between the groups and within the groups. Publication bias was assessed using a funnel plot. Results: Twenty nine published articles involving 7,424 patients met the eligibility requirements. The overall incidence of CDI in the immune suppressed population is 11.1% (95% Confidence Interval (CI): 9.2–13.4%). The incidence of CDI was higher in SOT patients (14.2%, 95% CI: 6.8–21.5%); (p-value-0.022) and in cancer patients on cytotoxic chemotherapy (11.4%, 95% CI: 8.4–15.4%); (p = 0.042) than in BMT patients (10.5%, 95% CI: 7.9–13.1%). In a subgroup analysis of BMT population, the incidence of CDI is significantly higher in patients who received allogeneic BMT (15.1%, 95% CI: 11.2–20.0%; p value <0.0001). Similarly, in the SOT population, the incidence of CDI was higher in patients who underwent liver transplantation (11.0%, 95% CI: 5.6–20.3%); (p= 0.0672). The median time to onset of infection was shorter in BMT patients (p=0.0025). ^ Conclusions: It is evident from the combined analysis of these 29 published studies that the incidence of CDI in the immune suppressed population is higher. However, early diagnosis and treatment of CDI will help reduce the morbidity and mortality due to CDI in this special population.^


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C. difficile causes gastrointestinal infections in humans, including severe diarrhea. It is implicated in 20%-30% of cases of antibiotic-associated diarrhea, in 50%-70% of cases of antibiotic-associated colitis, and in >90% of cases of antibiotic-associated pseudomembranous colitis. Exposure to antimicrobial agent, hospitalization and age are some of the risk factors that predispose to CDI. Virtually all hospitalized patients with nosocomially-acquired CDI have a history of treatment with antimicrobials or neoplastic agent within the previous 2 months. The development of CDI usually occurs during treatment with antibiotics or some weeks after completing the course of the antibiotics. ^ After exposure to the organism (often in a hospital), the median incubation period is less than 1 week, with a median time of onset of 2days. The difference in the time between the use of antibiotic and the development of the disease relate to the timing of exogenous acquisition of C. difficile. ^ This paper reviewed the literature for studies on different classes of antibiotics in association with the rates of primary CDI and RCDI from the year 1984 to 2012. The databases searched in this systematic review were: PubMed (National Library of Medicine) and Medline (R) (Ovid). RefWorks was used to store bibliographic data. ^ The search strategy yielded 733 studies, 692 articles from Ovid Medline (R) and 41 articles from PubMed after removing all duplicates. Only 11 studies were included as high quality studies. Out of the 11 studies reviewed, 6 studies described the development of CDI in non-CDI patients taking antibiotics for other purposes and 5 studies identified the risk factors associated with the development of recurrent CDI after exposure to antibiotics. ^ The risk of developing CDI in non-CDI patients receiving beta lactam antibiotics was 2.35%, while fluoroquinolones, clindamycin/macrolides and other antibiotics were associated with 2.64%, 2.54% and 2.35% respectively. Of those who received beta lactam antibiotic, 26.7% developed RCDI, while 36.8% of those who received any fluoroquinolone developed RCDI, 26.5% of those who received either clindamycin or macrolides developed RCDI and 29.1% of those who received other antibiotics developed RCDI. Continued use of non-C. difficile antibiotics especially fluoroquinolones was identified as an important risk factor for primary CDI and recurrent CDI. ^


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Clostridium difficile, a causative agent of antibiotic-associated diarrhea and its potentially lethal form, pseudomembranous colitis, produces two large protein toxins that are responsible for the cellular damage associated with the disease. The level of toxin production appears to be critical for determining the severity of the disease, but the mechanism by which toxin synthesis is regulated is unknown. The product of a gene, txeR, that lies just upstream of the tox gene cluster was shown to be needed for tox gene expression in vivo and to activate promoter-specific transcription of the tox genes in vitro in conjunction with RNA polymerases from C. difficile, Bacillus subtilis, or Escherichia coli. TxeR was shown to function as an alternative sigma factor for RNA polymerase. Because homologs of TxeR regulate synthesis of toxins and a bacteriocin in other Clostridium species, TxeR appears to be a prototype for a novel mode of regulation of toxin genes.


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Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014


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Clostridium difficile causes a broad range of diseases in humans, from mild colitis to pseudomembranous colitis and disease refractory to treatment, fulminant and fatal. It is an infection whose frequency, seriousness and related morbidity and mortality have increased in recent years [1-4]. Nowadays it is regarded as an emerging public health problem, and prevention and monitoring are particularly recommended. In recent years, different authors have described a change in its epidemiology, which affects not only the populations traditionally involved, but also children and patients from the community [2, 5]. Moreover, the Spanish situation has proven to be different, in terms of the ribotypes present, to other countries in Europe, Canada and the USA. Thus, the performance of an in-depth study in this type of patients in Spain, as well as the source of the acquisition of Clostridium difficile infection (CDI), is of major relevance. The main predisposing factor to acquiring CDI is the use of antibiotics in the previous 8 weeks (90% cases in some series), even with a single prophylactic dose. Other risk factors are a previous stay in health-care centers, particularly hospitals, being old and immunodepression, including transplantations and HIV [6]. The severity of CDI has been associated both with host factors and microorganism-specific factors...


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Clostridium difficile is a leading cause of nosocomial infections, causing a spectrum of diseases ranging from diarrhoea to pseudomembranous colitis triggered by a range of virulence factors including C. difficile toxins A (TcdA) and B (TcdB). TcdA and TcdB are monoglucosyltransferases that irreversibly glycosylate small Rho GTPases, inhibiting their ability to interact with their effectors, guanine nucleotide exchange factors, and membrane partners, leading to disruption of downstream signalling pathways and cell death. In addition, TcdB targets the mitochondria, inducing the intrinsic apoptotic pathway resulting in TcdB-mediated apoptosis. Modulation of apoptosis is a common strategy used by infectious agents. Recently, we have shown that the enteropathogenic Escherichia coli (EPEC) type III secretion system effector NleH has a broad-range anti-apoptotic activity. In this study we examined the effects of NleH on cells challenged with TcdB. During infection with wild-type EPEC, NleH inhibited TcdB-induced apoptosis at both low and high toxin concentrations. Transfected nleH1 alone was sufficient to block TcdB-induced cell rounding, nuclear condensation, mitochondrial swelling and lysis, and activation of caspase-3. These results show that NleH acts via a global anti-apoptotic pathway.


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Clostridium difficile is an emerging enteropathogen responsible for pseudomembranous colitis in humans and diarrhoea in several domestic and wild animal species. Despite its known importance, there are few studies about C. difficile polymerase chain reaction (PCR) ribotypes in Brazil and the actual knowledge is restricted to studies on human isolates. The aim of the study was therefore to compare C. difficile ribotypes isolated from humans and animals in Brazil. Seventysix C. difficile strains isolated from humans (n = 25), dogs (n = 23), piglets (n = 12), foals (n = 7), calves (n = 7), one cat, and one manned wolf were distributed into 24 different PCR ribotypes. Among toxigenic strains, PCR ribotypes 014/020 and 106 were the most common, accounting for 14 (18.4%) and eight (10.5%) samples, respectively. Fourteen different PCR ribotypes were detected among human isolates, nine of them have also been identified in at least one animal species. PCR ribotype 027 was not detected, whereas 078 were found only in foals. This data suggests a high diversity of PCR ribotypes in humans and animals in Brazil and support the discussion of C. difficile as a zoonotic pathogen.


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Isatin, an indole alkaloid has been shown to have anti-microbial, anti-tumor and anti-inflammatory effects. Due to its findings, we evaluated whether this alkaloid would have any effect on TNBS-induced colitis. Animals (male Unib:WH rats, aged 8 weeks old) were induced colitis through a rectal administration of 2,4,6-trinitrobenzene sulphonic acid using a catheter inserted 8 cm into the rectum of the animals. The rats were divided into two major groups: non-colitic and colitic. The colitic group was sub-divided into 6 groups (10 animals per group): colitic non-treated, Isatin 3; 6; 12.5; 18.75 and 25 mg/kg. Our main results showed that the oral treatment with Isatin 6 and 25 mg/kg were capable of avoiding the increase in TNF-α, COX-2 and PGE₂ levels when compared to the colitic non-treated group. Interestingly, the same doses (6 and 25 mg/kg) were also capable of preventing the decrease in IL-10 levels comparing with the colitic non-treated group. The levels of MPO, (an indirect indicator of neutrophil presence), were also maintained lower than those of the colitic non-treated group. Isatin also prevented the decrease of SOD activity and increase of GSH-Px and GSH-Rd activity as well as the depletion of GSH levels. In conclusion, both pre-treatments (6 and 25 mg/kg) were capable of protecting the gut mucosa against the injury caused by TNBS, through the combination of antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, which, together, showed a protective activity of the indole alkaloid Isatin.


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INTRODUCTION:proctocolectomy with ileal pouch-anal anastomosis (IPAA) is the standard surgical procedure for the treatment of ulcerative colitis (UC) and is associated with the prospect of cure. Experience gained over the years has demonstrated the occurrence of a high number of complications as well as bowel disorders that can compromise quality of life (QoL).OBJECTIVE:evaluate QoL in patients with IPAA for ulcerative colitis.PATIENTS AND METHODS:the Inflammatory Bowel Disease Questionnaire (IBDQ) was used to assess QoL in patients with IPAA after its validation in Portuguese.RESULTS:thirty-one patients submitted to IPAA by the same group of professionals were evaluated. QoL was classified as regular in all domains evaluated (intestinal and systemic symptoms and emotional and social aspects). There were no differences in relation to gender, type of pouch or postoperative time. However, elderly patients showed a tendency toward lower scores. Having a professional activity was associated with higher scores in systemic symptoms and social aspects (p < 0.05). Patients with ileostomy showed lower values in the domains of systemic symptoms, emotional and social aspects (p <0.05).CONCLUSION:in all domains assessed, patients with IPAA for UC had QoL classified as regular. Ileostomy and lack of professional activity negatively influenced QoL.