918 resultados para programmable logic controllers


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The purpose of this study was to evaluate the determinism of the AS-lnterface network and the 3 main families of control systems, which may use it, namely PLC, PC and RTOS. During the course of this study the PROFIBUS and Ethernet field level networks were also considered in order to ensure that they would not introduce unacceptable latencies into the overall control system. This research demonstrated that an incorrectly configured Ethernet network introduces unacceptable variable duration latencies into the control system, thus care must be exercised if the determinism of a control system is not to be compromised. This study introduces a new concept of using statistics and process capability metrics in the form of CPk values, to specify how suitable a control system is for a given control task. The PLC systems, which were tested, demonstrated extremely deterministic responses, but when a large number of iterations were introduced in the user program, the mean control system latency was much too great for an AS-I network. Thus the PLC was found to be unsuitable for an AS-I network if a large, complex user program Is required. The PC systems, which were tested were non-deterministic and had latencies of variable duration. These latencies became extremely exaggerated when a graphing ActiveX was included in the control application. These PC systems also exhibited a non-normal frequency distribution of control system latencies, and as such are unsuitable for implementation with an AS-I network. The RTOS system, which was tested, overcame the problems identified with the PLC systems and produced an extremely deterministic response, even when a large number of iterations were introduced in the user program. The RTOS system, which was tested, is capable of providing a suitable deterministic control system response, even when an extremely large, complex user program is required.


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The aim of this study was to develop a laboratory method for time response evaluation on electronically controlled spray equipment using Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs). For that purpose, a PLC controlled digital drive inverter was set up to drive an asynchronous electric motor linked to a centrifugal pump on a experimental sprayer equipped with electronic flow control. The PLC was operated via RS232 serial communication from a PC computer. A user program was written to control de motor by adjusting the following system variables, all related to the motor speed: time stopped; ramp up and ramp down times, time running at a given constant speed and ramp down time to stop the motor. This set up was used in conjunction with a data acquisition system to perform laboratory tests with an electronically controlled sprayer. Time response for pressure stabilization was measured while changing the pump speed by +/-20%. The results showed that for a 0.2 s ramp time increasing the motor speed, as an example, an AgLogix Flow Control system (Midwest Technologies Inc.) took 22 s in average to readjust the pressure. When decreasing the motor speed, this time response was down to 8 s. General results also showed that this kind of methodology could make easier the definition of standards for tests on electronically controlled application equipment.


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This bachelor’s thesis is a part of the research project realized in the summer 2011 in Lappeenranta University of Technology. The goal of the project was to develop an automation concept for controlling the electrically excited synchronous motor. Thesis concentrates on the implementation of the automation concept into the ABB’s AC500 programmable logic enviroment. The automation program was developed as a state machine with the ABB’s PS501 Control Builder software. For controlling the automation program is developed a fieldbus control and with CodeSys Visualization Tool a local control with control panel. The fieldbus control is done to correspond the ABB drives communication profile and the local control is implemented with a function block which feeds right control words into the statemachine. A field current control of the synchronous motor is realized as a method presented in doctoral thesis of Olli Pyrhönen (Pyrhönen 1998). The Method combines stator flux and torque based openloop control and power factor based feedback control.


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A novel hybrid high power rectifier capable to achieve unity power factor is proposed in this paper. Single-phase SEPIC rectifiers are associated in parallel with each leg of three-phase 6-pulse diode rectifier resulting in a programmable input current waveform structure. In this paper it is described the principles of operation of the proposed converter with detailed simulation and experimental results. For a total harmonic distortion of the input line current (THDI) less than 2% the rated power of the SEPIC rectifiers is 33%. Therefore, power rating of the SEPIC parallel converters is a fraction of the output power, on the range of 20% to 33% of the nominal output power, making the proposed solution economically viable for high power installations, with fast pay back of the investment. Moreover, retrofits to existing installations are also possible with this proposed topology, since the parallel path can be easily controlled by integration with the already existing de-link. Experimental results are presented for a 3 kW implemented prototype, in order to verify the developed analysis.


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The main objective of this work is to present an efficient method for phasor estimation based on a compact Genetic Algorithm (cGA) implemented in Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA). To validate the proposed method, an Electrical Power System (EPS) simulated by the Alternative Transients Program (ATP) provides data to be used by the cGA. This data is as close as possible to the actual data provided by the EPS. Real life situations such as islanding, sudden load increase and permanent faults were considered. The implementation aims to take advantage of the inherent parallelism in Genetic Algorithms in a compact and optimized way, making them an attractive option for practical applications in real-time estimations concerning Phasor Measurement Units (PMUs).


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This paper reports a model of the mammalian retina as well as an interpretation of some functions of the visual cortex. Its main objective is to simulate some of the behaviors observed at the different retina cells depending on the characteristics of the light impinging onto the photoreceptors. This simulation is carried out with a simple structure employed previously as basic building block of some optical computer architectures. Its possibility to perform any type of Boolean function allows a wide range of behaviors.


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A possible approach to the synchronization of chaotic circuits is reported. It is based on an Optically Programmable Logic Cell and the signals are fully digital. A method to study the characteristics of the obtained chaos is reported as well as a new technique to compare the obtained chaos from an emitter and a receiver. This technique allows the synchronization of chaotic signals. The signals received at the receiver, composed by the addition of information and chaotic signals, are compared with the chaos generated there and a pure information signal can be detected. Its application to cryptography in Optical Communications comes directly from these properties. The model here presented is based on a computer simulation.


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We proposed an optical communications system, based on a digital chaotic signal where the synchronization of chaos was the main objective, in some previous papers. In this paper we will extend this work. A way to add the digital data signal to be transmitted onto the chaotic signal and its correct reception, is the main objective. We report some methods to study the main characteristics of the resulting signal. The main problem with any real system is the presence of some retard between the times than the signal is generated at the emitter at the time when this signal is received. Any system using chaotic signals as a method to encrypt need to have the same characteristics in emitter and receiver. It is because that, this control of time is needed. A method to control, in real time the chaotic signals, is reported.


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A major research area is the representation of knowledge for a given application in a compact manner such that desired information relating to this knowledge is easily recoverable. A complicated procedure may be required to recover the information from the stored representation and convert it back to usable form. Coder/decoder are the devices dedicated to that task. In this paper the capabilities that an Optical Programmable Logic Cell offers as a basic building block for coding and decoding are analyzed. We have previously published an Optically Programmable Logic Cells (OPLC), for applications as a chaotic generator or as basic element for optical computing. In optical computing previous studies these cells have been analyzed as full-adder units, being this element a basic component for the arithmetic logic structure in computing. Another application of this unit is reported in this paper. Coder and decoder are basic elements in computers, for example, in connections between processors and memory addressing. Moreover, another main application is the generation of signals for machine controlling from a certain instruction. In this paper we describe the way to obtain a coder/decoder with the OPLC and which type of applications may be the best suitable for this type of cell.


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Petri net (PN) modeling is one of the most used formal methods in the automation applications field, together with programmable logic controllers (PLCs). Therefore, the creation of a modeling methodology for PNs compatible with the IEC61131 standard is a necessity of automation specialists. Different works dealing with this subject have been carried out; they are presented in the first part of this paper [Frey (2000a, 2000b); Peng and Zhou (IEEE Trans Syst Man Cybern, Part C Appl Rev 34(4):523-531, 2004); Uzam and Jones (Int J Adv Manuf Technol 14(10):716-728, 1998)], but they do not present a completely compatible methodology with this standard. At the same time, they do not maintain the simplicity required for such applications, nor the use of all-graphical and all-mathematical ordinary Petri net (OPN) tools to facilitate model verification and validation. The proposal presented here completes these requirements. Educational applications at the USP and UEA (Brazil) and the UO (Cuba), as well as industrial applications in Brazil and Cuba, have already been carried out with good results.


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A crescente procura da bicicleta como meio de transporte alternativo torna relevante a criação e desenvolvimento de infra-estruturas de apoio, tais como ciclovias e parques para bicicletas. Os sistemas tradicionais de parqueamento de bicicletas com recurso a correntes e cadeados não fornecem segurança nem comodidade. No entanto, começam a surgir, em várias cidades do mundo, parque automáticos onde é possível guardar uma bicicleta em segurança, protegendo-a quer das intempéries quer de actos de vandalismo. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta para um parque automático de armazenamento de bicicletas, com recurso a caixas individualizadas que garantem a sua segurança, e também de outros bens que podem ser guardados junto da mesma, como por exemplo um capacete ou uma mochila. O sistema proposto no âmbito deste trabalho é um complemento às alternativas existentes. As vantagens apresentadas pelo sistema proposto são: a sua construção modular e personalizada; e a possibilidade de instalação num terreno plano, sem recurso a obras de construção civil. O objectivo foi criar um projecto de automação e controlo de um protótipo, com base na proposta apresentada. O projecto de automação e controlo engloba a escolha dos sensores e dos actuadores. Para o dimensionamento dos motores foi necessário recorrer a um cálculo simplificado da estrutura do robô manipulador. Foi feita a escolha dos sensores, actuadores e do controlador com base nos requisitos funcionais. A programação foi desenvolvida numa linguagem normalizada. O modelo desenvolvido poderá servir de base para um projecto multidisciplinar entre vários departamentos do Instituto e dessa cooperação poderá surgir um novo projecto optimizado para produção e de menor custo.


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In the past few years the so-called gadgets like cellular phones, personal data assistants and digital cameras are more widespread even with less technological aware users. However, for several reasons, the factory-floor itself seems to be hermetic to this changes ... After the fieldbus revolution, the factory-floor has seen an increased use of more and more powerful programmable logic controllers and user interfaces but the way they are used remains almost the same. We believe that new user-computer interaction techniques including multimedia and augmented rcaliry combined with now affordable technologies like wearable computers and wireless networks can change the way the factory personal works together with the roachines and the information system on the factory-floor. This new age is already starting with innovative uses of communication networks on the factory-floor either using "standard" networks or enhancing industrial networks with multimedia and wireless capabilities.


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This paper develops an energy management system with integration of smart meters for electricity consumers in a smart grid context. The integration of two types of smart meters (SM) are developed: (i) consumer owned SM and (ii) distributor owned SM. The consumer owned SM runs over a wireless platform - ZigBee protocol and the distributor owned SM uses the wired environment - ModBus protocol. The SM are connected to a SCADA system (Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition) that supervises a network of Programmable Logic Controllers (PLC). The SCADA system/PLC network integrates different types of information coming from several technologies present in modern buildings. The developed control strategy implements a hierarchical cascade controller where inner loops are performed by local PLCs, and the outer loop is managed by a centralized SCADA system, which interacts with the entire local PLC network. In order to implement advanced controllers, a communication channel was developed to allow the communication between the SCADA system and the MATLAB software. (C) 2014 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/).


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Työn tavoite oli löytää malli, joka mahdollistaisi kaikkien tilaus- toimitusprosessin operatiivisten järjestelmien integroimisen keskenään siten, että niitä voidaan hyödyntää valmistuksen ohjaukseen. Vaneritehtaissa ei ole keskitettyä tietojärjestelmää, joten tavoiteasetanta edellytti vaneritehtaan tietoverkon rakentamiseen liittyvän ongelmakentän periaatteellista ratkaisua.Koska tilaus- toimitusprosessi, tuotantoa lukuunottamatta, oli kohdeyrityksessä katettu tietojärjestelmillä, loivat nämä jo olemassa olevat järjestelmät reunaehdot ratkaisulle myös tuotannon tietoverkon kehittämisessä. Työssä etsittiin ja kiinnitettiin avaimet, joilla tuote- sekä henkilötieto saadaan identifioitua keskenään integroiduissa järjestelmissä niin, että informaatioketju ei katkea siirryttäessä järjestelmästä toiseen.Työssä ratkaistiin tietoverkon liityntä tuotantolaitteisiin valvomotuotteen avulla. Liittymisratkaisuja esiteltiin neljä. Nämä mallit kattavat suurimman osan vaneritehtaassa eteen tulevista tapauksista. Näiden lisäksi päädyttiin suosittamaan erään mekaanisen metsäteollisuuden laitetoimittajan luomaa tiedonkeruu- ja tuotannonsuunnitteluohjelmistoa, joka valmiina ratkaisuna edesauttaa tietoverkon nopeaa implementointia.