948 resultados para professional language games


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The relation between theory and practice in social work has always been controversial. Recently, many have underlined how language is crucial in order to capture how knowledge is used in practice. This article introduces a language perspective to the issue, rooted in the ‘strong programme’ in the sociology of knowledge and in Wittgenstein’s late work. According to this perspective, the meaning of categories and concepts corresponds to the use that concrete actors make of them as a result of on-going negotiation processes in specific contexts. Meanings may vary dramatically across social groups moved by different interests and holding different cultures. Accordingly, we may reformulate the issue of theory and practice in terms of the connections between different language games and power relationship between segments of the professional community. In this view, the point is anyway to look at how theoretical language relates to practitioners’ broader frames, and how it is transformed while providing words for making sense of experience.


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The purpose of this study was to analyse pupils’ English grammar acquisition from competitive and cooperative approaches. After searching a wide range of authors’ contribution to English language learning, grammar acquisition, classroom environment and language games. A hundred and twenty pupils from three schools; two from Ripoll and one from Campdevànol were enrolled in a specific grammar games intervention. This was imparted in three different phases: first of all, I interviewed the three teachers from the three schools, then I put into practice my competitive and cooperative games which I designed especially for this study (all the sessions were carried, assessed and registered by myself); finally, all pupils answered a questionnaire related to their experiences in my grammar games intervention. Analysis of teaching interventions showed that, in terms of English language acquisition, pupils used different strategies to show up understanding and achieve the objective of the game such as: recalling their background knowledge, expressing sentences influenced by their internal language and their mother tongue. Data collected revealed that most difficulties were founded in team work, even more in competitive games. The results also showed that team work is something which has to be developed step by step in order to achieve language learning and all pupils’ active participation successfully.


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Abstract Professional language assessment is a new concept that has great potential to benefit Internationally Educated Professionals and the communities they serve. This thesis reports on a qualitative study that examined the responses of 16 Canadian English Language Benchmark Assessment for Nurses (CELBAN) test-takers on the topic of their perceptions of the CELBAN test-taking experience in Ontario in the winter of 2015. An Ontario organization involved in registering participants distributed an e-mail through their listserv. Thematic analyses of focus group and interview transcripts identified 7 themes from the data. These themes were used to inform conclusions to the following questions: (1) How do IENs characterize their assessment experience? (2) How do IENs describe the testing constructs measured by the CELBAN? (3) What, if any, potential sources of construct irrelevant variance (CIV) do the test-takers describe based on their assessment experience? (4) Do IENs feel that the CELBAN tasks provide a good reflection of the types of communicative tasks required of a nurse? Overall, participants reported positive experiences with the CELBAN as an assessment of their language skills, and noted some instances in which they felt some factors external to the assessment impacted their demonstration of their knowledge and skill. Lastly, some test-takers noted the challenge of completing the CELBAN where the types of communicative nursing tasks included in the assessment differed from nursing tasks typical of an IENs country or origin. The findings are discussed in relation to literature on high-stakes large-scale assessment and IEPs, and a set of recommendations are offered to future CELBAN administration. These recommendations include (1) the provision of a webpage listing all licensure requirements (2) monitoring of CELBAN location and dates in relation to the wider certification timeline for applicants (3) The provision of additional CELBAN preparatory materials (4) Minor changes to the CELBAN administrative protocols. Given that the CELBAN is a relatively new assessment format and its widespread use for high-stakes decisions (a component of nursing certification and licensure), research validating IEN-test-taker responses to construct representation and construct irrelevant variance is critical to our understanding of the role of competency testing for IENs.


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Universidade Estadual de Campinas . Faculdade de Educação Física


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This workshop aims at stimulating children’s oral language skills by involving them on playing and creating different language games or activities using the t-stories interface. The interface allows recording and playing audio on the stories’ modules, as well as recording and playing based on identification with NFC tags that can be used as sticker on objects, paper, or other materials and placed in different locations. After the presentation of t-stories by the workshop facilitators, children will have the opportunity to explore the interface on their own, then they will be asked to participate in different language games, whereby they actively create their own content. Afterwards children will be challenged to imagine and create activities for their peers.


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Dans ce mémoire, je me propose d’analyser la question des limites du langage; d’examiner la place et le rôle de l’indicible dans la philosophie de Wittgenstein. La notion d’indicible suppose un critère pour saisir les limites du langage. Dans le Tractatus, le critère nous est donné par la structure logique de l’image. Or, en laissant tomber cet accord de forme entre le langage et le monde, suggéré par la théorie picturale, l’indicible ne semble plus se montrer dans les écrits postérieurs au Tractatus. Du moins, avec la notion de « jeux de langage », le critère pour saisir les limites du langage n’est plus aussi clairement défini et les règles qui déterminent les usages légitimes du langage ne sont plus aussi strictes. Enfin, en concevant la signification comme « usage », la nature du langage est appréhendée comme le fait d’une forme de vie, et dans une perspective pragmatique, arrimée à une position minimaliste, une conception déflationniste de la vérité peut se développer, évitant ainsi la réification de faits superlatifs associés à l’indicible et à l’ineffabilité des critères sémantiques. Par conséquent, l’indicible et l’ineffable ne seraient plus associés avec une posture mystique à l’égard du réel, et le quiétisme philosophique de Wittgenstein, toujours inspiré par le nihilisme thérapeutique, demeure l’avenue privilégiée pour neutraliser le discours métaphysique et le contraindre définitivement au silence.


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Los hechos ocurridos durante el 11 de septiembre de 2001 se constituyeron como un momento fundamental en los intentos de conceptualización del terrorismo internacional dentro de la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales. A raíz del 9/11 tuvo lugar la resemantización del concepto de terrorismo internacional en función del terrorismo religioso y del fundamentalismo islámico. Lo anterior, marco una ruptura en el campo de experiencia y en el horizonte de expectativas del concepto mismo, pues este último adquirió un nuevo uso discursivo, y por ende, político. Por eso, ante la necesidad de emprender un análisis discursivo de los usos del concepto de terrorismo internacional, se evidencia cómo al estar inmersos en determinados juegos del lenguaje, el uso discursivo de este concepto termina por convertirse en una herramienta de acción política que promueve una forma de vida.


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The dialogue between philosopher Ludwig Wittgenstein s notions and Pierre Bourdieu s sociological concepts related to social practice of language shows that the philosophy of language has an important influence on contemporary social theory. When we compare the ideas of these authors we discover that beyond the direct influences from the philosopher that the sociologist recognizes there are great parallelisms of thought. That is, Wittgenstein s pragmatic thought of the use of language does not concern only language, but also every socially built behavior. When we notice that the social and linguistic behavior are borne by the individual in a tacit way, that leads us to theorize about the prereflective dimension that builds human actions and even the habits of thought. The same processes allow the uses of language to build wider social practices. Besides, John Austin, one of Wittgenstein s disciples, and his speech acts theory, contribute with a way to reflecting on how language ressembles a concrete action. Finally, the linguistc therapy that Wittgenstein means to be his philosophical proposal is assimilated by Bourdieu, who takes it as one of the necessary topics of the sociological work


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação - FFC


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Pós-graduação em Educação para a Ciência - FC


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo observar, compreender e descrever a produção de sentidos mediante as interações dos alunos entre si, e destes com o professor ao desenvolverem projetos de modelagem matemática. A investigação foi realizada em uma turma de 5ª série de uma Escola de Ensino Fundamental e Médio da Rede Federal de Ensino na cidade de Belém do Pará. A observação participante foi à técnica predominantemente utilizada para a coleta de dados, que foram registrados através do diário de campo, de vídeos-gravações das aulas e áudios capitados nos grupos de alunos, quando desenvolviam as atividades propostas, constituindo assim a metodologia adotada. Desse modo, a pesquisa, de cunho qualitativo, se caracterizou como pesquisa-participante. O referencial teórico que subsidiou a pesquisa foi composto, predominantemente pela filosofia da matemática de Ludwig Wittgenstein, que entende o jogo de linguagem como uma forma de vida, ressaltando que a aplicação de regras e seus sentidos fazem parte desse jogo; o conceito de resíduo de Gilles-Gaston Granger, que se refere aos significados que estão além do texto matemático formal, ou seja, os aspectos que escaparam da malhas da rede lingüística; o conceito da educação matemática crítica, que se refere aos aspectos políticos da educação matemática e que traz para o debate, questões ligadas ao tema poder, que refletem nas interações entre os sujeitos no ato cognoscitivo, estabelecendo padrões de comunicação; além dos autores que tratam da modelagem matemática no ensino. As análises apontam para possibilidades de produção de ambientes de aprendizagem apropriados para transitar um padrão de comunicação que desempenhe sua função primordial em situação de ensinoaprendizagem: a comunicação através da linguagem ou dos jogos de linguagem.


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Este trabalho busca compreender qual(ais) a possível(eis) forma(s) assumida(s) pelo “ver” de alunos do ensino médio e como ela(s) pode(m) influenciar em seu aprendizado sobre a Geometria. O referencial teórico que guia esta pesquisa são as ideias do filósofo Ludwig Wittgenstein que abrange concepções em torno do ver, dos jogos de linguagem, das formas de vida, de regras, contextos, etc. A pesquisa tem caráter qualitativo com uma parte composta de levantamento bibliográfico e outra de campo. A pesquisa revelou formas distintas de ver dos alunos, a saber: o “ver sinóptico” e o “ver como”, como também aponta que essas formas de ver influenciam de um modo ou de outro no aprendizado do objeto visto. E desta forma os modos de ver definem a interpretação em função do contexto em que está ocorrendo à aprendizagem da Geometria.