1000 resultados para produção extemporânea
Avaliou-se a produção extemporânea da videira, através de uma segunda poda anual, nas condições climáticas do sul de Minas Gerais. O experimento foi conduzido em vinhedo não-irrigado, da cultivar Syrah, clone 747 ENTAV-INRA, enxertada sobre o '3309 C' e conduzido no sistema de espaldeira, com espaçamento de 2,50 x 1,50 metros. A primeira poda de formação das plantas foi realizada em agosto de 2002, enquanto a poda de produção foi realizada no mês de janeiro, em ramos totalmente lignificados. O ciclo completo de produção foi de 164 dias e a precipitação pluviométrica acumulada neste período, de 480 mm, sendo que, nos últimos 15 dias que antecederam a colheita, não foi registrada nenhuma precipitação. Os valores do potencial hídrico de base permaneceram bastante baixos (valores absolutos) durante todo o ciclo, ao mesmo tempo que a transpiração das folhas e a assimilação do carbono se mantiveram em níveis elevados, caracterizando a ausência de estresse hídrico durante o ciclo de produção. A produção atingiu 8,45 t.ha-1 com 21,75º brix e 100 Meq.l-1 de acidez total na colheita, permitindo concluir que, nas condições de estudo, é possível a obtenção de um ciclo de outono para a videira com bons índices de produção sem o emprego da irrigação.
A fruticultura mineira vem crescendo e diversificando-se nos últimos anos. A amora-preta surge como opção desta diversificação, e o conhecimento do comportamento desta espécie, em Minas Gerais, se faz de suma importância. O objetivo deste trabalho foi o de avaliar a influência da poda de verão na produção extemporânea de variedades de amora-preta no Planalto de Poços de Caldas-MG. O trabalho foi realizado na Fazenda Experimental (FECD) da Epamig, em Caldas-MG. As análises foram realizadas na coleção de variedades mantidas na FECD. Foram avaliadas as seguintes características: período de colheita, peso médio de fruto, produção média por planta e por hectare de 7 variedades (Brazos, Comanche, Guarani, Tupy, Cherokee, Caingangue e Ébano) e uma seleção (97). Concluiu-se que a produção extemporânea, induzida pela poda de verão, influiu negativamente em todas as características avaliadas. Entre as variedades que mais produziram fora de época, Tupy (2,93 t/ha) e Comanche (3,26 t/ha) foram as que mais se destacaram.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Horticultura) - FCA
A ocorrência sistemática de dias chuvosos ou com alta nebulosidade e temperaturas ambientais elevadas prejudicam a maturação e a sanidade das uvas. Estudos recentes indicam que a alteração do ciclo de produção da videira através da poda possibilita colher uvas em épocas mais favoráveis à maturação, e com níveis de produção aceitáveis. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar o perfil analítico dos vinhos de Syrah de safras de verão e inverno dos anos 2005 e 2006 produzidos em Três Corações (MG). Os vinhos do inverno de 2005 apresentaram valores superiores de pH (3,91 × 3,59), polifenóis totais (49,2 × 32,5), intensidade de cor (10,75 × 5,68), antocianinas (121,48 × 41,09 mg.L-1 ), fenólicos totais (2,06 × 1,21 g.L-1), álcool (12,65 × 10,78% v/v) e aminas bioativas (10,36 × 4,46 mg.L-1) quando comparados aos de verão. Comportamento semelhante foi obtido na safra de 2006. Os vinhos de inverno apresentaram maior conteúdo de compostos fenólicos, o que indica maior qualidade e maior potencial de guarda. Entretanto, o cultivo em estação seca e o elevado pH do mosto contribuíram para um aumento no teor de aminas bioativas, cuja evolução deve ser controlada na vinificação para evitar riscos à saúde humana.
The production of ethyl esters by alcoholysis is an alternative for splitting triacylglycerols due to the possibility of using low temperatures, which results in oxidative protection of the polyunsaturated fatty acids. Ethyl esters produced under mild conditions of temperature could be used as substrate for obtaining structured lipids. The reaction parameters of production of ethyl esters from fish oil with high content of omega-3 fatty acids by alcoholysis were optimized using response surface methodology. An experimental design (2³) (with levels +1 and -1, six axial points with levels -alpha and +alpha and three central points) was applied. The variables investigated were concentration of catalyst, amount of ethyl alcohol and temperature. Ethyl ester conversion was monitored by high performance size exclusion chromatography (HPSEC) and the best result obtained was 95% conversion rate. The optimal conditions were 40 °C, 1% of NaOH and 36% of ethanol.
Isomaltulose, a functional isomer of sucrose, is a non-cariogenic reducing disaccharide; has a low glycemic index; selectively promotes growth of beneficial bifidobacteria in the human intestinal microflora; and has greater stability than sucrose in some foods and beverages. Isomaltulose is a nutritional sugar that is digested more slowly than sucrose, and has health advantages for diabetics and nondiabetics. Immobilization techniques, especially entrapment of the cells, are widely used for conversion of sucrose into isomaltulose. Immobilization offers advantages such as minimum downstream processing, continuous operation and reusability of cells. Isomaltulose is currently considered to be a promising sugar substitute.
Alginate microparticles were prepared by an emulsion method aiming oral controlled release of antigens to fish. The effects of emulsification temperature and impeller type on particle morphology, average diameter, and size distribution were evaluated. Microparticles contaning formalin-killed Flavobacterium columnare cells (a model antigen) were prepared and characterized regarding bacterial release and particle stability when exposed to Nile tilapia (Oreochromis niloticus) typical gastrointestinal conditions. This methodology allowed the production of microparticles containing up to 14.3 g/L of bacterin, stable at a pH range from 2.0 to 9.0 for 12 h and smaller than 35 μm.
Poorly soluble drugs have low bioavailability, representing a major challenge for the pharmaceutical industry. Processing drugs into the nanosized range changes their physical properties, and these are being used in pharmaceutics to develop innovative formulations known as Nanocrystals. Use of nanocrystals to overcome the problem of low bioavailability, and their production using different techniques such as microfluidization or high pressure homogenization, was reviewed in this paper. Examples of drugs, cosmetics and nutraceutical ingredients were also discussed. These technologies are well established in the pharmaceutical industry and are approved by the Food and Drug Administration.
In Brazil the adoption of several models of cattle confinement leads to special conditions for management methods in dairy production, which can be improved by the use of technology that assures better herd management. Indexes relating environmental variables to production are applied for the prediction of milk production. The values of temperature and relative humidity, rain index, solar radiation and pasture soil temperature are generally considered potential stress agents for cows. The objective of this research was to develop an index for predicting milk production for high productivity Jersey milking cows lodged in semi confinement in tropical conditions. The experiment considered two treatments: A - the cows waited for 30 minutes prior to milking in a room with a shower associated to a fan; B - the cows did not have access to this room (control). Other than the waiting period, the cows had access to pasture. Differences in the effect of average production were not statistically significant. The analysis for studying the effect of the variables and designing the model led to a statistical model relating the variables milk production and rain index, as well as the maximum soil temperature of pasture, and milk production.
Brazil is an important poultry meat export country, and large parts of its destination are countries with specific rearing restrictions related to broiler s welfare. One of the aerial pollutants mostly found in high concentrations in closed poultry housing environment is ammonia. There are evidences that broilers welfare may be compromised by the continuous exposition to this pollutant in rearing housing. This research aimed to estimate broilers welfare reared under specific thermal environmental attributes and bird s density, as function of the ammonia concentration and light intensity inside the housing environment using the Fuzzy Theory. Results showed that the best welfare value (0.89 in the scale: 0-1) approximately 90% of the ideal was found in the conditions that associated the ideal thermal environment, with bird s density between 13-15 birds m-2, with values of the ammonia concentration in the environment below 5 ppm, and light intensity near 1 lx. Using the predictive method it was possible to estimate broilers welfare with relation to the ammonia concentration and light intensity in the housing.
It was proposed to evaluate the hydroponic lettuce production, variety Vera, on inclined benches with channels of 100 mm, and Nutrient Film Technique, as answer to carbon dioxide application and evaporative cooling. There were five cycles of cultivation from March, 20th to April, 17th (C1); from May, 25th to June, 29th (C2); from July, 13th to August, 20th (C3); from August, 27th to October, 10th (C4); from December, 12th to January, 10th (C5). In three greenhouses were tested the following systems: (A1) without evaporative cooling air CO2 aerial injection, (A2) with CO2 aerial injection and without evaporative cooling and (A3) with CO2 aerial injection and pad-fan evaporative cooling system. The fresh and dry mass of leaves in grams, number of leaves and leaf area in square millimeter were evaluated. The completely randomized statistical analysis was used. The cycle C1 were used 48 replications, for cycles C2, C3 and C5 were used 64 replications and C5 were used 24 replications. The results showed that greenhouse with evaporative cooling system and CO2 allow better development and greater lettuce yield. It was possible to conclude that the aerial injection of CO2, in the absence of evaporative cooling system, did not lead increasing the lettuce productivity to most cycles. Bigger lettuce leaf areas were found in periods with higher temperatures.
The variation in the proportion of reproductive branches, fruit, and seed production of Ipomoea pes-caprae (L.) R. Br. (Convolvulaceae) were evaluated at ten beaches on Santa Catarina Island, state of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Three patches per beach of Ipomoea pes-caprae were monitored, involving two reproductive cycles. Ipomoea pes-caprae presented initially an average length of patches of 14 m, with 9.6 branches/m² and 39% of reproductive branches. The proportion of reproductive branches varied between the cycles, but there was not noticed an alternation of reproductive effort between the subsequent cycles. There was a reduction in the percentage of reproductive branches at six localities. In four beaches where Ipomoea pes-caprae populations declined, occurred reduction in the reproductive vigor, and in the seed production, being these declines associated to strong sea erosion. In another hand, in one beach with population increase, there were little reproductive branches due to the occurrence of young stolons. Four patches never maturated fruits, being three of these located at small beaches. The fruit and seed productions in the patches showed values up to 40 fruits/m² and up to 140 seeds/m², respectively. Populations with great seed production were localized in areas adjacent to great coastal plains, which may represent potential seed sources for areas with small seed production in the island.
We estimate litter production and leaf decomposition rate in a cerradão area, physiognomy little studied and very threatened in São Paulo State. During the period of study, litter production was 5646.9 kg.ha-1.year-1, which the 'leaf' fraction corresponded to 4081.2 kg.ha¹.year¹; the 'branch' fraction, to 1066.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; the 'reproductive structures' fraction, to 434.1 kg.ha-1.year-1; and the 'miscellaneous' fraction to 65.5 kg.ha-1.year-1. Litter production was highly seasonal and negatively correlated with relative humidity and air temperature. Leaf production was negatively correlated with relative humidity, rainfall, and air temperature. There was no significant difference between litter production found in this study and those in two other sites with cerradão and semideciduous forest, but these physiognomies differed significantly from the cerrado sensu stricto. Leaf decomposition rate (K) was 0.56. Half-life of the decomposing material was 1.8 years and turnover time was 2.3 years.