992 resultados para processos-crime


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O presente artigo discute as questões relacionadas às práticas das jovens das classes populares envolvidas nos crimes de sedução e rapto, delitos contra os costumes sociais, ocorridos na cidade de Assis nos anos de 1950 a 1969, bem como as representações lançadas pelos membros do Poder Judiciário sobre tais comportamentos. A maioria das vítimas destes delitos estava diretamente envolvida no mercado de trabalho e possuía um menor monitoramento de suas práticas sociais. Diante disto, os membros do Poder Judiciário, os quais preservavam as representações tradicionais sobre o feminino, repreendiam estes comportamentos e os consideravam desviantes da moral e dos bons costumes. Pertencentes a um grupo social específico, essas jovens foram vítimas não apenas dos crimes contra os costumes, mas também da discriminação de uma sociedade machista e conservadora.


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Este artigo traz uma análise preliminar de um processo-crime de motivação política estabelecido no contexto do embate pela “Revolução” em Londrina em 1964, o qual resultou em um rico corpus documental sobre os modos de compreensão daquela sociedade, em que, de parte a parte, representantes das instituições jurídico-policiais e indivíduos organizados em entidades tidas por subversivas confrontaram-se pela produção de um discurso que persuadisse sobre a verdade dos acontecimentos na defesa de uma sociedade democrática. A partir do momento em que foram recuperados como fontes, os conflitos pelo estabelecimento de uma “verdade” dos fatos nos processos-crime dizem respeito também ao processo de consolidação de uma memória histórica hegemônica sobre o regime militar. É nesse sentido que buscamos trazer novos elementos para uma discussão candente uma vez mais para a sociedade brasileira.


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Dissertação de mest., Portugal Islâmico e o Mediterrâneo, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Univ. do Algarve, 2012


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Study of the problems involved in the application of the right of refusal to testify (Article 134. º CPP) to criminal charges of domestic violence, namely in situations of violence between spouses. Drawing attention, to some of the contingencies of the exercise of the right of refusal in such proceedings, a matter never before examined under Portuguese law, and also to the need to reconsider, based on the North American experience, the application of the law in these cases.


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Women, subjectiveness, experimentations. This paper walks through gender, sexuality, body and subjectivity, bounding as the focus denaturalize the representations of womanlinessstaff and manliness and the modeled subjectivity by normative discusses that shows the transcendency based on multiplicities of experiences, wishes and life way wattled by men and women from the Caicó City s society in the decades from 1900 to 1945. For this, it was adopted a dialogic methodology inlcluding bibliographic and theorist references as well as sources like articles from Jornal das Moças (Lady s Journal); defloration s crime processes, abortion, infanticide and body lesions; iconographic sources and Caicó citizen memories in the period commented. Based on that sources, this work analyze the discursive construction of feminine through Justice and Jornal das Moças that paved by sanitarian, normalizing and moralizing discourses has spread clichés and stereotypes of womanlinessstaff and manliness, which has resulted by to universalize the experiences feminines in polarities and binary oppositions regarding to manliness, it has delineated them as asexual, irrational, anesthesiaed for pleasure and biologically meant to home activities modeling subjectivities that did not create ways for the singularization processes. This polarities, effects of sexual regulatory practices and gender legitimate the representations of courtship, maternity and honor, that although it has been incorporated not passivant on the building of the poor men and women subjectivity, it did not support itself in view of socio-cultural and economic reality of the poorest society side. Therefore, on this work emerge a plurality of women who has transited past the public sphere, who interlaced amorous informal relationships, who has kept relationships before the marriage, who hás established multiples familiar arrangements and helpful networks, who was single mothers without being considered dishonored women by social groups, who made matrimonial agreements without the rules of a formal civil marriage, who made use of beverageey to provoke the menstruation constituting multiples ways to experiment the life. This subjective feminine experimentations turned it possible to notice that representations concerning about the body, sexuality, date, maternity and honor of this women has constituted itself while molecularies and particulares . It was the affection not commented of the feminine sexuality that turned it possible to analyze the construction of singular subjectivities as a opened process, continuous, active, begetting new lands, life ways and wishes cartographies


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The theme of this work is the study of marginal territories of the Cidade do Príncipe, sketch in time than today is constituted as the city of Caicó/RN, with the time frame the years 1880 to 1900. Our goal is to investigate the construction of these territories from multiple speech subjects practitioners of the city. Thus, we propose to discover the mapping of the deviation in the city in question, as they were drawn, those who experienced and through which practices. Investigate the construction of these spaces from the speeches, and fill a historiographical gap, allows to find stories sharp, silenced or ignored, abortions and madness in prison, repressed passions and avenged. To meet these spaces the sources are diverse, such as the newspaper O Povo, the Codes of posture, the Reports of Presidents and Heads of Provincial Police and process-crime. Regarding the methodological aspects of research, we decided by discourse analysis, discourse here conceived not only as what is said about someone or something, but as a set of statements circulating at any given time in society, articulating speech, intentions, actions and thought. The city is then considered from their territories, imagined as a space configured in/by the relations power that the dispute, but also as a space for experiences multiple, different feelings, place and non-place, the discipline and mockery, of power and resistance.


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This research has as object of study the city of Caicó, Rio Grande do Norte State, between the middle part of the decade of 1920 and the beginning of 1930. It intended to perceive the projects thought to the city of Caicó as well as the challenges due to the new ideas of modernity that were circulating around the contemporary world. So it consists in an important historical exercise about the relation between history and space in to the extent that itself comes to surface a city deals by diverse angles whose perspectives can be read in several "fragments of memory", such as newspapers, trials-crime, reports, memories, books, etc., those show the tension between the traditional and the modern way of life one. In this way, it´s tried to transform the space, giving it a new reference, inspired in what occurs in the Brazilian big cities and around the world, through the use of the techniques, of the electricity, of the movies, of the press, cars, medicine and so on. At the same time in that is necessary-itself deal with the permanencies such as the old manners and the droughts and theirs "flagellated" people. Therefore, it is in this difficult phase that is tried legitimize the city of Caicó as the "Capital of the Seridó", in the threshold between the refusal and the seduction


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em História - FCLAS


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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Este artigo visa a apresentar algumas considerações acerca do uso dos arquivos da justiça criminal (processos-crime) e da documentação policial como fonte histórica. Apresentamos argumentos de alguns pesquisadores que se debruçaram sobre o tema, a partir de perspectivas teórico-metodológicas variadas. É também objetivo do presente trabalho analisar as idiossincrasias discursivas no momento da produção originária dos documentos judiciais, além de indicar algumas peculiaridades do uso dos documentos policiais.


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Esse planejamento visa propiciar condições para que a Secretaria da Comissão exerça suas atribuições com eficiência. A CSPCCO é uma Comissão Permanente, cujas atribuições e competências gerais estão previstas na Constituição Federal e no Regimento interno da Câmara dos Deputados. A Comissão permanece inclusive na ausência de membros ou nos recessos, períodos em que fica impedida de deliberar.


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O objetivo desta tese é investigar a forma como crimes femininos em contexto de relações amorosas eram pensados entre 1890 a 1940 no Rio de Janeiro. Para tanto, foram pesquisados processos criminais abertos para apurar delitos femininos contra companheiros amorosos ou contra rivais. Além destes documentos, foi investigada a produção científica sobre crime feminino, realizada por psiquiatras, neurologistas, médico-legistas e juristas, profissionais que publicavam em revistas vinculadas aos campos jurídico e médico-legal. Esse percurso foi feito a fim de apreender como, nas produções eruditas, profissionais ligados aos campos jurídico e médico-legal conectavam o debate sobre crime e sobre o feminino. Através da pesquisa documental chegou-se a conclusão que esses criminologistas sexualizavam os crimes, procurando construir suportes científicos capazes de atestar a hipótese de que homens e mulheres, por serem diferentes, produziriam delitos distintos. Por meio das pesquisas em processos criminais, foi apreendido que o universo jurídico, no período pesquisado, tendia a absolver os crimes femininos em contextos de relações amorosas, considerando-os modalidades de delitos pouco danosos à sociedade.