963 resultados para processo-s,MACS,n_TOF,AGB,C ,Docker,continuous integration


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In questa tesi mostreremo qual è l'impatto delle sezioni d'urto di cattura neutronica (n, γ) mediate con la distribuzione maxwelliana di energia (MACS), sull'evoluzione delle stelle giganti rosse. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo, è stata sviluppata una procedura automatizzata per calcolare le MACS, partendo da librerie di dati nucleari valutati. Le MACS così ottenute sono state inserite come parametri di input per il codice FUNS, il quale implementa modelli di evoluzione stellare. Vengono mostrati risultati circa le abbondanze isotopiche degli elementi sintetizzati nel processo-s ottenuti usando differenti librerie. Infine viene mostrato un esempio dell'impatto dei dati ottenuti all'esperimento n_TOF.


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Pós-graduação em Biotecnologia - IQ


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PURPOSE: To assess the feasibility and activity of radio-chemotherapy with mitomycin C (MMC) and cisplatin (CDDP) in locally advanced squamous cell anal carcinoma with reference to radiotherapy (RT) combined with MMC and fluorouracil (5-FU). PATIENTS AND METHODS: Patients with measurable disease >4 cmN0 or N+ received RT (36Gy+2 week gap+23.4Gy) with either MMC/CDDP or MMC/5-FU (MMC 10mg/m(2) d1 of each sequence; 5-FU 200mg/m(2)/day c.i.v. daily; CDDP 25mg/m(2) weekly). Forty patients/arm were needed to exclude a RECIST objective response rate (ORR), 8 weeks after treatment, of <75% (Fleming 1, alpha=10%, beta=10%). RESULTS: The ORR was 79.5% (31/39) (lower bound confidence interval [CI]: 68.8%) with MMC/5-FU versus 91.9% (34/ 37) (lower bound CI: 82.8%) with MMC/CDDP. In the MMC/5-FU group, two patients (5.1%) discontinued treatment due to toxicity versus 11 (29.7%) in the MMC/CDDP group. Nine grade 3 haematological events occurred with MMC/CDDP versus none with 5-FU/MMC. The rate of other toxicities did not differ. There was no toxic death. Thirty-one patients in the MMC/5-FU arm (79.5%) and 18 in the MMC/CDDP arm (48.6%) were fully compliant with the protocol treatment (p=0.005). CONCLUSIONS: Radio-chemotherapy with MMC/CDDP seems promising as only MMC/CDDP demonstrated enough activity (RECIST ORR >75%) to be tested further in phase III trials; MMC/5-FU did not. MMC/CDDP also had an overall acceptable toxicity profile.


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Software integration is a stage in a software development process to assemble separate components to produce a single product. It is important to manage the risks involved and being able to integrate smoothly, because software cannot be released without integrating it first. Furthermore, it has been shown that the integration and testing phase can make up 40 % of the overall project costs. These issues can be mitigated by using a software engineering practice called continuous integration. This thesis work presents how continuous integration is introduced to the author's employer organisation. This includes studying how the continuous integration process works and creating the technical basis to start using the process on future projects. The implemented system supports software written in C and C++ programming languages on Linux platform, but the general concepts can be applied to any programming language and platform by selecting the appropriate tools. The results demonstrate in detail what issues need to be solved when the process is acquired in a corporate environment. Additionally, they provide an implementation and process description suitable to the organisation. The results show that continuous integration can reduce the risks involved in a software process and increase the quality of the product as well.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Il processo di sviluppo di unâapplicazione comprende più fasi, ognuna strettamente correlata alle altre. Una delle fasi di questo processo è il rilascio del software, che consiste nel rendere disponibile agli utenti lâapplicazione caricandone lâeseguibile su un server, sul quale verrà poi eseguita. Per unâazienda di sviluppo software è particolarmente importante automatizzare e standardizzare il processo di rilascio del software, allo scopo di renderlo più veloce e di diminuire il tempo che intercorre fra una modifica e il momento in cui questa viene effettivamente resa disponibile per gli utenti, ottimizzando infine lâimpegno degli sviluppatori. La presente tesi descrive lâimplementazione di un sistema di Continuous Integration e Continuous Deliveliry scalabile su una software house con più di 900 dipendenti suddivisi in decine di team, ognuno dei quali ha in carico lo sviluppo di vari software. Le applicazioni realizzate dai team sono generalmente microservizi in esecuzione allâinterno di container su piattaforma Kubernetes. Sono state quindi valutate le varie alternative per la realizzazione di questo sistema, analizzandone pro e contro, scegliendo infine GitLab per la parte di Continuous Integration e ArgoCD per la parte di Continuous Deployment. Nei vari capitoli viene quindi analizzata lâinfrastruttura esistente e vengono illustrati i vantaggi e svantaggi delle varie soluzioni considerate. Per i due software selezionati viene invece descritto il lavoro svolto, con dettagli sul funzionamento del sistema e la configurazione necessaria per il corretto funzionamento dellâintero processo. La soluzione realizzata effettua build, test, code validation e deploy delle applicazioni seguendo un pattern GitOps, con un repository git contenente la configurazione attuale delle applicazioni, permettendo rollback in caso di problematiche e garantendo un alto livello di sicurezza attraverso il mantenimento dello storico della configurazione e della versione delle applicazioni.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Alimentos e Nutrição - FCFAR


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The need for renewal and a more efficient use of energy resources has provided an increased interest in studies of methane activation processes in the gas phase by transition metal oxides. In this respect, the present work is an effort to assess , by means of a computational standpoint, the reactivity of NbOm n+ and FeOm n+ (m = 1, 2, n = 0, 1, 2) oxides in the activation process of the methane C-H bond, which corresponds to the first rate limiting step in the process of converting methane to methanol. These oxides are chosen, primarily, because the iron oxides are the most experimentally studied, and iron ions are more abundant in biological mediums. The main motive for choosing niobium oxides is the abundance of natural reserves of this mineral in Brazil (98%), especially in Minas Gerais. Initially, a thorough investigation was conducted, using different theoretical methods, to analyze the structural and electronic properties of the investigated oxides. Based on these results, the most reliable methodology was selected to investigate the activation process of the methane C-H bond by the series of iron and niobium oxides, considering all possible reaction mechanisms known to activate the C-H bond of alkanes. It is worth noting that, up to this moment and to our knowledge, there are no papers, in literature , investigating and comparing all the mechanisms considered in this work. I n general, the main results obtained show different catalytic tendencies and behaviors throughout the series of monoxides and dioxides of iron and niobium. An important and common result found in the two studies is that the increase in the load on the metal center and the addition of oxygen atoms to the metal, clearly favor the initial thermodynamics of the reaction, i.e., favor the approach of the metal center to methane, distorting its electron cloud and, thereby, decreasing its inertia. Comparing the two sets of oxides, we conclude that the iron oxides are the most efficient in activating the methane C-H bond. Among the iron oxides investigated, FeO + showed better kinetic and thermodynamic performance in the reaction with methane, while from the niobium oxides and ions NbO 2+ and NbO2 2+, showed better catalytic efficiency in the activation of the methane C-H bond.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Na região norte do Brasil são encontradas grandes reservas minerais, as quais tem sido exploradas nas últimas décadas gerando normalmente grande volume de rejeito para o meio ambiente. No caso específico do caulim, o principal produto exportado é para cobertura de papel (commodity) que apresenta baixo valor agregado. Sua produção, também gera um rejeito volumoso composto essencialmente de caulinita, de elevada pureza, porem fora de especificação para cobertura de papel que é descartado e ou utilizado em outras aplicações menos nobre. Como as zeólitas são materiais mais nobres e apresentam na sua estrutura cristalina sílica e alumina este trabalho teve como um dos objetivos o desenvolvimento de processo de produção da zeólita analcima a partir de um rejeito de caulim menos nobre, diatomito e solução de hidróxido de sódio. Por outro lado, os métodos descritos na literatura para obtenção de zeólitas são desenvolvidos em meio alcalino e utilizam normalmente um excesso de hidróxido de sódio no meio reacional ocasionado problema econômico e ambiental. Assim este trabalho descreve o processo de síntese da zeólita analcima semi-contínuo, no qual o excesso de hidróxido utilizado foi recuperado e reutilizado em um novo ciclo de processo. O processo foi desenvolvido em cinco ciclos consecutivos em autoclave através da reação de caulim calcinado, diatomito como fonte de sílica adicional, solução aquosa de hidróxido de sódio fresco e solução de hidróxido de sódio reciclada. A reação do processo foi desenvolvida a 210 °C por 24 h. O produto obtido no final de cada ciclo foi a zeólita analcima caracterizada por fluorescência de raios X, difração de raios, análise termogravimétrica-térmica diferencial, e microscopia eletrônica de varredura. O processo de produção de analcima apresentou elevado rendimento e o reaproveitamento do hidróxido de sódio por meio de reciclo mostrou-se tecnicamente viável.


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The present study sought to identify which are the facilitators and restrictive in the creation and management of franchises from the point of view of process factors franchisees. For this, we first proposed to critically analyze its creation and management.The specific objectives of this work are: a) to understand in the light of the theory , the basic requirements for creating franchises b ) identify, from the literature review , facilitators and restrictive factors in the process of franchise management , c) develop a survey tool to critically analyze the processes of creating and managing a franchise from the point of view of the franchisee , and d ) to review the process of creating and managing franchises , from the perspective of four franchised food services in the municipalities of Ribeirão Preto and Sao Jose do Rio Preto - SP . A descriptive qualitative work, which found the most important features about the franchises, through a study of 4 franchises in the food industry of São Paulo was performed. To complete the survey was conducted a semi-structured interview, containing questions regarding the main elements of a business: creating, planning, organization, direction and control. It was found that franchising is a business model with controversies. There are people who deal well with the system and that through him realize dreams such as owning their own business. Others need to think many times before embarking in business since the entrepreneurship factor can be so intense that it hinders the acceptance of norms and duties to the system. This causes some factors such as communication, measurement of outcomes, implementation plan and among others are considered restrictive or facilitators in the process of strategy management of franchises


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Gas phase photoreforming of methanol using a Pt/TiO2 photocatalyst has been performed under flow conditions at elevated temperatures. Comparing the activity of the reforming process as a function of temperature under dark and irradiated conditions shows a significant enhancement in the rate of H2 production using the photo-assisted conditions at temperatures between 100-140 °C. At higher temperatures, the effect of irradiation is small with the process dominated by the thermal process. Deactivation of the catalyst was observed under irradiation but the catalyst was easily regenerated using an oxygen treatment at 120 °C. Diffuse Reflectance Infra-red Fourier Transform Spectroscopy (DRIFTS) showed that the activity of the catalyst could be correlated with the presence of the photogenerated trapped electrons. In addition, lower amounts of CO adsorbed on Pt, compared to those observed in the dark reaction, were found for the UV-irradiated systems. It is proposed that CO and adsorbed intermediates, such as formate, can act as inhibitors in the photoreforming process and this is further supported by the observation that, before and after the regeneration process in O2, the CO and surface adsorbed organic intermediate products are removed and the activity is recovered.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Biomédica


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Na presente disserta c~ao estudamos alguns exemplos cl assicos de processos estoc asticos e suas propriedades dando especial destaque ao movimento Browniano (ou processo de Wiener) e processos derivados deste. Analisamos uma aplica c~ao nos Seguros onde e proposta a modela c~ao das indemniza c~oes agregadas por um processo de difus~ao por saltos. Com base na transformada conjunta de Laplace da distribui c~ao do processo de difus~ao por saltos e o seu processo integrado, estimamos as indemniza c~oes agregadas acumuladas quando o montante das indemniza c~oes segue uma mistura de duas distribui c~oes exponenciais. Partindo de uma aplica c~ao num erica, comparamos os resultados dos valores m edios e da variabilidade das indemniza c~oes agregadas quando sujeitas a uma taxa de juros determin stica e uma taxa de juros estoc astica, e para diferentes valores dos par^ametros daquela mistura