983 resultados para process mapping
This presentation was offered as part of the CUNY Library Assessment Conference, Reinventing Libraries: Reinventing Assessment, held at the City University of New York in June 2014.
The objective of this article is to apply the Design of Experiments technique along with the Discrete Events Simulation technique in an automotive process. The benefits of the design of experiments in simulation include the possibility to improve the performance in the simulation process, avoiding trial and error to seek solutions. The methodology of the conjoint use of Design of Experiments and Computer Simulation is presented to assess the effects of the variables and its interactions involved in the process. In this paper, the efficacy of the use of process mapping and design of experiments on the phases of conception and analysis are confirmed.
After a first theoric introduction about Business Process Re-engineering (BPR), are considered in particular the possible options found in literature regarding the following three macro-elements: the methodologies, the modelling notations and the tools employed for process mapping. The theoric section is the base for the analysis of the same elements into the specific case of Rosetti Marino S.p.A., an EPC contractor, operating in the Oil&Gas industry. Rosetti Marino implemented a tool developped internally in order to satisfy its needs in the most suitable way possible and buit a Map of all business processes,navigable on the Company Intranet. Moreover it adopted a methodology based upon participation, interfunctional communication and sharing. The GIGA introduction is analysed from a structural, human resources, political and symbolic point of view.
A case study demonstrates the use of a process-based approach to change regarding the implementation of an information system for road traffic accident reporting in a UK police force. The supporting tools of process mapping and business process simulation are used in the change process and assist in communicating the current process design and people's roles in the overall performance of that design. The simulation model is also used to predict the performance of new designs incorporating the use of information technology. The approach is seen to have a number of advantages in the context of a public sector organisation. These include the ability for personnel to move from a traditional grouping of staff in occupational groups with relationships defined by reporting requirements to a view of their role in a process, which delivers a performance to a customer. By running the simulation through time it is also possible to gauge how changes at an operational level can lead to the meeting of strategic targets over time. Also the ability of simulation to proof new designs was seen as particularly important in a government agency were past failures of information technology investments had contributed to a more risk averse approach to their implementation. © 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This paper explores the concept of Value Stream Analysis and Mapping (VSA/M) as applied to Product Development (PD) efforts. Value Stream Analysis and Mapping is a method of business process improvement. The application of VSA/M began in the manufacturing community. PD efforts provide a different setting for the use of VSA/M. Site visits were made to nine major U.S. aerospace organizations. Interviews, discussions, and participatory events were used to gather data on (1) the sophistication of the tools used in PD process improvement efforts, (2) the lean context of the use of the tools, and (3) success of the efforts. It was found that all three factors were strongly correlated, suggesting success depends on both good tools and lean context. Finally, a general VSA/M method for PD activities is proposed. The method uses modified process mapping tools to analyze and improve process.
This paper explores the concept of Value Stream Analysis and Mapping (VSA/M) as applied to Product Development (PD) efforts. Value Stream Analysis and Mapping is a method of business process improvement. The application of VSA/M began in the manufacturing community. PD efforts provide a different setting for the use of VSA/M. Site visits were made to nine major U.S. aerospace organizations. Interviews, discussions, and participatory events were used to gather data on (1) the sophistication of the tools used in PD process improvement efforts, (2) the lean context of the use of the tools, and (3) success of the efforts. It was found that all three factors were strongly correlated, suggesting success depends on both good tools and lean context. Finally, a general VSA/M method for PD activities is proposed. The method uses modified process mapping tools to analyze and improve process.
The objective of this article is to apply the Design of experiments technique along with the Discrete Events Simulation technique in an automotive process. The benefits of the design of experiments in simulation include the possibility to improve the performance in the simulation process, avoiding trial and error to seek solutions. The methodology of the conjoint use of Design of Experiments and Computer Simulation is presented to assess the effects of the variables and its interactions involved in the process. In this paper, the efficacy of the use of process mapping and design of experiments on the phases of conception and analysis are confirmed. © 2007 IEEE.
The quality concepts represent one of the important factors for the success of organizations and among these concepts the stabilization of the production process contributes to the improvement, waste reduction and increased competitiveness. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate the production process of solid wood flooring on its predictability and capacity, based on its critical points. Therefore, the research was divided into three stages. The first one was the process mapping of the company and the elaboration of flowcharts for the activities. The second one was the identification and the evaluation of the critical points using FMEA (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) adapted methodology. The third one was the evaluation of the critical points applying the statistical process control and the determination of the process capability for the C-pk index. The results showed the existence of six processes, two of them are critical. In those two ones, fifteen points were considered critical and two of them, related with the dimension of the pieces and defects caused by sandpaper, were selected for evaluation. The productive process of the company is unstable and not capable to produce wood flooring according to the specifications and, therefore these specifications should be reevaluated.
This paper argues the use of reusable simulation templates as a tool that can help to predict the effect of e-business introduction on business processes. First, a set of requirements for e-business modelling is introduced and modelling options described. Traditional business process mapping techniques are examined as a way of identifying potential changes. Whilst paper-based process mapping may not highlight significant differences between traditional and e-business processes, simulation does allow the real effects of e-business to be identified. Simulation has the advantage of capturing the dynamic characteristics of the process, thus reflecting more accurately the changes in behaviour. This paper shows the value of using generic process maps as a starting point for collecting the data that is needed to build the simulation and proposes the use of reusable templates/components for the speedier building of e-business simulation models.
A structured approach to process improvement is described in the context of the human resources division of a UK police force. The approach combines a number of established techniques of process improvement such as the balanced scorecard and process mapping with a scoring system developed to prioritise processes for improvement. The methodology described presents one way of ensuring the correct processes are identified and redesigned at an operational level in such a way as to support the organisation's strategic aims. In addition, a performance measurement system is utilised to attempt to ensure that the changes implemented do actually achieve the desired effect over time. The case demonstrates the need to choose and in some cases develop in-house tools and techniques dependent on the context of the process improvement effort.
Trabalho de Projeto
A indústria de semicondutores é um sector em permanente evolução tecnológica. A tendência de miniaturização e de otimização do espaço, a necessidade de produzir circuitos cada vez mais complexos, a tendência para o incremento do número de camadas em cada circuito integrado, são as condições necessárias para que a evolução tecnológica nesta área seja uma constante. Os processos ligados à produção de semicondutores estão também em permanente evolução, dada a pressão efetuada pelas necessidades acima expostas. Os equipamentos necessitam de uma crescente precisão, a qual tem que ser acompanhada de procedimentos rigorosos para que a qualidade atingida tenha sempre o patamar desejado. No entanto, a constante evolução nem sempre permite um adequado levantamento de todas as causas que estão na origem de alguns problemas detetados na fabricação de semicondutores. Este trabalho teve por objetivo efetuar um levantamento dos processos ligados ao fabrico de semicondutores a partir de uma pastilha de silício (wafer) previamente realizada, identificando para cada processo os possíveis defeitos introduzidos pelo mesmo, procurando inventariar as causas possíveis que possam estar na origem desse defeito e realizar procedimentos que permitam criar regras e procedimentos perfeitamente estabelecidos que permitam aprender com os erros e evitar que os mesmos problemas se possam vir a repetir em situações análogas em outros produtos de uma mesma família.
A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado de Engenharia e Gestão Industrial da Escola Superior de Estudos Industriais e de Gestão, de Vila do Conde. O projeto desenvolvido tem como tema principal a Otimização de processos de Logística in-house baseado num projeto, em contexto empresarial da empresa cliente, Continental Mabor S.A., da Rangel Distribuição e Logística, S.A. Este projeto tem como objetivo a “aglomeração” de dois armazéns do cliente, devido à necessidade de ocupação do armazém de produto acabado interno, para aumento da área de produção. Inicialmente foi feita uma revisão de literatura sobre os temas mais relevantes de suporte para o projeto, nomeadamente na otimização e melhoria contínua. Seguidamente é apresentado o Grupo Rangel, bem como a Rangel Distribuição e Logística, S.A., onde se enquadra o projeto e para se perceber o enquadramento e objetivo. A metodologia usada, caso de estudo, permitiu a aplicação de conceitos e ferramentas usados na literatura neste contexto, como ferramentas de otimização e melhoria continua como as melhores práticas de Kaizen-Lean. Na fase de diagnóstico do atual sistema, foi realizado um mapeamento de fluxo de processos e uma descrição detalhada do layout dos dois armazéns: Armazém de Produto Acabado (APA) e Armazém de Produto Acabado Externo (APAE), bem como todos os recursos, quer técnicos quer humanos necessários. Verificamos ao longo deste projeto várias limitações, inclusive limitações impostas pelo cliente, tal como não aprovar um estudo para um novo layout do armazém. Foi aprovado apenas a replicação do já existente. Com isto, depararam-se constrangimentos na gestão deste projeto. Os custos aumentaram significativamente, embora estes não sejam apresentados por questões de confidencialidade, principalmente com a necessidade de aquisição de novos equipamentos retráteis, e mais baterias para os mesmos, devido às grandes distâncias que irão ser percorridas. Finalmente foi projetado o sistema futuro, de acordo com as necessidades reais do cliente tendo em consideração a otimização de recursos e uma gestão magra (Lean Management). Foi desenvolvida a implementação da metodologia “Kaizen diário”, a dar início em 2016 juntamente com o novo projeto APAE. Com esta projeção foram identificados problemas e implicações no projeto, bem como possíveis melhorias.
This project aims to prepare Worten Empresas (WE) fulfilling the increasing market demand through process changings, focusing on the Portuguese market, particularly on internal B2B clients1. Several methods were used to measure the current service level provided - process mapping, resources assessment, benchmark and a survey. The results were then used to compare against service level actually desired by WE’s customer, and then to identify the performance gaps in response times and quality of the follow-up during the sales process. To bridge the identified gaps, both a set of recommendations and an implementation plan were suggested to improve and monitor customer experience. This study concluded that it is possible to fulfill the increasing level of demand and at the same time improve customer satisfaction by implementing changes at the operations level.