929 resultados para private security military company


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Fijian bodies have become a valuable commodity in the economy of war. Remittances from workers overseas are Fiji’s largest income – exceeding that of tourism and sugar export. This essay examines historical and contemporary representations of the black male body that perpetuate the exploitation of Fijians by inscribing the Fijian male body as warrior, criminal and protector. Taking a multidisciplinary approach informed by sociology, cultural theory, Pacific studies, visual culture, feminist and post-colonial theory, my practice is the vehicle through which I address issues of neocolonial commodification of Fijian bodies. Through an analysis of my own staged photographs and vernacular images taken by Fijians working for private security military companies and British and US armies, I hope to challenge audiences to consider their own perceptions of Fijian agency and subjectivity. By theorising the politicisation of the black body and interrogating colonial representations of blackness, I argue that we can begin to create links between the historical and contemporary exploitation of Fijians and that at the essence of both is an underlying racial hierarchy and economic requirement for cheap and, arguably, expendable labour.


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Mixed-media, Fijian barkcloth (masi), screenprint, digital photographic prints, Fijian wooden comb all exhibited in the exhibition Meleponi Pasifika.


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The aim of this special issue is to widen the existing debates on security privatization by looking at how and why an increasing number of private actors beyond private military and/or security companies (PMSCs) have come to perform various security related functions. While PMSCs produce security for profit, most other private sector actors make profit by selling goods and services that were originally not connected with security in the traditional understanding of the term. However, due to the continuous introduction of new legal and technical regulations by public authorities, many non- security related private businesses nowadays have to perform at least some security functions. Little research, however, has been done thus far, both in terms of security practices of non- security related private businesses and their impact on security governance. This introduction explains how this special issue contributes to closing this glaring gap by 1) extending the conceptual and theoretical arguments in the existing body of literature; and 2) offering a range of original case studies on the specific roles of non- security related private companies of all sizes, areas of businesses, and geographic origin.


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Due to the poor reputation of the private security industry and the multiple lines of concerns raised by scholars over the potentially corrosive costs of commercial security provision, it is important to consider whether for-profit companies are a welcome addition to the network of actors who respond to the needs of domestic violence victims. Using the case study of ‘Protective Services’ in Victoria, Australia, who appear to be one of the first known instances of a private security company offering services to victims of domestic violence, we argue that there may be advantages for victims engaging with commercial providers and reasons for optimism that commercial outfits can improve feelings of safety for a particularly vulnerable and underprotected population.


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The study purpose was to analyze the effects Integrated Health Solutions (IHS), an employee wellness program that has been implemented for one year on the corporate campus of a major private sector petrochemical company in Houston, TX, has on employee health. ^ Chronic diseases are the leading causes of morbidity and mortality in the United States and are the most preventable of all health problems. The costs of chronic diseases in the working-age adult population include not only health problems and a decrease in quality of life, but also an increase the cost of health care and costs to businesses and employers, both directly and indirectly. These emerging costs to employers as well as the fact that adults now spend the majority of waking hours at the office have increased the interest in worksite health promotion programs that address many of the behavioral factors that lead to chronic conditions. Therefore, implementing and evaluating programs that are aimed at promoting health and decreasing the prevalence of chronic diseases at worksites is very important. ^ Data came from existing data that were collected by IHS staff during employee biometric screenings at the company in 2010 and 2011. Data from employees who participated in screenings in both 2010 and 2011 were grouped into a cohort by IHS staff. ^ One-tailed t-tests were conducted to determine if there were significant improvements in the biometric measures of body fat percentage, BMI, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressures, total, HDL, and LDL cholesterol levels, triglycerides, blood glucose levels, and cardiac risk ratios. Sensitivity analysis was conducted to determine if there were differences in program outcomes when stratified by age, gender, job type, and time between screenings. ^ Mean differences for the variables from 2010 to 2011 were small and not always in the desired direction for health improvement indicators. Through conducting t-tests, it was found that there were significant improvements in HDL, cardiac risk ratio, and glucose levels. There were significant increases in cholesterol, LDL, and diastolic blood pressures. For the IHS program, it appears that gender, job type, and time between screenings were possible modifiers of program effectiveness. When program outcome measures were stratified by these factors, results suggest that corporate employees had better outcomes than field employees, males had better outcomes overall than females, and more positive program effects were seen for employees with less time between their two screenings. ^ Recommendations for the program based on the results include ensuring validity of instruments and initial and periodic training of measurement procedures and equipment handling, using normative data or benchmarks to decrease chances for biased estimates of program effectiveness, measuring behaviors as well as biometric and physiologic statuses and changes, and collecting level of engagement data.^


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Prepared by the research analysts of the United States Army Library at the request of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations and Plans, United States Army.


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Streetcars. On verso: Train and Military Company from Nov. 1895 MichStoner, Claude Thomas, 1899-1977igan Central Magazine, "Headlight"


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La guerra de Irak llevada a cabo en el 2003 por los EEUU, puso en evidencia un particular escenario de guerra de tipo asimétrica, en la cual se expuso mediáticamente el papel de las Firmas Militares Privadas de Seguridad, como actores clave en términos estratégicos para el desarrollo de estos conflictos. Es así como surge el interés por analizar en esta monografía las causas que argumentaron el uso de Firmas Militares Privadas durante la intervención militar en Irak del 2003, con el fin de brindar una óptica que articule diferentes posturas conceptuales, para entender la decisión estratégica de los EEUU en el contexto de una guerra que tomó más tiempo de lo estimado y que resaltó el papel de estas compañías.


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In Kurunavanua (the trembling of the earth) Bolatagici investigates representations of Pacific Island masculinity, Fiji and the economy of war. Her ongoing research is concerned with neo-colonial encounters between the US, Australia, Britain and Pacific Island nations. This exhibition is informed by research into the exploitation of the Pacific by comparing the participation of Fijian soldiers in the nuclear tests at Christmas Island in the 1950s to the current recruitment of Fijians to work for Private Security Military Companies in the Middle East.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Relatório de Estágio Curricular apresentado ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Logística Orientado pelo Doutor Júlio Faceira Guedes Coorientado pelo Engenheiro Ricardo Costa Moreira


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El presente trabajo, intenta contribuir a aclarar el potencial que representa un sistema de gestión por competencias para las organizaciones que se dedican a la vigilancia y seguridad privada en lo que se refiere al personal que impacta directamente al cliente desde la gerencia de riesgos, para una eventual implantación y posterior aplicación en las políticas talento humano desde una perspectiva estratégica. Con este objetivo, se abordan, en primer lugar, diversos aspectos útiles a conocer para una cabal comprensión de cómo se caracteriza el sector de la seguridad privada, un conocimiento de la Organización en donde se desarrolló este estudio de caso y el enfoque de competencias y su terminología, en todas sus dimensiones. Esto significa, a grandes rasgos, una aproximación a la metodología para mantener candidatos aptos que desempeñen estos cargos de las organizaciones dedicadas a la gestión de riesgos. Después, se tratarán las competencias desde la perspectiva organizacional, esto es, desde su gestión; abordando distintos aspectos generales útiles a saber previo a una decisión de implantación de la metodología descrita. Luego, se ofrece una visión generalizada acerca de los procesos de implantación, culminando, con la metodología propuesta para un sistema de gestión por competencias siguiendo un enfoque conductista.


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Las Empresas Militares y de Seguridad Privada (EMSP) se han caracterizado por prestar diferentes tipos de servicios en distintos escenarios internacionales y nacionales. Asimismo, por ofrecer una amplia gama de actividades que han sido útiles para quienes solicitan de ellas. En el caso especifico de la Guerra en Irak fue relevante debido a que el gobierno decidió contratar varias compañías que además de contar con cientos de empleados, llevaron a cabo funciones que antes habían sido efectuadas únicamente por las fuerzas militares o por empleados oficiales del gobierno estadounidense. De esta forma, por medio del presente estudio de caso se buscan analizar las tareas que fueron asignadas, dar a conocer datos referentes al número de contratistas en Irak, el valor de algunos contratos, las funciones que fueron cedidas a estas compañías, como también ver de qué modo afectó positiva o negativamente al gobierno de los Estados Unidos. No obstante, el estudio del caso de Irak dio la posibilidad de indagar acerca del cómo los Estados podrían utilizar de mejor forma los servicios de las EMSP sin perder el control o crear dependencia de estas.