968 resultados para private business


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Mode of access: Internet.


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The aim of this study is to assess the current and future preconditions for conducting private business in municipal service systems for home care in Lahti and Hyvinkää in Finland, and in Uppsala and Huddinge in Sweden. This study also aims to assess the implications of quality related issues on the preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems in question. The theories and the research methodologies of the study are based on the Business Model Generation and the Business Model Canvas -concepts. Also a couple of frameworks on implications of quality are applied and integrated into the study. The study is completed as a case study – with structured and identical approaches for all four municipalities. The analyses and assessments of the study are primarily qualitative, but supported by simple quantitative methodologies. The data of the study consists primarily of publicly available information, and secondarily of answers provided by the case-municipalities to multiple choice questions. The results of the study show that the service systems for home care among the case-municipalities are, from perspective of private companies, diverse with local characteristics. Both the premises for conducting private business and the quality-issues are in many respects different in the Finnish and the Swedish case-municipalities. This is partly due to differences in the national service systems; the service voucher system versus the system of choice. Still, it appears that the current preconditions for conducting private business in the service systems for home care, including the implications of quality, would be more favorable in Uppsala and Huddinge than in Lahti and Hyvinkää. On the other hand, the service systems are subject to changes, and the most positive and significant development is here forecasted for a Finnish case-municipality (Lahti). Communication of quality is clearly more advanced in the Swedish case-municipalities. The results of this study can be utilized in several ways, for instance by private companies interested in entering into service systems for home care, either in some of the case-municipalities, or in some other Finnish or Swedish municipalities. Also municipalities can apply the analyses of the study when designing, developing or evaluating their own service systems for home care.


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The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network was established throughout the state to provide business management, counseling and training, assistance in entering international markets, information on competing for the state and federal contracts, developing technology related products and providing a supportive environment for new, startup businesses. This network consists of Small Business Development Centers, Procurement Technical Assistance Centers, International Trade/NAFTA Centers, Small Business Incubators and of course Entrepreneurship Centers. Assistance is provided in the areas of preparing business and marketing plans, securing capital, improving business skills, accessing international trade opportunities and addressing other business management needs. DCEO also has programs targeted to assist minority and women-owned business concerns. The Illinois Entrepreneurship Network is a collaborative arrangement among DCEO, the US Small Business Administration, the US Department of Defense, colleges and universities and private business organizations. Pursuant to the Business Assistance and Regulatory Reform Act, the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity (DCEO) created the IEN Business Information Center of Illinois (the Center). The goal of the Center is to enhance the state's business climate by making it easier for businesses to comply with government requirements and gain access to the information they need to be competitive. Whether a startup or existing business, this handbook will inform you of various legal requirements and guide you to additional resources.


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Tese de Doutoramento em Tecnologias e Sistemas de Informação


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Tämän pro gradu -tutkielman tavoitteena on selvittää, millainen prosessi on yksityisliikkeen muuttaminen osakeyhtiöksi. Tutkielmassa tarkastellaan yksityisliikettä ja osakeyhtiötä sekä niiden välistä yritysmuodonmuutosta yhtiö- ja vero-oikeudellisen normiston ja case-yrityksen tilinpäätösma-teriaalin perusteella. Tutkielmassa hyödynnetään kvalitatiivisia tutkimusmenetelmiä ja case-tutkimusta. Tutkielman teoriaosa luo pohjan empiiriselle osalle, jossa case-yrityksen tilinpäätöstietojen perusteella tehdään esimerkkiverolaskelmia. Tutkimuksen tulokset osoittavat, että mitään yleispätevää tilannekatsausta sellaisesta yksityisliikkeestä, jonka jatkossa pitäisi toimia osakeyhtiönä, ei ole. Yritysmuodon muuttamispäätökseen vaikuttaa usein verotukselliset tekijät tai syy voi olla hyvinkin tapauskohtainen. Tutkimuksessa kuitenkin nousi esille muutamia syitä toimintamuodonmuuttamispäätökselle kuten osakeyhtiön verotukselliset edut sekä yrittäjän mahdollisuudet tehdä erilaisia toimia osakeyhtiön kanssa. Yksityisliikettä voidaan pitää verotuksellisesti kannattava, kun ansiotulosta syntyvä kokonaisvero on yhteisöverokannan 26 prosenttia suuruinen tai sen alle. Varsinainen yhtiömuodonmuutos tapahtuu yksinkertaisesti niin, että perustetaan osakeyhtiö, jonne yksityisliikkeen omaisuus siirretäänapporttina.


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Tutkielman tarkoituksena on selvittää, mitkä ovat keskeisimmät syyt, jotka johtavat halukkuuteen muuttaa yhtiömuotoa ja miten yhtiömuodon muutos vaikuttaa yhtiön verotukselliseen asemaan ja hallinnointiin. Tutkimus syventyy toiminimen muuttamiseen osakeyhtiöksi näiden kahden yhtiömuodon myös ollessa yleisimmät muodot harjoittaa yritystoimintaa.


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Debe propugnarse por la existencia de un equilibrio entre la libertad contractual y viabilidad financiera de la industria aseguradora, y los derechos humanos de las personas viviendo con el VIH/SIDA, entre estos se debe encontrar la posibilidad de acceder a seguros de salud y vida. Los aseguradores deben colaborar, junto con el resto de estamentos de la sociedad, en la activa prevención de la pandemia, con base en un principio de solidaridad e interés general, pero también como parte de una estrategia acorde con su actividad.


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El intercambio de capitales es esencial en la economía actual, al ser un factor de producción básico que se requiere para poder encarar la producción creciente que demanda un consumo también acrecentado. Los mercados financieros constituyen el lugar en el cual se lleva a cabo el intercambio de capitales. Los euromercados son una clase de estos mercados financieros, dentro de los cuales se realizan una serie de transacciones de financiamiento. Los préstamos otorgados en el marco de los euromercados (denominados europréstamos) se convirtieron en el instrumento más importante de financiamiento para Estados y empresarios privados, no obstante, a raíz de la crisis de la deuda, las condiciones en que se otorgaban los eurocréditos se tornaron restringidas y, por ello, su concesión decreció, lo que produjo una transición desde la intermediación financiera a la desintermediación.


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Pós-graduação em Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento (Biotecnologia Médica) - FMB


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Kristina Petkova (Group Leader), Tzocho Boyadgiev, Galin Gornev, Ivan Tcholakov (Bulgaria), Martin Bauer (Switzerland). Scientific Institutions in a Society of Transition: Strategies of Modernisation. Ms. Petkova is involved in teaching and research in the Institute of Sociology of the Bulgarian Academy of Science and led this project, which was carried out between July 1995 and June 1997. The aims of this project were a) to outline the main adaptive strategies of scientific institutions in a situation of social transition, and b) to analyse the opportunities for mobilising public opinion in support scientific work. The group began from the assumption that the social representation of science reflects the historical development of society as a whole. They developed a theoretical model describing the position of science in the three main types of society in the world today (modern, post-modern, totalitarian) and carried out three types of investigation: a representative survey of the public understanding of scientific institutions in Bulgaria; an in-depth cross-national investigation (Bulgarian - Great Britain); and a content analysis of how science is represented in two national newspapers, the "Rabotnichesko Delo" and the "Daily Telegraph". The results showed that Bulgarian public opinion has a more standard view of science and a more optimistic vision of scientific development than do the British, but that there is a certain insensitivity to the risks of scientific results, etc. The group conclude that in order to survive, scientific institutions in Bulgaria should change their passive attitude and adopt active strategies in both their relationships with the state, and in their contacts with private business and with the institutions of civil society.


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El objetivo de la presente investigación es analizar el proceso de implantación de la nueva gobernanza dirigido por diferentes actores, en contextos rurales de Chiapas, México, que permita generar aportes conceptuales y propuestas de acción pública para su gestión. En la presente investigación se desarrollaron tres estudios de caso con un enfoque comparativo. Cada caso tuvo un actor diferente que dinamizó el proceso, en el primero fue el privado empresarial, en el segundo la sociedad civil y en el tercero el gobierno local. Lo registrado en la presente investigación señala que la nueva gobernanza no se acota a lo definido por organismos externos al territorio y tampoco se arriba a través de una sola ruta, se estructura fundamentalmente por lo que los mismos actores locales trabajen mediante un proceso de aprendizaje social en su definición y proceso de cambio según sus elementos socio-culturales. La nueva gobernanza dirigida por la sociedad civil es quien tuvo los mejores resultados respecto a los casos guiados por la iniciativa privada y el gobierno local. Sin embargo, es este último actor quien tiene las mayores posibilidades de detonar los procesos de nueva gobernanza en la mayoría de los contextos territoriales para dar paso a la sociedad civil o la iniciativa privada que posibiliten la sostenibilidad de los procesos en el largo plazo. The purpose of the current research is to analyze the new governance implantation process directed by different actors, in the rural contexts of Chiapas, México which will permit to generate conceptual contributions and public action proposals for its management. In the current research three case studies were developed each one based on comparative focus. Each case had a different actor which put into effect such process. In the first case it was private business, in the second the civilian society and in the third the local government. The information that was registered in the current research points out that the new governance do not encloses to elements defined by those organisms which are external to the territory and neither arrives through a single pathway; it is fundamentally structured and for this reason the same local actors work through a social learning process in its definition and change process in accordance to the socio-cultural elements. The new governance which is directed by the civilian society is the one that had the best results regarding the cases that were guided by the private sector and the local government. Nevertheless, this last actor is the one who had the best chances to trigger the new governance processes in most of the territorial contexts yielding the civilian society or private business to enable the long term processes sustainability.


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Esse trabalho teve como objetivo contribuir para o debate sobre a importância das políticas de incentivo à inovação no Brasil. Os resultados esperados do uso que as empresas fizeram dos diferentes tipos de instrumentos sobre os gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento (P&D) foram avaliados pelo método de diferenças em diferenças. O método permitiu obter as diferenças de gastos entre empresas beneficiárias de instrumentos e as não-beneficiárias em três períodos consecutivos: 2005 em relação à 2003; 2008 em relação à 2005 e de 2011 em relação à 2008. Ao fazer isso, foi possível identificar se tais diferenças foram positivas e significativas, podendo ser atribuídas às influências dos instrumentos. Os instrumentos utilizados foram: incentivos fiscais, Lei de Informática, financiamentos em parcerias, financiamentos sem parcerias e subvenção. E a utilização dos mesmos pelas empresas teve maior relevância no âmbito de diversos programas de apoio à inovação vigentes no país a partir da retomada das políticas industriais e tecnológicas, nos anos 2000. O estudo concluiu que os efeitos positivos e significativos são limitados à determinados grupos tecnológicos e à poucos instrumentos, em geral, de caráter fiscal. Além disso, esses efeitos positivos surgem em apenas um período, sendo que para cada grupo tecnológico foram efetuadas estimativas para três períodos. Também não houve evidências de que os instrumentos financeiros exerçam efeitos significativos sobre as decisões de gastos em pesquisa e desenvolvimento, apesar da maior ênfase dada aos mesmos no período estudado. Os resultados sugerem fraca influência dos mecanismos de apoio à P&D no Brasil sobre o aumento dos gastos privados, apesar dos avanços recentes.


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Title varies slightly.


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Können offene Gesellschaften, die über eine bestimmte Staatsideologie nicht verfügen, sondern unterschiedliche Interessen organisieren, Ziele für ein öffentliches Bildungssystem überhaupt begründen? Nachdem die fraglose Eingliederung des Bildungswesens in die Staatsverwaltung nicht mehr legitim erscheint und nachdem sich eine Organisation nach dem Demokratieprinzip als fragwürdig erwiesen hat, ist zunehmend von vertraglichen Regelungen auch im Bildungswesen die Rede, von Marktmechanismen oder korporativistischen Prinzipien. Privatisierung ist dafür das falsche Stichwort, es scheint eher um die vertragliche Organisation öffentlichen Handelns zu gehen. Die neuere bildungspolitische Entwicklung geht in diese Richtung: De-Institutionalisierung, Effizienzerwartung, Multikulturalität, Wahlfreiheit, Beteiligung. (DIPF/Orig.)