942 resultados para prescription medicines


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The study examines customers’ perceptions of purchasing prescription medicine from online pharmacies. The main purpose is to find determinants affecting the adoption of online pharmacies, and to consider the role of usability in the adoption process. The theoretical part of the paper provides the overlook on adoption constructs and their relations. In addition, usability factors used in prior studies are presented, as well as how they have been connected to IS adoption research. The specialties of Finnish pharmacy business and the requirements set to online pharmacies are also discussed. The empirical part of the study is conducted with the qualitative approach. Four respondents were interviewed and observed while they tried online pharmacies. The data gathered indicates respondents’ initial beliefs toward the service, perceptions of the usability, and the changes in the perceptions and beliefs after using online pharmacies. The results indicate that usability factors and adoption determinants are interrelated. Usability influences perceived ease of use, which affects both perceived usefulness and behavioral intention. Regulations restrict the design of online pharmacies, which has affect on the both the perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness, and thus the whole adoption process.


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Background: The non-prescription medicine, market is constantly challenges. With changes to scheduling and market dynamics, a need for current Australian data on medicines purchasing behaviour was identified. Objectives: This survey aimed to report on the purchasing behaviour of non-prescription medicine customers, the medicines bought and influences on medicine sales. Methods: Researchers were stationed in 15 community pharmacies in southeast Queensland during mid-August 2004. Interview and observational data were collected for all eligible medicine purchases -over approximately 35 hours per pharmacy. Results: Data were collected for 3017 medicines purchased by 2583 customers. Most purchases were made by females (65%) and customers aged 26-35 years (25.8%). Pharmacy assistants alone provided advice in 58% of sales. Two thirds of purchases were for self use. In two thirds of cases, customers had a particular brand in mind; this was highly correlated with previous purchases. Pharmacy staff were highly influential in first time purchases. Conclusions: This study reports a high level of involvement and influence of pharmacy staff in medicine selection.


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There is international interest in Australia's health care system for prescription medicines. The issue is particularly topical in Canada with the debate following publication of the Romanow Report into the future of health care in Canada. This Report recommended a new National Drug Agency. Australia has a National Medicines Policy with four arms-quality, safety and efficacy of medicines; equity of access; a viable and responsible pharmaceutical industry; quality use of medicines. The four arms of the Policy are interlinked and interdependent for optimal functioning. In this paper, an overview of how the prescription drug system in Australia works is presented. The manuscript focuses upon specific aspects of the Policy, describing how it functions and some of the processes integral to success, from the viewpoint of the author. The discussion includes some of the advantages of Australia's system for pharmaceuticals as well as some of the problems, as these present opportunities for development and change


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The purpose of the research is to develop a go-to-market strategy with pharmacies. As it was agreed with the client of the study, Reckitt Benckiser, the focus is solely on non-prescription products. Therefore, prescription medicines are not considered in the study. The main objective of the research is to clarify consumer and pharmacy personnel behavior concerning non-prescription products. These issues are observed with surveys, which are provided to consumers and pharmacy personnel. The go-to-market strategy is based on the survey results and is comprised by utilizing the marketing-mix model. Legislation and the present state & trends are additional minor research problems of the study. The results of the research provide many descriptive insights about consumer and pharmacy personnel behavior. It is concluded that the consumers’ level of involvement with non-prescription products is low and the type of behavior is habitual. It is also demonstrated that several decision-making criteria are very different among different age groups and genders. Concerning pharmacy personnel, the factors that they base their product recommendations are revealed. In addition, the sources of medicine information for both consumers and pharmacy personnel are found out.


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Apteekkiliiketoiminta eroaa tavallisesta liiketoiminnasta erilaisten lakisääteisten velvoitteiden vuoksi. Alan regulaation viimeaikainen kehitys, kuten lääkevaihto, viitehintajärjestelmä sekä näiden tuoma lääkkeiden tiukentunut hintakilpailu, ovat tuoneet haasteita apteekkien kannattavuuteen. Tuotevalikoima- ja varastonhallinta ovat nousseet yhä tärkeämpään rooliin. Tutkimuksen tavoitteena oli kehittää apteekkien kannattavuutta toimintolaskentaa soveltaen. Toimintolaskennalla kahdelle apteekille tuotettiin kustannus- sekä tuotekannattavuustietoa. Tutkimuksen teoreettinen viitekehys koostui toimintolaskennan sekä apteekkiliiketoiminnan aikaisemmasta tutkimuksesta. Tutkimuksesta kävi ilmi, että kummassakin apteekissa oli erittäin laaja tuotesortimentti. Itsehoito- sekä vapaan kaupan tuotteiden tuotesortimenttia järkeistämällä kannattavuutta voitaisiin parantaa. Monesti tuotekategorioissa on useita saamaa vaikuttavaa ainetta sisältävää valmistetta usealta eri toimittajalta mikä heikentää kannattavuutta. Tuloksista kävi ilmi myös, että tulevaisuudessa vapaan kaupan tuotteet tulevat olemaan tärkeässä roolissa, mikä korostaa markkinointi- ja myyntiosaamisen tärkeyttä. Reseptilääkkeissä kate ei näyttäisi kattavan kustannuksia, minkä vuoksi varastonhallintaan on kiinnitettävä huomiota.


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Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR