997 resultados para power outage


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Contents - At the Starry Night Cafe AIbino Buffalo Monteverdi In The Rain Lust Litter Poem After The Chinese Cleere's Pub Treasure Island Nipple Periwinkle Talkeetna Beached Whale Spending Christmas in the land of Enchantment Easter Poem For Emily Dickinson Second Hand Gifts The Power Outage October In The Observation Car Westerly


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With significant population growth experienced in South East Queensland over the past two decades and a high rate of growth expected to continue in coming decades, the Queensland Government is promoting urban consolidation planning policies to manage growth sustainably. Multi-residential buildings will play an important role in facilitating the increased densities which urban consolidation policies imply. However, a major flood event in January 2011 has brought to light the vulnerability of certain types of multi-residential typologies to power outages. The crisis conditions exposed how contemporary building design and construction practices, coupled with regulatory and planning issues, appear to have compromised the resilience and habitability of multi-storey residential buildings. In the greater urban area of Brisbane, Queensland, the debilitating dependence that certain types of apartment buildings have on mains electricity was highlighted by residents’ experiences of the Brisbane River flood disaster, before, during and after the event. This research examined high density residential buildings in West End, Brisbane, an inner city suburb which was severely affected by the flood and is earmarked for significant urban densification under the Brisbane City Plan. Medium-to-high-density residential buildings in the suburb were mapped in flooded and non-flooded locations and a database containing information about the buildings was created. Parameters included date of construction, number of storeys, systems of access and circulation, and potential for access to natural light and ventilation for habitable areas. A series of semi-structured interviews were conducted with residents involved in the owners’ management committees of several buildings to verify information the mapping could not provide. The interviews identified a number of critical systems failures due to power outage which had a significant impact on residents’ wellbeing, comfort and safety. Building services such as lifts, running water, fire alarms, security systems and air-conditioning ceased to operate when power was disconnected to neighbourhoods and buildings in anticipation of rising flood waters. Lack of access to buildings and dwellings, lack of safety, lack of building security, and lack of thermal comfort affected many residents whether or not their buildings were actually subjected to inundation, with some buildings rendered uninhabitable for a prolonged period. The extent of the impact on residents was dramatically influenced by the scale and type of building inhabited, with those dwelling in buildings under a 25m height limit, with a single lift, found to be most affected. The energy-dependency and strong trend of increasing power demands of high-rise buildings is well-documented. Extended electricity outages such as the one brought about by the 2011 flood in Queensland are likely to happen more frequently than the 50-year average of the flood event itself. Electricity blackouts can result from a number of man-made or natural causes, including shortages caused by demand exceeding supply. This paper highlights the vulnerability of energy-dependent buildings to power outages and investigates options for energy security for occupants of multi-storey buildings and makes recommendations to increase resilience and general liveability in multi-residential buildings in the subtropics through design modifications.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multi-antenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the cellular base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, we propose a new power transfer policy, namely, best power beacon (BPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed policy, we derive new closed-form expressions for the exact power outage probability and the asymptotic power outage probability with large antenna arrays at PBs. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS). To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new expressions for the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the BPB power transfer policies. We show that secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers because of a larger multiuser diversity gain. A pivotal conclusion is reached that BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead.


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In this paper, we investigate secure device-to-device (D2D) communication in energy harvesting large-scale cognitive cellular networks. The energy constrained D2D transmitter harvests energy from multiantenna equipped power beacons (PBs), and communicates with the corresponding receiver using the spectrum of the primary base stations (BSs). We introduce a power transfer model and an information signal model to enable wireless energy harvesting and secure information transmission. In the power transfer model, three wireless power transfer (WPT) policies are proposed: 1) co-operative power beacons (CPB) power transfer, 2) best power beacon (BPB) power transfer, and 3) nearest power beacon (NPB) power transfer. To characterize the power transfer reliability of the proposed three policies, we derive new expressions for the exact power outage probability. Moreover, the analysis of the power outage probability is extended to the case when PBs are equipped with large antenna arrays. In the information signal model, we present a new comparative framework with two receiver selection schemes: 1) best receiver selection (BRS), where the receiver with the strongest channel is selected; and 2) nearest receiver selection (NRS), where the nearest receiver is selected. To assess the secrecy performance, we derive new analytical expressions for the secrecy outage probability and the secrecy throughput considering the two receiver selection schemes using the proposed WPT policies. We presented Monte carlo simulation results to corroborate our analysis and show: 1) secrecy performance improves with increasing densities of PBs and D2D receivers due to larger multiuser diversity gain; 2) CPB achieves better secrecy performance than BPB and NPB but consumes more power; and 3) BRS achieves better secrecy performance than NRS but demands more instantaneous feedback and overhead. A pivotal conclusion- is reached that with increasing number of antennas at PBs, NPB offers a comparable secrecy performance to that of BPB but with a lower complexity.


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The inner city Brisbane suburbs of the West End peninsula are poised for redevelopment. Located within walking distance to CBD workplaces, home to Queensland’s highest value cultural precinct, and high quality riverside parklands, there is currently a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to redevelop parts of the suburb to create a truly urban neighbourhood. According to a local community association, local residents agree and embrace the concept of high-density living, but are opposed to the high-rise urban form (12 storeys) advocated by the City’s planning authority (BCC, 2011) and would prefer to see medium-rise (5-8 storeys) medium-density built form. Brisbane experienced a major flood event which inundated the peninsula suburbs of West End in summer January 2011. The vulnerability of taller buildings to the vagaries of climate and more extreme weather events and their reliance on main electricity was exposed when power outages immediately before, during and after the flood disaster seriously limited occupants’ access and egress when elevators were disabled. Not all buildings were flooded but dwellings quickly became unliveable due to disabled air-conditioning. Some tall buildings remained uninhabitable for several weeks after the event. This paper describes an innovative design research method applied to the complex problem of resilient, sustainable neighbourhood form in subtropical cities, in which a thorough comparative analysis of a range of multiple-dwelling types has revealed the impact that government policy regarding design of the physical environment has on a community’s resilience. The outcomes advocate the role of climate-responsive design in averting the rising human capital and financial costs of natural disasters and climate change.


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During post-disaster recovery, an infrastructure system may be subject to a number of disturbances originating from several other interdependent infrastructures. These disturbances might result in a series of system failures, thereby having immediate impact on societal living conditions. The inability to detect signs of disturbance from one infrastructure during recovery might cause significant disruptive effects on other infrastructure via the interconnection that exist among them. In such circumstances, it clearly appears that critical infrastructures' interdependencies affect the recovery of each individual infrastructure, as well as those of other interdependent infrastructure systems. This is why infrastructure resilience needs to be improved in function of those interdependencies, particularly during the recovery period to avoid the occurrence of a ‘disaster of disaster’ scenario. Viewed from this perspective, resilience is achieved through an inter-organisational collaboration between the different organisations involved in the reconstruction of interdependent infrastructure systems. This paper suggests that to some extent, the existing degree of interconnectedness between these infrastructure systems can also be found in their resilience ability during post-disaster recovery. For instance, without a resilient energy system, a large-scale power outage could affect simultaneously all the interdependent infrastructures after a disaster. Thus, breaking down the silos of resilience would be the first step in minimizing the risks of disaster failures from one infrastructure to cascade or escalate to other interconnected systems.


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Um problema que as empresas distribuidoras de energia elétrica convivem são as quedas repentinas no fornecimento, causando inúmeros prejuízos tanto para essas empresas quanto para seus consumidores. Essa dissertação apresentará uma ferramenta que utilizará conhecimentos de sistemas de informações geográficas junto com o uso de inferência nebulosa para orientar a disposição de veículos híbridos (elétricos e à combustão) que podem operar como mini-usinas elétricas no abastecimento de localidades que esteja necessitando de energia em um determinado momento. Para isso, será levantada uma base de dados com características dos veículos híbridos e locais necessitados, dados esses que alimentarão um sistema nebuloso agregado à ferramenta MapServer e a um SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) para, dessa forma, mostrar como saída do sistema qual veículo estará mais apto naquele instante para abastecer o local da demanda de energia.


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Considering that the Brazilian energy source is based on hydroelectric power plants, every moment that it does not rain enough, we are likely to suffer power outage. Making the rational use of energy not only is wise, but also important for financial issues. The industrial sector is of great importance to Brazilian economic context, because it is one that creates more wealth and jobs. It should be noted that it is one of the sectors that consume more electricity. One of the most used equipment in industry is the three phase induction motor, which ends up providing significant waste of energy. For that reasons, studying three phase induction motors is important. One of the ways to evaluate the parameter of the three phase induction motor is using a dynamometer mechanic or electric. This work aims at further studies (and development) of electrodynamometer brake, a type of electrical dynamometer, that is the only one with reversible use. This means, it is possible to measure both the torque and the power transmitted by the electric motors, by the direct method and the indirect. Besides it allows greater stability in the imposition of charges, due to its nature of being able to regenerate the energy imparted by the engines being tested


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In his interview with Daniel Lee, Anthony DiGiorgio recollects the impact Hurricane Hugo had on Winthrop University and the Rock Hill Community. DiGiorgio discusses weather reports leading up to the hurricane, his personal experience with the storm, and the aftermath of Hugo on campus. DiGiorgio shares the ways in which Winthrop University assisted the community and its faculty and staff. This interview was conducted for inclusion into the Louise Pettus Archives and Special Collections Oral History Program.


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Considering that the Brazilian energy source is based on hydroelectric power plants, every moment that it does not rain enough, we are likely to suffer power outage. Making the rational use of energy not only is wise, but also important for financial issues. The industrial sector is of great importance to Brazilian economic context, because it is one that creates more wealth and jobs. It should be noted that it is one of the sectors that consume more electricity. One of the most used equipment in industry is the three phase induction motor, which ends up providing significant waste of energy. For that reasons, studying three phase induction motors is important. One of the ways to evaluate the parameter of the three phase induction motor is using a dynamometer mechanic or electric. This work aims at further studies (and development) of electrodynamometer brake, a type of electrical dynamometer, that is the only one with reversible use. This means, it is possible to measure both the torque and the power transmitted by the electric motors, by the direct method and the indirect. Besides it allows greater stability in the imposition of charges, due to its nature of being able to regenerate the energy imparted by the engines being tested


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Fast restoration of critical loads and non-black-start generators can significantly reduce the economic losses caused by power system blackouts. In a parallel power system restoration scenario, the sectionalization of restoration subsystems plays a very important role in determining the pickup of critical loads before synchronization. Most existing research mainly focuses on the startup of non-black-start generators. The restoration of critical loads, especially the loads with cold load characteristics, has not yet been addressed in optimizing the subsystem divisions. As a result, sectionalized restoration subsystems cannot achieve the best coordination between the pickup of loads and the ramping of generators. In order to generate sectionalizing strategies considering the pickup of critical loads in parallel power system restoration scenarios, an optimization model considering power system constraints, the characteristics of the cold load pickup and the features of generator startup is proposed in this paper. A bi-level programming approach is employed to solve the proposed sectionalizing model. In the upper level the optimal sectionalizing problem for the restoration subsystems is addressed, while in the lower level the objective is to minimize the outage durations of critical loads. The proposed sectionalizing model has been validated by the New-England 39-bus system and the IEEE 118-bus system. Further comparisons with some existing methods are carried out as well.


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In underlay cognitive radio (CR), a secondary user (SU) can transmit concurrently with a primary user (PU) provided that it does not cause excessive interference at the primary receiver (PRx). The interference constraint fundamentally changes how the SU transmits, and makes link adaptation in underlay CR systems different from that in conventional wireless systems. In this paper, we develop a novel, symbol error probability (SEP)-optimal transmit power adaptation policy for an underlay CR system that is subject to two practically motivated constraints, namely, a peak transmit power constraint and an interference outage probability constraint. For the optimal policy, we derive its SEP and a tight upper bound for MPSK and MQAM constellations when the links from the secondary transmitter (STx) to its receiver and to the PRx follow the versatile Nakagami-m fading model. We also characterize the impact of imperfectly estimating the STx-PRx link on the SEP and the interference. Extensive simulation results are presented to validate the analysis and evaluate the impact of the constraints, fading parameters, and imperfect estimates.


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Power allocation is studied for fixed-rate transmission over block-fading channels with arbitrary continuous fading distributions and perfect transmitter and receiver channel state information. Both short- and long-term power constraints for arbitrary input distributions are considered. Optimal power allocation schemes are shown to be direct applications of previous results in the literature. It is shown that the short- and long-term outage exponents for arbitrary input distributions are related through a simple formula. The formula is useful to predict when the delay-limited capacity is positive. Furthermore, this characterization is useful for the design of efficient coding schemes for this relevant channel model. © 2010 IEEE.