982 resultados para port city regeneration


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Over the last decade various waterfront cities have undergone major redevelopments, for example Wellington, Southbank (Melbourne), Baltimore, Sydney and Canary Wharf (London). These were all completed prior to the global financial climate of 2008/10. The world has changed. This paper explores the drivers for past port city redevelopment projects; What impetus drove these projects forward? What tools supported the projects to go ahead? In an unstable financial market do these remain viable? And if not are there new drivers which are stepping in to replace the classic drivers of the past? A literature review of academic, practitioner, policy documents and social media is analyzed to establish the drivers of the past, comparing these to current and future drivers. The review will be based on a survey of 40 international cities based on or near a port which have undergone significant redevelopment prior to or during the 2008/10 financial crisis. It assesses the drivers for sustainable development in port cities and explores the potential for establishing a matrix for successful sustainable development.


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A principios de la década de los 80' la ciudad de Málaga, con un centro histórico totalmente degradado, y un puerto, aún sin hacer frente a la demanda de contenedores y cruceros, deciden embaucarse en el desarrollo de un Plan Especial. Este plan permitiría por un lado que el puerto se modernizara y pudiera ser competitivo, liberando los muelles más próximos a la ciudad y adentrándose en el mar; y por otro lado que esos muelles liberados de actividad portuaria pudieran transformarse en terciario para la regeneración del centro histórico tal y como había ocurrido en Baltimore y otras tantas ciudades que habían adaptado ese modelo. Sin embargo, esto que en un principio parecía resolver los problemas de ambas realidades, dio lugar a más de 25 años de discusiones y propuestas distantes. Durante este largo periodo el Plan se quedó obsoleto. El tiempo de aprobación del Plan superó la previsión del mismo. Cuando llegaron a un acuerdo, tanto el puerto como la ciudad ya se habían desarrollado paralelamente, tanto en el tiempo como en el espacio, pero sin ninguna relación. Esto mismo se reflejaba en el Plan acordado que se limitaba a los muelles, sin relacionarse ni con la dársena ni con la ciudad. Sin embargo, a pesar de la discordancia, los ciudadanos han ido conquistando ambos terrenos, y aunque no existe ninguna continuidad física ni funcional, han sido ellos mismos los que han conseguido la integración del puerto-ciudad.


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This paper explores the role of local government in urban regeneration in England. The first part describes local-central government relations during recent decades. It concludes that 'actually occurring' regeneration fuses top-down and bottom-up priorities and preferences, as well as path dependencies created by past decisions and local relations. The second part illustrates this contention by examining the regeneration of inner-city Salford over a 25-year period. It describes Salford City Council's approach in achieving the redevelopment of the former Salford Docks and how this created the confidence for the council to embark on further regeneration projects. Yet the top-down decision-making model has failed to satisfy local expectations, creating apathy which threatens the Labour government's desire for active citizens in regeneration projects.


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The third issue of the column deals with the regeneration of inner-city rail station areas. The successful case of Gare Saint-Lazare in Paris is analyzed by Giulio Verdini, an architect and urban planner based in China and Paris. The quality of this recent project is evident at different levels: as an innovative experiment of planning with public consultation, as a new mixed-used neighbourhood organized around a beautiful park, as a collection of interesting contemporary buildings promoted through open architecture competitions. The memory of the old rails has been interpreted as an occasion for creating significant urban connections, and the city of Paris demonstrated again and again its rare capacity to regenerate itself. 内城火车站区域的更新历来不是件轻松的工作,这在1990年代以来诸多的欧洲城市中都已经得到印证.伦敦的国王十字车站和柏林的中央火车站区域都是著名的更新案例,此外还有鹿特丹和斯图加特中央火车站这些争议性的案例,它们都表明了这个更新过程有多么复杂而难料.其原因包括众多相互角力的私人及公众影响、改造带来的未知花费及收益,以及市民群体在其中扮演的越来越重要的角色.这个位于巴黎17区的克里希·巴蒂涅奥勒开发区更新项目同样如此.不过,随着项目的建造渐入佳境,我们愈发可以看出,它很可能会成为欧洲内城最成功的更新案例之一.这篇简要介绍的目的就是勾勒出这一成功案例背后的构思和动机,以展现这个理应矛盾重重而得到未充分利用的地段如何成为让巴黎西北区改头换面的良机.


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Australian regional city regeneration in Australia is increasingly becoming an important topic as they attempt to position themselves mid-way between larger discourses about capital cities and peri-urban landscapes. Historically these cities, like Newcastle, Wollongong and Geelong, have been marginalised in infrastructure and planning support systems, yet subject to erratic Commonwealth and State funded initiatives that have divested major specific-purpose complexes into their cities. Such has been as a consequence of of 'decentralisation' and 'regionalisation' political platforms, but also to address employment and voting needs. As an example, Geelong embraced contemporary industrialism, particularly automotive, and built on its port and wool export capacities. Politics, intransigence and lack of economic investment compounded the failure to create quality urban fabric and enable innovative planning. With this legacy, this regional city finds itself at the cusp of heavy industry disintegration, education and health sectorial growth, population increases aided by regional escapism, and a lethargic city centre. In attempting to redress these trends, Geelong is consciously attempting to re-image itself, regenerate key sections of its urban fabric, but also manage the regional escapism (sea change / tree change) phenomena. This paper critiques the larger context, and then uses three examples - "Vision 2" in the city centre, the Mega Port proposal, Fyansford Green and the Moolap salt marsh - as foils to reflect whether these initiatives are and can assist the facilitation of city structural change, economic renewal and enhanced urban design and place-making outcomes.


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Freestone (1989+) has extensively surveyed town planning visions and model communities for Australia, but one settlement has been forgotten. The significant mining settlement of Broken Hill in far western New South Wales does not figure in his thematic and historical analyses yet its park lands are so integral to its physical cultural legacy and human health that it warrants enhanced standing. In the last 2 years the Commonwealth has been considering the potential nomination of the municipality of Broken Hill for inclusion onto the National Heritage List principally due to its mining, social and economic contributions to Australia’s heritage and identity. A component in their deliberations is the Park Lands, or ‘Regeneration Reserves’, that encompass this urban settlement and its mine leaseholds. Within these Regeneration Reserves, international arid zone ecological restoration theory and practice was pioneered by Albert and Margaret Morris in the 1930s that serves as the method for all mining revegetation practice in Australia today. This paper reviews the theory and evolution of the Broken Hill Regeneration Reserves, having regard to the Adelaide Park Lands and Garden City discourses of the 1920s-30s, arguing that the Broken Hill Regeneration Reserves have a valid and instrumental position in the planning and landscape architectural histories of Australia.


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Mangalore is a port city situated in the west coast state of Karnataka in India. The city hosts both large-scale and small-scale fisheries along its coastline. Traditionally, fishermen catch the product and sell it at a daily auction in the harbour to women vendors, who thereafter transport the goods to the market for commercial sale. The trade starts early in the morning, when the fishermen return to the harbour from their nightly fishing.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da segurança dos peões, com incidência na questão da circulação e travessias pedonais dentro de zonas urbanas. Pretendeu-se identificar as vias mais problemáticas, com maior incidência de atropelamentos dos peões, de modo a estudar as causas. Após esse estudo, e o estudo de soluções para o problema, pode-se garantir ao peão uma melhor qualidade na mobilidade dentro dos meios urbanos. Falando na segurança de peões, é impreterível falar da sinistralidade. Foi abordado o tema e executado um estudo para análise do posicionamento de Portugal na União Europeia. Fez-se um estudo entre os anos 2010 a 2014, constatando-se que Portugal teve uma melhoria de 2010 a 2013. Já em 2014 teve um ligeiro decréscimo no melhoramento dos resultados. Em relação ao número de peões mortos por milhão de habitantes, a análise fez-se no período de tempo compreendido de 2010 a 2014, e a nível europeu pôde-se verificar, que de 2010 a 2012 Portugal teve uma melhoria significativa. Já 2013 foi um ano com maus resultados e obteve-se um decréscimo na melhoria que se havia conseguido, mas em 2014 conseguiu-se uma boa recuperação ficando nesse ano na décima sexta posição. Foi também analisada a França, para se fazer uma comparação com Portugal, e concluímos que França tem os melhores resultados a nível da sinistralidade, sendo um País com melhores condições de transporte, melhorando assim o nível de sinistralidade. Foram referidos também alguns temas publicados, que são uma forma de dar a conhecer as consequências de alguns maus hábitos da população, assim como algumas doenças normais da sociedade em geral e como se refletem na condução. Para se melhorar a segurança dos peões, existem as técnicas de acalmia, tendo sido feita uma abordagem ao tema. No caso de estudo Cidade do Porto, foram analisados os resultados em relação aos anos de 2013, 2014 e os três primeiros meses de 2015. Os resultados obtidos e suas análises, apontam para a necessidade de uma maior formação quer do peão, quer do condutor, uma vez que grande parte dos sinistros são mortes por atravessamento fora do local de passagem ou excesso de velocidade dos condutores. Assim será necessário intervir também a nível da acalmia. Existem ainda muitas áreas a melhorar, para a obtenção de resultados brilhantes no nosso país, mas se todos caminharmos na mesma direção rapidamente chegaremos ao topo dos objetivos pretendidos que é salvar todos os dias mais vidas.


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Este artículo analiza el emplazamiento urbano, las dinámicas económicas y las relaciones sociales que caracterizaron a Guayaquil durante el XVIII. El desarrollo económico y productivo que experimentó la ciudad-puerto se debió a su feraz entorno natural y a las posibilidades de comunicación que brindó el sistema fluvial del Guayas. Se analizan las particularidades de su estructura social, las relaciones entre la élite y los sectores subalternos, la estructura político-administrativa del Cabildo y la influencia que este centro urbano ejerció sobre los pueblos y partidos ubicados en su hinterland.


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El artículo analiza la producción historiográfica guayaquileña aparecida en el Boletín del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas. Primeramente, se realiza un acercamiento al contexto sociocultural de la ciudad-puerto entre 1930 y 1960. Seguidamente, se estudia la creación del Centro de Investigaciones Históricas y el aparecimiento del Boletín, la primera publicación especializada en su ámbito, su contenido y los temas que atrajeron la atención de sus colaboradores. Finalmente se explora la influencia de esta institución en las conmemoraciones locales.


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Q&A: Lincoln Peirce '85 on his comic strip hero, Big Nate, life as a professional artist, his new book series, and inspiration from the Colby Art Department The Alchemist: Sculptor Stefanie Rocknak turns wood into captured moments of expression Trading Campfires for Barbecues: There's more to "cooking COOT" than mixing and masticating Empowered in Kabul: Sulaiman Nasseri helps Afghan women gain independence through embroidery At Home on the Range: Willard Wyman's latest novel explores the transitory ideal of the Old West (Review) Be Careful What You Wish For (Review) For This Rookie Cop, All the Streets Are Mean (Review) Recent Releases Economy Remains Cool? Colby Career Center looks to "warm market"


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Educação Escolar - FCLAR


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Con este trabajo se pretende poner de relieve la conciencia de la marginalidad que experimentan los miembros de una publicación literaria –Tarja– de una provincia alejada como Jujuy. Pero para que la distancia se haga perceptible debe existir un punto cero o “meridiano de Greenwich" desde donde establecer las diferencias. Ese punto es la ciudad portuaria de Buenos Aires. Las observaciones que registra la revista sobre estos tópicos abre asimismo otra variable: la arbitrariedad de la “provincia" y la relevancia histórico-cultural de la pertenencia a una región. En nuestro caso, una región andina transprovincial y supranacional.


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La presente tesis propone una metodología para medir variables de impacto socio económico en la ciudad Puerto de Valparaíso, como una alternativa que permite evaluar la asignación del uso y explotación del borde costero. La ciudad de Valparaíso se formó al alero de la actividad marítima portuaria, en sus comienzos esta actividad fue el motor de desarrollo económico de la ciudad, sus habitantes mantenían una alta dependencia de ésta actividad, formando una identidad y cultura portuaria. Con la decadencia de la actividad portuaria, producto principalmente a la construcción del canal de Panamá y a la modernización de los buques de transporte aumentando su distancia franqueable1, la ciudad fue dejando su dependencia de esta actividad. Hoy en día casi la totalidad del borde costero de la ciudad está asignado a las actividades portuarias con escasa participación laboral de los habitantes de la ciudad y una alta demanda urbana por el uso del borde costero. Por otra parte, la ciudad ha presentado en la última década altos niveles de cesantía, cuestionándose la verdadera utilidad de mantener un puerto en la ciudad. La investigación de la tesis permitió dimensionar la cantidad de firmas y actividades económicas que se desarrollaban en torno a la actividad marítima portuaria en la ciudad, cuantificando los empleos que éstas otorgaban a la ciudad, los niveles de remuneraciones, los tributos a la municipalidad de la ciudad, el aporte al comercio local, entre otros. Descubriéndose hallazgos que permiten reflexionar sobre la importancia del la actividad en el desarrollo económico actual y futuro de la ciudad. También los antecedentes obtenidos permiten contribuir a la evaluación de proyectos alternativos para el uso y explotación del borde costero. La metodología utilizada también puede ser adaptada para medir los beneficios de otras ciudades puertos en el mundo. Los resultados obtenidos fueron expuestos a las autoridades gubernamentales locales, presentados en seminarios y congresos nacionales e internacionales, como en la prensa local; los más destacados son: la actividad otorga 12.727 empleos directos e indirectos que corresponden al 12% de la fuerza laboral ocupada; la actividad representa el 19% del Producto Interno Bruto de la ciudad; la actividad aporta un 21% al presupuesto municipal por concepto de recaudación de tributos y representan un 11% del presupuesto total asignado al municipio por el Estado de Chile. El sector industrial marítimo-portuario de la ciudad sigue siendo la actividad industrial más relevante en la ciudad y demanda el desarrollo de una planificación estratégica que permita vincular la actividad turística de la ciudad vecina de Viña del Mar con la actividad portuaria de Valparaíso. Para lograr tal objetivo es necesario realizar cambios en los atributos de las operaciones portuarias que permitan ofrecer productos asociados al turismo. This thesis proposes a methodology to measure the socio economic variables in the port city of Valparaiso, as an alternative to evaluate the allocation of the usage and exploitation of the coastline. The city of Valparaiso was formed to advance the port maritime activity and in the beginning this activity was the engine of economic development of the city. Its inhabitants remained highly dependent on it and formed a port identity and culture. With the decline of port activity, mainly due to the construction of the Panama Canal and the modernization of the transport vessels increasing distances, the city lost its dependence on this activity. Today almost all of the coastline of the city is assigned to port activities with very little labor participation of the inhabitants of the city and a high demand for the use of urban waterfront. Moreover, the city has shown high levels of unemployment in the past decade, questioning the true value of maintaining a port in the city. The research of this thesis provides insights into the number of firms and economic activities that were developed around the port maritime activity in the city, quantifying the jobs they gave to the city, the levels of pay, taxes to the municipality of city and the contribution to local commerce, among others. The findings discovered allow reflexions on the importance of the activity in the current and future economic development of the city. The data obtained also allows a contribution of the evaluation of alternative projects for the use and exploitation of the coastline. The methodology can also be adapted to measure the benefits of other port cities in the world. The results were presented to local government authorities, at seminars and national and international conferences, and in the local press. The most important finding are: the activity maritime port activity provides 12,727 direct and indirect jobs that are 12% of the employed labor force; activity represents which is 19% of the GDP of the city, the activity contributes 21% to the municipal budget by way of the collection of taxes and represents 11% of the total budget allocated to the municipality by the Republic of Chile. The industrial maritime port sector of the city remains the most important industrial activity in the city and demands the development of strategic planning to link the tourism in the neighboring city of Viña del Mar and to the Valparaiso port activity. To achieve this goal it is necessary to make changes to the attributes of port operations that allow the offering of products associated with tourism.