257 resultados para pojkar, läsning, läsförståelse, bokrecensioner, Ipad, läsdiplom, läslust


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Den här pro gradu-avhandlingen skrevs inom ramen för det nationella läsfrämjande programmet Läslust–Lukuinto. Jag undersökte sex stycken pojkars läsning före och efter skolans införande av ett så kallat elektroniskt läsdiplom. Läsdiplomet innebar att eleverna läste böcker och därefter utförde olika uppgifter på Ipadar. När de hade gjort tillräckligt många uppgifter belönades de med ett läsdiplom. Mitt material bestod av intervjuer, bokrecensioner, läsdiplomsuppgifter samt resultat från ett läsförståelsetest. I intervjuerna frågade jag pojkarna om deras åsikter om läsning, deras läsvanor samt relevanta bakgrundsfaktorer. Bokrecensionerna och läsdiplomsuppgifterna använde jag för att göra en funktionell och strukturell analys enligt Josephson, Melin & Olivs (1990) metod för analys av elevtext. Jag kom fram till att det fanns tre typer av läsare bland pojkarna: positivt inställda, neutralt inställda och negativt inställda läsare. De positivt inställda läsarna tyckte att läsning var roligt och att läsdiplomet var en bra uppmuntran. De presterade också bäst i läsförståelsetestet. Den neutralt inställda ansåg att läsning och läsdiplomet var helt okej men att han inte riktigt insåg nyttan med läsdiplomet. Den negativt inställda ansåg att läsning var tråkigt och slöseri med tid samt att läsdiplomet var helt onödigt. Den negativt inställda var samtidigt också den som presterade sämst i läsförståelsetestet.


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Denna undersökning behandlar elevers läsvanor i en årskurs 3 där syftet var att jämföra pojkars och flickors olika inställning till läsning, samt om detta kan kopplas till hur mycket föräldrarna läser. Studien utgår från individuella intervjuer med 12 elever, sex pojkar och sex flickor.  I undersökningen framkommer det att pojkarna har något mer negativ inställning till läsning än flickorna, men att de allra flesta ändå läser på fritiden. En slags litteratur som återkommer hos både flickorna och pojkarna är ”mysterieböcker” eller ”spännande böcker”. Läsning av serier och tidningar förekommer hos både flickorna och pojkarna. Enligt elevernas svar tycks hemmens inställning till läsning variera då flertalet föräldrar aldrig läser och mycket sällan besöker biblioteket tillsammans med barnen. Undersökningen visar även att det är fler pappor än mammor som brukar läsa för sina barn hemma. Läsningen för egen del bland föräldrarna ser förhållandevis lika ut bland mammor och pappor, enligt eleverna, även om det är vanligare att mammorna läser. Studien kan dock inte dra några vidare slutsatser kring föräldrarnas läsning då resultatet endast grundas i elevernas uppfattningar.


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Syftet med examensarbetet är att undersöka högstadiepojkars läsvanor, varför de läser, men framförallt varför de inte läser. Utgångspunkten är en enkät som har besvarats av ett trettiotal pojkar på en mellansvensk skola. Enkätfrågorna handlar om läsvanor, vad pojkarna läser, vad de vill läsa samt vilken nytta de ser i att läsa. Enkätsvaren visar att de flesta pojkar som deltagit i enkäten läser böcker eller tidningar på sin fritid. Pojkarnas läsintresse är högt i sjuan, men avtar med stigande ålder. När pojkarna läser böcker är sport och serier vanliga teman och de är inte särskilt intresserade av att läsa en gemensam bok i helklass eller grupp. Enkätsvaren tyder på att handlingen och spänning är det viktigaste för att en bok ska vara bra. Den nytta pojkarna ser med läsning handlar i första hand om att den språkliga förmågan förbättras på olika sätt. Enkätsvaren visar tydligt att läsande vuxna förebilder är viktigt för läsintresset.


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O presente estudo tem como objeto central o livro ilustrado e como principal objetivo compreender as diferenças entre dois modelos: o livro impresso e o livro digital. Partindo de um objeto de estudo concreto, um livro tradicional em formato impresso, é nosso objetivo perceber as principais diferenças que ocorrem na transição para um suporte digital, especificamente num formato iPad. Pretendemos também enunciar algumas das metodologias possíveis para que esta transição seja eficaz. Num momento de transição como o que vivemos atualmente, em que o ilustrador tem cada vez mais necessidade de se adaptar a novos meios, novas ferramentas de trabalho e novas formas de comunicação, importa refletir sobre a natureza do livro e sobre as características que distinguem os dois suportes: o tradicional e o digital. Assim, é nossa intenção identificar e perceber essas diferenças e enunciar alguns procedimentos a ter em conta quando o ilustrador experimenta a transição de um objeto de ilustração para um meio digital tátil, como é o iPad.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências da Educação, Especialidade Intervenção Precoce


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O estudo analisou o papel que o iPad® pode desempenhar no desenvolvimento de crianças com atraso global do desenvolvimento psicomotor (AGDPM), em contexto terapêutico. Neste sentido procurou explorar o potencial do iPad® para promover o desenvolvimento cognitivo e motor de crianças com AGDPM; descrever o modo como estas reagem à utilização do iPad® e conhecer as perspetivas de pais e profissionais face à utilização do iPad®. Participaram no estudo de caso nove crianças com AGDPM, com uma média de idade de 32 meses, nove pais e um profissional de terapia ocupacional. As crianças encontravam-se em período de intervenção em terapia ocupacional, num contexto hospitalar. Efetuaram-se entrevistas semidiretivas aos pais e ao terapeuta ocupacional para conhecer as suas opiniões, procedeu-se a pesquisa documental para caracterizar as crianças e a observações naturalistas para se caracterizar o envolvimento e atividade e participação das crianças com o iPad®. Os resultados evidenciam reações muito positivas por parte das crianças à utilização do iPad®, salientando-se os elevados níveis de envolvimento com o iPad® e de atividade e participação, mormente na dimensão «experiências sensoriais intencionais». Os pais e o profissional de saúde fizeram um balanço muito positivo da utilização do iPad® pelas crianças. Os resultados sugerem que a utilização do iPad® em contexto terapêutico poderá contribuir para o desenvolvimento cognitivo e motor de crianças com diagnóstico de AGDPM.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Educação Especial – ramo de Problemas de Cognição e Multideficiência


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Peer reviewed


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My presupposition, that learning at some level deals with life praxis, is expressed in four metaphors: space, time, fable and figure. Relations between learning,knowledge building and meaning making are linked to the concept of personal knowledge. I present a two part study of learning as text in a drama pedagogical rooted reading where learning is framed as the ongoing event, and knowledge, as the product of previous processes, is framed as culturally formed utterances. A frame analysis model is constructed as a topological guide for relations between the two concepts learning and knowledge. It visualises an aesthetic understanding, rooted in drama pedagogical comprehension. Insight and perception are linked in an inner relationship that is neither external nor identical. This understanding expresses the movement "in between" connecting asymmetrical and nonlinear features of human endeavour and societal issues. The performability of bodily and oral participation in the learning event in a socio-cultural setting is analysed as a dialogised text. In an ethnographical case study I have gathered material with an interest for the particular. The empirical material is based on three problem based learning situations in a Polytechnic setting. The act of transformation in the polyphony of the event is considered as a turning point in the narrative employment. Negotiation and figuration in the situation form patterns of the space for improvisation (flow) and tensions at the boundaries (thresholds) which imply the logical structure of transformation. Learning as a dialogised text of "yes" and "no", of structure and play for the improvised, interrelate in that movement. It is related to both the syntagmic and the paradigmatic forms of thinking. In the philosophical study, forms of understanding are linked to the logical structure of transformation as a cultural issue. The classical rhetorical concepts of Logos, Pathos, Ethos and Mythos are connected to the multidimensional rationality of the human being. In the Aristotelian form of knowledge, phronesis,a logic structure of inquiry is recognised. The shifting of perspectives between approaches, the construction of knowledge as context and the human project of meaning making as a subtext, illuminates multiple layers of the learning text. In an argumentation that post-modern apprehension of knowledge, emphasising contextual and situational values, has an empowering impact on learning, I find pedagogical benefits. The dialogical perspective has opened lenses that manage to hold in aesthetic doubling the individual action of inquiry and the stage with its cultural tools in a three dimensional reading.


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kuv., 14 x 22 cm


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Reports have shown that a growing number of students are leaving school without adequate reading and writing skills. At the same time, finnish children have improved in reading lit-eracy over the past decade. The school´s primary mission is to support student´s reading and writing development and follow it over time. Not only individual students´development has to be followd over time, as seen in this study, to be able to plan interventions. The purpose of this licentiate thesis is to study how the results in grades 1–6 exhibit in reading compre-hension and spelling over time in a school for the Swedish-speaking minority in Finland. Even gender differences in reading comprehension and spelling are being examined, as well as students with low performance. The data collection has been done during a period of twelwe years, 1997–2009, where data from practically every two years has been used for this study. Results are reported for the years 1997, 2000, 2001, 2003, 2007 and 2009. The measuring instruments are standardized and normative tests in reading comprehension and spelling. The same instruments were used all of the years. The number of students was 1 037 and when possible, students partici-pated more than once. There was a minimal loss of data. The groups of students mostly came from urban districts, and a smaller number came from rural districts. Students with special needs were included in the group, but none of the students in special units participat-ed. The results show that the skills in reading comprehension and spelling haven´t changed appreciably over time. The trend shows slightly positive or unchanged direction except in spelling in grade 1 and reading comprehension in grade 5 where the trend is slightly nega-tive. The most obvious change can be noticed over time in reading comprehension in grade 2, where performance has improved significantly. Significant differences between boys´and girls´performances occur some years and in favor of the girls, but more often in spelling than in reading comprehension. In grade 4, there are no differences in results between boys and girls in any year, neither in reading comprehension nor in spelling, nor in grade 2 in reading comprehension. When the results shows gender differences, there are always differ-ences in both reading comprehension and spelling. Poor performances are also analyzed over time. Isolated reading comprehension difficulties were common for those who was performing poorly. In grade 2, as the only grade, most common was a double deficit in both reading comprehension and spelling, and in grade 4, most students who performed poorly had isolated difficulties in spelling. The amount of poor results varies over time, and no particular trend can be discerned. In grade 2, however, the poor results decreased over time, especially for the boys. Even in reading comprehension for grade 6 the amount of poor results, especially for the boys (10th percentile), has decreased over time, at least in the later years, while the poor results in-creased in spelling generally. In grade 4 the amount of poor results in spelling (10th perc.) seems to be reduced for the girls.