810 resultados para poetry XX century


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The sixties was a time of great interest for tourism development on the La Palma island. Various actions of public and private, as the policy of building a new airport, various tourist resorts, the tourism plan of 1968 or insular government also creating public entity "La Palma, Tourism SA” in 1969, will be the basis for future development of tourism on the island and will result push for private investment in this economic sector. Indeed, in the sixties, private investors had opened two hotels, while at least three others over a hundred beds each, weren´t finished.


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Wordsworth. Goody Blake and Harry Gill. Laodamia.--Scott. The lay of the last minstrel.--Coleridge. Christabel.--Byron. Don Juan.--Shelley. Ode to liberty.--Tennyson.


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Resumen: Los avances del liberalismo conmovieron, en buena medida, a la filosofía cristiana. Efectivamente él consagró el valor de la libertad como aspiración máxima y, en su nombre, se intentó sacudir el yugo de la autoridad y la Iglesia no quedó al margen, por lo que los católicos se replantearon muchas de sus posiciones, a fin de poder brindar las respuestas sociales que la sociedad estaba reclamando. Fue así que apareció la tercera escolástica, concebida como un movimiento de renovación contra el liberalismo que lo había invadido todo. Los propulsores de esta corriente decidieron restaurar en las escuelas y universidades la filosofía de Santo Tomás. La Argentina sufrió también las embestidas del liberalismo, lo que impulsó a los católicos a prepararse para plasmar soluciones en las más diversas áreas, con la idea de fondo de imponer el catolicismo como el principio organizador del medio social, argumentando que esa había sido la tendencia histórica en el país. Así fue como la tercera renovación escolástica, o neotomismo, penetró en la Argentina a fines del siglo XIX y en el XX, y se impuso tanto entre los seminaristas como en la Universidad de Córdoba y particularmente en su Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales. Durante los últimos años del otoño decimonónico la neoescolástica estuvo presente en muchas de las tesis presentadas en la Facultad de Derecho, siguiendo, en este aspecto, una tradición de la universidad cordobesa, la que predominaba también entre ciertos profesores. En este trabajo rastreamos los fundamentos del poder político que se encuentran en esos trabajos, refiriéndonos, por un lado, a la visión del grupo sobre el orden, a la igualdad y el progreso y, por otro, a los derechos del hombre.


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Resumen: La emergencia de una historia que reivindicaba el período colonial a principios del siglo XX se desarrolló en un contexto de revisión de la historia nacional, donde se buscaba reafirmar la identidad en un escenario caracterizado por la fuerte presencia de la inmigración en la sociedad argentina. Estos estudios coloniales formaron parte, a su vez, de la difusión de la corriente hispanista e Indigenista en América Latina. Todo esto llevó al desarrollo de un entramado de relaciones intelectuales de las que formó parte Monseñor Pablo Cabrera —1857-1936— en tanto sacerdotehistoriador cordobés que centró sus investigaciones en la historia colonial. En este artículo centraré mi análisis en los estudios históricos de Monseñor Cabrera sobre el período colonial y la relación especial con intelectuales de la Provincia de Santa Fe como Ramón Lassaga y Manuel Cervera


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O presente trabalho tem por objetivo analisar a noção de causalidade biológica da doença mental através dos discursos eugênicos e higiênicos nas décadas de 1920 e 1930 no Brasil. Para tanto, selecionamos a revista Archivos Brasileiros de Hygiene Mental. Esta revista foi escolhida por ser produzida pela Liga Brasileira de Hygiene Mental, uma instituição bastante representativa destes discursos neste período, e também por ser uma revista editada no Rio de Janeiro, nosso recorte geográfico. A revista foi produzida de 1925 a 1947 e o período selecionado para sua análise foi o de 1925 a 1935. Para tal propósito, utilizamos um referencial teórico foucaultiano, especialmente no que tange às discussões em torno do tema do biopoder. Acreditamos que uma análise histórica, necessariamente desnaturalizante, dos discursos psiquiátricos desse período no Brasil, possa contribuir para a compreensão de certas peculiaridades dos discursos psiquiátricos atuais, a fim de possibilitar uma revisão das concepções estabelecidas de tratamento, incitando a ressignificação das experiências de saúde e adoecimento e, conseqüentemente, de propostas terapêuticas.


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Esta dissertação procura identificar os desígnios que orientaram as decisões do Estado português em relação à aquisição de documentos de arquivo, com o objectivo de verificar se esses desígnios se formalizaram numa política de avaliação e aquisição de documentos de arquivo coerente e sistemática. A análise incidiu no Arquivo Nacional e nos arquivos distritais durante o período cronológico que abrange o século XIX e a primeira metade do século XX. Partindo da discussão teórica presente nos discursos de arquivistas e investigadores, da evolução das práticas no Arquivo Nacional e das incorporações realizadas nos arquivos distritais, esta tese defende que existiu uma visão constitutiva dos arquivos enquanto repositórios documentais da memória da nação. No entanto, esta visão não se concretizou numa política arquivística articulada e estrutural; ABSTRACT:This dissertation aims to identify portuguese state’s goals that guided its intervention on acquisition of archival records. Our purpose is to verify if those goals meant a coherent and systematic appraisal and acquisition policy. Our analysis took as object Portugal’s national and regional archives from nineteenth to twentieth century’s first half. Beginning from theoretical discussion that can be seen on archivists and investigators speeches, National Archive’s practices and acquisitions occurred in regional archives, this thesis sustains that there was a vision on the archives as national memory documental repositories. However, this vision was not translated on an articulated and structured archival policy.


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It is main goal of this article to stimulate the debate and reflection on Translation Studies. Based on Cesário Verde‘s poem O Sentimento dum Ocidental (1880) we will discuss the effectiveness and applicability of poetry translation. Since the beginning of the XX century Cesário Verde and his work have been studied on an international range. We may therefore make reference to outnumbered translations of his poems in English, French, German, Italian, and Czech. Poetry translation raises however several difficulties which may affect the comprehension, interpretation and analysis not only of this author but also of his texts. In this manner we will naturally confront as well some of the most relevant items for Translation Studies, namely: Translation purposes and criteria; Translation necessity, possibility and usefulness. We invite you thus to observe the rich and complex Poetry-Translation relation within the analysis of one Cesário‘s poem in Italian, English, German and French.


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The document refers to the San Francisco river canalization and subsequent construction of the Avenida Jiménez de Quesada. Understanding that the project was ascribed to the modernizing policy of the time, the investigation identifies the different stages in the canalization process, and shows its relations with the spatial structure of the city and the local conditions that developed on the river surroundings. The financing of the project through the “property increase duty” permits an illustration of the progress of canalization and construction of the Jiménez Avenue process, providing a less technical and more social meaning to the sequence in which the project executed. Consequently, the document approaches the shaping dynamics of Bogotá´s spatial structure at the beginning of the XX century.


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La tesi doctoral LA INTERVENCIÓ DE JOAN COROMINES EN ALGUNS DELS GRANS EPISODIS DE LA HISTÒRIA DE LA LLENGUA CATALANA DEL S. XX (AMB UN APÈNDIX D'OBSERVACIONS SOBRE LA LLENGUA CATALANA DE JOAN COROMINES) estudia l'aportació de Joan Coromines en la història de la llengua catalana del segle XX. El treball del lingüista és situat en el context de l'obra codificadora i modernitzadora de la llengua catalana realitzada per Pompeu Fabra durant les tres primeres dècades del segle passat i descriu la intervenció i les aportacions de Coromines en la continuació del treball normativitzador del català. La tesi demostra que Coromines és una figura indispensable per comprendre la dinàmica, la fesomia i la tessitura de la llengua catalana al llarg del crucial segle XX.


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This dissertation, entitled O Auto da Morte e da Vida: A escrita barroca de João Cabral de Melo Neto, has the aim of analising, interpreting, in a baroque perspective, Cabral s writing in the poem/play Morte e vida severina Auto de Natal Pernambucano, taking as basis the theories of Eugênio D´Ors, Severo Sarduy, Omar Calabrase, Lezama Lima, Afonso Ávila, Affonso Romano de Sant´Anna and others cited in the body of this work. During the analisys we feature confluences, relations, similarities, identification between the Baroque of the counter reformation and the modern Baroque or Neobaroque. We seek to comprehend the baroque which is new in the XX century and Cabral s poetry as an element of the contemporaneity, by updating the concept of the Baroque in the 1600s, when it is detected in its purest characteristic in human relation (the life of the Northwestern brazilian) through an intangible reality (the death). The Baroque as a cultural summary of a period of instability and transformation, with the power of dismantling an already established poetry. The fight between words and things, language and reality


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Analyses the presence of new standards of habitation detected in the construction of the region called Cidade Nova, in the first s years of the XX century. Associates the presence of these new patterns with the historical moment lived by the capital, marked by the urban modernization and by the changes of local life. Map voices that, introduced by the republican groups since 1889, pronounced the overcome of the old city of the XIX century asseverated a new model of town. Make use, as fundamental fonts of research, of the urban chronicles produced by the local intellectuals and the newspapers, like A República. Dialog with chronics that includes since propositions about the colonial past until the preoccupations about the acting of the State on how to order the public space. Identifies on those texts the political motivations and the elements whose where inherent to capitalism that accelerated the changes occurred in the urban space. Demonstrates the gradual occupation of Cidade Nova as an important modification happened in the city from that time on. That neighborhood adopted a new model on how to construct the houses of their citizens and helped to promote the urban life as a whole. From now on, Natal has a space meant for the home of their richest families. Recognizes, from many ways, many discourses, manners of living that was legitimized by the changing of the XIX to the XX century and has his highest point in the 1920´s. And it was representative of the strong attachment about the habits of refinery and order in the essence of the private life of the local urban elites


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Através do Fogo - elemento marcante tanto em Novalis (século XVIII) quanto em Gaston Bachelard (século XX), pudemos ensaiar uma aproximação entre esses dois autores, distantes no tempo, mas próximos no tocante à valorização da imaginação (estética).


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)