891 resultados para poetic creation


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The subject of this work is the mysticism of Russian poet, critic and philosopher Vjacheslav Ivanov (1866-1949). The approach adopted involves the textual and discourse analysis and findings of the history of ideas. The subject has been considered important because of Ivanov's visions of his dead wife, writer Lydia Zinovieva-Annibal, which were combined with audible messages ("automatic writings"). Several automatic writings and descriptions of the visions from Ivanov's archive collections in St.Petersburg and Moscow are presented in this work. Right after the beginning of his hallucinations in the autumn of 1907, Ivanov was totally captivated by the theosophical ideas of Anna Mintslova, the background figure for this work. Anna Mintslova, a disciple of Rudolf Steiner's Esoteric School, offered Ivanov the theosophical concept of initiation to interpret paranormal phenomena in his intimate life. The work is divided into three main chapters, an introduction and aconclusion. The first chapter is called The Mystical Person: Anthropology of Ivanov and describes the role of the inner "Higher Self" in Ivanov's views on the nature of human consciousness. The political implications of the concepts, "mystical anarchism" and "sobornost" (religious unity) are also examined. The acquaintance and contacts with Anna Mintslova during 1906-1907 gave a framework to Ivanov's search for an organic society and personal religious experience. The second part, Mystics of Initiation and Visionary Aesthetics describes the influence of the initiation concept on Ivanov's aesthetic views (mainly "realistic symbolism"). On the other hand, some connections between the imagery of his visions and symbols in his verses of that period are established. Since Mintslova represented the ideas of Rudolf Steiner in Russia, several symbols shared by Steiner and Ivanov ("rose", "rose and cross") have been another subject of investigation. The preference for strict verse form in the lyrics of Ivanov's visionary period is interpreted as an attempt to place his own poetic creation within two traditions, a mystical and literary one. The third part of this work, Mystics of Hope and Terror, examines Ivanov's conception of Russia in connection with Mintslova's ideas of occult danger from the East. Ivanov's view of the "Russian idea" and his nationalistic idea during World War I are considered as a representation of the fear of the danger. Ivanov's interpretation of the October revolution is influenced by the theosophical concept of the "keeper of the threshold" which occurs in the context of the discourse of occult danger.


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Abstract: Although he is the most prolific writer of the Greek Anthology, Palladas’ life is almost unknown. But, in spite of the limited biographical data, his work has fortunately been preserved in the GA. Because of his literary creation, the old times rewarded him with the nickname Μετέωρος, high, since the literary merits of a hundred poems of his authorship was recognized (others are discussed by critics). A dozen of them contains invaluable information about the political, religious and social situation in Alexandria immediately after the victory of the bishop Theophilus, Cyril’s predecessor and uncle, during the conflict between Christians and Gentiles, each sector backed up by an Alexandrian population segment (cfr. 9.528, 10.82, 10.85) . Resigned at times, constantly demanding, Palladas complains about the decline of the belief professed by him due to the increasing penetration of the new faith. Therefore, four epigrams record the conversion of the temple of Tyche into a tavern (9.180-183) and 10.90 seems to attack the doctrine of the Resurrection. When religion and politics go hand-in-hand, when religious conspiracies link up with palace intrigues, consequences are predictable: a man called Doroteo denounced him for his negative response to the new dogma, which caused him the loss of his teacher paid work. His annoyance was even greater with further sufferings, chiefly economic, and he had to sell his books (9.171 and 9.175) among other desperate decisions Forewarned about his radical bitterness against Church, it is just to make clear that he is not fully acquiescent with ancient gods and heroes. Thus, in 5.257 he questions Zeus’ ars amandi, in 9.377 refutes Tantalus’ possibility of thirst and hunger in Hades and 9.773 mischievously points out that Eros has been changed into a pan. The work begins with the selection, personal translation and comprehensive analysis of twenty two epigrams. Through such philological aid, we attempt to verify the frictions and the main perceptible factors in his poetic creation to justify his worldview, according to the pagan sentiment widespread in that time before the twilight already overwhelming of its ailing traditions


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A presente dissertação, ensaio monográfico de cunho filosófico-literário-poético, insere-se na Linha de Pesquisa Infância, Juventude e Educação, do Programa de Pós-Graduação em Educação, da Faculdade de Educação, da Universidade Estadual do Rio de Janeiro. Tem como proposta promover agenciamentos entre os filósofos Gilles Deleuze, Félix Guattari e a escritora Cora Coralina. Empreendemos uma releitura da obra completa de Cora Coralina que dá ênfase à Infância, à Escola e à Escrita -, inspirados em alguns conceitos filosóficos de Deleuze e Guattari, tais como multiplicidade, rizoma, devir, platô, literalidade, linha de fuga, desterritorialização e reterritorialização que postulam a realidade como multiplicidade e uma lógica, denominada rizomática, como alternativa à lógica clássica do pensamento e da ciência, considerada arborescente. A partir desses agenciamentos não prévios procuramos sistematizar essa releitura de Cora Coralina, buscando escrever em forma de platôs, zonas de intensidade contínua, que constituem um método, plano de composição das multiplicidades. A característica fundamental de um platô, que o difere de um capítulo, é que pode ser lido em qualquer posição e relacionado com outro. Deleuze e Guattari postulam percursos inéditos em relação à atividade literária, permitindo-nos inserir a escrita em um horizonte possível de emancipação, entendida aqui como desterritorialização e reterritorialização e não como demarcação e fixação em um território. A escrita de Cora Coralina evidencia esse modo de emancipação.


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O presente trabalho foi desenvolvido a partir do enlace poético teórico feito a partir da análise e produção da obra 80faces, desenvolvida por aquele que se apresenta aqui tanto como autor da obra como pesquisador da mesma. Tal característica proporcionou uma dupla perspectiva que são apresentadas em partes distintas do trabalho, sendo a primeira um aparato teórico referencial e a segunda as anotações e idéias apropriadas por livre demanda do próprio artista pesquisador. As 80faces corresponde a um estudo das fotografias que o artista retirou de seu próprio rosto em expressões diversas e que foram estampadas em diferentes objetos colocados em circulação. Atráves de percepções filosóficas de mecanismos do contexto da visualidade e da rostidade, foi traçado um caminho que justificou a produção e tentou alcançar a perspectiva do artista frente a produção de sua obra e futura análise distanciada da mesma. Rostidade, metrópole comunicacional e imagem são alguns dos elementos que nortearam esta pesquisa, além da apresentação de uma criação poética independente de crivos teóricos referenciais pré estabelecidos


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L’aspect visuel dans les Illuminations de Rimbaud nous a amenés à nous demander s’il était possible d’adapter ces poèmes au cinéma. Il y a eu bien sûr plusieurs recherches sur le cinéma des années 20 qui exploraient la création poétique. D’autres recherches ont été menées pour trouver des traces de poésie dans des films narratifs un peu plus conventionnels. Bien que ces études soient fort intéressantes, nous voulions tendre vers une démarche plus radicale. Notre travail de recherche avait pour but de trouver le moyen de faire une adaptation de poème complètement autonome de l’œuvre originelle. Bien que nous nous soyons penchés sur les textes Surréalistes par l’entremise de Man Ray, nous avons aussi étudié des tentatives plus récentes d’adaptation de poèmes au cinéma. Nous avons découvert un lien entre ces adaptations et la notion d’altérité. C’est pourquoi nous avons décidé de traiter de notre sujet sous l’angle de l’altérité du point de vue philosophique. D’ailleurs, les trois films que nous avons retenus pour notre travail de recherche présentent des situations de marginalisation. La marginalisation est l’un des aspects de l’altérité qui nous intéressent. Le premier chapitre de ce mémoire est destiné à établir ce que nous entendons par altérité. Dans le deuxième chapitre, nous abordons l’adaptation de la poésie au cinéma en lien avec l’altérité. Nous avons adapté dix-huit poèmes des Illuminations de Rimbaud sous la forme d’un scénario dans la deuxième partie de ce mémoire afin de tenter d’explorer ce que nous avons établi dans notre partie théorique.


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In this research, we reflect on Body and Poetry: for an Education of the senses. This piece of work has as its objective the comprehension of the body and poetry s interlacement, for an education of the senses, starting from the experience of the Being in the world. With this purpose, we search to understand the poetic creation as the corporal transubstantiation by means of the senses, which is realized in the creative expression and manifests itself in the body language, opening ways to an education felt in the aesthetic experience. In order to comprehend the process of poetic creation, we rely on the phenomenological method of the lived world from Merleau-Ponty, philosophy, always opening forests of questionings and sprouting new doubts in search of other comprehensions about Poetry, Body and Education. These three phenomena were investigated by means of a reflection on my own life trajectory as a poet and Physical Education professor; identification and analysis of poets/reciters; sensitive experiences experience lived in Oficinas de Poesias (Poetry Workshops), held in seven public governmental schools of the State of Rio Grande do Norte and through a permanent dialogue with the works of Merleau-Ponty, Severino Antonio, Paul Zumthor, Petrucia Nóbrega, among other authors. Phenomenology and the sources investigated have permitted us to conclude that poetic creation is not a product of a divine inspiration, of a spirit come from over yonder, nor a hereditary gift, but poetry is created from a dialogue between the poet and the organic and cultural world, revealing at each experience undergone a new world of senses and meanings. It was possible to comprehend the poetic language as a synesthetic and performable manifestation, which ontologically reveals itself and hides itself at each experience, bringing new expressive clarities of the Being in the world. This piece of research has revealed us that poetry as a sensitive experience of the poetic state makes it possible a construction of a sensitive, glad and ludic knowledge for an education of the senses


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A obra Corola, de Claudia Roquette-Pinto (2000), apresenta um projeto poético consistente advindo do emprego de recursos expressivos metalinguísticos e da coesa estrutura da obra. O recurso à intratextualidade favorece a unidade e as reflexões metalinguísticas dos 48 poemas que compõem a obra. O diálogo com a tradição literária é simultâneo à consciência dos enunciadores de que a poesia de Corola é intervalar e físsil. Os 47 primeiros poemas sem título de Corola constroem forte relação de continuidade e interdependência reveladora da presença de uma “teoria” do fazer poético baseada em intempéries. O lirismo de Corola não apresenta marcas de autocomiseração em relação à situação de náufrago anunciada no último poema da obra. Os adjetivos exausto, roto, desacreditado, atribuídos ao eu poético, fazem com que ele se desdobre em outro, apreciador crítico de seus próprios ruídos poéticos e refém consciente de um tempo lacunar e intermitente que favorece a construção de uma poética da paciente espera pelo resgate da poesia e do desdobramento em leitor-espectador de si mesmo e do texto poético. Analisaremos alguns procedimentos metalingüísticos e as inquietações compositivas anunciadas pelos eus poéticos de Corola, além da recorrente figura do jardim como espaço poético.


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Lyric poetry is where the relationships between world perception, language and representation are mostly problematized. In fact, poetic creation oscillates between the desire of a realistic expression of the world, beings and things and the understanding that its urgent task is simply to reinvent the world order and denaturalize it. Thus, Sérgio Mello’s poems in No Banheiro um Espelho Trincado (2004) conceive a poetry mainly concerned on the tension between words and things; between the lyric subject and the world; between language and the reality it encloses, through groups of images that range from the natural to the rupture process. His poems are small pieces of narrative, scenes that are articulated through the cutting technique, like the process of a cinematographic edition.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Este trabajo se propone iluminar, a partir de los datos aportados en diversas entrevistas, algunos aspectos del proceso creador de Antonio Di Benedetto para contribuir a un mayor conocimiento de su poética, especialmente de las reflexiones sobre la creación. Se parte del núcleo autobiográfico para ahondar en los inicios de su actividad de escritor: los años de aprendizaje, la imitación de su madre, una innata narradora, y las influencias de las lecturas de los grandes maestros narradores. A continuación se profundiza en la importancia del silencio en la obra de Di Benedetto, tanto en su función temática como estilística, ya que éste es el núcleo de un decir riguroso, esencial, donde lo no dicho adquiere valor y peso en sí mismo. Finalmente se estudia la estrecha vinculación de sus obras con el particular momento vital, así como su insistente búsqueda de perfección, que lo llevan a explorar las posibilidades expresivas y comunicativas de las diversas modalidades de la ficción, como la narrativa experimental y la fantástica.


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Esta tese estuda o sentido do simbolismo religioso da imagem do arquétipo da Grande Mãe ao interpretar a poesia de Cecília Meireles (1901-1964). As imagens da Grande Mãe estão presentes nos escritos de Cecília Meireles bem como o seu simbolismo religioso. Observou-se certa sintonia entre maternidade e simbolismo religioso na criação poética ceciliana. O objetivo prin-cipal desta tese foi de mostrar qual o sentido do arquétipo da Grande Mãe no simbolismo religi-oso ao interpretar a poesia de Cecília Meireles. A pesquisa foi bibliográfica focada no grupo de Eranos através do pensamento de Carl Gustav Jung (arquétipo), Paul Tillich (símbolo religioso), Gaston Bachelard (imagem literária), Gilbert Durand (mitocrítica), Mircea Eliade (símbolo). Cecília Meireles perdeu sua família prematuramente e foi morar com sua avó Jacinta Garcia Benevides, natural da Ilha de São Miguel (Açores, Portugal). Educada num ambiente de acon-chego e amor, ouvia constantemente as histórias contadas pela avó açoriana sobre a Ilha de São Miguel e a da Índia. Além disto, sua babá Pedrina, de forma mágica e divertida, introduziu-lhe no rico folclore brasileiro com suas crendices. Crescida neste ambiente de perdas e sofrimentos, mas amparada por estas duas mulheres, a poeta construiu no interior de seu ser um espaço mís-tico de encontro profundo com sua poesia. A Ilha do Nanja é este espaço místico onde a poeta entra quando quer se desligar das mazelas do mundo. Esta Ilha do Nanja é um refúgio, um rega-ço acolhedor materno onde seu ser encontra com o útero gerador de poesias. É o íntimo do mais íntimo do místico e lírico ceciliano. Cecília Meireles criou sua Ilha do Nanja que para ela é a Ilha de São Miguel transfigurada aos poucos pelo sonho. Além deste simbolismo, observou outros, tais como: a família (mãe, avó, babá no convívio em casa), santos/santas, Nossa Senhora, a terra. Com esta tese concluiu-se que o arquétipo da Grande mãe é um dos elementos centrais da poesia de Cecília Meireles por causa das perdas humanas, especialmente a figura materna. Mas há de ressaltar que a poeta não ficou apenas presa a esta perda para construir sua fortuna poética. Ela foi muito além conhecendo outros espaços geradores de sua poesia.


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This thesis presents a research that links cultural history and visual culture in a sociobiographical approach. It gives a “political treatment” to the educational experience in the transition of art teaching from the modern to the postmodern. By taking into account my experiences as an educator and the poetic practice in Daniel Francisco de Souza’s visual art, I propose a dialogue with his art and a series of visual narratives this artist/student produced at the time of his education and recently. Such visual narratives were taken as research source and research subject. They were created in a rural setting in dialogue with formal art teaching in two phases: 1992–6, when Daniel Fran cisco attended elementary school in the rural area of Uberlândia, MG; and 2008–10, when he attended Visual Arts graduation at Federal University of Uberlândia city. I analyze historical processes related to art and teaching, from the early sixteenth century to the present times, to realize residues in students’ poetic experiences. I relate Brazilian educational public policies with experi- ences in that rural school. I try to show the extent to which our educational practices triggered experiences — from ones common to intense ones — and promoted forms of “emancipation-knowledge” or “regulation-knowledge” and how the “selective tradition” was and how art predetermined history images gave way to everyday visual references, pointing to the “broad field” of visual culture. I make an effort to show Daniel Francisco’s work as an adult by tak- ing it according to different approaches. In a poetic reading, first, I emphasixe the material and the symbolic in his art. In a second look, I approach his work through the intertwining experiences of three characters from different times and places that participated in the making of his art: the artist farmer, the artist teacher and the teacher researcher. I assume the existence of a mutual cultural incompleteness in these three characters; which means that parts of their “structures of feeling” built on the interrelationship among them are part of the artist’ work as a historical content decanted. Thirdly, I demonstrate how the artist sees his place as a key re ference to his poetic creation. His work does not reflect the rural bucolic as something untouched. In showing the difficulty in distinguishing the archaic residual, I identify emerging issues in his work. I conclude that the artist — Daniel Francisco — and the researcher — myself — present maverick features: both are scavengers; their productions approach the working with scraps in art and in the academy; even momentarily, they live in exile in the warmth of the borders or the edges, from where one sees the center clearly. In these spaces, when certain structures and normative codes enter into coalition, they fragment pre-established strategies and stimulate the creation of survival tactics.


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A travers l’étude de la Correspondance Jules Supervielle-Etiemble et sa confrontation avec les manifestes du poète que sont  « Eléments d’une poétique » et « En songeant à un art poétique », notre article tente de définir la spécificité de la conception supervilienne de la poésie tout en évoquant les difficultés du poète à extérioriser, dans les premières années de sa jeunesse, les images inhérentes à son univers intérieur, et en faisant l’inventaire de quelques principes qui régissent son activité poétique : le refus de toutes les esthétiques et de toutes les techniques qui régissent préalablement la création poétique, l’adoption d’une technique a posteriori ou d’une « technique mouvante qui ne se fixe qu’à chaque poème », le travail de corrections, de retouches et de ratures, et le culte de l’oubli considéré moins comme une défaillance de la mémoire que comme le catalyseur des associations et images inattendues.


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Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Artes, 2015.


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ABSTRACT: This article discusses the poetic creation in the poem “As lições de R. Q.” of the poet Manoel de Barros, and in the note that precedes it, identifying possibilities for interpretation of the poem in relation to the proposed questions, namely: the question of influence in the arts, the question of the interpenetration of technical and glances between poetry and painting, also addressing the issues of primitivism and colonialism.  KEYWORDS: Manoel de Barros. Poetry. Painting.