288 resultados para pluralidade


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A presente tese de doutorado procura mostrar que a coligação contratual, entendida como sendo a possibilidade de interferências recíprocas entre contratos, dá-se por força da conjunção do ordenamento jurídico com os fatos, não bastando a simples integração econômica entre negócios subjacentes para caracterizar a coligação do ponto de vista jurídico. A primeira das fontes da coligação contratual é a vontade das partes, através de cláusulas contratuais. As partes, por meio de acordos privados podem fazer com que efeitos decorrentes de um contrato produzam efeitos em outro. A segunda fonte é a lei. Muitas vezes o legislador quer que dois ou mais contratos se conectem de modo a que produzam alguns efeitos entre si. Nestes casos afasta-se a vontade das partes e prevalece a determinação do legislador. Por último, a coligação contratual pode ser uma aplicação do princípio da boa-fé. A confiança despertada, nas relações onde haja uma elevada integração econômica deve ser protegida.


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Resumen tomado de la autora


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Propomos um passeio acadêmico por 11 textos de pesquisadores afinados com a temática Health Communication na versão brasileira, mostrando a riqueza de assuntos, metodologias e enfoques que os estudos dessa área permitem na academia. Trata-se de uma visão multidisciplinar, às vezes com a Comunicação no foco principal, por outras a Saúde no estetoscópio dos pesquisadores.


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The right to artistic expression, freedom granted in the western democratic constitutionalism, is a fundamental right that cyclically, compared to other cohesive rights of expression, has been forgotten and put in an irrelevant juridical-dogmatic position. The first reason for this behaviour that disesteems artistic freedom is the valorisation of rationalism and scientificism in the modern society, subordinating academic researches to utilitarianism, relegating the purpose of feelings and spirituality on men s elocution, therefore, we investigate, guided by philosophy, the attribution of art on human formation, due to its capacity in harmonising reason and emotion. After that, we affirm the fundamental right to artistic expression s autonomy in the 1988 valid constitutional order, after a comparative explanation of freedom in the Fundamental Laws of United States, Portugal, Spain and Germany; and the construction historic-constitutional of the same right in the Brazilian Constitutions. In this desiderate, the theoric mark chosen is the Liberal Theory of the fundamental rights, guiding the exam through jusfundamental dimensions: juridical-subjective and juridical-objective. Whilst the first, classical function of resistance, delimitates the protection area of the artistic expression right from its specific content, titularity and its constitutional and subconstitutional limits, the other one establishes it as cultural good of the Social Order, defining to the State its rendering duties of protection, formation and cultural promotion. We do not admit artistic communication, granted without legal reserve, to be transposed of restrictions that belong to other fundamental rights and, when its exercise collides with another fundamental right or juridical-constitutional good, the justification to a possible state intervention that tangentiates its protection area goes, necessarily, through the perquisition of the artist s animus, the used method, the many viable interpretations and, at last, the correct application of the proportionality criteria. The cultural public politics analysis, nevertheless, observes the pluralism principle of democratic substratum, developer of the cultural dialogue and opposed to patterns determined by the mass cultural industry. All powers are attached, on the scope of its typical attributions, to materialise public politics that have the cultural artistic good as its aim, due to the constant rule contained in §1, art. 5º of the Federal Constitution. However, the access and the incentive laws to culture must be constantly supervised by the constitutional parameter of fundamental right to equality


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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A autora investiga o romance O selvagem da ópera, de Rubem Fonseca, publicado em 1994 e que se destaca por certa excepcionalidade dentro da obra do escritor, conhecido pelo uso da linguagem das ruas e pela ênfase nas situações de violência social - embora neste texto, publicado quatro anos após ter lançado Agosto, em que mesclava história e ficção para narrar os acontecimentos do mês em que Getúlio Vargas se suicidou, também volte a utilizar esses elementos. No livro, Fonseca debruça-se sobre a vida do compositor Carlos Gomes, famoso por sua ópera O Guarani, desde a sua partida de Campinas para o Rio de Janeiro de D. Pedro II, e depois para a Itália, onde encontraria a glória e o fracasso. O autor não se limita, porém, à simples narrativa histórica: investe também no hibridismo de gêneros, já que é contado para o leitor que o romance servirá de base para um filme de longa-metragem. Dessa forma, segundo a pesquisadora, Fonseca, empregando o recurso da metaficção, monta um jogo de simulacros e armadilhas, deixando o leitor indeciso se está diante de um material biográfico ou de um roteiro cinematográfico. Além da análise formal, o livro também discute as implicações trazidas pelo olhar inovador de Fonseca diante do cenário artístico e cultural da segunda metade do século 19


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In 1997, the National Curriculum Parameters (BRASIL, 1997a) proposed the incorporation of the Transversal Themes in all of the knowledge areas. Specifically in the School Physical Education, the teacher working with transversality must stabilish bridges between the body culture practice with these themes. Promote this relationship is not a simple task and there are many problems that stuck the advance of this propose. So, thinking about making didactical formulat teaching stragies and think about the development of their practice. Another challenge is considerate as a beginning in the pedagogic activity the student’s knowledge and experience, as listening during the process of knowledge construction. In this way, the aim of this research is investigate the 8th and 9th grade of the primary school students conception about Cultural Plurality. After this, using the information taken gron the students, we are going to present subisidies to make a textbook, for the teachers and for students, with Physical Education activities possibilies with this Transversal Theme. Keeping in mind the aim of this research, we used the semi-structed interview as a instrument of data collection. The interview was made with 30 students of the 8th and 9th grade the primary school from two statual schools of Rio Claro city. The procediments were executed following the ethics comite requirements. In other to associate the Cultural Plurality with Physical Education, dance and physical adventure activities contents were selected. The results showed that the students know few thinks about this Transversal Themes, because they had apoor knowledge, according to National Curriculum Parameters. In scholar environment and Physical Education classes, there are many cases of prejudice and discrimination, mostly by the leack of ability. Nonetheless, most of the students are able to...(Complete abstract click electronic access below)


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The cinematographic language is notedly plural and heterogeneous. There are many filmic elements that “narrate” all the time, in different ways. Besides enumerating some of them, this study seeks to analyse if the criticism is attentive to all of these tools or if it sticks only to some of them. It’s also reflects if this activity uses more objectives or subjectives aspects as basis for its conclusions. Here, a very specific field was chosen: the study is done by a comparative analysis of the reception of Brazilian’s and European’s criticism from two Lars Von Trier’s films, Antichrist and Melancholia. After explaining how the narrative elements are used in the cinema, it’s demonstrated that, in general, the criticism is negligent and does not analyze all of those tools. In some cases, the analysis of some elements is done in a superficial way, so others aspects can be highlighted