6 resultados para plebiscite


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As largely anticipated, the incumbent Prime Minister of Serbia, Aleksandar Vučić, secured another four years in power at the snap elections that took place on 24 April. However, the results suggest that Vučić has overplayed his hand with this personal plebiscite: simple arithmetics unmasked his exaggerated hope to wipe out the opposition and consolidate political dominance. This might bode well for political pluralism but voters’ preferences and the affixed party options caution against taking Serbia’s commitment to European integration for granted.


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Esta monografía aborda el tema de las conspiraciones civiles y militares cuyo propósito fundamental era restituirle el poder al General Gustavo Rojas Pinilla, y evitar el establecimiento del Frente Nacional, que había sido aprobado mediante plebiscito nacional en 1957. Las conspiraciones que se dieron de 1958 a 1961 fueron planeadas y llevadas a cabo por militares afectos a Rojas Pinilla, con un apoyo importante de algunos políticos destacados de la época.


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La idea de la voluntad del pueblo como expresión de la soberanía es propia de la teoríapolítica que busca explicar el origen del Estado moderno liberal. La compatibilidad entre lalibertad individual de sujetos considerados iguales y el ejercicio del poder político requierepensar a los ciudadanos como sujetos libres, y esto se logra cuando el poder que se ejercesobre ellos se concibe como un poder que nace solo de los propios ciudadanos. En laconcepción individualista de la democracia, los derechos de los individuos son anteriores ytienen primacía sobre la pertenencia a la sociedad. Sin embargo, no es necesario asumir estaconcepción para defender esa primacía. Se la puede defender solo respecto de las decisionesde la sociedad. Desde esta posición, es posible concebir el conflicto entre soberanía populary derechos humanos. La transición política uruguaya ejemplifica esa posibilidad. A través de un referéndum y un plebiscito convocados por la propia sociedad, la mayoría avaló laLey de Caducidad de la Pretensión Punitiva del Estado, que impide los juicios por los gravescrímenes cometidos durante la dictadura. La Corte idh declaró, en el 2011, que esa decisiónpopular violaba la cadh y que la soberanía popular está sujeta a los límites que le imponenlos derechos humanos. Los análisis de esta decisión se han centrado en la obligación del Estadode acatarla, pero no en lo que ella significa para la comprensión contemporánea de lademocracia. Eso es lo que pretendo hacer en este artículo, a través de dos tesis: el conflictose mantiene si el concepto de democracia es un concepto procedimental; y la Corte idhofrece un concepto que abre un camino a la solución del conflicto.


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The Participatory Democracy is disseminated throughout the Principle of Popular Sovereignty. Since it spurs the participation of the people in the exercise of political power, it emerges as a conciliatory alternative to the Representative Regime - one of questionable legitimacy in account of the distortion it causes on the will of the public. It does so specially vis-à-vis the legislative, where the law is created. It s known that our Constitution (arts. 1º e 14, CF/88) provides for the means through which the members of the public may take part in the political process of the country, for it consecrates the plebiscite, the referendum and the popular initiative, all of them incipiently regulated by the Lei nº 9.709/98. It s our task, thus, to inquire, through deductive reasoning as well as the legal exegeses, the enforceability of the Popular Initiative as a means of popular emancipation, given that it enables the citizens to conscientiously participate in the public sphere. It has also an educational ethos which builds the capacity of individual to act, and, therefore, through thoughtful choices, enhance the legal system. Furthermore, the Lei da Ficha Limpa (LC nº 135/2010) surely represents a milestone in the Brazilian political history, since it accrued from a new way of social interaction allowed by the usage of communication technology on the pursuit of political morality. As a matter of fact, this bill is a clear example of how a legal act was legitimately proposed through Public Initiative. Hence, it s beneficial to actually make use of the Public Initiative, under the influence of the New Constitutional Hermeneutics, with a view to supporting social claims and promoting a dialogical relationship with the State in order to help it in the decisionmaking process. Thereat, we can achieve important civic spaces through which the fundamental right to democracy shall be materialized, tearing apart the old paradigms of inequality and, thus, promoting social justice


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Helena is the romance of perishable and discontinuous title character denominator of a dialectic that does not consume and build the narrative by sequential fragmentation combined with episodic frame. The novel is a lightning stroke to the romantic literary project. Therefore, this study aims to find "objective" elements of the novel that would constitute a conception of literary nation proposed by Machado de Assis, as in classical writing, where women are engaged as a metaphor for the nation by a non-cultural heroism, as the example of the Greek myth of Helena, where the feminine represents a mythical image of the nation. The paper's theoretical conception of the history of Walter Benjamin, that is, that is constructed as an allegorical appeal, the conclusions about the disciplinary society of nineteenth century of Michel Foucault, the construction of the nation as a subtle game to remember and forget of Wander Miranda and the rhetoric of death and loss reflected in the speeches of the cultural heritage of José Reginaldo Santos Gonçalves, which allow you to analyze the work permeated by subjectivity and existential conflicts by Machado, who has it arranged in dialectic with the avant-garde literary romanticism and realism. In this relationship with the Greek myth of Helen, explained that characters with the nickname of Helena in Machado's work are not uncommon. As in classical Helena, Machado s Helena uses three rhetorical are the cause of the seizure of the nation. In this game of remembering and forgetting, in the daily plebiscite, Machado draw ideal images that forged our mythical past and commitment to the future. The suffering love of Helena is suffering from failure of the nation which would have led the author to the use of allegorical language, seeking a balance in the chaos generated by the opposition between cruelty and pity widespread view in an area where only left the character's confession guilt for the death. It is a simulacrum of unfinished nation, the space for the game of remembering and forgetting, while the rhetoric of negotiation of our Brazilianness


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The sovereign of a democratic state is „the people“. However, they transfer their voices to a few political party representatives in order to make them exercise legislative and executive powers in the name of “the people”. In different European countries, this model of representative democracy is marked by elements of direct democracy. In Switzerland, for example, there are frequent plebiscites on a number of issues and in France, the President of the Republic is elected directly. In Germany, the constitution calls for a “Volksabstimmung”, or a referendum at the federal level, a “Volksentscheid” or plebiscite at the federal state level and a “Bürgerentscheid” at the city level. But in small municipalities where everyone knows each other and people talk, a different form of direct democracy continues on. In the case of Bubenreuth, where I have lived for more than 30 years, the community dared to raise its voice against the mayor and against town councillors to have them revoke the application of a legal but unjust regulation, or for them to at least mitigate the effects.