Conflictos entre el pueblo y las autoridades. Bubenreuth: un ejemplo actual en Baviera

Autoria(s): Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Harald

Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Christian

Traine, Martín




The sovereign of a democratic state is „the people“. However, they transfer their voices to a few political party representatives in order to make them exercise legislative and executive powers in the name of “the people”. In different European countries, this model of representative democracy is marked by elements of direct democracy. In Switzerland, for example, there are frequent plebiscites on a number of issues and in France, the President of the Republic is elected directly. In Germany, the constitution calls for a “Volksabstimmung”, or a referendum at the federal level, a “Volksentscheid” or plebiscite at the federal state level and a “Bürgerentscheid” at the city level. But in small municipalities where everyone knows each other and people talk, a different form of direct democracy continues on. In the case of Bubenreuth, where I have lived for more than 30 years, the community dared to raise its voice against the mayor and against town councillors to have them revoke the application of a legal but unjust regulation, or for them to at least mitigate the effects.




Wentzlaff-Eggebert, Harald (2015) Conflictos entre el pueblo y las autoridades. Bubenreuth: un ejemplo actual en Baviera. In: El pueblo de Europa y su voz en el espacio cultural europeo: ¿Quién es el pueblo? – ¡Nosotros somos el pueblo! Kölner Beiträge zur Lateinamerika-Forschung, 13. Universität zu Köln, Arbeitskreis Spanien - Portugal - Lateinamerika, pp. 65-73.


Universität zu Köln, Arbeitskreis Spanien - Portugal - Lateinamerika


Palavras-Chave #Political science #Romance languages French

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