972 resultados para planar graphs
We investigate a conjecture on the cover times of planar graphs by means of large Monte Carlo simulations. The conjecture states that the cover time tau (G(N)) of a planar graph G(N) of N vertices and maximal degree d is lower bounded by tau (G(N)) >= C(d)N(lnN)(2) with C(d) = (d/4 pi) tan(pi/d), with equality holding for some geometries. We tested this conjecture on the regular honeycomb (d = 3), regular square (d = 4), regular elongated triangular (d = 5), and regular triangular (d = 6) lattices, as well as on the nonregular Union Jack lattice (d(min) = 4, d(max) = 8). Indeed, the Monte Carlo data suggest that the rigorous lower bound may hold as an equality for most of these lattices, with an interesting issue in the case of the Union Jack lattice. The data for the honeycomb lattice, however, violate the bound with the conjectured constant. The empirical probability distribution function of the cover time for the square lattice is also briefly presented, since very little is known about cover time probability distribution functions in general.
The conjecture claiming that every planar graph is acyclic 5-choosable[Borodin et al., 2002] has been verified for several restricted classes of planargraphs. Recently, O. V. Borodin and A. O. Ivanova, [Journal of Graph Theory,68(2), October 2011, 169-176], have shown that a planar graph is acyclically 5-choosable if it does not contain an i-cycle adjacent to a j-cycle, where 3<=j<=5 if i=3 and 4<=j<=6 if i=4. We improve the above mentioned result and prove that every planar graph without an i-cycle adjacent to a j-cycle with3<=j<=5 if i=3 and 4<=j<=5 if i=4 is acyclically 5-choosable.
According to the List Colouring Conjecture, if G is a multigraph then χ' (G)=χl' (G) . In this thesis, we discuss a relaxed version of this conjecture that every simple graph G is edge-(∆ + 1)-choosable as by Vizing’s Theorem ∆(G) ≤χ' (G)≤∆(G) + 1. We prove that if G is a planar graph without 7-cycles with ∆(G)≠5,6 , or without adjacent 4-cycles with ∆(G)≠5, or with no 3-cycles adjacent to 5-cycles, then G is edge-(∆ + 1)-choosable.
The study of hyperbolic graphs is an interesting topic since the hyperbolicity of a geodesic metric space is equivalent to the hyperbolicity of a graph related to it. The main result in this paper is a very simple characterization of the hyperbolicity of a large class of periodic planar graphs.
A planar k-restricted structure is a simple graph whose blocks are planar and each has at most k vertices. Planar k-restricted structures are used by approximation algorithms for Maximum Weight Planar Subgraph, which motivates this work. The planar k-restricted ratio is the infimum, over simple planar graphs H, of the ratio of the number of edges in a maximum k-restricted structure subgraph of H to the number edges of H. We prove that, as k tends to infinity, the planar k-restricted ratio tends to 1/2. The same result holds for the weighted version. Our results are based on analyzing the analogous ratios for outerplanar and weighted outerplanar graphs. Here both ratios tend to 1 as k goes to infinity, and we provide good estimates of the rates of convergence, showing that they differ in the weighted from the unweighted case.
Counting labelled planar graphs, and typical properties of random labelled planar graphs, have received much attention recently. We start the process here of extending these investigations to graphs embeddable on any fixed surface S. In particular we show that the labelled graphs embeddable on S have the same growth constant as for planar graphs, and the same holds for unlabelled graphs. Also, if we pick a graph uniformly at random from the graphs embeddable on S which have vertex set {1, . . . , n}, then with probability tending to 1 as n → ∞, this random graph either is connected or consists of one giant component together with a few nodes in small planar components.
Consider an undirected graph G and a subgraph of G, H. A q-backbone k-colouring of (G,H) is a mapping f: V(G) {1, 2, ..., k} such that G is properly coloured and for each edge of H, the colours of its endpoints differ by at least q. The minimum number k for which there is a backbone k-colouring of (G,H) is the backbone chromatic number, BBCq(G,H). It has been proved that backbone k-colouring of (G,T) is at most 4 if G is a connected C4-free planar graph or non-bipartite C5-free planar graph or Cj-free, j∈{6,7,8} planar graph without adjacent triangles. In this thesis we improve the results mentioned above and prove that 2-backbone k-colouring of any connected planar graphs without adjacent triangles is at most 4 by using a discharging method. In the second part of this thesis we further improve these results by proving that for any graph G with χ(G) ≥ 4, BBC(G,T) = χ(G). In fact, we prove the stronger result that a backbone tree T in G exists, such that ∀ uv ∈ T, |f(u)-f(v)|=2 or |f(u)-f(v)| ≥ k-2, k = χ(G). For the case that G is a planar graph, according to Four Colour Theorem, χ(G) = 4; so, BBC(G,T) = 4.
In this note,the (t) properties of five class are studied. We proved that the classes of cographs and clique perfect graphs without isolated vertices satisfy the (2) property and the (3) property, but do not satisfy the (t) property for tis greater than equal to 4. The (t) properties of the planar graphs and the perfect graphss are also studied . we obtain a necessary and suffieient conditions for the trestled graph of index K to satisfy the (2) property
The graph Laplacian operator is widely studied in spectral graph theory largely due to its importance in modern data analysis. Recently, the Fourier transform and other time-frequency operators have been defined on graphs using Laplacian eigenvalues and eigenvectors. We extend these results and prove that the translation operator to the i’th node is invertible if and only if all eigenvectors are nonzero on the i’th node. Because of this dependency on the support of eigenvectors we study the characteristic set of Laplacian eigenvectors. We prove that the Fiedler vector of a planar graph cannot vanish on large neighborhoods and then explicitly construct a family of non-planar graphs that do exhibit this property. We then prove original results in modern analysis on graphs. We extend results on spectral graph wavelets to create vertex-dyanamic spectral graph wavelets whose support depends on both scale and translation parameters. We prove that Spielman’s Twice-Ramanujan graph sparsifying algorithm cannot outperform his conjectured optimal sparsification constant. Finally, we present numerical results on graph conditioning, in which edges of a graph are rescaled to best approximate the complete graph and reduce average commute time.
In this paper we extend recent results of Fiorini et al. on the extension complexity of the cut polytope and related polyhedra. We first describe a lifting argument to show exponential extension complexity for a number of NP-complete problems including subset-sum and three dimensional matching. We then obtain a relationship between the extension complexity of the cut polytope of a graph and that of its graph minors. Using this we are able to show exponential extension complexity for the cut polytope of a large number of graphs, including those used in quantum information and suspensions of cubic planar graphs.
We show the existence of sets with n points (n ? 4) for which every convex decomposition contains more than (35/32)n?(3/2) polygons,which refutes the conjecture that for every set of n points there is a convex decomposition with at most n+C polygons. For sets having exactly three extreme pointswe show that more than n+sqr(2(n ? 3))?4 polygons may be necessary to form a convex decomposition.
Evolving interfaces were initially focused on solutions to scientific problems in Fluid Dynamics. With the advent of the more robust modeling provided by Level Set method, their original boundaries of applicability were extended. Specifically to the Geometric Modeling area, works published until then, relating Level Set to tridimensional surface reconstruction, centered themselves on reconstruction from a data cloud dispersed in space; the approach based on parallel planar slices transversal to the object to be reconstructed is still incipient. Based on this fact, the present work proposes to analyse the feasibility of Level Set to tridimensional reconstruction, offering a methodology that simultaneously integrates the proved efficient ideas already published about such approximation and the proposals to process the inherent limitations of the method not satisfactorily treated yet, in particular the excessive smoothing of fine characteristics of contours evolving under Level Set. In relation to this, the application of the variant Particle Level Set is suggested as a solution, for its intrinsic proved capability to preserve mass of dynamic fronts. At the end, synthetic and real data sets are used to evaluate the presented tridimensional surface reconstruction methodology qualitatively.
Evolving interfaces were initially focused on solutions to scientific problems in Fluid Dynamics. With the advent of the more robust modeling provided by Level Set method, their original boundaries of applicability were extended. Specifically to the Geometric Modeling area, works published until then, relating Level Set to tridimensional surface reconstruction, centered themselves on reconstruction from a data cloud dispersed in space; the approach based on parallel planar slices transversal to the object to be reconstructed is still incipient. Based on this fact, the present work proposes to analyse the feasibility of Level Set to tridimensional reconstruction, offering a methodology that simultaneously integrates the proved efficient ideas already published about such approximation and the proposals to process the inherent limitations of the method not satisfactorily treated yet, in particular the excessive smoothing of fine characteristics of contours evolving under Level Set. In relation to this, the application of the variant Particle Level Set is suggested as a solution, for its intrinsic proved capability to preserve mass of dynamic fronts. At the end, synthetic and real data sets are used to evaluate the presented tridimensional surface reconstruction methodology qualitatively.
Gaussianity and statistical isotropy of the Universe are modern cosmology's minimal set of hypotheses. In this work we introduce a new statistical test to detect observational deviations from this minimal set. By defining the temperature correlation function over the whole celestial sphere, we are able to independently quantify both angular and planar dependence (modulations) of the CMB temperature power spectrum over different slices of this sphere. Given that planar dependence leads to further modulations of the usual angular power spectrum C(l), this test can potentially reveal richer structures in the morphology of the primordial temperature field. We have also constructed an unbiased estimator for this angular-planar power spectrum which naturally generalizes the estimator for the usual C(l)'s. With the help of a chi-square analysis, we have used this estimator to search for observational deviations of statistical isotropy in WMAP's 5 year release data set (ILC5), where we found only slight anomalies on the angular scales l = 7 and l = 8. Since this angular-planar statistic is model-independent, it is ideal to employ in searches of statistical anisotropy (e.g., contaminations from the galactic plane) and to characterize non-Gaussianities.
We present an analysis of the absorption of acoustic waves by a black hole analogue in (2 + 1) dimensions generated by a fluid flow in a draining bathtub. We show that the low-frequency absorption length is equal to the acoustic hole circumference and that the high-frequency absorption length is 4 times the ergoregion radius. For intermediate values of the wave frequency, we compute the absorption length numerically and show that our results are in excellent agreement with the low-and high-frequency limits. We analyze the occurrence of superradiance, manifested as negative partial absorption lengths for corotating modes at low frequencies.