932 resultados para placebo effect
This thesis investigated the relationship of explicit (self-report), implicit (IAT) and physiological variables to the placebo effect. The thesis consisted of three main parts. The first collected background data and developed models for two constructs (Optimism and Mindfulness) associated with the placebo effect and implicit attitudes, respectively. The second part of the thesis consisted of the development of an explicit measure of treatment expectancies, and the development of two IATs, one for Optimism and the other for Treatment Credibility. The final portion of the thesis was an experimental study (N=111) which tested these new measures in a sample of healthy volunteers. The primary hypothesis of the thesis, that there would be a relationship between the placebo effect and implicit measures, was not supported. Major findings include an effect of semantic priming on placebo response mediated by condition (Deceptive versus Open Placebo), an unexpected negative relationship between Optimism and self-reported Health, and a physiological relationship between pain ratings and GSR data, which was also mediated by Condition in the experiment. A complete record of the code and data for this thesis can be found at https://github.com/richiemorrisroe/Thesis
Une préoccupation essentielle traverse cette thèse: l'indifférence systémique de la Loi internationale sur la propriété intellectuelle a l'égard des savoirs traditionnels autochtones. De manière générale, un écart semble d'ailleurs croissant entre l'importance des accords internationaux sur les questions d'intérêt commercial et ceux de nature sociale. Les savoirs traditionnels autochtones sur les plantes médicinales sont particulièrement désavantagés dans ce système dichotomique puisqu'ils sont non seulement à l'origine d'énormes profits commerciaux mais se trouvent aussi au cœur de multiples croyances propres à ces sociétés. L'Accord sur les aspects des droits de propriété intellectuelle qui touchent au commerce (ADPIC) de l'Organisation mondiale du commerce (OMC) a cristallisé le souci de la législation internationale à l'égard d'une protection efficace des intérêts commerciaux. Deux années auparavant, la Convention sur la diversité biologique (CDB) était signée, traduisant une préoccupation à l'égard du développement durable, et elle devenait le premier accord international à tenir compte des savoirs traditionnels autochtones. On considère souvent que ces deux accords permettent l'équilibre du développement commercial et durable, requis par l'économie internationale. Après plus ample examen, on a plutôt l'impression que l'idée d'une CDB défendant, avec succès et efficacité, la nécessité du développement durable et des savoirs traditionnels autochtones contre les pressions opposées de l'ADPIC et de l'OMC est, au mieux, simpliste. La thèse explore également la fonction de la Loi sur les brevets dans la création d’industries, notamment pharmaceutique, et la manière dont ces industries influencent la législation nationale et en particulier internationale. De même, elle traite du rôle que jouent les brevets dans l'affaiblissement et la dépossession des peuples autochtones dotés de savoirs traditionnels sur les plantes médicinales, conduisant à une situation ou ces savoirs sont marginalisés ainsi que leurs détenteurs. La thèse aborde les failles institutionnelles du système juridique international qui permet une telle situation et indique l'urgente nécessité d'examiner attentivement les inégalités économiques et sociales au Nord comme au Sud, et non seulement entre eux. Finalement, la thèse suggère que la législation internationale gagnerait à s'inspirer des diverses traditions juridiques présentes à travers le monde et, dans ce cas particulier, peut être les détenteurs des connaissances traditionnelles concernant les plantes médicinales seront mieux servi par le droit des obligations.
Pharmacists need to know about complementary therapies so they can advise patients on their suitability, and also their compatibility with conventional drugs. This article discusses, from a pharmaceutical perspective, the types of therapies available, their applications and indications, and issues surrounding the placebo effect.
BACKGROUND Classically, clinical trials are based on the placebo-control design. Our aim was to analyze the placebo effect in Huntington's disease. METHODS Placebo data were obtained from an international, longitudinal, placebo-controlled trial for Huntington's disease (European Huntington's Disease Initiative Study Group). One-hundred and eighty patients were evaluated using the Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale over 36 months. A placebo effect was defined as an improvement of at least 50% over baseline scores in the Unified Huntington Disease Rating Scale, and clinically relevant when at least 10% of the population met it. RESULTS Only behavior showed a significant placebo effect, and the proportion of the patients with placebo effect ranged from 16% (first visit) to 41% (last visit). Nondepressed patients with better functional status were most likely to be placebo-responders over time. CONCLUSIONS In Huntington's disease, behavior seems to be more vulnerable to placebo than overall motor function, cognition, and function
[ES] Esta investigación aporta evidencias concluyentes de que existe el efecto placebo en la valoración de un producto artístico, en este caso un poema. Tras la aplicación de diferentes metodologías y testando divergentes poemas, los resultados indican que el nombre del autor influye significativamente en la valoración subjetiva que se hace de la obra. De este modo, esta investigación da respuesta a la pregunta: ¿puede una pieza literaria ser evaluada de manera diferente en función de la persona que firma esa creación? Los resultados de este estudio ciertamente muestran ese efecto: un poema es evaluado de manera significativamente más favorable cuando el que lo lee cree que esa obra está firmada por un gran artista, en contraposición a que ese poema fuera anónimo. O lo que es lo mismo, el nombre de marca condiciona la percepción del producto. Sin embargo, el efecto placebo se debilita cuando el estímulo es evaluado por personas con alta experiencia con el producto. Las implicaciones para el marketing y para el sector editorial son discutidas finalmente.
La douleur est une expérience subjective multidimensionnelle pouvant être modulée par plusieurs facteurs cognitifs. L’impact des attentes liées à une expérience douloureuse imminente a été largement étudié dans un contexte d’analgésie placebo et il a été suggéré que la présence d’attentes conscientes de soulagement est nécessaire à la production d’une réduction de douleur. Par ailleurs, certaines études cliniques ont observé une amélioration thérapeutique après l’administration d’un placebo, même lors du sommeil, ce qui suggère qu’un effet placebo peut être rencontré même en absence d’attentes explicites de soulagement. La première étude de cette thèse vise donc à examiner si une réduction de douleur, ainsi qu’une diminution des perturbations du sommeil associées à des stimulations nociceptives expérimentales, peuvent être rencontrées suite à l’induction d’attentes de soulagement nocturne. Les résultats démontrent qu’une réduction de douleur et des perturbations du sommeil a effectivement été rapportée rétrospectivement suite à l’application d’un placebo, De plus, le traitement placebo semble moduler la réactivité à la douleur expérimentale durant le sommeil, en fonction des stades de sommeil dans lesquelles les stimulations sont présentées. Bien que le développement d’une analgésie placebo repose sur la génération d’attentes de soulagement, il semble que l’exposition préalable à un traitement efficace augmente l’ampleur de l’effet, ce qui suggère que des phénomènes d’apprentissage associatif puissent également être impliqués dans la genèse de ces effets. Comme un rôle du sommeil à été montré dans l’apprentissage et la mémorisation de plusieurs aptitudes, l’objectif de la seconde étude était d’examiner la possibilité que la présence d’un épisode de sommeil entre l’induction et l’évaluation d’un effet placebo puisse renforcer l’intégration des attentes et par conséquent, favoriser la production d’effets dépendants des attentes. Les résultats ont effectivement montré que le sommeil augmente l’association entre les attentes et le soulagement, et que celles-ci semblent liées à la durée relative de sommeil REM mesurée suite à l’induction. Dans l’ensemble cette thèse démontre que le sommeil peut influencer la production d’une analgésie placebo, et ce, à plusieurs niveaux.
Os placebos têm sido estudados ao longo dos tempos, apresentando resultados em várias áreas e potencialidades ainda por descobrir. A maneira como os utilizar e explorar mantém-se em aberto em várias áreas de intervenção. Este trabalho pretendeu, com a elaboração de dois artigos, analisar a influência do priming, mindfulness e efeito placebo na actividade física e exercício físico, no que diz respeito a parâmetros de composição corporal e hemodinâmica. Para isso realizou-se a revisão sistemática da literatura do artigo 1, que tinha como objectivo analisar a influência do Priming e Mindfulness como facilitadores do Efeito Placebo com base na Actividade Física, Exercício Físico e alteração de comportamentos visando a saúde. No artigo 2, definiu-se como objectivo principal analisar a influência de uma intervenção com priming na actividade física, composição corporal e pressão arterial em sujeitos com uma actividade profissional blue collar. Os resultados apontam para a validade do priming como instrumento despoletador de mudança no comportamento e efeito placebo. A intervenção realizada não surtiu os efeitos esperados no grupo experimental. O grupo de controlo, por algum factor não controlado, revelou melhorias significativas na maioria dos parâmetros avaliados. Verificou-se que o priming pode ser um instrumento válido na mudança de comportamentos, havendo ainda a necessidade de compreender melhor como é que se deverá aplicar esta ferramenta ao contexto do exercício físico. Um estado de mindfulness mais elevado parece estar associado à facilitação da mudança de comportamento.
OBJECTIVES: The aim of the current study was to compare the objective and subjective effects of continuous positive airway pressure to the use of nasal dilator strips in patients with acromegaly and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea. METHODS: We studied 12 patients with acromegaly and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea (male/females = 8/4, age = 52 +/- 8 ys, body mass index = 33.5 +/- 4.6 Kg/m(2), apnea-hypopnea index = 38 +/- 14 events/h) who had been included in a randomized, crossover study to receive three months of treatment with continuous positive airway pressure and nasal dilator strips. All patients were evaluated at study entry and at the end of each treatment by polysomnography, and Epworth Sleepiness Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index and treatment satisfaction questionnaires. ClinicalTrials.gov: NCT01265121 RESULTS: The apnea-hypopnea index values decreased significantly with continuous positive airway pressure treatment but did not change with the use of nasal dilator strips. All of the subjective symptoms improved with both treatments, but these improvements were significantly greater with continuous positive airway pressure than with the nasal dilator strips. CONCLUSION: The use of nasal dilator strips had a much smaller effect on the severity of obstructive sleep apnea in patients with acromegaly and moderate to severe obstructive sleep apnea in comparison to the use of continuous positive airway pressure. Moreover, the improvement in several subjective parameters without any significant objective improvement in obstructive sleep apnea resulting from the use of nasal dilator strips is compatible with a placebo effect.
Activity of clotting factor VIII has been shown to acutely increase with sympathetic nervous system stimulation. We investigated whether aspirin and propranolol affect the responsiveness of plasma clotting factor VIII activity levels to acute psychosocial stress. We randomized 54 healthy subjects double-blind to 5-day treatment with a single daily oral dosage of either 100 mg aspirin plus 80 mg propranolol combined, 100 mg of aspirin, 80 mg of propranolol, or placebo medication. Thereafter, subjects underwent a 13-min standardized psychosocial stressor. Plasma levels of clotting factor VIII activity were determined immediately before, immediately after, 45 min and 105 min after stress. Controlling for demographic, metabolic, and life style factors repeated measures analysis of covariance showed that the change in clotting factor VIII activity from prestress to 105 min poststress differed between medication groups (P = 0.023; partial eta = 0.132). The clotting factor VIII activity level decreased from prestress to immediately poststress in the aspirin/propranolol group relative to the placebo group (P = 0.048) and the aspirin group (P < 0.06). Between 45 min and 105 min poststress, clotting factor VIII levels increased in the aspirin/propranolol group relative to the placebo group (P = 0.007) and the aspirin group (P = 0.039). The stress response in clotting factor VIII activity levels was not significantly different between the aspirin/propranolol group and the propranolol group. Propranolol in combination with aspirin diminished the acute response in clotting factor VIII activity to psychosocial stress compared with placebo medication and aspirin alone. The effect of single aspirin on the acute clotting factor VIII stress response was indistinguishable from a placebo effect.
When two pure tones of slightly different frequency are presented separately to each ear, the listener perceives a third single tone with amplitude variations at a frequency that equals the difference between the two tones; this perceptual illusion is known as the binaural auditory beat (BB). There are anecdotal reports that suggest that the binaural beat can entrain EEG activity and may affect the arousal levels, although few studies have been published. There is a need for double-blind, well-designed studies in order to establish a solid foundation for these sounds, as most of the documented benefits come from self-reported cases that could be affected by placebo effect. As BBs are a cheap technology (it even exists a free open source programmable binaural- beat generator on the Internet named Gnaural), any achievement in this area could be of public interest. The aim in our research was to explore the potential of BBs in a particular field: tasks that require focus and concentration. In order to detect changes in the brain waves that could relate to any particular improvement, EEG recordings of a small sample of individuals were also obtained. In this study we compare the effect of different binaural stimulation in 7 EEG frequency ranges. 78 participants were exposed to 20-min binaural beat stimulation. The effects were obtained both quali- tative with cognitive test and quantitative with EEG analysis. Results suggest no significant statistical improvement in 20-min stimulation.
Trabalho Final do Curso de Mestrado Integrado em Medicina, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, 2014
Background There is evidence for an adaptive role of the omega -3 fatty acid, docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) during stress. Mechanisms of action may involve regulation of stress mediators, such as the catecholamines and proinflammatory cytokines. Prevention of stress-induced aggression and hostility were demonstrated in a series of clinical trials. This study investigates whether perceived stress is ameliorated by DHA in stressed university staff. Methods Subjects that scored ≥ 17 on the Perceived Stress Scale were randomised into a 6-week pilot intervention study. The diet reactive group was supplemented with 6 g of fish oil containing 1.5 g per day DHA, while the placebo group was supplemented with 6 g a day of olive oil. The groups were compared with each other and a wider cross sectional study population that did not receive either active or placebo intervention. Results There was a significant reduction in perceived stress in both the fish oil and the placebo group from baseline. There was also a significant between-group difference between the fish oil group and the no-treatment controls in the rate of stress reduction (p < 0.05). However, there was not a significant between-group difference between the fish oil and the placebo group, nor the placebo group and the control group. These results are discussed in the context of several methodological limitations. The significant stress reductions in both the fish oil and the placebo group are considered in view of statistical regression, an effect likely to have been exaggerated by the time course of the study, a large placebo effect and the possibility of an active effect from the placebo. Conclusion There were significant differences (p < 0.05) in the fish oil group compared with no-treatment controls. This effect was not demonstrated in the placebo group. As a pilot study, it was not sufficiently powered to find the difference between the fish oil group and the placebo group significant. Further work needs to be undertaken to conclusively demonstrate these data trends. However, the findings from this research support the literature in finding a protective or 'adaptogenic' role for omega-3 fatty acids in stress.
Neonatal seizures are common in the neonatal intensive care unit. Clinicians treat these seizures with several anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs) to reduce seizures in a neonate. Current AEDs exhibit sub-optimal efficacy and several randomized control trials (RCT) of novel AEDs are planned. The aim of this study was to measure the influence of trial design on the required sample size of a RCT. We used seizure time courses from 41 term neonates with hypoxic ischaemic encephalopathy to build seizure treatment trial simulations. We used five outcome measures, three AED protocols, eight treatment delays from seizure onset (Td) and four levels of trial AED efficacy to simulate different RCTs. We performed power calculations for each RCT design and analysed the resultant sample size. We also assessed the rate of false positives, or placebo effect, in typical uncontrolled studies. We found that the false positive rate ranged from 5 to 85% of patients depending on RCT design. For controlled trials, the choice of outcome measure had the largest effect on sample size with median differences of 30.7 fold (IQR: 13.7–40.0) across a range of AED protocols, Td and trial AED efficacy (p<0.001). RCTs that compared the trial AED with positive controls required sample sizes with a median fold increase of 3.2 (IQR: 1.9–11.9; p<0.001). Delays in AED administration from seizure onset also increased the required sample size 2.1 fold (IQR: 1.7–2.9; p<0.001). Subgroup analysis showed that RCTs in neonates treated with hypothermia required a median fold increase in sample size of 2.6 (IQR: 2.4–3.0) compared to trials in normothermic neonates (p<0.001). These results show that RCT design has a profound influence on the required sample size. Trials that use a control group, appropriate outcome measure, and control for differences in Td between groups in analysis will be valid and minimise sample size.
BACKGROUND: Migraine is a chronic disabling neurovascular condition that may in part be caused by endothelial and cerebrovascular disruption induced by hyperhomocysteinaemia. We have previously provided evidence indicating that reduction of homocysteine by vitamin supplementation can reduce the occurrence of migraine in women. The current study examined the genotypic effects of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) and methionine synthase reductase (MTRR) gene variants on the occurrence of migraine in response to vitamin supplementation. METHODS: This was a 6-month randomized, double-blinded placebo-controlled trial of daily vitamin B supplementation (B(6), B(9) and B(12)) on reduction of homocysteine and of the occurrence of migraine in 206 female patients diagnosed with migraine with aura. RESULTS: Vitamin supplementation significantly reduced homocysteine levels (P<0.001), severity of headache in migraine (P=0.017) and high migraine disability (P=0.022) in migraineurs compared with the placebo effect (P>0.1). When the vitamin-treated group was stratified by genotype, the C allele carriers of the MTHFR C677T variant showed a higher reduction in homocysteine levels (P<0.001), severity of pain in migraine (P=0.01) and percentage of high migraine disability (P=0.009) compared with those with the TT genotypes. Similarly, the A allele carriers of the MTRR A66G variants showed a higher level of reduction in homocysteine levels (P<0.001), severity of pain in migraine (P=0.002) and percentage of high migraine disability (P=0.006) compared with those with the GG genotypes. Genotypic analysis for both genes combined indicated that the treatment effect modification of the MTRR variant was independent of the MTHFR variant. CONCLUSION: This provided further evidence that vitamin supplementation is effective in reducing migraine and also that both MTHFR and MTRR gene variants are acting independently to influence treatment response in female migraineurs.
BACKGROUND Approximately 50% of patients with stage 3 Chronic Kidney Disease are 25-hydroxyvitamin D insufficient, and this prevalence increases with falling glomerular filtration rate. Vitamin D is now recognised as having pleiotropic roles beyond bone and mineral homeostasis, with the vitamin D receptor and metabolising machinery identified in multiple tissues. Worryingly, recent observational data has highlighted an association between hypovitaminosis D and increased cardiovascular mortality, possibly mediated via vitamin D effects on insulin resistance and inflammation. The main hypothesis of this study is that oral Vitamin D supplementation will ameliorate insulin resistance in patients with Chronic Kidney Disease stage 3 when compared to placebo. Secondary hypotheses will test whether this is associated with decreased inflammation and bone/adipocyte-endocrine dysregulation. METHODS/DESIGN This study is a single-centre, double-blinded, randomised, placebo-controlled trial. Inclusion criteria include; estimated glomerular filtration rate 30-59 ml/min/1.73 m(2); aged >or=18 on entry to study; and serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D levels <75 nmol/L. Patients will be randomised 1:1 to receive either oral cholecalciferol 2000IU/day or placebo for 6 months. The primary outcome will be an improvement in insulin sensitivity, measured by hyperinsulinaemic euglycaemic clamp. Secondary outcome measures will include serum parathyroid hormone, cytokines (Interleukin-1beta, Interleukin-6, Tumour Necrosis Factor alpha), adiponectin (total and High Molecular Weight), osteocalcin (carboxylated and under-carboxylated), peripheral blood mononuclear cell Nuclear Factor Kappa-B p65 binding activity, brachial artery reactivity, aortic pulse wave velocity and waveform analysis, and indirect calorimetry. All outcome measures will be performed at baseline and end of study. DISCUSSION To date, no randomised controlled trial has been performed in pre-dialysis CKD patients to study the correlation between vitamin D status with supplementation, insulin resistance and markers of adverse cardiovascular risk. We remain hopeful that cholecalciferol may be a safe intervention, with health benefits beyond those related to bone-mineral homeostasis. TRIAL REGISTRATION Australian and New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN12609000246280.