188 resultados para pitfall


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A pitfall is an unapparent source of trouble or danger; a hidden hazard: Today we all face, or will soon be facing ecological pitfalls of many kinds. ‘Pitfall’ is a continually-evolving artwork built from multiple screens, a tabletop landscape mapped with projections, fibre optics, 3D spatial sound and infrared night imagery. It builds upon ideas, recordings and cross-disciplinary processes developed during my 2012-13 ANAT Synapse Art-Science residency, with the Australian Wildlife Conservancy (AWC), Australia’s largest private-sector conservation organisation.


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Developing follicles and follicular cysts in the ovary are lined by granulosa cells. Approximately the size of histiocytes, non-neoplastic granulosa cells have scant granular to foamy cytoplasm and mildly atypical hyperchromatic nuclei, which may be mitotically active. 1 Displaced granulosa cells, derived from normal follicles and introduced into ovarian vascular channels, ovarian stroma and the fallopian tube, have been reported to cause diagnostic difficulty in histol- ogy, as they may mimic small cell carcinoma or other metastatic carcinomas. 2–4 The cells are thought to be displaced artefactually due to surgical trauma or during sectioning in the laboratory or during ovulation...


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Finite Element (FE) pseudo-static analysis can provide a good compromise between simplified methods of dynamic analysis and time domain analysis. The pseudo-static FE approach can accurately model the in situ, stresses prior to seismic loading (when it follows a static analysis simulating the construction sequence) is relatively simple and not as computationally expensive as the time domain approach. However this method should be used with caution as the results can be sensitive to the choice of the mesh dimensions. In this paper two simple examples of pseudo-static finite element analysis are examined parametrically, a homogeneous slope and a cantilever retaining wall, exploring the sensitivity of the pseudo-static analysis results on the adopted mesh size. The mesh dependence was found to be more pronounced for problems with high critical seismic coefficients values (e.g. gentle slopes or small walls), as in these cases a generalised layer failure mechanism is developed simultaneously with the slope or wall mechanism. In general the mesh width was found not to affect notably the predicted value of critical seismic coefficient but to have a major impact on the predicted movements. © 2012 Elsevier Ltd.


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Tagging animals is frequently employed in ecological studies to monitor individual behaviour, for example postrelease survival and dispersal of captive-bred animals used in conservation programmes. While the majority of studies focus on the efficacy of tags in facilitating the relocation and identification of individuals, few assess the direct effects of tagging in biasing animal behaviour. We used an experimental approach with a control to differentiate the effects of handling and tagging captive-bred juvenile freshwater pearl mussels, Margaritifera margaritifera, prior to release into the wild. Marking individuals with passive integrated transponder (PIT) tags significantly decreased their burrowing rate and, therefore, increased the time taken to burrow into the substrate. This effect was contributed to, in part, by the detrimental impacts of handling, which also significantly affected activity, burrowing ability and the time taken for each individual to emerge and start probing the substrate. Disturbance during handling and tagging may lead to indirect mortality after release by increasing the risk of predation or dislodgement during flooding, thereby potentially compromising any conservation strategy contingent on population supplementation or reintroduction. This is the first study to demonstrate that handling and PIT tagging has a detrimental impact on invertebrate behaviour. Moreover, our results provide useful information that will inform freshwater bivalve conservation strategies.


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This paper reviews the issues of mainstreaming for hearing impaired children.


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Vertebrate ecologists often assess invertebrate prey resources using techniques which sample invertebrate assemblages, and assume such sampling reflects the diet of their focal species. We compare the invertebrate assemblages as recorded by pitfall traps for Masked Lapwing Vanellus miles breeding territories in Phillip Island, Australia, and show that these differ from assemblages recorded in the stomach contents of local Masked Lapwings. Pitfalls traps did not reveal any difference in assemblages between sites where Masked Lapwings bred, and sites where they did not. Thus, pitfall trapping alone is unlikely to adequately index prey availability for Masked Lapwings.


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Dung beetles (Coleoptera: Scarabaeidae: Scarabaeinae) are very useful insects, as they improve the chemo-physical properties of soil, clean pastures from dung pads, and help control symbovine flies associated with bovine cattle. Their importance makes it fundamental to sample and survey them adequately. The objectives of the present study were to determine the influence of decaying insects trapped in pitfalls on the attractiveness of Moura pig Sus scrofa L. (Suidae) and collared peccary Tayassu tajacu (L.) (Tayassuidae) dung used as baits to lure dung beetles, and to establish how long these baits remain attractive to dung beetles when used in these traps. Some dung beetle species seemed to be able to discriminate against foul smell from decaying insects within the first 24 h, hence decreasing trap efficiency. This was more evident in peccary dung-baited traps, which proved to be the least attractive bait. Attractiveness lasted only 24 h for peccary dung, after which it became unattractive, whereas the pig dung bait was highly attractive for 48 h, after which its attractiveness diminished but was not completely lost.


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Embora seja geralmente assumido que a agricultura influencia negativamente populações de anfíbios, existem poucos estudos sobre os efeitos dos cultivos agrícolas em anuros neotropicais. Visando contribuir para diminuir essa lacuna de conhecimento, no presente estudo buscamos verificar quais espécies de anuros estão presentes nos agrossistemas. Para isso, usamos dados de anuros capturados em armadilhas de queda, inicialmente proposto para o levantamento da fauna de opiliões em três agrossistemas (milho, soja e seringal). Nós registramos quatro espécies de anuros nas armadilhas de queda: Leptodactulus fuscus, L. mystacinus (Leptodactylidae), Eupemphix nattereri e Physalaemus cuvieri (Leiuperidae). Na plantação de milho foram registradas quatro espécies e 30 indivíduos, no seringal quatro espécies e 11 indivíduos e na plantação de soja três espécies e oito indivíduos. Nossos resultados mostram que os anuros estão presentes nos agrossistemas, principalmente espécies de anuros generalistas.


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One of the most commonly used sampling techniques to capture leaf litter amphibians, lizards and small mammals is a set of pitfall traps with drift fences. However, there are still many speculations concerning the effectiveness of different designs of pitfall traps and the most adequate size of each trap. To address this problem, we conducted the first standardized comparison of patterns of species richness, rank-abundance, and community structure of leaf litter amphibians, lizards and small mammals for two trap designs (I and Y format) and three bucket sizes (35, 62, and 100 L) in a Neotropical forest. Results are very similar for the herpetofauna, regardless of the pitfall trap design or size used, while for small mammals values of species richness were higher for 100 L pitfall traps, as compared to the smaller traps. Therefore, the use of 100 L pitfall traps is recommended to sample the terrestrial vertebrate fauna, in multidisciplinary studies. For surveys aiming only the herpetofauna the use of smaller (35 L) traps is acceptable, taking into consideration the cost-benefits obtained by the smaller traps, in comparison to the larger ones.


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Juvenile xanthogranuloma (JXG) is a histiocytic inflammatory disorder that can present different histologic patterns. Classic JXG consists of sheets of foamy histiocytes and numerous multinucleated Touton giant cells. Nonlipidized JXG (NJXG) is one of the unusual variants of JXG, consisting of a diffuse monomorphic infiltrate of mononuclear histiocytes, suggesting an aggressive or malignant tumor due the high mitotic index. However, NJXG behaves clinically as classic JXG. We present an unusual case of a 6-year-old boy who presented an exophytic ulcerated nodule on the lower lip diagnosed as NJXG. The boy is currently well without recurrence three years after surgical excision. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.