912 resultados para people-centred discourse approaches


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Acknowledgements We are grateful to the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council Nexus Network for funding this work.


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Acknowledgements We are grateful to the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council Nexus Network for funding this work.


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Acknowledgements We are grateful to the United Kingdom Economic and Social Research Council Nexus Network for funding this work.


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It has become increasingly common for tasks traditionally carried out by engineers to be undertaken by technicians and technologist with access to sophisticated computers and software that can often perform complex calculations that were previously the responsibility of engineers. Not surprisingly, this development raises serious questions about the future role of engineers and the education needed to address these changes in technology as well as emerging priorities from societal to environmental challenges. In response to these challenges, a new design module was created for undergraduate engineering students to design and build temporary shelters for a wide variety of end users from refugees, to the homeless and children. Even though the module provided guidance on principles of design thinking and methods for observing users needs through field studies, the students found it difficult to respond to needs of specific end users but instead focused more on purely technical issues.


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This paper provides reflections on the implementation of an active support staff training programme for staff working in community residential facilities for adults with an intellectual disability. Outcomes for the people with an intellectual disability were consistent with recent research findings indicating that active support can lead to improved opportunities for participation in everyday activities within the home. We propose that the success of the training programme was largely influenced by three key elements: ensuring that there is expertise in, and support for, this approach to service provision among key service managers, provision of in vivo one-to-one practical staff training in addition to classroom-based theoretical input, and inclusion of elements of person-centred planning approaches in combination with active support. Future research should focus on how best to maximise the effectiveness of active support staff training.


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Human beings are political animals. They are also articulate mammals. How are these two aspects linked? This is a question that is only beginning to be explored. The present collection makes a contribution to the investigations into the use of language in those situations which, informally and intuitively, we call ‘political’. Such an approach is revealing not only for politics itself but also for the human language capacity. Each chapter outlines a particular method or analytic approach and illustrates its application to a contemporary political issue, institution or mode of political behaviour. As a whole, the collection aims to give a sample of current research in the field. It will interest those who are beginning to carry the research paradigm forward, as well as provide an introduction for newcomers, whether they come from neighbouring or remote disciplines or from none.


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Our aim in this article is twofold. First, we challenge the essentialized notion of adolescents and young people as perpetually driven to resist the authority of adults. At the same time, we disrupt linguistic conceptions of adolescent discourse, along with the discourse of youth at risk, by analyzing a transcript of classroom discourse that reflects an exchange between a highly regarded and well liked preservice teacher and his students. This representative transcript highlights the preservice teacher's ability to query, without a concomitant ability to listen, respond, and build a classroom dialogue with his students; what we call here a Socratic monologue. Second, we link the notions of dialogue and responsiveness to Bakhtin's concept of answerability, emphasizing the joint construction of classroom discourse as an ethically answerable relation between teacher and students.


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In the current economy, knowledge has been recognized to be a valuable organisational asset, a crucial factor that aids organisations to succeed in highly competitive environments. Many organisations have begun projects and special initiatives aimed at fostering better knowledge sharing amongst their employees. Not surprisingly, information technology (IT) has been a central element of many of these projects and initiatives, as the potential of emerging information technologies such as Web 2.0 for enabling the process of managing organisational knowledge is recognised. This technology could be used as a collaborative system for knowledge management (KM) within enterprises. Enterprise 2.0 is the application of Web 2.0 in an organisational context. Enterprise 2.0 technologies are web-based social software that facilitate collaboration, communication and information flow in a bidirectional manner: an essential aspect of organisational knowledge management. This chapter explains how Enterprise 2.0 technologies (Web 2.0 technologies within organisations) can support knowledge management. The chapter also explores how such technologies support the codifying (technology-centred) and social network (people-centred) approaches of KM, towards bridging the current gap between these two approaches.


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Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to explore the relevant sayings and stories of the ancient Chinese sages in relation to the style of Chinese human resource management (HRM).

Design/methodology/approach –
Related texts generated from the quotations and stories from four Chinese sages, Guanzi, Hanfeizi, Xunzi and Yanzi, were translated and analyzed and their thinking regarding ruling the state and managing the people was discussed in line with the thoughts from the mainstream and modern Western management gurus such as Warren Bennis, Peter Drucker, Mary Parker Follett, Douglas McGregor, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, Elton Mayo and Jeffrey Pfeffer.

Findings – It was found that there were striking similarities in thoughts and call for actions to address key issues in HRM by both old and contemporary, east and west thinkers across 2,500 years. The main concerns are to select the right leaders and managers and recruit the right people; create attractive organisational culture and environments that promote a participative management approach to encourage, empower and engage employees to achieve desirable outcomes; uphold the people-centred management principles; and focus on designing reward schemes that emphasise service and contribution instead of position and profits.

Originality/value – There is much to be learned from the past to address the present people management issues among modern organisations both inside China and perhaps from other parts of the world. It was as difficult to take seriously the principles-based ruling and management approaches in ancient times as it is today. However, if these principles had been put into practice, the world would have had fewer of the corporate corruption scandals and less of the mischievous behaviour in the state that are manifested in today's society, but more productive population, effective organisations, ethical governments and harmonious environment; hence less global human suffering.


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Acercarse a las obras de José M. García de Paredes, y mirarlas como un conjunto de ideas que nos indican una manera de pensar y de hacer arquitectura, nos explica un ideario que persiste en el tiempo. Tomando prestado el término “explicar” en el sentido que Stravinski le da en su Poética musical1: desplegar, desarrollar, describir una cosa, descubrir y aclarar su génesis, se comprueban las relaciones que cosas aparentemente dispersas tienen entre si, cómo se originan las obras para saber cómo determinan la arquitectura, una vez que ésta tiene vida propia y uso, pasado el tiempo. El motivo de esta tesis se encuentra en el orden, análisis y estudio de su archivo, realizado a partir del año 1990. García de Paredes, titulado en Madrid, fue arquitecto entre 1950 y 1990 y se inició en la arquitectura en un tiempo tan complejo como el actual. No fue un teórico de la arquitectura, si bien conoció en profundidad su teoría y dejó escritos y reflexiones sobre la manera de abordar el proyecto. Quizás no fue un arquitecto radicalmente innovador y sus obras son silenciosas, aunque muchas encierran planteamientos rotundos que permanecen voluntariamente en penumbra. Sin embargo sus obras son nítidas, tienen el valor de la coherencia y son valiosas por el conocimiento y por los valores que transmiten. Han cumplido su objetivo y ahora son parte de los lugares para los que se construyeron y parte de la vida de las personas para las que se proyectaron. En gran medida, poseen ya la pátina del tiempo. Su obra, no muy extensa, aúna ideas necesarias para abordar la práctica del proyecto y para llegar a ese voluntario resultado final en el que la arquitectura sea, además de una expresión personal, una actividad social capaz de hacer mejor la vida de las personas. Mirar la arquitectura de García de Paredes a través del estudio de todas las cuestiones que intervienen en ella y convertir su conocimiento en un instrumento útil de trabajo en el proyecto, es el objetivo de esta tesis. Así se analizan determinadas obras para exponer temas de antes y de ahora, ideas que son a la vez antiguas y contemporáneas. Este ideario sobre la arquitectura de García de Paredes no pertenece sólo a un tiempo, pues la bella utilidad social de la arquitectura y cómo llegar a ella a través del conocimiento y de la economía intelectual, sigue vigente. Y este objetivo tiene claramente una segunda lectura, pues al poner en valor el ideario de su obra, la presente tesis constituye tanto un homenaje como un agradecimiento al arquitecto. Sintetizar este ideario ha necesitado tanto del tiempo para organizar un archivo como de la práctica de la arquitectura para constatarlo. Durante una década, entre 1981 y 1990, trabajé en el estudio de José M. García de Paredes, con la mirada enfocada hacia los proyectos que entonces se desarrollaban en su estudio. En esos años, la música y las secciones de las salas de concierto llenaban las mesas de dibujo. En 1990, tras su inesperada marcha, me encontré con un legado de documentos que constituyen un fragmento de la arquitectura contemporánea española, que encierran la explicación de proyectos y planteamientos que son respuesta clara a la realidad de su momento. La preparación entonces de la documentación para las tres monografías sobre su obra me llevó a ordenar, clasificar y a documentar los fondos del estudio de manera sistemática y cronológicamente. Los documentos, conservados en archivadores y tubos sin numerar, desvelaban una obra en un momento en el cual el escenario de fondo del debate sobre arquitectura era ético. De manera casi artesanal y próximo de un grupo coherente de arquitectos, algunos vinculados también a las artes plásticas, García de Paredes utiliza los medios materiales a su alcance, interpretando la realidad de una forma personal, alejada de la frialdad del movimiento moderno estricto, con una voluntad de mejorarla y de prescindir de todo aquello que no fuera necesario. Las obras dan respuesta a esa realidad de tal manera que la transforman, como si de un “mágico realismo” se tratara. Estos documentos con olor a antiguo, más que narrar una historia, explican la manera en que se ha hecho esa historia, cómo las biografías y los acontecimientos se entrelazan para llegar al conocido resultado final. Y de un primer análisis, disponiéndolos a la vista de un mismo tiempo, va surgiendo otro interés que no es el de explicar su obra sino el de observar el proceso de trabajo de un arquitecto para desvelar un método de proyecto. Sobre el método de trabajo de un músico, Azorín se pregunta en su artículo “Vida imaginaria de Falla”: “Es fácil ver trabajar a un pintor, no es tan fácil ver enfrascado en su labor a un literato, aunque en las redacciones solamos ver cómo escribe un poeta que hace artículos para un periódico. ¿Pero cómo imaginamos a un músico en su tarea?. ¿Cómo escribe un músico?. ¿Es que siente de pronto un arrebato lírico y un poco desmelenado, los músicos deben llevar el pelo largo, se sienta al piano y comienza a tañer como una inspirada pitonisa?. ¿es que se levanta a media noche y, arrebatado por la inspiración y a la luz de la luna, si la hay, escribe febrilmente esas garrapatitas que vemos en los hilos telegráficos de la música?" Manuel de Falla en una carta le responde: “Nada de eso, mi querido amigo, mi trabajo de compositor no es tan misterioso como usted imagina: podría compararse al de un escritor que fuera a la vez arquitecto”. ¿Y cómo trabaja un arquitecto?. La complejidad del proceso arquitectónico nos presenta sin embargo resultados finales que sólo a través de una observación minuciosa permiten entrever el recorrido desde el pensamiento hasta la obra acabada. El escritor narra lo que ve o imagina y el arquitecto construye y da forma a esa realidad o a esos deseos y para ello debe mirar, escuchar y debe saber hacer. Analizar este proceso nos lleva inexorablemente a desvelar las claves que hacen valiosas determinadas arquitecturas. En junio de 1986 García de Paredes escribe el texto “Tres paisajes con arquitecturas”4. El texto describe tres paisajes culturales diferentes en distintos tiempos. El primero que describe es el Madrid neoclásico y el significado que tiene en este paisaje el Museo del Prado. El segundo paisaje se denomina “Alhambra versus Carlos V” y en él relata un delicado escenario donde se entrelazan distintas cuestiones relativas a la intervención en lugares históricos. En el tercer paisaje “Paisaje con Ruinas” tras describir las hermosas ruinas físicas del pasado concluye con una reflexión: “Hay ruinas y ruinas… Pero quizá no sean estas las verdaderas ruinas de nuestro tiempo. Qué clase de ruina producirá nuestra modesta arquitectura del siglo XX?. Nuestro legado no debería leerse en clave de piedras como las de otras épocas que no disponían de otro lenguaje que el de construir para los tiempos. Sin embargo es posible que surjan otras claves, quizá aún no bien conocidas, que sean para las generaciones futuras de tan clara lectura como la de este tercer Paisaje”. Encontrar esas claves contemporáneas, es el objeto de este paseo por las obras y escritos de García de Paredes. Mirar, suprimido el tiempo, los planos, dibujos, escritos, libros y fotografías del archivo del arquitecto, ordenando y comprendiendo los motivos que propiciaron cada obra, nos lleva a pensar que la arquitectura de cada momento es sólo un desplazamiento de los anteriores. Nada ahora es completamente distinto de lo que era entonces y la arquitectura de antes puede ser interpretada, más allá de aspectos formales, por otras generaciones, desdibujándose el tiempo donde pretendemos ordenarla. Este legado de claves conceptuales nos es útil ahora para conocer lo que permanece en la arquitectura pensando en cuestiones actuales a través de papeles antiguos. El legado de esa “modesta arquitectura” no se debe leer pues en clave de “piedras”, como expresaba García de Paredes. Gran parte de sus obras se construyen con materiales sencillos y la lectura de su valor no es directa. Sin embargo explican en qué momento la arquitectura pasa a ser un hecho capaz de transmitir intenciones ocultas y convertirse en una actividad social en sintonía con la realidad. Desvelar esta colección de ideas para enfocar cuestiones de arquitectura, en el convencimiento de que este ideario es tan válido hoy como entonces, nos acerca a ese utópico método de trabajo del arquitecto. En este ciclo abierto se han seleccionado determinadas obras que permiten plantear mejor las cuestiones que ilustran su razón de ser y así pues se suceden lugares y personas, números y geometrías, música, artes plásticas y arquitecturas. ABSTRACT Looking at the work of José M. García de Paredes as a set of ideas that outline a way of imagining and producing architecture, explains a vision that has persisted in time. Employing the word “explain” in the same sense as Stravinsky in his Poetics of Music: deploying, developing and describing something, discovering and clarifying its origins as a way of observing the relationships between things and the way designs originate in order to understand how they determine the architecture, once it has a life and use of its own after time has passed. This thesis is based on an analysis of the archives of José M. Garcia de Paredes, which began in 1990. After graduating from the Madrid School in 1950 —an equally complex time as today— he continued to practise architecture until 1990. He was not an architectural theorist but he had a deep understanding of theory and left essays and ideas on the way to tackle projects. Although he may not have been a radically innovative architect and his work may seem subdued, much of it embodies categorical approaches, which are deliberately overshadowed. Nevertheless, his work is sharp, consistent and is valuable for the knowledge and values it transmits. It has served its purpose, it now forms part of the places for which it was built and has become part of the lives of the people it was designed for. To a large extent, his buildings already show the patina of time. While not large in number, they bring together the ideas needed to put a project into practice and arrive at an end result in which the architecture is also a personal expression, a social activity that makes life better for people. The discourse takes a new look at the architecture of Garcia de Paredes through an analysis of all the issues involved in order to turn the resulting knowledge into a useful tool for project work. It therefore now, ideas that are old but at the same time contemporary. This vision time. The beautiful social utility of his architecture and the way he arrived at it through knowledge and intellectual economy still remain valid. The synthesis of this vision has required much time to organize the archive and also a professional architectural practice to put it into perspective. The preserved documents reveal a body of work that was designed at a time when ethics shaped the underlying scenario of the Relación de architectural debate. The architect used the material resources at his disposal in an almost craftsman-like way, in the company of a congruent group of architects. He interpreted reality in a personal way, removed from the coldness of the strict Modern Movement, striving to improve it and strip off anything that was unnecessary. His buildings responded to their context in such a way that transformed it, as if they were “magical realism”. Another line of analysis emerged from an initial analysis, with all the documents in view at the same time: not to explain his work but rather to study the design process of an architect in order to discover a method. In 1986, García de Paredes wrote “Three landscapes with architectures”, which describes three cultural landscapes in different times. After describing the beauty of the physical ruins of the past, the third landscape, “Landscape with Ruins”, concludes with this observation: “There are ruins and ruins ... But these might not be the real ruins of our time. What kind of ruin will be produced by our modest 20th century architecture? Our legacy should not be interpreted in the key of mere stones, like those of past eras which had access to no other language than construction for all times. Other keys, perhaps not yet familiar, may well emerge and be as legible for future generations as this third Landscape”. This tour of the work and writings of Garcia de Paredes is aimed at discovering these contemporary keys. The legacy of such keys can now help us to know what endures in architecture; thinking about current issues through the perspective of old papers. Having set aside the time factor, looking at the drawings, essays, books and photographs from the architect’s archives, organising and understanding the reasons that gave rise to each work, I now believe that the architecture of each moment is only previous work that has been shifted. Nothing is completely different now from what it was back then. The architecture of the past can be interpreted by other generations, looking beyond the aspects of form, blurring the time factor when we want to order it. For this purpose I have selected particular works that permit a better enunciation of the issues that illustrate their rationale, hence the succession of places and people, numbers and geometries, music, art and architectures.