983 resultados para parametric implicit vector equilibrium problems


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In this paper, we consider a class of parametric implicit vector equilibrium problems in Hausdorff topological vector spaces where a mapping f and a set K are perturbed by parameters is an element of and lambda respectively. We establish sufficient conditions for the upper semicontinuity and lower semicontinuity of the solution set mapping S : Lambda(1) x A(2) -> 2(X) for such parametric implicit vector equilibrium problems. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Given two maps h : X x K -> R and g : X -> K such that, for all x is an element of X, h(x, g(x)) = 0, we consider the equilibrium problem of finding (x) over tilde is an element of X such that h((x) over tilde, g(x)) >= 0 for every x is an element of X. This question is related to a coincidence problem.


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Discusses tabular and graphical approaches to equilibrium calculations.


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The concept of a monotone family of functions, which need not be countable, and the solution of an equilibrium problem associated with the family are introduced. A fixed-point theorem is applied to prove the existence of solutions to the problem.


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The paper considers vector discrete optimization problem with linear fractional functions of criteria on a feasible set that has combinatorial properties of combinations. Structural properties of a feasible solution domain and of Pareto–optimal (efficient), weakly efficient, strictly efficient solution sets are examined. A relation between vector optimization problems on a combinatorial set of combinations and on a continuous feasible set is determined. One possible approach is proposed in order to solve a multicriteria combinatorial problem with linear- fractional functions of criteria on a set of combinations.


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2000 Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary 90C29; Secondary 49K30.


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We consider the problem of ``fair'' scheduling the resources to one of the many mobile stations by a centrally controlled base station (BS). The BS is the only entity taking decisions in this framework based on truthful information from the mobiles on their radio channel. We study the well-known family of parametric alpha-fair scheduling problems from a game-theoretic perspective in which some of the mobiles may be noncooperative. We first show that if the BS is unaware of the noncooperative behavior from the mobiles, the noncooperative mobiles become successful in snatching the resources from the other cooperative mobiles, resulting in unfair allocations. If the BS is aware of the noncooperative mobiles, a new game arises with BS as an additional player. It can then do better by neglecting the signals from the noncooperative mobiles. The BS, however, becomes successful in eliciting the truthful signals from the mobiles only when it uses additional information (signal statistics). This new policy along with the truthful signals from mobiles forms a Nash equilibrium (NE) that we call a Truth Revealing Equilibrium. Finally, we propose new iterative algorithms to implement fair scheduling policies that robustify the otherwise nonrobust (in presence of noncooperation) alpha-fair scheduling algorithms.


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Straightforward mathematical techniques are used innovatively to form a coherent theoretical system to deal with chemical equilibrium problems. For a systematic theory it is necessary to establish a system to connect different concepts. This paper shows the usefulness and consistence of the system by applications of the theorems introduced previously. Some theorems are shown somewhat unexpectedly to be mathematically correlated and relationships are obtained in a coherent manner. It has been shown that theorem 1 plays an important part in interconnecting most of the theorems. The usefulness of theorem 2 is illustrated by proving it to be consistent with theorem 3. A set of uniform mathematical expressions are associated with theorem 3. A variety of mathematical techniques based on theorems 1–3 are shown to establish the direction of equilibrium shift. The equilibrium properties expressed in initial and equilibrium conditions are shown to be connected via theorem 5. Theorem 6 is connected with theorem 4 through the mathematical representation of theorem 1.


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AMS subject classification: Primary 49J52; secondary: 26A27, 90C48, 47N10.


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Atualmente, existem modelos matemáticos capazes de preverem acuradamente as relações entre propriedades de estado; e esta tarefa é extremamente importante no contexto da Engenharia Química, uma vez que estes modelos podem ser empregados para avaliar a performance de processos químicos. Ademais, eles são de fundamental importância para a simulação de reservatórios de petróleo e processos de separação. Estes modelos são conhecidos como equações de estado, e podem ser usados em problemas de equilíbrios de fases, principalmente em equilíbrios líquido-vapor. Recentemente, um teorema matemático foi formulado (Teorema de Redução), fornecendo as condições para a redução de dimensionalidade de problemas de equilíbrios de fases para misturas multicomponentes descritas por equações de estado cúbicas e regras de mistura e combinação clássicas. Este teorema mostra como para uma classe bem definidade de modelos termodinâmicos (equações de estado cúbicas e regras de mistura clássicas), pode-se reduzir a dimensão de vários problemas de equilíbrios de fases. Este método é muito vantajoso para misturas com muitos componentes, promovendo uma redução significativa no tempo de computação e produzindo resultados acurados. Neste trabalho, apresentamos alguns experimentos numéricos com misturas-testes usando a técnica de redução para obter pressões de ponto de orvalho sob especificação de temperaturas.


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Oferim als estudiants universitaris i als lectors interessats aquesta guia didàctica de la matemàtica universitària com a fruit dels nostres anys de docència de les matemàtiques a la Universitat. El resultat final ha esdevingut una col·lecció de setze petits volums agrupats en els dos mòduls d'Àlgebra Lineal i de Càlcul Infinitesimal. En aquest volum es generalitza en primer lloc el concepte d'aplicació entre dos espais vectorials i s'introdueix la important definició d'aplicació lineal. Pel seu estudi s'utilitza l'àlgebra matricial. A continuació es desenvolupen els temes de valors i vectors propis, la diagonalització d'endomorfismes i l'estudi de les formes quadràtiques


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Oferim als estudiants universitaris i als lectors interessats aquesta guia didàctica de la matemàtica universitària com a fruit dels nostres anys de docència de les matemàtiques a la Universitat. El resultat final ha esdevingut una col·lecció de setze petits volums agrupats en els dos mòduls d'Àlgebra Lineal i de Càlcul Infinitesimal. Amb aquest sisè volum de la col•lecció iniciem l’estudi de l’Àlgebra vectorial a partir de conceptes propers a la intuïció com són els vectors del pla i de l’espai per, a continuació, fer una generalització del concepte de vector a altres ens matemàtics com polinomis, successions, magnituds econòmiques, etc. En aquest volum utilitzarem sovint la notació matricial, ja coneguda i emprada en volums anteriors, i que esdevé una eina idònia per facilitar la notació dels conceptes i del càlcul entre vectors. Seguim amb l’estudi axiomàtic de l’estructura d’espai vectorial i les seves propietats, que com veurem en el proper volum ens permetrà, entre altres aplicacions a l’economia, deduir els valors i vectors propis d’un endomorfisme i diagonalitzar formes quadràtiques


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Using monotone bifunctions, we introduce a recession concept for general equilibrium problems relying on a variational convergence notion. The interesting purpose is to extend some results of P. L. Lions on variational problems. In the process we generalize some results by H. Brezis and H. Attouch relative to the convergence of the resolvents associated with maximal monotone operators.


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Иван Гинчев - Класът на ℓ-устойчивите в точка функции, дефиниран в [2] и разширяващ класа на C1,1 функциите, се обобщава от скаларни за векторни функции. Доказани са някои свойства на ℓ-устойчивите векторни функции. Показано е, че векторни оптимизационни задачи с ограничения допускат условия от втори ред изразени чрез посочни производни, което обобщава резултати от [2] и [5].


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A numerical procedure, based on the parametric differentiation and implicit finite difference scheme, has been developed for a class of problems in the boundary-layer theory for saddle-point regions. Here, the results are presented for the case of a three-dimensional stagnation-point flow with massive blowing. The method compares very well with other methods for particular cases (zero or small mass blowing). Results emphasize that the present numerical procedure is well suited for the solution of saddle-point flows with massive blowing, which could not be solved by other methods.