860 resultados para own share purchase
Tutkimuksen tarkoituksena on selvittää pienen osakeyhtiön sukupolvenvaihdosta ja siihen olennaisesti liittyviä verotustilanteita, kun yhtiö lunastaa omia osakkeitaan OYL 7. luvun tarkoittamalla tavalla. Tutkimus pohjautuu suomalaiseen oikeustieteelliseen kirjallisuuteen ja artikkeleihin, lisäksi tutkimuksessa on aineistona käytetty verosäädöksiin liittyviä oikeustapauksia. Yhtiön lunastaessa osakkeitaan luopujaa verotetaan sukupolvenvaihdoksen yhteydessä mahdollisesta myyntivoitosta normaalien myyntivoittoverosäädösten mukaisesti. Osakkeen lunastushinnan määrittäminen pienessä osakeyhtiössä käyvän hinnan tasolle on vaikeaa, koska vertailuhintoja osakkeesta on vaikea saada. Lunastushinnan määrittäminen väärälle tasolle, voi johtaa peitellystä osingosta verottamiseen. Yhtiö voi puolestaan menettää sukupolvenvaihdoksessa aiemmin vahvistetut tappiot ja yhtiöverohyvitykset. Jatkajalle omien osakkeiden luovutus saattaa aiheuttaa peitellystä osingosta tai lahjasta verottamisen, jos luovutushinta on alle käyvän hintatason.
The UK government introduced the Renewable Obligation (RO), a system of tradable quotas, to encourage the installation of renewable electricity capacity. Each unit of generation from renewables created a renewable obligation certificate (ROC). Electricity generators must either; earn ROCs through their own production, purchase ROCs in the market or pay the buy-out price to comply with the quota set by the RO. A unique aspect of this regulation is that all entities holding ROCs receive a share of the buy-out fund (the sum of all compliance purchases using the buy-out price). This set-up ensures that the difference between the market price for ROCs and the buy-out price should equal the expected share of the buy-out fund, as regulated entities arbitrage these two compliance options. The expected share of the buy-out fund depends on whether enough renewable generation is available to meet the quota. This analysis tests whether variables associated with renewable generation or electricity demand are correlated with, and thus can help predict, the price of ROCs.
Tavoitteena on selvittää ja kuvata lainsäädännön kehitys julkisen osakeyhtiön omien osakkeiden hankinnassa ja esittämisessä tilinpäätöksessä sekä miten teoriaa sovelletaan käytännössä julkisiin osakeyhtiöihin. Lähestymistapa on teoriasidonnainen, säädöstaustaan perustuva ja analyysin perustana ovat dokumentoidut säädökset. Tutkimusmenetelmä on deskriptiivinen tapaustutkimus, jonka analyysi rajoittuu vuoteen 2005. Tutkimustyön sisältö koostuu julkisesti noteerattujen osakeyhtiöiden omien osakkeiden hankkimisesta ja esittämisestä tilinpäätöksessä koskevista EuroopanUnionin direktiivien sisällön käsittelystä, niiden vaikutuksesta osakeyhtiö-, kirjanpito- ja arvopaperimarkkinalakiin sekä HEXTech - Indeksin yhtiöiden käytäntöön. Tätä käytäntöä selvitetään ja kuvataan tutkimusosuudessa. Tutkimustuloksena voidaan todeta, että lait on harmonisoitu Euroopan Yhteisöjen direktiivejä vastaavaksi. HEXTech - Indeksin yhtiöt ovat noudattaneet kirjanpito-, osakeyhtiö- ja arvopaperimarkkinalain ohjeita ja määräyksiä käytännöissään. Yhtiökokoukselta on saatu valtuutuksia hankkia omia osakkeita.Kymmenestä yhtiöstä seitsemän oli saanut valtuutuksen ja vain neljä toteutti käytännössä saamansa valtuutuksen. Kaksi yhtiötä mitätöi, yksi kannusti avainhenkilöitään hankkimillaan omilla osakkeilla ja yksi toteutti takaisinostotarjouksella omien osakkeiden hankinnan.
The study was undertaken to investigate how willing would farmers be to pay for agricultural extension service in Nigeria. A multistage random sampling technique was used to select 268 respondents. Results showed that most farmers (95.1 per cent) were willing to pay for improved extension service as long as the service remained relevant to their needs. Farmers were willing to pay N1000 annually as their own share of the service cost. The most important factors that influenced farmers’ willingness to pay were states of origin, items originally paid for, major occupation, minor occupation, number of years in school and sale of farm produce.
Los sistemas de pago con móvil son una alternativa de pago a los medios de pago electrónicos tradicionales que están siendo cada vez más utilizados en nuestra sociedad. Son varios los factores que han llevado a la utilización de esta forma alternativa de pago. Los terminales móviles se han convertido en una herramienta casi vital para la sociedad, lo cual ha contribuido a una gran aceptación y desarrollo de los terminales móviles que cada vez cuentan con más funcionalidades. Gracias a esto, las comunicaciones móviles también están en constante evolución y ello ha influido notablemente para que se puedan desarrollar nuevos servicios e implementar nuevas funcionalidades en los terminales móviles. Por otro lado, la tendencia de los usuarios a usar cada día más los sistemas de pago electrónicos, intentando en la medida de lo posible prescindir del dinero en efectivo, también es un factor que ha permitido impulsar el desarrollo de este tipo de sistema de pagos emergentes. En el otro lado se encuentra el mundo empresarial, donde por un lado están las empresas de telecomunicaciones que no quieren dejar escapar esta oportunidad de negocio y están invirtiendo dinero para desarrollar nuevas infraestructuras que permitan el pago con móvil, y por otro lado se encuentran las entidades financieras que son necesarias para poder llevar a cabo los pagos a través del móvil, y por tanto tienen que formar parte de la solución llegando a los acuerdos necesarios con los proveedores de servicios. En este trabajo se realiza un análisis de las diferentes plataformas de pago por móvil existentes en la actualidad, prestando especial atención a los aspectos que tienen que ver con la seguridad y la disponibilidad y acceso de la información bancaria del usuario. Asimismo también se analiza la arquitectura de cada plataforma como su funcionamiento, aclarando la interacción y el papel que juegan las diferentes partes implicadas. Para ello hay un capítulo dedicado a la seguridad donde se presentan conceptos y protocolos que son aplicados en las soluciones de pagos electrónicos, y una descripción de los sistemas de pago electrónicos más usados actualmente, los cuales presentan muchas similitudes con los sistemas de pago con móvil. Por último se recogen diferentes experiencias llevadas a cabo en nuestro país de pagos con móvil, destacando la experiencia de los usuarios así como el método empleado. ABSTRACT. Mobile payment systems are payment methods alternative to traditional electronic payment ones that are being increasingly used in our society. Several factors have led to the use of this alternative form of payment. Mobile terminals have become almost a vital tool for society, which has contributed to a wide acceptance and development of mobile terminals that are getting more features all the time. As a result, mobile communications are also evolving and they have had such a great influence that they have developed new services and implemented new features in mobile terminals. What is more, the growing tendency among users to use electronic payment systems, trying to make their payments whithout cash as often as possible, is also a factor that has allowed the boost the development of such emerging payment systems. The other partner of these systems is the business world, where on one hand, the telecommunication companies that do not want to miss this business opportunity are investing funds to develop new infrastructures which enable the mobile payment, and on the other hand, the financial institutions that are necessary to carry out payments via mobile, and therefore need to be part of the solution reaching the necessary agreements with service providers, want their own saying and their own share of the potential profits. This report is an analysis of the different mobile payment platforms existing today, with particular attention to the aspects that have to do with security and the availability and acces of user’s bank information. Likewise, it also analyzes the architecture of each platform and its operation and interaction procedures, clarifying the role of the different parties involved. Previously there is a chapter that presents security concepts and protocols that are applied in electronic payment solutions, and a description of the electronic trade systems most widely used currently, which have many similarities with mobile payment systems. Finally, it shows different experiments carried out in our country of mobile payments, highlighting the experience of users as well as the method used.
"These papers were first published in the Fortnightly review and in the American Cosmopolitan." --Pref.
"These papers were first published in the British Fortnightly review and in the American Cosmopolitan."- Pref.
In the context of the scientific research into radio, recent years have encouraged many theories about the meaning of a post-radio (Oliveira & Portela, 2011), thus enlisting several parameters regarding the inclusion of contemporary radio in the digital and online environments. This digital migration has led to the development of mobile applications for radio, broadening the communicative potential of audiences (Aguado, Feijoo & Martínez, 2013), as well as promoting convergence of interactive content among listeners-users. Aware of this opportunity, the main broadcasters in Spain and Portugal have broadened their radiophonic scope to the mobile platform, especially geared towards smartphones through the development of mobile applications, commonly known as apps (Cerezo, 2010). As a symbol of a culture in permanent changing, smartphones not only provide greater easiness in terms of access and interaction, but also afford larger opportunities for disseminating content among audiences, a phenomenon that some studies have labelled as user distributed content (Villi, 2012). This article presents an exploratory analysis of the current policies of the main Spanish and Portuguese radio broadcasters regarding mobile applications, evaluating the different levels of interaction and participation in these platforms. This observation led to the conclusion, among other findings, that the mobile platform represents a supplementary channel for traditional FM radio, rather than a new medium with its own language and expression.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia de Gestão e Sistemas de Informação
In this paper we discuss and analyze the process of using a learning object repository and building a social network on the top of it, including aspects related to open source technologies, promoting the use of the repository by means of social networks and helping learners to develop their own learning paths.
Finnish food producers' trade with Russia has experienced profound changes since the collapse of the Soviet Union. Simultaneously, the distribution systems of foodstuffs have changed remarkably. This study sheds some light into these changes and analyses the current situation in distribution systems of foodstuffs in Russia. In addition, the study discusses the possibilities of Finnish food producers to get more of their products to the shelves of Russian food retail stores. Before the 1998 financial crisis, the import of foreign foodstuffs was booming in Russia due to the overvalued rouble. As a result of the financial crisis, food import collapsed. The export of Finnish foodstuffs to Russia has been slowly recovering during the past few years, but in the most important product categories the pre-crisis levels have so far not been reached and maybe will not be reached. In certain product categories the growth has been only marginal. It seems that starting localproduction will become increasingly important in the future. This is further encouraged by the fact that Russian consumers favour domestic food products. Russian consumers are very price conscious and demand quality in food products. The perceived price-quality ratio is an important criterion in the purchase decision.The majority of foodstuff retail is still conducted via unorganised forms of trade (e.g. kiosks and marketplaces) but modern retail chains are developing at a fast pace in Russia. They are also expected to dominate the retail trade in foodstuffs over the unorganised forms of trade in the future. This will change the distribution systems as well. The retail chains are trying to shorten the distribution chain, similarly to what has been seen in the Western countries. This together with the strengthening of retail chains is likely to shrink the role of wholesalers, as the chains increasingly want to work directly with the producers. Many large retail chains are acquiring or have already acquired a distribution centre or centres in order to boost efficiency and control the flow of products. The strengthening of the retail chains also gives them power in negotiations, which the producers and distributors have to adjust to. For example store entry fees and retail chains' own private label products pose challenges to the food producers. In the food production sector the competition is fierce, as large Russianand foreign producers want to ensure their piece of the market. The largest producers utilise their size: they invest in big marketing campaigns and are willing to pay high entry fees to retail chains in order to secure a place on the store shelves and to build a strong brand in Russia. This complicates the situation from the viewpoint of small producers. Currently, the most popular type of distribution system among the interviewed Finnish food producers is based on a network of local distributors. There is, however, a strong consensus on the importanceof starting local production in order to be a serious actor in Russia in the future. Factors that hinder the starting of local production include the lack of local infrastructure and qualified staff, and the low risk tolerance of Finnish firms. Major barriers for entry in Russia are the actions of authorities, fierce competition, fragmented market and Finnish producers' heavy production costs. The suggested strategies for increasing the market share include focusing geographically or segment-wise, introducing new products, starting local production, andcooperation between Finnish producers. Smallness was one reason why Finnish producers had to cut down their operations in Russia due to the 1998 crisis. Smaller producers had fewer resources to tolerate losses during the period of crisis. Smallness is reflected also on trade negotiations with retail chains and distributors. It makes it harder to cope with the store entry fees and to differentiatefrom the mass of products propped up by expensive advertising. Finally, it makes it harder for Finnish producers to start or expand local production, as it is more difficult for a small producer to get financing and to tolerate the increased risks. Compensating for the smallness might become the crucial factor determining the future success of Finnish food producers in the Russian market.
The main purposes of this study are analyzing of forest sector of North-West and research of potentials of wood fuel market in this region. Research is focused on definition of the most perspective areas for export of wood fuel: logging residues, industrial wood processing residues, pellets and briquettes. Russian wood energy industry is very young in comparison with European countries. Nowadays there are no support and serious attention from the government to this sector. Hence almost all wood fuel market is oriented to the Western Europe. Export of wood fuel is dominated over the internal consumption. Pellet production in North –West is rapidly growing. Despite internal market has been developed the lion's share of pellets goes to export. Part of industrial wood processing residues is used by producers for their own goals, part goes to the export and rest of them is not used at all. Logging residues as raw materials for fuel have great potentials; most of them are left in a forest. Special techniques for their processing are too expensive for Russian entrepreneur. Some parts of North –West, which are situated close to the border with European countries, are potential for export. Political, economical and logistical challenges are complicated facilities for foreign customer to purchase wood fuel in remote parts of North-West. However some decisions for solving this problem exist and Russian manufactures are still interested in export of their products.
The objective of this Master’s Thesis was to research factors influencing and enhancing individual level knowledge sharing in offshore projects which often involve uncertainty of the knowledge provider’s own future. The purpose was to understand why individuals are willing to share their knowledge under these kinds of circumstances. In addition the goal was to identify obstacles to interpersonal knowledge sharing in order to understand how to mitigate their influence. The research was conducted as a qualitative multiple case study in a global IT company, and the data was gathered using semi-structured personal theme interviews within two different offshore projects. In order to a gain a wider perspective on the matter, some management representatives were interviewed as well. Data was analysed with the inductive content analysis method. Results of the study indicate that individuals are willing to share their knowledge despite of uncertainty if they are motivated, if they are provided with opportunities to do so, and if they have skills, competence and experience to share their knowledge. A strong knowledge sharing culture in the organization or team also works as a strong incentive for individual level knowledge sharing. The findings suggest that even under uncertain conditions it is possible to encourage people to share their knowledge if uncertainty can be decreased to a bearable level, a robust and personal connection and relationship between the knowledge provider and acquirer can be created and suitable opportunities for knowledge sharing are provided. In addition, based on the results the support and commitment of management and HR in addition to favourable environmental circumstances play an essential role in building a bridge between the knowledge provider and acquirer in order to create a virtual environment and space for knowledge sharing: Ba.
Adult Ascaris suum body extract (Asc) prepared from male and female worms (with stored eggs) down-regulates the specific immune response of DBA/2 mice to ovalbumin (OA) and preferentially stimulates a Th2 response to its own components, which is responsible for the suppression of the OA-specific Th1 response. Here, we investigated the participation of soluble extracts prepared from male or female worms or from eggs (E-Asc) in these immunological events. Extracts from either sex (1 mg/animal) or E-Asc (0.35 or 1 mg protein/animal) suppressed the delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) reaction (60-85%), proliferative response (50-70%), IL-2 and IFN-gamma secretion (below detection threshold) and IgG1 antibody production (70-90%) of DBA/2 mice to OA. A dose of 0.1 mg E-Asc/animal did not change DTH or proliferation, but was as effective as 0.35 mg in suppressing IL-2 and IFN-gamma, and OA-specific IgG1 antibodies. Lymph node cells from DBA/2 mice injected with Asc (1 mg/animal) or a high dose of E-Asc (1 mg protein/animal) secreted IL-4 upon in vitro stimulation with concanavalin A. As previously demonstrated for Asc, the cytokine profile obtained with the E-Asc was dose dependent and changed towards Th1 when a low dose (0.1 mg protein/animal) was used. Taken together, these results suggest that adult worms of either sex and eggs induce the same type of T cell response and share similar immunosuppressive properties.
This study evaluated the influence of packaging and labeling attributes of sugarcane spirit on consumers' behavior by applying the results of conjoint analysis in sugarcane spirit market share simulation. Firstly, a conjoint analysis was performed aiming to estimate the part-worths of each consumer for some sugarcane spirit packaging and labeling attributes. These part-worths were used in the market share simulation using the maximum utility model. It was observed that some packaging and labeling attributes affected consumer's purchase intention and that most consumers showed a similar preference pattern regarding these attributes. These consumers showed preference for the Seleta brand, which was bottled in 700 mL clear glass bottles with a metal screw cap that bore a label illustration unrelated to sugarcane spirit production process and had the information "aged 36 months in oak barrels". This study also showed that conjoint analysis and the use of its results in the market share simulation proved important tools to better understand consumer behavior towards intention to purchase sugarcane spirit.