993 resultados para osmotic potential at incipient plasmolysis
本文的研究是中国科学院院重大项目“暖温带森林生态系统结构、功能及生产力持续发展”的主要内容之一。作者以详实的第一手资料,从森林小气候及环境特征、森林降水的水文学效应及降水化学、森林的热量平衡及蒸发散、树木个体的水分生理生态学几个方面阐述、分析了暖温带山地森林生态系统主要林分的水分及其相关生态学问题。 在森林小气候及环境特征一章,作者从不同季节的日变化和生长季的月际变化两个视角,以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,考察了林冠上和林下四个不同梯度的风速、气温、湿度、地温的时空动态。 在森林降水的水文学效应和降水化学一章,笔者以1993、1994年试验年度的83次降雨观测资料为基础,分析了暖温带落叶阔叶混交林、辽东栎林、油松林、落叶松林、次生灌丛降水总量与各降水分量的关系,建立了单次降雨与各降雨分量的经验模型,并给出了生长季林冠作用层和林地作用层的水量分配的月际动态。在探讨上述水量关系的同时,作者还分析了前四类林分大气降水及各降水分量中N、K、Ca、S、Mg、P、Al七种元素的浓度及含量变化,就不同树种对上述元素的选择性交换作了探讨,比较了不同林分的降水化学效应差异。 在第四章,作者以落叶阔叶混交林和油松林为研究对象,分析了两类林分在94试验年度生长季辐射平衡、显热通量、潜热通量、蒸发散以及土壤热通量的季节变化和日变化特征。 在树木个体的水分生理生态部分,作者应用压力室一容积技术测定了暖温带落叶阔叶林、油松林和次生灌丛10种主要树种的水分生理指标:日最低水势值、最大膨压时的渗透势、膨压为零时的渗透势、初始质壁分离时渗透水的相对含量、初始质壁分离时的相对含水量、质外体水的相对含量、细胞最大弹性模量,并比较了不同树种间上述指标与抗旱性的关系。此外,作者还应用Li-1600稳态气孔计测定了上述林分中主要树种的日均蒸腾强度的季节动态,并比较了上下两面叶片蒸腾特性的差异。最后,作者采用九种水分生理指标对10种主要树种的抗旱性作了主分量分析,给出了综合性抗旱指标。 在第六章,作者应用热脉冲技术系统地研究了暖温带山地森林主要乔木树种的树干液流的时空变化特征,并应用时序分析方法对上述树种的树液流量变化建立了自回归模型,在此基础上提出了生理惯性指标,给予了生理学解释。
An investigation is reported on the statistical model of imbibition curves of the seeds of Senna occidentalis Link. (Caesalpiniaceae), up to Phase II (start of root emission) in osmotic potential levels (0; -0.2; -0.4 and -0.6 MPa), induced NaCl or PEG 6000. The statistical model for both solutions was y = a [1 b exp(-cx)] where y is the fresh matter of seed in g, and x the time of evaluation in h. The analysis of variance of the estimated parameters, showed that with the NaCl solution, the -0.4 and -0.6 MPa levels differed significantly from the 0 and -0.2 MPa levels, and that with the PEG solution, the -0.6 MPa differed from the rest. Prolongation of Phase II occurred as the potential decreased, with both solutions. More reduction in water uptake and prolongation of this phase occurred with the PEG treatment.
Myceliar growth of 90 Fusarium strains os F. acuminatum, F. chlamydosporum, F. culmorum, F. equiseti, F.verticillioides, F. oxysporum, F. proliferatum, F. solani an F. sambucinum isolated from fluvial channels and sea beds of the south-eastern coast of Spain was tested on potato-dextrose-agar adjusted to different matric potentials with either KCl or NaCl (from - 1.50 to - 144.54 bars).
The mycelial growth of 18 Fusarium solani strains isolated from sea beds of the south-eastern coast of Spain was tested on potato-dextrose agar adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NACl (-1.50 to -144.54 bars) in 10ºC intervals ranging from 15 to 35ºC. Fungal growth was determined by measuring colony diameter after 4 days incubation. Mycelial growth was maximal at 25ºC. The quantity and frequency pattern of mycelial growth of F. solani differ significantly at 15 and 25ºC, with maximal occurring at the highest water potential tested (-1.50 bars); and at 35ºC, with a maximal mycelial growth at -13.79 bars. The effect of water potential was independent of salt composition. The general growth pattern of F. solani showed declining growth at potentials below -41.79 bars. Fungal growth at 35ºC was always higher than that growth at 15ºC, of all the water potentials tested. Significant differences observed in the response of mycelia to water potential and temperature as main and interactive effects. The viability of cultures was increasingly inhibited as the water potential dropped, but some growth was still observed at -99.56 bars. These findings could indicate that marine strains of F. solani have a physiological mechanism that permits survival in environments with low water potential. The observed differences in viability and the magnitude growth could indicate that the biological factors governing potential and actual growth are affected by osmotic potential in different ways.
The mycelial growth of 10 Fusarium culmorum strains isolated from water of the Andarax riverbed in the provinces of Granada and Almeria in southeastern Spain was tested on potato-dextroseagar adjusted to different osmotic potentials with either KCl or NaCl (−1.50 to−144.54 bars) at 10◦C intervals ranging from15◦ to 35◦C. Fungal growth was determined by measuring colony diameter after 4 d of incubation. Mycelial growth was maximal at 25◦C. The quantity and capacity of mycelial growth of F. culmorum were similar at 15 and 25◦C, with maximal growth occurring at −13.79 bars water potential and a lack of growth at 35◦C. The effect of water potential was independent of salt composition. The general growth pattern of Fusarium culmorum growth declined at potentials below −13.79 bars. Fungal growth at 25◦C was always greater than growth at 15◦C, at all of the water potentials tested. Significant differences were observed in the response ofmycelia to water potential and temperature as main and interactive effects. The number of isolates that showed growth was increasingly inhibited as the water potential dropped, but some growth was still observable at −99.56 bars. These findings could indicate that F. culmorum strains isolated from water have a physiological mechanism that permits survival in environments with low water potential. Propagules of Fusarium culmorum are transported long distances by river water, which could explain the severity of diseases caused by F.culmorum on cereal plants irrigated with river water and its interaction under hydric stress ormoderate soil salinity. The observed differences in growth magnitude and capacity could indicate that the biological factors governing potential and actual growth are affected by osmotic potential in different ways.
Growth of biomass and sporulation of pathogenic and non-pathogenic Saprolegnia species was markedly decreased at reduced water potentials. Oogonium and zoosporangium formation were more sensitive to reduced osmotic and matrix potentials than growth in biomass. Although little difference was observed between the effects of matrix and osmotic potentials, the Saprolegnia species investigated responded differently to those solutes utilized in control of osmotic potential. Biomas, oogonium and zoosporangium formation were greater in the presence of reduced osmotic potentials mediated by mannitol than equivalent potentials mediated by potassium chloride. Endogenous potassium levels varied little with reduced matrix or osmotic potentials. Conversly, mannitol content of colonies exposed to reduced osmotic potentials mediated by mannitol initailly increased while endogenous amino acid levels were observed to rise in response to moderately reduced water potentials. Sensitivity of Saprolegnia species to reduced potantials and effects on substrate colonization are discussed in the light of these observations.
Recent reports show that biogeochemical processes continue when the soil is frozen, but are limited by water availability. However, there is little knowledge about the interactive effects of soil and environmental variables on amounts of unfrozen water in frozen soils. The aims of this study were to determine the contributions of matric and osmotic potentials to the unfrozen water content of frozen soil. We determined the effects of matric and osmotic potential on unfrozen water contents of frozen mineral soil fractions (ranging from coarse sand to fine silt) at -7 degrees C, and estimated the contributions of these potentials to liquid water contents in samples from organic surface layers of boreal soils frozen at -4 degrees C. In the mineral soil fractions the unfrozen water contents appeared to be governed solely by the osmotic potential, but in the humus layers of the sampled boreal soils both the osmotic and matric potentials control unfrozen water content, with osmotic potential contributing 20 to 69% of the total water potential. We also determined pore size equivalents, where unfrozen water resides at -4 degrees C, and found a strong correlation between these equivalents and microbial CO2 production. The larger the pores in which the unfrozen water is found the larger the microbial activity that can be sustained. The osmotic potential may therefore be a key determinant of unfrozen water and carbon dynamics in frozen soil. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The effect of the concentration of sucrose solutions on the cellular structure of potato tissue in equilibrium at 27 degreesC was Studied. Two different methods of investigation were used to determine the volume of the different phases composing the cellular tissue of the potato when in equilibrium with the solutions. one based on data of the concentration itself and the overall volume of 2 mm slices after 48 h at equilibrium, and the other on microscopic images of cells in thin slices of fresh tissue stained with neutral red after an hour in equilibrium to show protoplasts, vacuoles and plasmolysis spaces. The results of these methods were compared with those obtained by a predictive thermodynamic approach considering the semipermeability of cell membranes. Phase volume data obtained from microscopic analysis were more similar to what was predicted by the theoretical model than those obtained by means of composition measurement. where the long equilibrium time apparently led to the loss of semi permeability of the cell membranes, since total volumes calculated without consideration of the cell membranes were similar to those measured. This suggests that the length of time of osmotic dehydration brings about a change in cell structure and the consequent involvement of a different mechanism in mass transfer. (C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
浑善达克沙地是我国四大沙地之一,地处北方干旱半干旱区,为草原区向荒漠区过渡的地带。长期以来,由于人类不合理的生产活动,加上这里脆弱的生态环境,已引起了严重的土地退化问题:流动沙丘面积由1950s年占沙地总面积的2%增加到1990s的近50%。因此浑善达克沙地成为我国研究土地退化、防治沙尘暴的重点地区,本文从自然科学和人文科学相结合的角度出发,对浑善达克沙地草地退化原因、自然恢复潜力、恢复过程、适宜物种选择,以及社区生存、生产等方面进行了综合研究,得出以下主要结论: 1) 浑善达克沙地土壤种子库中含有大量的种子,在退化草地自然恢复中表现出极大的潜力。这些种子在摆脱人和牲畜干扰的前提下,可以萌发、定居并形成植物群落,使退化草地恢复;当地表达到一定程度的植被覆盖,可有效减少沙尘暴的危害。土壤种子库中的植物种类与地上植被有极显著的相似性(P<0.05),这是地上植被形成稳定群落的基础。种子库中的物种组成影响植被恢复演替的进程;反之,恢复演替也制约着种子库组成和幼苗建立。 2)退化沙地草地围封后,对不同恢复阶段草地的群落学调查表明,该地区自然恢复过程大致分为3个阶段:围封2年的恢复早期,流动沙丘向半固定沙丘转变;围封3-5年的恢复中期,半固定沙丘向固定沙丘转变;围封6年后的恢复后期,为固定沙丘稳定发展阶段。根据生活型及植物种类随恢复演替的变化规律,浑善达克沙地植被演替的总体趋势可归纳为:沙米 (Agriophyllum squarrosum)+ 雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)群落→黄柳(Salix gordejevii)+ 冰草(Agropyron cristatum)群落→褐沙蒿(Artemisia intramongolica) + 冰草群落→沙地榆(Ulmus pumila var. sabulosa)疏林+冰草群落。在围封禁牧下,浑善达克退化沙地草地在较短时间内实现自然恢复,因此制约退化草地恢复演替的关键因素主要是人为和牲畜的干扰,只要排除了这种干扰因素,浑善达克大面积的退化沙地草地完全能够借助自然力实现生态恢复。 3) 浑善达克沙地3种生境下84种植物叶片渗透势值和含水量,表现出不同功能型上的差异。总体变化趋势为: 深根系 > 浅根系;灌木 > 乔木 > 草本;分布在湿地和丘间低地的植物叶片渗透势和含水量较高,而生长在沙丘上的植物叶片渗透势较低,需要有发达的根系吸收土壤深层的水。不同植物具有独特的水分利用特性,使它们能共存于同一生态系统中。这些不同植物功能型表现出的植物水分生理生态特性,表明浑善达克天然分布的植物群落发育有完善的利用水资源的能力,能够保证在很大降水波动条件下分布有丰富的植物群落和较高的生物生产力,构成该特殊类型生态系统很强的恢复潜力。另外,浑善达克沙地沙丘的存在是该类生态系统恢复弹性较高的另一重要原因。 4)本地种与引入种在生理生态上表现出不同的适应能力。在相似的太阳辐射和叶片温度下,引入种旱柳的叶片水势较高,而净光合速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率则较低。这表明它的光合潜能在改变环境中没有正常发挥。同时,引入种较低的最大光化学效率进一步表明它抵抗环境胁迫的能力较低。当土壤水分可利用程度降低而导致水分竞争时,引入种很可能在竞争中被淘汰。因此,在生态恢复中,应尽量避免引入外来种,大量使用本地种。 5) 生态恢复不仅是自然科学问题,更重要的是社会经济问题。为了充分认识当地社区的参与对生态恢复的作用,在实验过程中,调查了当地居民自本实验开展以来的思想观念、经济收入和生产效益等变化。在生态恢复中当地社区的积极参与是保证恢复成功与否的关键因素。从发挥“自然力” 和“以人为本”的指导思想出发,在生态恢复中应注重充分利用自然的力量;在管理方面,要以解决社区居民的生产生活实际需求为目标。只有这样,才能保证生态、社会和经济可持续发展。
Four chemical extenders in 7 different concentrations (potassium chloride, sodium chloride, glucose, sodium citrate, Ringer s solution, cow serum and milkfish (Chanos chanos) serum) were compared in the preservation of milkfish sperm. Results showed milkfish serum to be the most suitable of the various extenders tested. This may be attributed to suitable osmotic potential and/or presence of proteins which may have directly or indirectly influenced sperm viability. The effects of milkfish serum on the motility and fertilizing capacity of sperm at different durations of storage however need to be investigated.
在盆栽条件下研究了干湿交替对玉米生长速率、叶片水势、渗透势、气孔导度、相对生长速率和耗水量的影响。结果表明玉米在 3~ 7叶期经历土壤水分缓慢亏缺 ,再进行复水的干湿交替后玉米叶片渗透调节能力明显增加 ,叶片生长表现出补偿效应 ,每次干湿交替后生长速率迅速下降的叶水势趋于下降 ,气孔导度对土壤水分变化非常敏感 ,并在干旱—复水过程中具有后效作用 ,蒸腾耗水量随干—湿交替而具有下降趋势 ,初步证明可在节水灌溉条件下人为控制不同生育时期的供水时间形成干湿交替 ,促进渗透调节能力增强和补偿生长来实现作物高产、高效、优质的目的
In arid regions, biodiversity and biomass are limited by water availability, and this problem has been compounded by desertification associated with global climate change. The saprotrophic macrofungi that are indigenous to hot subtropical and tropical regions, such as Pleurotus spp., can play key roles in water sequestration, nutrient cycling, human nutrition, and bioremediation of waste materials. We studied 15 strains of Pleurotus sajor-caju, a widespread and phenotypically-diverse species, to establish variability in growth response and primordium development over a range of stress parameters: osmotic potential (-0.5 to -5 MPa), temperature (5-40 degrees C) and pH (2-12). The initiation of primordia precedes basidiome production and therefore represents a key stage in bioremediation strategies and fungi-driven nutrient cycles. Primordia were produced at low pH (4-6), at suboptimal growth temperatures (<or =25 degrees C), and under moderate water stress (-0.5 to -3.5 MPa). Although the growth windows for different strains were similar, their maximum growth rates and the optimum conditions for growth varied. We discuss the phenotypic diversity of Pleurotus strains and discuss their potential for cultivation, bioremediation and ecological regeneration.
Neste trabalho descreve-se e interpreta-se a estratigrafia e palinologia de rochas sedimentares e metassedimentos de idade devónica e carbónica aflorantes ao longo da zona de cisalhamento Porto-Tomar, a Sul na Bacia de Santa Susana e em vários locais onde afloram os Calcários de Odivelas. Existe um registo de sedimentação descontínuo possivelmente associado a esta zona de cisalhamento desde o Devónico Superior até ao Pennsylvaniano. Desde o Devónico Superior até ao Mississippiano esta sedimentação é marinha, de carácter essencialmente turbiditico com uma tendência geral para se tornar mais proximal. A maturação térmica atingida por estas rochas (Unidade de Albergaria-a-Velha) é alta e a unidade é considerada pós-madura em termos de potencial gerador de hidrocarbonetos. O metamorfismo incipiente é acompanhado por intensa deformação. A bacia do Buçaco é inteiramente terrestre e tem a sua idade restrita ao Gjeliano (Pennsylvaniano superior). O controlo da sedimentação pela actividade da zona de cisalhamento Porto-Tomar é evidente. A sua maturação térmica é relativamente baixa (dentro da catagénese) e a deformação menos intensa, contrastando com a Unidade de Albergaria-a-Velha com a qual parece ter uma relação geométrica complexa, de origem tectónica. As relações de campo e dados da maturação térmica permitem inferir um evento térmico e de deformação à escala regional entre o Serpukoviano e o Gjeliano e outro, essencialmente de deformação, entre o Gjeliano e o Carniano (Triássico Superior). A bacia de Santa Susana tem características semelhantes à do Buçaco, visto estar enquadrada também numa zona de cisalhamento importante que neste caso separa a Zona de Ossa-Morena da Zona Sul Portuguesa. A sua idade é kasimoviana, possivelmente também moscoviana (Pennsylvaniano médio). A evolução térmica da bacia e a relação estrutural com as unidades circundantes permite inferir um evento térmico e de deformação regionalmente importante entre o Viseano e o (?)Moscoviano-Kasimoviano. O estudo detalhado de vários locais onde afloram os Calcários de Odivelas permite desenhar uma paleogeografia regional durante o intervalo Emsiano terminal-Givetiano (fim do Devónico Inferior – Devónico Médio) para o sector Oeste da Zona de Ossa-Morena: Actividade vulcânica em regime marinho (e talvez subaéreo), formando edifícios vulcânicos no topo dos quais (e possivelmente também em altos fundos estruturais) se instalaram recifes, tendo a comunidade recifal, em termos de diversidade, persistido durante todo ou grande parte deste intervalo de tempo. O evento Choteč basal é observável num destes locais.
This work discusses the use of a THz-transient spectrometer for the measurement of tissue water content. The relation of both mammalian- and plant-cell water content to the osmotic potential is discussed. The process of equilibration of tissue water potential with the water potential of water vapor in an osmometer cuvette is described. Observation of the THz transmittance through the water vapor provides a measure of the water activity and water potential in the sample. The possibility of performing dielectric relaxation measurements of the liquid water in the tissue at THz frequencies directly and the use of proline as marker of water stress in tissue are discussed.