839 resultados para organizational skills
A review of the literature suggests that various IS knowledge and skills should be grouped into a construct because many IS tasks require a combination of diverse disciplines. Many studies argue that today's IS executives should be multidisciplinary, while the organizational skills are becoming increasingly important. However, the outstanding issue is what is the appropriate balance of disciplines between the organizational domain and technical domain. For understanding such a balance, it is easier to refer to quantitative proportions than to qualitative descriptions. Therefore, this study suggests a way to quantitatively identify an IS management knowledge and skills construct - a combination that comprises six related knowledge and skills categories suggested by the literature. By analyzing the data obtained in a 1996's survey, two such constructs for current proficiency and expected level have been quantitatively identified. To people aiming at a senior IS executive career, the deficiencies between current and expected constructs suggest not only the direction but also the extent should be enhanced, and the constructs indicate the balance among various disciplines should be maintained.
This dissertation consists of three papers. The first paper "Managing the Workload: an Experiment on Individual Decision Making and Performance" experimentally investigates how decision-making in workload management affects individual performance. I designed a laboratory experiment in order to exogenously manipulate the schedule of work faced by each subject and to identify its impact on final performance. Through the mouse click-tracking technique, I also collected interesting behavioral measures on organizational skills. I found that a non-negligible share of individuals performs better under externally imposed schedules than in the unconstrained case. However, such constraints are detrimental for those good in self-organizing. The second chapter, "On the allocation of effort with multiple tasks and piecewise monotonic hazard function", tests the optimality of a scheduling model, proposed in a different literature, for the decisional problem faced in the experiment. Under specific assumptions, I find that such model identifies what would be the optimal scheduling of the tasks in the Admission Test. The third paper "The Effects of Scholarships and Tuition Fees Discounts on Students' Performances: Which Monetary Incentives work Better?" explores how different levels of monetary incentives affect the achievement of students in tertiary education. I used a Regression Discontinuity Design to exploit the assignment of different monetary incentives, to study the effects of such liquidity provision on performance outcomes, ceteris paribus. The results show that a monetary increase in the scholarships generates no effect on performance since the achievements of the recipients are all centered near the requirements for non-returning the benefit. Secondly, students, who are actually paying some share of the total cost of college attendance, surprisingly, perform better than those whose cost is completely subsidized. A lower benefit, relatively to a higher aid, it motivates students to finish early and not to suffer the extra cost of a delayed graduation.
As collaborators of Anders Pape Møller, we were shocked and surprised to read that he was accused of data fabrication ("Ecologists roiled by misconduct case," G. Vogel, F. Proffitt, R. Stone, News of the Week, 30 Jan., p. 606). We have never had cause to be concerned about any aspect of our collaborations with Møller. He is an amazing scientist, and his great organizational skills are a model for how to be productive in the face of competing time demands. Most of us are capable of much more than we actually accomplish, but we lack the dedication and self-discipline to follow through like Anders Møller. This is the secret of his phenomenal effectiveness that has been so puzzling to the scientific community. His achievements may have caused negative responses from some of his competitors. We would like to see a full, objective, and independent inquiry into the allegations. Our experience tells us that Anders Møller has an exceptionally complete focus on any task at hand, be it fieldwork, data analysis, or paper writing; this, combined with more than a little natural talent, is sufficient to explain his exceptional productivity. We have worked with him on a variety of projects, including collecting data, sometimes under arduous conditions, and in all our dealings with him, his behavior has been beyond reproach. We would ask colleagues to restrain from further public condemnation until such time as any allegations have been proven beyond doubt.
Landslides are an increasing problem in Nepal's Middle Hills due to both natural and human phenomena: mainly increasingly intense monsoon rains and a boom in rural road construction. This problem has largely been neglected due to underreporting of losses and the dispersed nature of landslides. Understanding how populations cope with landslides is a first step toward developing more effective landslide risk management programs. The present research focuses on two villages in Central-Eastern Nepal, both affected by active landslides but with different coping strategies. Research methods are interdisciplinary, based on a geological assessment of landslide risk and a socio-economic study of the villages using household questionnaires, focus group discussions and transect walks. Community risk maps are compared with geological landslide risk maps to better understand and communicate community risk perceptions, priorities and coping strategies. A modified typology of coping strategies is presented, based on previous work by Burton, Kates, and White (1993) that is useful for decision-makers for designing more effective programs for landslide mitigation. Main findings underscore that coping strategies, mainly seeking external assistance and outmigration, are closely linked to access to resources, ethnicity/social status and levels of community organization. Conclusions include the importance of investing in organizational skills, while building on local knowledge about landslide mitigation for reducing landslide risk. There is great potential to increase coping strategies by incorporating skills training on landslide mitigation in existing agricultural outreach and community forest user group training.
Tutkimuksen tarkoitus: Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää miten Tuomi Yhtiöt Oy:n aineetonpääoma ja organisaatio-osaaminen vaikuttavat yrityksen menestymiseen taantuman aikana 2008- 2009. Tutkimus ajoittuu maailman talouden kulminaatiopisteeseen, jossa voidaan tarkastella sekä mikro- että makrotalouden tunnuksilla miten yritys on menestynyt ja toiminut ajanjakson aikana. Tutkimuksen teoria on liiketaloustieteiden tutkimusmenetelmien mukaista, ja perustoiminnoiltaan normatiivista sekä empiiristä ongelmanratkaisua. Työssä käytettään laaja-alaisesti yrityksen faktatietoja, sekä aineettoman pääoman mittaamiseen tehtyä mittaristoa joka on rakennettu tutkimusta varten. Tuloksina saadaan yrityksen kannalta keskeiset organisaatio- ja aineettoman pääoman tunnusluvut, joita vertaillaan johtamisjärjestelmän tunnuslukuihin. Tutkimuksen yhteydessä on löydetty uusi asiakashallintamalli jolle ei ole saatavilla valmista sovellutusta. Yhteenvetona voidaan osoittaa yrityksen heikkoudet sekä menestyminentarkasteluajanjaksolla ja todistaa näiden yhteys kokonaisuuteen
Le TDAH persiste jusqu’à l’âge adulte dans la majorité des cas. Les jeunes ayant un TDAH sont plus à risque de sous-performance et de décrochage scolaires. Ils présentent également des déficits organisationnels, tel qu’une difficulté à planifier et compléter leurs devoirs. Sans interventions appropriées, ils sont à risque de difficultés importantes au secondaire. La présente étude vise à évaluer l’effet d’une intervention multimodale, Projet TRANSITION, sur l’engagement et le rendement scolaires des jeunes ayant un TDAH. L’échantillon était composé de 47 familles, réparties aléatoirement entre un groupe participant à l’intervention et un groupe contrôle. A la fin de secondaire 1, les jeunes ayant participé ou non à l’intervention ne se distinguent pas quant à la qualité de leur engagement scolaire (cognitif, affectif, comportemental). À la fin du secondaire 1, il n’y a pas de différence significative entre les groupes au niveau des difficultés en lecture ou mathématiques rapportées par le jeune ou le parent, de l’écart à la moyenne de la classe selon le bulletin, et du rendement scolaire par rapport aux autres élèves de leur classe rapporté par le jeune. Cependant, les parents perçoivent que les jeunes ayant participé à l’intervention présentent un meilleur rendement scolaire par rapport aux autres élèves de leur classe en comparaison aux jeunes du groupe contrôle.
The aim of this activity is to allow students to explore the nature of political action, which can be thought of as a form of active as opposed to passive citizenship. By learning about and reflecting upon past instances of political action, or activism, students will be able to start thinking about what is likely to make a campaign successful. It is intended that these reflections can then be applied to their own actions as active citizens. It is hoped that the historical case studies combined with the information provided on different campaigning tools and methods will help to make students feel empowered and inspired to take action. In setting students the task of planning an action, it is expected that time management and organizational skills will be improved. It is believed that by putting themselves in the shoes of activists and going through the process of planning an action, they will have an engaged learning experience. The reflective element of the activity encourages students to form and defend opinions on the relative strengths and weaknesses of different campaigning methods, and on the acceptable limits to political action. This learning activity has been designed presuming no prior knowledge of activism or its methods, and has been successfully used with first year undergraduate students from a variety of disciplines. However, the activity provides a basis for more in-depth study of several issues, or alternatively study into further examples of campaign organizations. There are 3 different learning activities presented on this web site. For a dynamic and well-illustrated introduction to contemporary activism, see Jordan, T. (2002) Activism!: Direct Action, Hacktivism and the Future of Society, London: Reaktion Books Ltd. This material is also available via JORUM.
The Knowledge Management in organizations is a continuous process of learning that is given by the integration of data, information and the ability of people to use this information. The Management Skills is concerned to understand the powers of officials in the face of organizational skills (teams) and professionals (or tasks positions) want. Joints are located in the greater context of the economy of organizatio s and have the same assumption: that the possession of scarce resources, valuable and difficult to imitate gives the organization a competitive advantage. In this sense, this thesis proposes a model of knowledge management based on analysis of GAP of powers, namely the gap between the skills needed to reach the expected performance and skills already available in the organization, officials and trainees of Coordination of Registration of conductors of DETRAN-RN. Using the method of survey research could make an analysis of academic skills, techniques and emotional individual and a team of officials and trainees, identifying levels of GAP's competence in that sector of the organization and suggest a plan for training , A level of expertise for each sector of coordination, and propose a model for Knowledge Management to help the management of GAP's identified
Nesta dissertação se analisa o processo histórico da formação social, política e econômicada da Colônia de Pescadores de Imperatriz Zona 29 (CPI Z-29), estado do Maranhão. Inicialmente, apresenta-se a fundamentação teórica concernente aos movimentos sociais de uma forma geral e em seguida especifica-se as origens e a capacidade organizacional dos pescadores sindicalizados haja vista que as colônias possuam status de sindicato. Em seguida, estuda-se como se deu a evolução do movimento dos pescadores no sul do Maranhão e, consequentemente, na região de Imperatriz, ou seja, na área que corresponde à jurisdição dessa Colônia Z-29,detendo-se nos avanços conquistados pela classe principalmente no que diz respeito às políticas públicas voltadas para esse movimento social. Na reconstituição dos acontecimentos históricos e econômicos, procedeu-se não só o estudo da CPI Z-29 que se solidificou no final da década dos anos de 1970, mais precisamente no ano de 1978, quando é fundada a entidade mencionada, mas também dos diversos ciclos de produção que a região de Imperatriz atravessou ao longo dos anos, procedeu-se também a um levantamento do modus vivendi dos pescadores seus costumes, crenças e práticas adotadas pela classe antes e depois de se associarem de forma legal a uma entidade que nascia visando a organização e fomentando um crescimento para uma classe importante porém esquecida. No estudo do processo pertinente ao periodo de sugimento do movimento e capacidade organizacional dos pescadores, analisou-se as mudanças verificadas na vida econômica, política, cultural, ambiental e social motivadas pelas transformações da estrutura organizacioanal da classe dos pescadores intensificadas, principalmente, a partir da implantação dos projetos sociais incentivados pelo Governo Federal. E, ao final, trata-se de visibilidade política dos pescadores, sua participação no processo decisório em nível municipal e os avanços conquistados pela CPI Z-29 desde a sua fundação.
A gestão por competências destacou-se no cenário das organizações públicas brasileiras através do Decreto nº 5.707/2006 como instrumento da política de desenvolvimento dos servidores da administração pública direta, autárquica e fundacional enfatizando a capacitação orientada para o desenvolvimento do conjunto de conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes necessárias ao desempenho das funções dos servidores, visando ao alcance dos objetivos da instituição. Ocorre que desde 2001, conforme relato da Escola Nacional de Administração Pública - ENAP, dezesseis organizações públicas já praticavam preceitos da gestão por competências, e utilizavam além da capacitação outros processos relacionados a área de gestão de pessoas previstos na teoria sobre gestão por competências. Utilizando a Teoria do Desenvolvimento Organizacional, com método comparativo, estratégia estudo de caso múltiplo e análise documental do período de dez anos, de três organizações, CEF,e TCU, pertencentes ao grupo do relato ENAP, foram constatadas as hipóteses de que cada organização escolheu o procedimento mais adequado a sua estrutura e cultura organizacional para implantar a gestão por competências e que esta teve o processo de implantação em consonância com as respectivas áreas de planejamento e ainda, para implementar mudanças utilizando a gestão por competências não é necessário finalizar o mapeamento de competências individuais de todos os servidores das organizações. As mudanças podem iniciar, após a definição da missão, valores, objetivos estratégicos, visão de futuro (mapeamento de competências organizacionais). Concluindo que inexiste um modelo universal para implantação da gestão por competências, pois, cada organização é influenciada de forma diferente pela política, clima e cultura organizacional.
This Doctoral Thesis focuses on the study of individual behaviours as a result of organizational affiliation. The objective is to assess the Entrepreneurial Orientation of individuals proving the existence of a set of antecedents to that measure returning a structural model of its micro-foundation. Relying on the developed measurement model, I address the issue whether some Entrepreneurs experience different behaviours as a result of their academic affiliation, comparing a sample of ‘Academic Entrepreneurs’ to a control sample of ‘Private Entrepreneurs’ affiliated to a matched sample of Academic Spin-offs and Private Start-ups. Building on the Theory of the Planned Behaviour, proposed by Ajzen (1991), I present a model of causal antecedents of Entrepreneurial Orientation on constructs extensively used and validated, both from a theoretical and empirical perspective, in sociological and psychological studies. I focus my investigation on five major domains: (a) Situationally Specific Motivation, (b) Personal Traits and Characteristics, (c) Individual Skills, (d) Perception of the Business Environment and (e) Entrepreneurial Orientation Related Dimensions. I rely on a sample of 200 Entrepreneurs, affiliated to a matched sample of 72 Academic Spin-offs and Private Start-ups. Firms are matched by Industry, Year of Establishment and Localization and they are all located in the Emilia Romagna region, in northern Italy. I’ve gathered data by face to face interviews and used a Structural Equation Modeling technique (Lisrel 8.80, Joreskog, K., & Sorbom, D. 2006) to perform the empirical analysis. The results show that Entrepreneurial Orientation is a multi-dimensional micro-founded construct which can be better represented by a Second-Order Model. The t-tests on the latent means reveal that the Academic Entrepreneurs differ in terms of: Risk taking, Passion, Procedural and Organizational Skills, Perception of the Government, Context and University Supports. The Structural models also reveal that the main differences between the two groups lay in the predicting power of Technical Skills, Perceived Context Support and Perceived University Support in explaining the Entrepreneurial Orientation Related Dimensions.
This research looks at the use of the Interactive Student Notebook (ISN) in the math classroom and the impact on student achievement as part of the MiTEP program. A reflective critical analysis of the MiTEP program discusses impact on teacher pedagogy, leadership, and connections to people and resources. The purpose of the study stemmed from the lack of student retention, poor organizational skills, and the students’ inability to demonstrate college readiness skills such as how to study, completing homework, and thinking independently. Motivation also stemmed from teacher frustration. The research was conducted at Linden Grove Middle School in Kalamazoo Michigan in a strategic math class. Twenty-two sixth graders, thirty-two seventh graders, and forty eighth graders were part of the study.Students were given the Strategic Math Inventory (SMI) test in week 1 of the class and again at the end of a 12 week marking period. Students participated in an attitude survey to record their feelings about the use of the ISN in the strategic math classroom. The data compared the control group (the previous year’s [2012-2013] growth data) to the experimental group, the current year’s (2013-2014) growth data. Both groups were statistically similar in that the mean average was about a 4th grade level equivalency and the groups had similar numbers of grade level students. The significant findings were in the amount of growth made using the ISN. The control group started with a mean average of 586.6 and ended with a mean average of 697.1, making about one year’s growth from a 4th to a 5th grade level equivalency. The experimental group started with a mean average of 585.2 and ended with a mean average of 744.2, making about two years growth from a 4th to a 6th grade level equivalency. This is double the growth of the control group. The Cohen’s test resulted in a score of 0.311 which describes that the teaching method, the use of the ISN in the math classroom had a medium impact on student growth.
La gestión de riesgos debe ser entendida como una determinación de vínculos entre lo que se asume como vulnerabilidad, y la forma en la que se determinarían o estimarían la probabilidad en la concurrencia de un determinado hecho, partiendo de la idea de la concurrencia de un fenómeno y las acciones necesarias que deberán llevarse a cabo. El tema de vulnerabilidad y riesgo, cada día toma más importancia a nivel mundial, a medida que pasa el tiempo es más notoria la vulnerabilidad de ciertas poblaciones ante la presencia de determinados peligros naturales como son: inundaciones, desbordes de ríos, deslizamientos de tierra y movimientos sísmicos. La vulnerabilidad aumenta, a medida que crece la deforestación. La construcción en lugares de alto riesgo, como por ejemplo, viviendas a orillas de los ríos, está condicionada por la localización y las condiciones de uso del suelo, infraestructura, construcciones, viviendas, distribución y densidad de población, capacidad de organización, etc. Es ahora donde la gestión de riesgos, juega un papel muy importante en la sociedad moderna, siendo esta cada vez más exigente con los resultados y calidad de productos y servicios, además de cumplir también, con la responsabilidad jurídica que trae la concepción, diseño y construcción de proyectos en zonas inundables. El presente trabajo de investigación, se centra en identificar los riesgos, aplicando soluciones estructurales y recomendaciones resilientes para edificaciones que se encuentren emplazadas en zonas inundables. Disminuyendo así el riesgo de fallo estructural y el número de víctimas considerablemente. Concluyendo con un Catálogo de Riesgos y Soluciones para edificaciones en zonas inundables. Risk management should be understood as a determination of links between what is assumed to be vulnerable , and how that would be determined or would estimate the probability in the occurrence of a certain event, based on the idea of the occurrence of a phenomenon and necessary actions to be carried out . The issue of vulnerability and risk, every day takes more importance globally, as time passes is more notorious vulnerability of certain populations in the presence of certain natural hazards such as floods, swollen rivers, landslides and earthquakes. Vulnerability increases as it grows deforestation. The construction in high-risk locations, such as homes on the banks of rivers, is conditioned by the location and conditions of land use, infrastructure, construction, housing, distribution and population density, organizational skills, etc. Now where risk management plays a very important role in modern society, is being increasingly demanding with the results and quality of products and services, and also comply with the legal responsibility that brings the conception, design and construction projects in flood zones. This research focuses on identifying risks, implementing structural solutions and resilients’ recommendations for buildings that are emplaced in flood zones. Thus decreasing the risk of structural failure and the number of victims significantly. Concluding with a Catalogue of Risks and Solutions for buildings in flood zones.
Partiendo de la idea de la concurrencia de un fenómeno y de las acciones que se deben llevar a cabo, se debe entender la Gestión de Riesgos como una determinación de relaciones entre lo que se asume como vulnerable, y la forma en la cual se estimará la probabilidad de un determinado hecho. A medida en que pasa el tiempo, se torna más importante el tema de vulnerabilidad y de riesgo a nivel mundial. La vulnerabilidad se vuelve más notoria ante la presencia de determinados peligros naturales como lo son los siguientes: deslizamientos de tierras, movimientos sísmicos, desbordes de ríos e inundaciones. (Pérez Soriano, 2014) La vulnerabilidad se ve en su mayoría más afectada por acciones antrópicas como lo son la construcción de viviendas en lugares de alto riesgo, como por ejemplo, viviendas en los taludes de obras lineales. Estas viviendas están condicionadas por la localización, el uso del suelo, la infraestructura, la distribución y la densidad de la población, su capacidad de organización, etc. La Gestión de Riesgos se vuelve cada vez más exigente en cuanto a la calidad de los servicios ofertados, además de también, cumplir con la responsabilidad jurídica que implica la concepción, diseño y construcción de taludes y terraplenes en obras lineales. (Pérez Soriano, 2014) El presente trabajo de investigación se centra en la identificación y valoración de los riesgos de taludes y terraplenes en obras lineales de la República Dominicana. De esta manera se busca disminuir el riesgo de la rotura o fallo de un talud o terraplén, y el número de víctimas que puedan ser afectadas por el mismo, concluyendo con un catálogo de riesgos para taludes y terraplenes en obras lineales. Based on the idea of the occurrence of a phenomenon and the actions to be carried out, Risk Management should be understood as a determination of relationships between what is assumed to be vulnerable, and the way in which the probability of a particular event will be estimated. The issue of vulnerability and risk becomes more important worldwide as time goes on. Vulnerability becomes more evident in the presence of certain natural hazards such as: landslides, earthquakes, overflowing rivers and flooding. (Pérez Soriano, 2014) It has become evident that vulnerability is mostly affected by human actions, such as the construction of housing in high-risk locations, for example, man-made slopes. These properties are conditioned by the location, land use, infrastructure, distribution and density of the population, organizational skills, etc. Risk management is becoming more discerning about the quality of the services offered, in addition to the compliance of the legal responsibility that the conception, design and construction of slopes and embankments in linear works require. (Pérez Soriano, 2014) This research project focuses on the identification and valuation of the risks derived from slopes and embankments in linear works of the Dominican Republic, in order to reduce the risks of failure of a slope or embankment and the number of victims who may be affected from it. Concluding with a risk catalogue for slopes and embankments in linear works.