981 resultados para optimisation model


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Numerical optimisation methods are being more commonly applied to agricultural systems models, to identify the most profitable management strategies. The available optimisation algorithms are reviewed and compared, with literature and our studies identifying evolutionary algorithms (including genetic algorithms) as superior in this regard to simulated annealing, tabu search, hill-climbing, and direct-search methods. Results of a complex beef property optimisation, using a real-value genetic algorithm, are presented. The relative contributions of the range of operational options and parameters of this method are discussed, and general recommendations listed to assist practitioners applying evolutionary algorithms to the solution of agricultural systems. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.


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This study proposes a new methodology to increase the power delivered to any load point in a radial distribution network, through the identification of new investments in order to improve the repair time. This research work is innovative and consists in proposing a full optimisation model based on mixed-integer non-linear programming considering the Pareto front technique. The goal is to achieve a reduction in repair times of the distribution networks components, while minimising the costs of that reduction as well as non-supplied energy costs. The optimisation model considers the distribution network technical constraints, the substation transformer taps, and it is able to choose the capacitor banks size. A case study based on a 33-bus distribution network is presented in order to illustrate in detail the application of the proposed methodology.


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I present an optimisation model that links paternal investment, male display and female choice. Although deviced for sticklebacks, it readily applies to other fish with male guarding behaviour. It relies on a few basic assumptions on the ways hatching success depends on paternal investment and clutch size, and male survival on paternal investment and signaling. Paternal investment is here a state-dependent decision, and signal a condition-dependent handicap by which males inform females of how much they are willing to invest. Series of predictions are derived on female and male breeding strategies, including optimal levels of signaling and paternal investment as functions of clutch size, own condition, and residual reproductive value, as well as alternative strategies such as egg kleptoparasitism. Some predictions already have empirical support, for which the present model provides new interpretations. Other might readily be tested, e.g. by simple clutch-size manipulations.


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Over 70% of the total costs of an end product are consequences of decisions that are made during the design process. A search for optimal cross-sections will often have only a marginal effect on the amount of material used if the geometry of a structure is fixed and if the cross-sectional characteristics of its elements are property designed by conventional methods. In recent years, optimalgeometry has become a central area of research in the automated design of structures. It is generally accepted that no single optimisation algorithm is suitable for all engineering design problems. An appropriate algorithm, therefore, mustbe selected individually for each optimisation situation. Modelling is the mosttime consuming phase in the optimisation of steel and metal structures. In thisresearch, the goal was to develop a method and computer program, which reduces the modelling and optimisation time for structural design. The program needed anoptimisation algorithm that is suitable for various engineering design problems. Because Finite Element modelling is commonly used in the design of steel and metal structures, the interaction between a finite element tool and optimisation tool needed a practical solution. The developed method and computer programs were tested with standard optimisation tests and practical design optimisation cases. Three generations of computer programs are developed. The programs combine anoptimisation problem modelling tool and FE-modelling program using three alternate methdos. The modelling and optimisation was demonstrated in the design of a new boom construction and steel structures of flat and ridge roofs. This thesis demonstrates that the most time consuming modelling time is significantly reduced. Modelling errors are reduced and the results are more reliable. A new selection rule for the evolution algorithm, which eliminates the need for constraint weight factors is tested with optimisation cases of the steel structures that include hundreds of constraints. It is seen that the tested algorithm can be used nearly as a black box without parameter settings and penalty factors of the constraints.


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Evaluation of image quality (IQ) in Computed Tomography (CT) is important to ensure that diagnostic questions are correctly answered, whilst keeping radiation dose to the patient as low as is reasonably possible. The assessment of individual aspects of IQ is already a key component of routine quality control of medical x-ray devices. These values together with standard dose indicators can be used to give rise to 'figures of merit' (FOM) to characterise the dose efficiency of the CT scanners operating in certain modes. The demand for clinically relevant IQ characterisation has naturally increased with the development of CT technology (detectors efficiency, image reconstruction and processing), resulting in the adaptation and evolution of assessment methods. The purpose of this review is to present the spectrum of various methods that have been used to characterise image quality in CT: from objective measurements of physical parameters to clinically task-based approaches (i.e. model observer (MO) approach) including pure human observer approach. When combined together with a dose indicator, a generalised dose efficiency index can be explored in a framework of system and patient dose optimisation. We will focus on the IQ methodologies that are required for dealing with standard reconstruction, but also for iterative reconstruction algorithms. With this concept the previously used FOM will be presented with a proposal to update them in order to make them relevant and up to date with technological progress. The MO that objectively assesses IQ for clinically relevant tasks represents the most promising method in terms of radiologist sensitivity performance and therefore of most relevance in the clinical environment.


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The paper proposes a framework for the analysis and representation of external systems for online optimisation studies. The basis for this framework is the equivalent OPF (EOPF), an optimisation model obtained by partitioning of the OPF model. The EOPF is mathematically redefined in the paper to accommodate the concept of a buffer zone. The resulting model is more useful for online optimisation, since external information obtained through intercontrol-centre exchange contracts can be used to improve internal control calculation. Numerical results obtained with original studies involving the boundary-matching procedure have provided a conceptual basis for the definition of a buffer zone for optimisation studies with the EOPF. In the proposed framework, the accuracy of the external representation in optimisation studies is evaluated by comparing the controls obtained by an EOPF procedure with those obtained by the reference-optimisation procedure defined in this paper. The framework is then used to evaluate the accuracy of equivalent optimisation studies involving the IEEE 118-bus test system and the Brazilian South Southeast 810-bus system. The results show that the incorporation of a buffer zone improves the external system representation for all optimisation studies performed.


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Floods are one of the most dangerous and common disasters worldwide, and these disasters are closely linked to the geography of the affected area. As a result, several papers in the academic field of humanitarian logistics have incorporated the use of Geographical Information Systems (GIS) for disaster management. However, most of the contributions in the literature are using these systems for network analysis and display, with just a few papers exploiting the capabilities of GIS to improve planning and preparedness. To show the capabilities of GIS for disaster management, this paper uses raster GIS to analyse potential flooding scenarios and provide input to an optimisation model. The combination is applied to two real-world floods in Mexico to evaluate the value of incorporating GIS for disaster planning. The results provide evidence that including GIS analysis for a decision-making tool in disaster management can improve the outcome of disaster operations by reducing the number of facilities used at risk of flooding. Empirical results imply the importance of the integration of advanced remote sensing images and GIS for future systems in humanitarian logistics.


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Leakage reduction in water supply systems and distribution networks has been an increasingly important issue in the water industry since leaks and ruptures result in major physical and economic losses. Hydraulic transient solvers can be used in the system operational diagnosis, namely for leak detection purposes, due to their capability to describe the dynamic behaviour of the systems and to provide substantial amounts of data. In this research work, the association of hydraulic transient analysis with an optimisation model, through inverse transient analysis (ITA), has been used for leak detection and its location in an experimental facility containing PVC pipes. Observed transient pressure data have been used for testing ITA. A key factor for the success of the leak detection technique used is the accurate calibration of the transient solver, namely adequate boundary conditions and the description of energy dissipation effects since PVC pipes are characterised by a viscoelastic mechanical response. Results have shown that leaks were located with an accuracy between 4-15% of the total length of the pipeline, depending on the discretisation of the system model.


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One of the main questions to solve when analysing geographically added information consists of the design of territorial units adjusted to the objectives of the study. This is related with the reduction of the effects of the Modificable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). In this paper an optimisation model to solve regionalisation problems is proposed. This model seeks to reduce disadvantages found in previous works about automated regionalisation tools


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One of the main questions to solve when analysing geographically added information consists of the design of territorial units adjusted to the objectives of the study. This is related with the reduction of the effects of the Modificable Areal Unit Problem (MAUP). In this paper an optimisation model to solve regionalisation problems is proposed. This model seeks to reduce disadvantages found in previous works about automated regionalisation tools


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In dieser Arbeit wurde ein gemischt-ganzzahliges lineares Einsatzoptimierungsmodell für Kraftwerke und Speicher aufgebaut und für die Untersuchung der Energieversorgung Deutschlands im Jahre 2050 gemäß den Leitstudie-Szenarien 2050 A und 2050 C ([Nitsch und Andere, 2012]) verwendet, in denen erneuerbare Energien einen Anteil von über 85 % an der Stromerzeugung haben und die Wind- und Solarenergie starke Schwankungen der durch steuerbare Kraftwerke und Speicher zu deckenden residualen Stromnachfrage (Residuallast) verursachen. In Szenario 2050 A sind 67 TWh Wasserstoff, die elektrolytisch aus erneuerbarem Strom zu erzeugen sind, für den Verkehr vorgesehen. In Szenario 2050 C ist kein Wasserstoff für den Verkehr vorgesehen und die effizientere Elektromobilität hat einen Anteil von 100% am Individualverkehr. Daher wird weniger erneuerbarer Strom zur Erreichung desselben erneuerbaren Anteils im Verkehrssektor benötigt. Da desweiteren Elektrofahrzeuge Lastmanagementpotentiale bieten, weisen die Residuallasten der Szenarien eine unterschiedliche zeitliche Charakteristik und Jahressumme auf. Der Schwerpunkt der Betrachtung lag auf der Ermittlung der Auslastung und Fahrweise des in den Szenarien unterstellten ’Kraftwerks’-parks bestehend aus Kraftwerken zur reinen Stromerzeugung, Kraft-Wärme-Kopplungskraftwerken, die mit Wärmespeichern, elektrischen Heizstäben und Gas-Backupkesseln ausgestattet sind, Stromspeichern und Wärmepumpen, die durch Wärmespeicher zum Lastmanagment eingesetzt werden können. Der Fahrplan dieser Komponenten wurde auf minimale variable Gesamtkosten der Strom- und Wärmeerzeugung über einen Planungshorizont von jeweils vier Tagen hin optimiert. Das Optimierungsproblem wurde mit dem linearen Branch-and-Cut-Solver der software CPLEX gelöst. Mittels sogenannter rollierender Planung wurde durch Zusammensetzen der Planungsergebnisse für überlappende Planungsperioden der Kraftwerks- und Speichereinsatz für die kompletten Szenariojahre erhalten. Es wurde gezeigt, dass der KWK-Anteil an der Wärmelastdeckung gering ist. Dies wurde begründet durch die zeitliche Struktur der Stromresiduallast, die wärmeseitige Dimensionierung der Anlagen und die Tatsache, dass nur eine kurzfristige Speicherung von Wärme vorgesehen war. Die wärmeseitige Dimensionierung der KWK stellte eine Begrenzung des Deckungsanteils dar, da im Winter bei hoher Stromresiduallast nur wenig freie Leistung zur Beladung der Speicher zur Verfügung stand. In den Berechnungen für das Szenario 2050 A und C lag der mittlere Deckungsanteil der KWK an der Wärmenachfrage von ca. 100 TWh_th bei 40 bzw. 60 %, obwohl die Auslegung der KWK einen theoretischen Anteil von über 97 % an der Wärmelastdeckung erlaubt hätte, gäbe es die Beschränkungen durch die Stromseite nicht. Desweiteren wurde die CO2-Vermeidungswirkung der KWK-Wärmespeicher und des Lastmanagements mit Wärmepumpen untersucht. In Szenario 2050 A ergab sich keine signifikante CO2-Vermeidungswirkung der KWK-Wärmespeicher, in Szenario 2050 C hingegen ergab sich eine geringe aber signifikante CO2-Einsparung in Höhe von 1,6 % der Gesamtemissionen der Stromerzeugung und KWK-gebundenen Wärmeversorgung. Das Lastmanagement mit Wärmepumpen vermied Emissionen von 110 Tausend Tonnen CO2 (0,4 % der Gesamtemissionen) in Szenario A und 213 Tausend Tonnen in Szenario C (0,8 % der Gesamtemissionen). Es wurden darüber hinaus Betrachtungen zur Konkurrenz zwischen solarthermischer Nahwärme und KWK bei Einspeisung in dieselben Wärmenetze vorgenommen. Eine weitere Einschränkung der KWK-Erzeugung durch den Einspeisevorrang der Solarthermie wurde festgestellt. Ferner wurde eine untere Grenze von 6,5 bzw. 8,8 TWh_th für die in den Szenarien mindestens benötigte Wasserstoff-Speicherkapazität ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse dieser Arbeit legen nahe, das technisch-ökonomische Potential von Langzeitwärmespeichern für eine bessere Integration von KWK ins System zu ermitteln bzw. generell nach geeigneteren Wärmesektorszenarien zu suchen, da deutlich wurde, dass für die öffentliche Wärmeversorgung die KWK in Kombination mit Kurzzeitwärmespeicherung, Gaskesseln und elektrischen Heizern keine sehr effektive CO2 -Reduktion in den Szenarien erreicht. Es sollte dabei z.B. untersucht werden, ob ein multivalentes System aus KWK, Wärmespeichern und Wärmepumpen eine ökonomisch darstellbare Alternative sein könnte und im Anschluss eine Betrachtung der optimalen Anteile von KWK, Wärmepumpen und Solarthermie im Wärmemarkt vorgenommen werden.