917 resultados para online health
A growing number of patients search for medical information on the Internet. Understanding how they use the Internet is important, as this might impact their health, patient-practitioner roles, and general health care provision. In this article, we illustrate the motives of online health information seeking in the context of the doctor-patient relationship in Switzerland. We conducted semistructured interviews with patients who searched for health information online before or after a medical consultation. Findings suggest that patients searched for health information online to achieve the goals of preparing for the consultation, complementing it, validating it, and/or challenging its outcome. The initial motivations for online health information seeking are identified in the needs for acknowledgment, reduction of uncertainty, and perspective. Searching health information online was also encouraged by personal and contextual factors, that is, a person's sense of self-responsibility and the opportunity to use the Internet. Based on these results, we argue that online health information seeking is less concerned with what happens during the consultation than with what happens before or after it, in the sociocultural context.
We have tested an alternative method of delivering health services to regional areas of Queensland. By integrating telepaediatrics into an existing outreach programme for children with diabetes and endocrine conditions, we were able to reduce travel for specialist hospital staff while maintaining (and sometimes increasing) the contact patients had with the specialist team. In the first 28 months, we facilitated 160 patient consultations and 10 education sessions via videoconference through the telepaediatric service. By the end of the study, site visits were taking place annually and routine videoconference clinics were scheduled quarterly for the review of new patients and follow-up. Telepaediatric services in endocrinology and diabetes were established at three levels: the coordination of routine specialist clinics via videoconference; ad hoc patient consultations for collaborative management during acute presentations and at times of urgent clinical need; and the delivery of education to staff and patients throughout the state. The net result was improved access to specialist services from rural and remote areas of Queensland.
The Internet is becoming an increasingly important portal to health information and means for promoting health in user populations. As the most frequent users of online health information, young women are an important target population for e-health promotion interventions. Health-related websites have traditionally been generic in design, resulting in poor user engagement and affecting limited impacts on health behaviour change. Mounting evidence suggests that the most effective health promotion communication strategies are collaborative in nature, fully engaging target users throughout the development process. Participatory design approaches to interface development enable researchers to better identify the needs and expectations of users, thus increasing user engagement in, and promoting behaviour change via, online health interventions. This article introduces participatory design methods applicable to online health intervention design and presents an argument for the use of such methods in the development of e-Health applications targeted at young women.
As an increasingly popular medium by which to access health promotion information, the Internet offers significant potential to promote (often individualized) health-related behavioral change across broad populations. Interactive online health promotion interventions are a key means, therefore, by which to empower individuals to make important well being and treatment decisions. But how ldquohealthyrdquo are interactive online health promotion interventions? This paper discusses a literature review (or ldquohealth checkrdquo) of interactive online health interventions. It highlights the types of interactive interventions currently available and identifies areas in which research attention is needed in order to take full advantage for the Internet for effective health promotion.
As an increasingly popular medium by which to access health promotion information, the Internet offers significant potential to promote (often individualized) health-related behavioral change across broad populations. Interactive online health promotion interventions are a key means, therefore, by which to empower individuals to make important well being and treatment decisions. But how ldquohealthyrdquo are interactive online health promotion interventions? This paper discusses a literature review (or ldquohealth checkrdquo) of interactive online health interventions. It highlights the types of interactive interventions currently available and identifies areas in which research attention is needed in order to take full advantage for the Internet for effective health promotion.
Peer reviewed
The future of health care delivery is becoming more citizen-centred, as today’s user is more active, better informed and more demanding. The European Commission is promoting online health services and, therefore, member states will need to boost deployment and use of online services. This makes e-health adoption an important field to be studied and understood. This study applied the extended unified theory of acceptance and usage technology (UTAUT2) to explain patients’ individual adoption of e-health. An online questionnaire was administrated Portugal using mostly the same instrument used in UTAUT2 adapted to e-health context. We collected 386 valid answers. Performance expectancy, effort expectancy, social influence, and habit had the most significant explanatory power over behavioural intention and habit and behavioural intention over technology use. The model explained 52% of the variance in behavioural intention and 32% of the variance in technology use. Our research helps to understand the desired technology characteristics of ehealth. By testing an information technology acceptance model, we are able to determine what is more valued by patients when it comes to deciding whether to adopt e-health systems or not.
Mode of access: Internet.
Approximately 7000 stillbirths occur daily worldwide, and the vast majority of them (98%) Approximately 7000 stillbirths occur daily worldwide, and the vast majority of them (98%) take place in low-income and middle-income countries (LMICs). Despite this enormous burden, progress to reduce the death toll is slow and insufficient. WHO released its Making every baby count guide in 2016, which includes strategies aimed at addressing the challenge of stillbirths. Given the flurry of activity and attention on stillbirths from the Lancet Stillbirth Epidemiology investigator group and WHO, we expect that the wealth of information about stillbirths that is generated will filter down in a timely manner to where it is needed most: the general public.
Työn tavoitteena oli tutkia, millä tavalla perusterveydenhuollon perinteisestä terveysasemamallista hyvinvointiasemamalliin siirtyminen vaikuttaa sosiaali- ja terveyspalvelujen tarjonnan kustannuksiin, mikäli vaikutus on havaittavissa. Toisaalta tavoitteena oli kartoittaa, millä keinoilla hyvinvointiasemien kustannustehokkuutta voitaisiin parantaa tulevaisuudessa ja mitä kustannushyötyjä tiiviimmällä sosiaali- ja terveystoimen yhteistyöllä on mahdollista saavuttaa. Tutkimuksessa käsiteltiin terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin edistämisen roolin merkitystä perusterveydenhuollossa, sähköistä asiointipalveluja ja terveydenhuollon ammattiryhmien välistä työnjakoa sekä edelleen, miten näillä voidaan vaikuttaa tuottavuuteen ja vaikuttavuuteen. Havaittiin, että sähköisellä asioinnilla ja työnjaolla on selkeä yhteys kustannuksiin. Työn empiirisessä osassa tarkasteltiin kolmea hyvinvointiasemamallin pilottihankkeessa mukana olevaa asemaa Lauritsalassa, Lemillä ja Ruokolahdella. Kustannusten tarkastelu keskittyi henkilöstö- ja tilakustannuksiin. Tutkittiin myös, miten sähköinen asiointi ja Eksoten alueen puhelinpalvelujen keskittäminen vaikuttaa edellä mainittuihin kustannuseriin. Tutkimuksen tuloksina havaittiin, että hyvinvointiasemamallin pilotointi ei ole tutkittavilla asemilla merkittävästi vaikuttanut kustannuksiin henkilöstön osalta; tilakustannukset olivat pienentyneet Lemillä ja Ruokolahdella. Laskelmien perusteella muodostettujen tavoitteiden mukaisesti on hyvinvointiasemilla kuitenkin pyrittävä vähintään noin 14 % tai enintään 32 % säästöön henkilöstö- ja tilakustannuksissa pilottivaiheen kustannuksiin verrattuna. Tulevaisuudessa olennaiseksi kustannusten hallinnan edellytykseksi havaittiin työnjaon muuttaminen hoitajavetoisemmaksi ja sähköisten asiointipalvelujen lisääntyvä tarjonta. Sähköisten asioinnin lisääntyvällä käytöllä on mahdollista vähentää hoitohenkilöstön tarvetta kokonaisuudessaan. Sekä sähköisen asioinnin käytön lisäämisellä että puhelinpalvelujen keskittämisellä tulevaisuudessa havaittiin olevan huomattava vaikutus henkilöstöresurssien käyttöön ja edelleen kustannustehokkuuteen.
BACKGROUND: Many users search the Internet for answers to health questions. Complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is a particularly common search topic. Because many CAM therapies do not require a clinician's prescription, false or misleading CAM information may be more dangerous than information about traditional therapies. Many quality criteria have been suggested to filter out potentially harmful online health information. However, assessing the accuracy of CAM information is uniquely challenging since CAM is generally not supported by conventional literature. OBJECTIVE: The purpose of this study is to determine whether domain-independent technical quality criteria can identify potentially harmful online CAM content. METHODS: We analyzed 150 Web sites retrieved from a search for the three most popular herbs: ginseng, ginkgo and St. John's wort and their purported uses on the ten most commonly used search engines. The presence of technical quality criteria as well as potentially harmful statements (commissions) and vital information that should have been mentioned (omissions) was recorded. RESULTS: Thirty-eight sites (25%) contained statements that could lead to direct physical harm if acted upon. One hundred forty five sites (97%) had omitted information. We found no relationship between technical quality criteria and potentially harmful information. CONCLUSIONS: Current technical quality criteria do not identify potentially harmful CAM information online. Consumers should be warned to use other means of validation or to trust only known sites. Quality criteria that consider the uniqueness of CAM must be developed and validated.
A mobile interactive online health system was used to conduct virtual ward rounds at a regional hospital which had no specialist paediatrician. The system was wireless, which allowed telepaediatric services to be delivered direct to the bedside. Between December 2004 and May 2005, 43 virtual ward rounds were coordinated between specialists based in Brisbane and local staff at the Gladstone Hospital. Eighty-six consultations were provided for 64 patients. The most common conditions included asthma (27%), chest infections (12%), gastroenteritis (10%) and urinary tract infections (10%). In the majority of cases, there were partial (67%) or complete changes (11%) in the clinical management of patients. Specialist services were offered by a team of 13 clinicians at the Royal Children's Hospital: 10 general paediatricians, two physiotherapists and one registered nurse. Feedback from all consultants involved in the service and local staff in Gladstone was extremely positive. In 43 videoconference calls there were three technical problems, probably due to an intermittent mains power supply at the regional hospital. There appears to be potential for other rural and regional hospitals to adopt this model of service delivery.
Over the last decade, telehealth in Australia has been primarily facilitated and driven by government funding. The government now has a major policy initiative in online health. However, in pursuing the broad initiative there is a danger that some of the smaller components can get lost, and this is probably what has happened to telehealth. There appear to be a number of steps required if telehealth in Australia is to keep up the pace of development that occurred in the 1990s, as we move into what is now being called the era of e-health, involving broadband Internet health service delivery. This area is changing extremely rapidly and is increasingly migrating away from the public sector in Australia, where most of the developmental work has occurred, and into the private sector. Many of the issues that require consideration within the domain of e-health in Australia are also relevant to other countries. E-health will significantly change the way that health-care is practised in future, and it is clear that it is the human factors that are more difficult to overcome, rather than the technological ones.
Over the last decade, telehealth in Australia has been primarily facilitated and driven by government funding. The government now has a major policy initiative in online health. However, in pursuing the broad initiative there is a danger that some of the smaller components can get lost, and this is probably what has happened to telehealth. There appear to be a number of steps required if telehealth in Australia is to keep up the pace of development that occurred in the 1990s, as we move into what is now being called the era of e-health, involving broadband Internet health service delivery. This area is changing extremely rapidly and is increasingly migrating away from the public sector in Australia, where most of the developmental work has occurred, and into the private sector. Many of the issues that require consideration within the domain of e-health in Australia are also relevant to other countries. E-health will significantly change the way that health-care is practised in future, and it is clear that it is the human factors that are more difficult to overcome, rather than the technological ones.
This paper presents a novel real-time power-device temperature estimation method that monitors the power MOSFET's junction temperature shift arising from thermal aging effects and incorporates the updated electrothermal models of power modules into digital controllers. Currently, the real-time estimator is emerging as an important tool for active control of device junction temperature as well as online health monitoring for power electronic systems, but its thermal model fails to address the device's ongoing degradation. Because of a mismatch of coefficients of thermal expansion between layers of power devices, repetitive thermal cycling will cause cracks, voids, and even delamination within the device components, particularly in the solder and thermal grease layers. Consequently, the thermal resistance of power devices will increase, making it possible to use thermal resistance (and junction temperature) as key indicators for condition monitoring and control purposes. In this paper, the predicted device temperature via threshold voltage measurements is compared with the real-time estimated ones, and the difference is attributed to the aging of the device. The thermal models in digital controllers are frequently updated to correct the shift caused by thermal aging effects. Experimental results on three power MOSFETs confirm that the proposed methodologies are effective to incorporate the thermal aging effects in the power-device temperature estimator with good accuracy. The developed adaptive technologies can be applied to other power devices such as IGBTs and SiC MOSFETs, and have significant economic implications.