921 resultados para object identifier


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Presentation at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Non-conventional database management systems are used to achieve a better performance when dealing with complex data. One fundamental concept of these systems is object identity (OID), because each object in the database has a unique identifier that is used to access and reference it in relationships to other objects. Two approaches can be used for the implementation of OIDs: physical or logical OIDs. In order to manage complex data, was proposed the Multimedia Data Manager Kernel (NuGeM) that uses a logical technique, named Indirect Mapping. This paper proposes an improvement to the technique used by NuGeM, whose original contribution is management of OIDs with a fewer number of disc accesses and less processing, thus reducing management time from the pages and eliminating the problem with exhaustion of OIDs. Also, the technique presented here can be applied to others OODBMSs. © 2011 IEEE.


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Non-conventional database management systems are used to achieve a better performance when dealing with complex data. One fundamental concept of these systems is object identity (OID). Two techniques can be used for the implementation of OIDs: physical or logical. A logical implementation of OIDs, based on an Indirection Table, is used by NuGeM, a multimedia data manager kernel which is described in this paper. NuGeM Indirection Table allows the relocation of all pages in a database. The proposed strategy modifies the workings of this table so that it is possible to reduce considerably the number of I/O operations during the request and release of pages containing objects and their OIDs. Tests show a reduction of 84% in reading operations and a 67% reduction in writing operations when pages are requested. Although no changes were observed in writing operations during the release of pages, a 100% of reduction in reading operations was obtained. © 2012 IEEE.


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Tallenteen alussa huomautus: Artikkelin uusin versio osoitteessa http://www.lib.helsinki.fi/meta/id.html.


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Poster at Open Repositories 2014, Helsinki, Finland, June 9-13, 2014


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Traditionally, the formal scientific output in most fields of natural science has been limited to peer- reviewed academic journal publications, with less attention paid to the chain of intermediate data results and their associated metadata, including provenance. In effect, this has constrained the representation and verification of the data provenance to the confines of the related publications. Detailed knowledge of a dataset’s provenance is essential to establish the pedigree of the data for its effective re-use, and to avoid redundant re-enactment of the experiment or computation involved. It is increasingly important for open-access data to determine their authenticity and quality, especially considering the growing volumes of datasets appearing in the public domain. To address these issues, we present an approach that combines the Digital Object Identifier (DOI) – a widely adopted citation technique – with existing, widely adopted climate science data standards to formally publish detailed provenance of a climate research dataset as an associated scientific workflow. This is integrated with linked-data compliant data re-use standards (e.g. OAI-ORE) to enable a seamless link between a publication and the complete trail of lineage of the corresponding dataset, including the dataset itself.


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El objeto de este poster es presentar la experiencia de manejamiento de un portal de revistas científicas de acceso abierto, en una universidad pública y que integra los editores científicos, profesores y bibliotecarios. Iniciativas de esta naturaleza tienen importancia estratégica para la consolidación y el fortalecimiento del Movimiento de Acceso Abierto en los países en desarrollo, puesto que ofrecen la oportunidad de se vivir plenamente una cultura de acceso abierto en todas las etapas de certificación del conocimiento. La experiencia de la Universidade de São Paulo, se convierte en relevante, ya que promueve la integración de los diversos actores involucrados en la producción de revistas científicas. El Portal de Revistas da USP (http://www.revistas.usp.br), lanzado en 2008, es una iniciativa del Departamento Técnico do Sistema Integrado de Bibliotecas de USP que tiene el Programa de Apoio às Publicações Científicas Periódicas da USP. Esta iniciativa, basada en los principios del Movimiento de Acceso Abierto, tiene como objetivo promover la visibilidad y la accesibilidad de las revistas científicas publicadas oficialmente por la USP. Considerase que las revistas cumplen con un doble papel, como objeto y también vehículo de comunicación. Con esto las inversiones para calificación de las revistas incluyen recursos informáticos para garantizar la interoperabilidad entre distintos sistemas de información (bases de datos, catálogos, repositorios etc.), sistemas de gestión editorial en línea (para agilizar la tramitación de los manuscritos y la disminución de la publicación); la formación de los equipos (técnicos y bibliotecarios), atribuición de nomes DOI (digital object identifier), software de verificación de plágio. En 2012 se cambió el software de gestión del Portal para Open Journal Systems - OJS por lo cual se reunió por la primera vez, en um mismo dominio web las revistas científicas editadas en USP. De las más de 100 revistas publicadas en el Portal 29 están en DOAJ, 27 en SciELO Brasil, 20 en Scopus, 11 en JCR entre outros. En el Portal hay revistas con distintos perfiles, unas más institucionales y otras de calidad internacional. Algunas revistas más antíguas y consolidadas se utilizan de distintos sistemas de gestión de los manuscriptos y en el Portal es como un espejo para garantizar la presencia en la Universidad. Con tantas y tan distintas publicaciones el OJS se presenta como una promisora herramienta para la gestión del Portal de Revistas. El OJS surge como un sistema para la gestión individual de revistas científicos y con los avances de las tecnologías y principalmente del uso por la comunidad se conviertió en herramienta de gestión de Portal. Para una mejor gestión del Portal se presenta algunas recomendaciones, basadas en la experiencia, y que podrán mejorar el trabajo de gestión del conjunto de las revistas: en la pantalla de creación de revistas se deberá incluir todos los datos del registro oficial en ISSN, sin posibilidad de edición por los editores-gerentes; en el listado general de revistas se podría incluir una indicación de las revistas que están en línea y las que están aún en configuración; clara identificación de las revistas vigentes y no-vigentes, una vinculación mas clara de las revistas que cambiaran su título y que están vigentes; una tabla para selección de fuentes de indización; edición de contenidos ya publicados solamente por el administrador del sistema; gestión centralizada del DOI y de la preservación digital en LOCKSS y un painel con los datos estadísticos (total de revistas, ediciones, estatísticas Counter, autores etc). Además el fortalecimiento y creación de centros de desarrollo de OJS en las Universidades Latinoamericanas podría impulsionar el uso del sistema en su totalidad por los editores de la región.


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PanDOI works as Windows Desktop Gadget on Windows Vista and higher or as a Widget for OS X Dashboard. It resolves persistent identifiers like Digital Object Identifier (DOI), Handel (hdl), Uniform Resource Name (URN), and sRef IDs. It is possible to open a PANGAEA dataset by its ID, to show the latest PANGAEA datasets, and to search through PANGAEA. See further details for the manual of PanDOI.


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Euan Macrae was funded by a NERC Open CASE PhD award (NE/F013728/1) with Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. as the industry partner. We thank the 763 geoscientists for their participation, and in particular, the reference experts who gave their time freely to the project. Marian Scott (University of Glasgow, UK) is thanked for assisting with the statistical analysis. Four reviewers are thanked for their constructive comments which improved the manuscript.


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As we welcome 2014 we say goodbye to 2013 and I must start with an apology to authors who have submitted papers to CLAE and seen a delay in either the review process or the hard copy publication of their proofed article. The delays were caused by a major hike in the number of submissions to the journal in 2012 that increased further in 2013. In the 12 months leading to the end of October 2011 we had 94 new paper submissions, and for the same period to the end of 2012 the journal had 116 new papers. In 2012 we were awarded an impact factor for the first time and following that the next 12 month period to the end of October 2013 saw a massive increase in submissions with 171 new manuscripts being submitted. This is nearly twice as many papers as 2 years ago and 3 times as many as when I took over as Editor-in-Chief. In addition to this the UK academics will know that 2014 is a REF year (Research Excellence Framework) where universities are judged on their research and one of the major components of this measure remains to be published papers so there is a push to publishing before the REF deadline for counting. The rejection rate at CLAE has gone up too and currently is around 50% (more than double the rejection rate when I took over as Editor-in-Chief). At CLAE the number of pages that we publish each year has remained the same since 2007. When compiling issue 1 for 2014 I chose the papers to be included from the papers that were proofed and ready to go and there were around 200 proofed pages ready, which is enough to fill 3½ issues! At present Elsevier and the BCLA are preparing to increase the number the pages published per issue so that we can clear some of this backlog and remain up to date with the papers published in CLAE. I should add that on line publishing of papers is still available and there may have been review delays but there are no publishing online so authors can still get an epub on line final version of their paper with a DOI (digital object identifier) number enabling the paper to be cited. There are two awards that were made in 2013 that I would like to make special mention of. One was for my good friend Jan Bergmanson, who was awarded an honorary life fellowship of the College of Optometrists. Jan has served on the editorial board of CLAE for many years and in 2013 also celebrated 30 years of his annual ‘Texan Corneal and contact lens meeting’. The other award I wish to mention is Judith Morris, who was the BCLA Gold Medal Award winner in 2013. Judith has had many roles in her career and worked at Moorfields Eye Hospital, the Institute of Optometry and currently at City University. She has been the Europe Middle East and Africa President of IACLE (International Association of Contact Lens Educators) for many years and I think I am correct in saying that Judith is the only person who was President of both the BCLA (1983) and a few years later she was the President College of Optometrists (1989). Judith was also instrumental in introducing Vivien Freeman to the BCLA as they had been friends and Judith suggested that Vivien apply for an administrative job at the BCLA. Fast forward 29 years and in December 2013 Vivien stepped down as Secretary General of the BCLA. I would like to offer my own personal thanks to Vivien for her support of CLAE and of me over the years. The BCLA will not be the same and I wish you well in your future plans. But 2014 brings in a new position to the BCLA – Cheryl Donnelly has been given the new role of Chief Executive Officer. Cheryl was President of the BCLA in 2000 and has previously served on council. I look forward to working with Cheryl and envisage a bright future for the BCLA and CLAE. In this issue we have some great papers including some from authors who have not published with CLAE before. There is a nice paper on contact lens compliance in Nepal which brings home some familiar messages from an emerging market. A paper on how corneal curvature is affected by the use of hydrogel lenses is useful when advising patients how long they should leave their contact lenses out for to avoid seeing changes in refraction or curvature. This is useful information when refracting these patients or pre-laser surgery. There is a useful paper offering tips on fitting bitoric gas permeable lenses post corneal graft and a paper detailing surgery to implant piggyback multifocal intraocular lenses. One fact that I noted from the selection of papers in the current issue is where they were from. In this issue none of the corresponding authors are from the United Kingdom. There are two papers each from the United States, Spain and Iran, and one each from the Netherlands, Ireland, Republic of Korea, Australia and Hong Kong. This is an obvious reflection of the widening interest in CLAE and the BCLA and indicates the new research groups emerging in the field.


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Full text: Welcome to issue 1 of 2012 and a belated Happy New Year to all CLAE readers and BCLA members. The hardest job I had for this issue was to decide which papers to include and which papers to hang on to and save for issue 2 of 2012. At the end of December when I was choosing the content for this issue there were additional 5 papers that could have been included. The final choice came down to various factors; such as first come first served – i.e. which papers had been ready and waiting the longest; secondly which papers had been submitted the earliest; are there similar papers so that it may be beneficial to publish them alongside this paper; and also was the content something which needed to be out there quicker than other papers as it was a current hot topic? But it should be noted that once papers are proofed and deemed ready by authors they are published in the epub version and put online for others to see in their final version. An epub version is given a DOI number (digital object identifier) so that it can be cited by other authors. Apart from being on line the only other difference is that an epub version is essentially waiting to be assigned to a particular issue. So those papers that are being held off for issue 2 of this year are actually already available for you to read (and cite) on line. In this issue there is a paper related to the cost of different contact lens replacement schedules – this may be a topic that is debated more in the future since as a society we are thinking more ‘green’ and all trying to help by reducing our carbon footprint, whether that be by recycling or using less in the first place. A timely review paper on the management of allergic eye disease may help us to better manage those patients we see in the spring with pollen allergies. We have two papers looking at different aspects in keratoconus patients, another looking at a modified fluoret strip and its application in measuring tear break up time and a review paper on corneal erosions. Another interesting paper comes from Professor Harminder Dua and his team. Professor Dua is the UK Royal College of Ophthalmologists’ president and has been interested in corneal anatomy and physiology for much of his research career. Finally, an unusual case of an ocular injury related to a snake bite. Overall I would say there is enough to sink your ‘fangs’ into! Finally, it gives me great pleasure in announcing the newest person to join our Editorial Board, Dr Florence Malet. Dr Malet is an Ophthalmologist and since September 2000 she has been at the Bordeaux Hospital in France developing the Contact Lens Unit of in the Ophthalmology University Department. She is ex-president of the French Contact Lens Society and president of the European Contact Lens Society of Ophthalmologists.


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Euan Macrae was funded by a NERC Open CASE PhD award (NE/F013728/1) with Midland Valley Exploration Ltd. as the industry partner. We thank the 763 geoscientists for their participation, and in particular, the reference experts who gave their time freely to the project. Marian Scott (University of Glasgow, UK) is thanked for assisting with the statistical analysis. Four reviewers are thanked for their constructive comments which improved the manuscript.


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The need for continuous recording rain gauges makes it difficult to determine the rainfall erosivity factor (R-factor) of the (R)USLE model in areas without good temporal data coverage. In mainland Spain, the Nature Conservation Institute (ICONA) determined the R-factor at few selected pluviographs, so simple estimates of the R-factor are definitely of great interest. The objectives of this study were: (1) to identify a readily available estimate of the R-factor for mainland Spain; (2) to discuss the applicability of a single (global) estimate based on analysis of regional results; (3) to evaluate the effect of record length on estimate precision and accuracy; and (4) to validate an available regression model developed by ICONA. Four estimators based on monthly precipitation were computed at 74 rainfall stations throughout mainland Spain. The regression analysis conducted at a global level clearly showed that modified Fournier index (MFI) ranked first among all assessed indexes. Applicability of this preliminary global model across mainland Spain was evaluated by analyzing regression results obtained at a regional level. It was found that three contiguous regions of eastern Spain (Catalonia, Valencian Community and Murcia) could have a different rainfall erosivity pattern, so a new regression analysis was conducted by dividing mainland Spain into two areas: Eastern Spain and plateau-lowland area. A comparative analysis concluded that the bi-areal regression model based on MFI for a 10-year record length provided a simple, precise and accurate estimate of the R-factor in mainland Spain. Finally, validation of the regression model proposed by ICONA showed that R-ICONA index overpredicted the R-factor by approximately 19%.


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The Pico de Navas landslide was a large-magnitude rotational movement, affecting 50x106m3 of hard to soft rocks. The objectives of this study were: (1) to characterize the landslide in terms of geology, geomorphological features and geotechnical parameters; and (2) to obtain an adequate geomechanical model to comprehensively explain its rupture, considering topographic, hydro-geological and geomechanical conditions. The rupture surface crossed, from top to bottom: (a) more than 200 m of limestone and clay units of the Upper Cretaceous, affected by faults; and (b) the Albian unit of Utrillas facies composed of silty sand with clay (Kaolinite) of the Lower Cretaceous. This sand played an important role in the basal failure of the slide due to the influence of fine particles (silt and clay), which comprised on average more than 70% of the sand, and the high content presence of kaolinite (>40%) in some beds. Its geotechnical parameters are: unit weight (δ) = 19-23 KN/m3; friction angle (φ) = 13º-38º and cohesion (c) = 10-48 KN/m2. Its microstructure consists of accumulations of kaolinite crystals stuck to terrigenous grains, making clayey peds. We hypothesize that the presence of these aggregates was the internal cause of fluidification of this layer once wet. Besides the faulted structure of the massif, other conditioning factors of the movement were: the large load of the upper limestone layers; high water table levels; high water pore pressure; and the loss of strength due to wet conditions. The 3D simulation of the stability conditions concurs with our hypothesis. The landslide occurred in the Recent or Middle Holocene, certainly before at least 500 BC and possibly during a wet climate period. Today, it appears to be inactive. This study helps to understand the frequent slope instabilities all along the Iberian Range when facies Utrillas is present.