929 resultados para natural process


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Acute knee injury is a common event throughout life, and it is usually the result of a traffic accident, simple fall, or twisting injury. Over 90% of patients with acute knee injury undergo radiography. An overlooked fracture or delayed diagnosis can lead to poor patient outcome. The major aim of this thesis was retrospectively to study imaging of knee injury with a special focus on tibial plateau fractures in patients referred to a level-one trauma center. Multi-detector computed tomography (MDCT) findings of acute knee trauma were studied and compared to radiography, as well as whether non-contrast MDCT can detect cruciate ligaments with reasonable accuracy. The prevalence, type, and location of meniscal injuries in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were evaluated, particularly in order to assess the prevalence of unstable meniscal tears in acute knee trauma with tibial plateau fractures. The possibility to analyze with conventional MRI the signal appearance of menisci repaired with bioabsorbable arrows was also studied. The postoperative use of MDCT was studied in surgically treated tibial plateau fractures: to establish the frequency and indications of MDCT and to assess the common findings and their clinical impact in a level-one trauma hospital. This thesis focused on MDCT and MRI of knee injuries, and radiographs were analyzed when applica-ble. Radiography constitutes the basis for imaging acute knee injury, but MDCT can yield information beyond the capabilities of radiography. Especially in severely injured patients , sufficient radiographs are often difficult to obtain, and in those patients, radiography is unreliable to rule out fractures. MDCT detected intact cruciate ligaments with good specificity, accuracy, and negative predictive value, but the assessment of torn ligaments was unreliable. A total of 36% (14/39) patients with tibial plateau fracture had an unstable meniscal tear in MRI. When a meniscal tear is properly detected preoperatively, treatment can be combined with primary fracture fixation, thus avoiding another operation. The number of meniscal contusions was high. Awareness of the imaging features of this meniscal abnormality can help radiologists increase specificity by avoiding false-positive findings in meniscal tears. Postoperative menisci treated with bioabsorbable arrows showed no difference, among different signal intensities in MRI, among menisci between patients with operated or intact ACL. The highest incidence of menisci with an increased signal intensity extending to the meniscal surface was in patients whose surgery was within the previous 18 months. The results may indicate that a rather long time is necessary for menisci to heal completely after arrow repair. Whether the menisci with an increased signal intensity extending to the meniscal surface represent improper healing or re-tear, or whether this is just the earlier healing feature in the natural process remains unclear, and further prospective studies are needed to clarify this. Postoperative use of MDCT in tibial plateau fractures was rather infrequent even in this large trauma center, but when performed, it revealed clinically significant information, thus benefitting patients in regard to treatment.


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Excitation energy migration followed by electron transfer forms the main components of natural photosynthesis. An understanding of these aspects is essential to reenact the primary processes in laboratory under conditions that are precisely repeatable. Here we describe the state of understanding of the natural process and several model systems designed to harvest solar energy and conversion to useful form of chemical energy. The molecular assemblies constituting the model systems offer a great advantage in terms of better comprehension of the mechanistic aspects and yield valuable information on the design of molecular photonic devices.


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The questions that one should answer in engineering computations - deterministic, probabilistic/randomized, as well as heuristic - are (i) how good the computed results/outputs are and (ii) how much the cost in terms of amount of computation and the amount of storage utilized in getting the outputs is. The absolutely errorfree quantities as well as the completely errorless computations done in a natural process can never be captured by any means that we have at our disposal. While the computations including the input real quantities in nature/natural processes are exact, all the computations that we do using a digital computer or are carried out in an embedded form are never exact. The input data for such computations are also never exact because any measuring instrument has inherent error of a fixed order associated with it and this error, as a matter of hypothesis and not as a matter of assumption, is not less than 0.005 per cent. Here by error we imply relative error bounds. The fact that exact error is never known under any circumstances and any context implies that the term error is nothing but error-bounds. Further, in engineering computations, it is the relative error or, equivalently, the relative error-bounds (and not the absolute error) which is supremely important in providing us the information regarding the quality of the results/outputs. Another important fact is that inconsistency and/or near-consistency in nature, i.e., in problems created from nature is completely nonexistent while in our modelling of the natural problems we may introduce inconsistency or near-inconsistency due to human error or due to inherent non-removable error associated with any measuring device or due to assumptions introduced to make the problem solvable or more easily solvable in practice. Thus if we discover any inconsistency or possibly any near-inconsistency in a mathematical model, it is certainly due to any or all of the three foregoing factors. We do, however, go ahead to solve such inconsistent/near-consistent problems and do get results that could be useful in real-world situations. The talk considers several deterministic, probabilistic, and heuristic algorithms in numerical optimisation, other numerical and statistical computations, and in PAC (probably approximately correct) learning models. It highlights the quality of the results/outputs through specifying relative error-bounds along with the associated confidence level, and the cost, viz., amount of computations and that of storage through complexity. It points out the limitation in error-free computations (wherever possible, i.e., where the number of arithmetic operations is finite and is known a priori) as well as in the usage of interval arithmetic. Further, the interdependence among the error, the confidence, and the cost is discussed.


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Soil erosion is a natural process that occurs when the force of wind, raindrops or running water on the soil surface exceeds the cohesive forces that bind the soil together. In general, vegetation cover protects the soil from the effects of these erosive forces. However, land management activities such as ploughing, burning or heavy grazing may disturb this protective layer, exposing the underlying soil. The decision making process in rural catchment management is often supported by the predictive modelling of soil erosion and sediment transport processes within the catchment, using established techniques such as the Universal Soil Loss Equation [USLE] and the Agricultural Nonpoint Source pollution model [AGNPS]. In this article, the authors examine the range of erosion models currently available and describe the application of one of these to the Burrishoole catchment on the north-west coast of Ireland, which has suffered heavy erosion of blanket peat in recent years.


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Natural calcite precipitation in lakes is a well-known control mechanism of eutrophication. In hard-water lakes, calcite deposits on the flat bottoms of shallow lakes and near the shores of deeper lakes resulted from biogenic decalcification during the millenia after the last glacial period. The objective of a new restoration technology is to intensify the natural process of precipitation by utilizing the different qualities of calcareous mud layers. In a pilot experiment in Lake Rudower See, East Germany, phosphorus-poor deeper layers of the sediments were flushed out and spread over the phosphorus-rich uppermost sediments, to promote the co- precipitation of calcite with phosphorus from the water-column.


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Este trabalho tem como objetivo compreender os símbolos atribuídos às tecnologias utilizadas na atenção obstétrica, como também conhecer as práticas femininas na busca por cuidados médicos na assistência ao parto. Para tanto, analisamos os relatos de 16 gestantes atendidas pelo setor privado e os de 13 gestantes assistidas pelo setor público. O estudo combinou duas técnicas qualitativas: a observação etnográfica e entrevistas semi-estruturadas. A pesquisa encontrou, entre outros, os seguintes resultados: 1-a maioria das mulheres observadas expressou a preferência pelo parto normal. 2- o nascimento, independente do tipo de parto desejado, está associado a categorias de medo, tensão e risco. 3- o discurso médico, segundo as gestantes atendidas pela rede privada, reforça a ansiedade e medo feminino e de sua família na medida em que associa o parto normal à dor e ao risco de morte. A cesariana, por outro lado, é descrita como um parto seguro. 4- na maternidade pública, as mulheres e seus acompanhantes vivenciaram o parto normal de maneira sofrida e passiva. 5- práticas profissionais compatíveis com a humanização do parto e as orientadas pelo modelo médico hegemônico, isto é, centrado na tecnologia na atenção ao nascimento, coexistem na rede pública. Contudo, a abordagem normativa ainda está presente em ambas as práticas. 6- a participação das parturientes nas decisões sobre o parto é escassa na rede pública. Em suma, concluímos que mulheres e médicos compartilham a visão de parto normal enquanto categoria de risco e a cesariana como prática segura.


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Os pacientes idosos em hemodiálise (HD) são altamente suscetíveis ao desenvolvimento de sarcopenia, devido ao processo natural de envelhecimento e ao catabolismo induzido pelo procedimento de HD. O objetivo deste estudo foi primeiro, avaliar a prevalência de sarcopenia, dinapenia e atrofia muscular em um grupo de pacientes idosos em HD; o segundo, avaliar se os critérios aplicados para o diagnóstico de sarcopenia, propostos por sociedades internacionais, são capazes de distinguir os pacientes com pior condição clínica, estado nutricional e qualidade de vida. Este estudo multicêntrico e transversal incluiu 94 pacientes idosos em HD (> 60 anos) de cinco centros de diálise. Todos os participantes foram submetidos à avaliação antropométrica, de composição corporal, força de preensão manual (FPM), laboratorial e avaliação da condição nutricional através da avaliação subjetiva global de 7 pontos (AGS-7p). Adicionalmente, os participantes responderam um questionário de qualidade de vida. Para o diagnóstico de sarcopenia, foram adotados os critérios propostos por sociedades internacionais, que englobam os parâmetros indicativos de baixa massa muscular e baixa função muscular. Para a massa muscular adotou-se o índice de massa magra (IMM) < percentil 20 para o gênero e faixa etária de uma população de referência, avaliado a partir da massa magra obtida pelo somatório de dobras cutâneas. Para o critério de baixa função muscular, adotou-se a FPM < percentil 10 para o gênero, faixa etária e o braço utilizado de uma população de referência. Os pacientes foram classificados como Sarcopênicos (baixo IMM associado à baixa FPM); Dinapênicos (baixa FPM) e Atrofia muscular (baixo IMM). A sarcopenia estava presente em 13.8% dos pacientes, enquanto a dinapenia foi observada em 37.2% e a atrofia muscular em 35.1%. A sarcopenia foi capaz de distinguir os pacientes que possuíam maior comprometimento do estado nutricional e da composição corporal. O critério de função muscular (isoladamente ou em combinação com a massa muscular) também identificou os pacientes com pior qualidade de vida. Em conclusão, a prevalência de sarcopenia foi observada em 13,8% do grupo. Entretanto, ao usar apenas critérios que indicam redução da força ou massa muscular, esta prevalência aumentou para 30%. A condição de sarcopenia distinguiu pacientes com pior estado nutricional e qualidade de vida.


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Ao longo de quase cinco anos de trabalho, foi desenvolvido o Índice de Qualidade dos Municípios - Verde, pela Fundação CIDE. O trabalho buscou retratar as características da fragmentação florestal fluminense. Como um elemento para apoiar a gestão ambiental do território, o projeto identificou corredores ecológicos prioritários para a interligação de fragmentos florestais. A grande contribuição do trabalho, do ponto de vista conceitual, foi reorientar o debate acerca da fragmentação florestal no Estado do Rio de Janeiro. O projeto IQM - Verde apresentou, exaustivamente, lugares onde ocorreram perdas e ganhos de estoques de vegetação com porte arbóreo, num recorte por municípios, bacias hidrográficas e Unidades de Conservação. Existem importantes questões que foram levantadas e ainda aguardam maiores e melhores respostas. Uma delas é tentar explicar, a partir da ecologia de paisagens, quais são os mecanismos que facilitam ou dificultam o processo natural de sucessão florestal. A situação da sucessão florestal é completamente diferente de uma região para outra do Estado. No Noroeste do Estado existem indícios claros de retração e fragmentação dos remanescentes enquanto na região Serrana do Sul Fluminense aparecem sinais claros de recuperação e recomposição florestal. Novos conceitos de gestão ambiental procuram minimizar os efeitos decorrentes da fragmentação e do isolamento espacial das espécies. O aumento da conectividade através de corredores ecológicos entre unidades de conservação e até mesmo entre os fragmentos mais bem conservados é apontado por muitos pesquisadores como uma das formas mais eficazes de promover a manutenção dos remanescentes florestais - a longo prazo - e até mesmo promover a recuperação funcional de determinadas unidades ecológicas atualmente ilhadas. A atual geração de pesquisadores e gestores públicos está diante do problema do controle dos processos que desencadeiam a fragmentação florestal. Portanto, é urgente a necessidade de entender todas as consequências associadas ao processo de fragmentação florestal e, ao mesmo tempo, descobrir os efeitos inibidores deste complexo fenômeno que possui raízes físicas, naturais e sociais. O objetivo central da tese é, a partir de elementos da História das Mentalidades e da Teoria da Decisão, construir cenários de pressão antrópica sobre os remanescentes florestais e propor um programa possível de intervenção econômica, jurídica e política, denominado no presente estudo como bolsa floresta, capaz de aliviar o atual processo de fragmentação florestal.


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  浑善达克沙地是我国四大沙地之一,地处北方干旱半干旱区,为草原区向荒漠区过渡的地带。长期以来,由于人类不合理的生产活动,加上这里脆弱的生态环境,已引起了严重的土地退化问题:流动沙丘面积由1950s年占沙地总面积的2%增加到1990s的近50%。因此浑善达克沙地成为我国研究土地退化、防治沙尘暴的重点地区,本文从自然科学和人文科学相结合的角度出发,对浑善达克沙地草地退化原因、自然恢复潜力、恢复过程、适宜物种选择,以及社区生存、生产等方面进行了综合研究,得出以下主要结论:    1) 浑善达克沙地土壤种子库中含有大量的种子,在退化草地自然恢复中表现出极大的潜力。这些种子在摆脱人和牲畜干扰的前提下,可以萌发、定居并形成植物群落,使退化草地恢复;当地表达到一定程度的植被覆盖,可有效减少沙尘暴的危害。土壤种子库中的植物种类与地上植被有极显著的相似性(P<0.05),这是地上植被形成稳定群落的基础。种子库中的物种组成影响植被恢复演替的进程;反之,恢复演替也制约着种子库组成和幼苗建立。   2)退化沙地草地围封后,对不同恢复阶段草地的群落学调查表明,该地区自然恢复过程大致分为3个阶段:围封2年的恢复早期,流动沙丘向半固定沙丘转变;围封3-5年的恢复中期,半固定沙丘向固定沙丘转变;围封6年后的恢复后期,为固定沙丘稳定发展阶段。根据生活型及植物种类随恢复演替的变化规律,浑善达克沙地植被演替的总体趋势可归纳为:沙米 (Agriophyllum squarrosum)+ 雾冰藜(Bassia dasyphylla)群落→黄柳(Salix gordejevii)+ 冰草(Agropyron cristatum)群落→褐沙蒿(Artemisia intramongolica) + 冰草群落→沙地榆(Ulmus pumila var. sabulosa)疏林+冰草群落。在围封禁牧下,浑善达克退化沙地草地在较短时间内实现自然恢复,因此制约退化草地恢复演替的关键因素主要是人为和牲畜的干扰,只要排除了这种干扰因素,浑善达克大面积的退化沙地草地完全能够借助自然力实现生态恢复。   3) 浑善达克沙地3种生境下84种植物叶片渗透势值和含水量,表现出不同功能型上的差异。总体变化趋势为: 深根系 > 浅根系;灌木 > 乔木 > 草本;分布在湿地和丘间低地的植物叶片渗透势和含水量较高,而生长在沙丘上的植物叶片渗透势较低,需要有发达的根系吸收土壤深层的水。不同植物具有独特的水分利用特性,使它们能共存于同一生态系统中。这些不同植物功能型表现出的植物水分生理生态特性,表明浑善达克天然分布的植物群落发育有完善的利用水资源的能力,能够保证在很大降水波动条件下分布有丰富的植物群落和较高的生物生产力,构成该特殊类型生态系统很强的恢复潜力。另外,浑善达克沙地沙丘的存在是该类生态系统恢复弹性较高的另一重要原因。   4)本地种与引入种在生理生态上表现出不同的适应能力。在相似的太阳辐射和叶片温度下,引入种旱柳的叶片水势较高,而净光合速率、气孔导度、水分利用效率则较低。这表明它的光合潜能在改变环境中没有正常发挥。同时,引入种较低的最大光化学效率进一步表明它抵抗环境胁迫的能力较低。当土壤水分可利用程度降低而导致水分竞争时,引入种很可能在竞争中被淘汰。因此,在生态恢复中,应尽量避免引入外来种,大量使用本地种。   5) 生态恢复不仅是自然科学问题,更重要的是社会经济问题。为了充分认识当地社区的参与对生态恢复的作用,在实验过程中,调查了当地居民自本实验开展以来的思想观念、经济收入和生产效益等变化。在生态恢复中当地社区的积极参与是保证恢复成功与否的关键因素。从发挥“自然力” 和“以人为本”的指导思想出发,在生态恢复中应注重充分利用自然的力量;在管理方面,要以解决社区居民的生产生活实际需求为目标。只有这样,才能保证生态、社会和经济可持续发展。


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w Traditionally, nitrogen control is generally considered an important component of reducing lake eutrophication and cyanobacteria blooms. However, this viewpoint is refuted recently by researchers in China and North America. In the present paper, the traditional viewpoint of nitrogen control is pointed out to lack a scientific basis: the N/P hypothesis is just a subjective assumption; bottle bioassay experiments fail to simulate the natural process of nitrogen fixation. Our multi-year comparative research in more than 40 Yangtze lakes indicates that phosphorus is the key factor determining phytoplankton growth regardless of nitrogen concentrations and that total phytoplankton biomass is determined by total phosphorus and not by total nitrogen concentrations. These results imply that, in the field, nitrogen control will not decrease phytoplankton biomass. This finding is supported by a long-term whole-lake experiment from North America. These outcomes can be generalized in terms that a reduction in nitrogen loading may not decrease the biomass of total phytoplankton as it can stimulate blooms of nitrogen-fixing cyanobacteria. To mitigate eutrophication, it is not nitrogen but phosphorus that should be reduced, unless nitrogen concentrations are too high to induce direct toxic impacts on human beings or other organisms. Finally, details are provided on how to reduce controls on nitrogen and how to mitigate eutrophication. (C) 2009 National Natural Science Foundation of China and Chinese Academy of Sciences. Published by Elsevier Limited and Science in China Press. All rights reserved.


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The conservation of species requires preservation of natural habitats,where the integrity of natural habitats has been severely disturbed and species goes extinct. All natural habitats are continuing to decline both inside and outside of reserves. Habitat change is partly a natural process (e.g., succession), but human activities have accelerated the process so that natural rate of renewal is insufficient to maintain natural habitats. This paper provided concept, methods of habitat renewal, habitat mitigation and their implication to protection and exploitation of natural resource. We argue that our only resourse, in light of these scenarios, is to adopt a new conservation strategy that considers the importance of habitat renewal and habitat mitigation in addition to habitat preservation. Accordingly, in our management decision, we must not only choose the size of area to preserve ,but also the size of area to balance habitat loss with habitat renewal or habitat mitigation. Finally, we explored the application of habitat renewal and habitat mitigation in regional sustainable development of Liaohe Delta wetland.


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采用科学史观简要分析了黄土高原生态环境演变的历史过程。通过分析认为 ,历史时期的黄土高原生态环境演变不再单纯表现为自然过程 ,而是与人类活动密切相关的人地互动过程。人为因素黄土高原生态环境历史演变具有双重意义 ,既通过耕种对自然环境破坏 ,还进行农业生态环境建设 ,提高土地承载能力 ,其主要是由不同的环境观和社会因素造成的。人类对生态环境影响以资源利用为主 ,有意识的建设活动较少 ,农业生态环境建设成就巨大 ,生态环境演变具有明显历史进程 ,被动的生态环境保护和恢复对生态环境演变有特殊意义 ,历史时期黄土高原农业生态环境建设实践及其成效在农田水利环境、土壤环境、水土保持等方面表现突出。历史时期生态环境建设研究具有现实意义 ,在当今西部大开发机遇下 ,应借鉴历史经验 ,加快黄土高原生态环境建设。建议采用科学的环境观指导实践 ,加大科技投入和市场调剂 ,减小黄土高原地区粮食压力 ,实现较劣土地的生态恢复 ,使自然生态环境修复和农业生态环境建设同步进行 ,建设结构合理的水土保持型大农业生态环境。


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Traditional methods for phenotyping skeletal muscle (e.g., immunohistochemistry) are labor-intensive and ill-suited to multixplex analysis, i.e., assays must be performed in a series. Addressing these concerns represents a largely unmet research need but more comprehensive parallel analysis of myofibrillar proteins could advance knowledge regarding age- and activity-dependent changes in human muscle. We report a label-free, semi-automated and time efficient LC-MS proteomic workflow for phenotyping the myofibrillar proteome. Application of this workflow in old and young as well as trained and untrained human skeletal muscle yielded several novel observations that were subsequently verified by multiple reaction monitoring (MRM).We report novel data demonstrating that human ageing is associated with lesser myosin light chain 1 content and greater myosin light chain 3 content, consistent with an age-related reduction in type II muscle fibers. We also disambiguate conflicting data regarding myosin regulatory light chain, revealing that age-related changes in this protein more closely reflect physical activity status than ageing per se. This finding reinforces the need to control for physical activity levels when investigating the natural process of ageing. Taken together, our data confirm and extend knowledge regarding age- and activity-related phenotypes. In addition, the MRM transitions described here provide a methodological platform that can be fine-tuned to suite multiple research needs and thus advance myofibrillar phenotyping.


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Projeto de Pós-Graduação/Dissertação apresentado à Universidade Fernando Pessoa como parte dos requisitos para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciências Farmacêuticas