978 resultados para muscle potential


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• 1. The present review discusses the potential role of nitric oxide (NO) in the: (i) regulation of skeletal muscle glucose uptake during exercise; and (ii) activation of mitochondrial biogenesis after exercise.
• 2. We have shown in humans that local infusion of an NO synthase inhibitor during exercise attenuates increases in skeletal muscle glucose uptake without affecting blood flow. Recent studies from our laboratory in rodents support these findings in humans, although rodent studies from other laboratories have yielded conflicting results.
• 3. There is clear evidence that NO increases mitochondrial biogenesis in non-contracting cells and that NO influences basal skeletal muscle mitochondrial biogenesis. However, there have been few studies examining the potential role of NO in the activation of mitochondrial biogenesis following an acute bout of exercise or in response to exercise training. Early indications are that NO is not involved in regulating the increase in mitochondrial biogenesis that occurs in response to exercise.
• 4. Exercise is considered the best prevention and treatment option for diabetes, but unfortunately many people with diabetes do not or cannot exercise regularly. Alternative therapies are therefore critical to effectively manage diabetes. If skeletal muscle NO is found to play an important role in regulating glucose uptake and/or mitochondrial biogenesis, pharmaceutical agents designed to mimic these effects of exercise may improve glycaemic control.


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The rectus femoris was analysed in 10 volunteers during knee flexion and extension with the feet in normal, plantar flexion and dorsal flexion positions. Hewlett-Packard surface electrodes, an electromyographic signal amplifier, a computer equipped with an A/D conversion plaque (Model CAD 10/26), software specially designed to record and analyse the signals, Horizontal Leg Press, and electrogoniometers were used. The rectus femoris muscle showed strong potentials at the beginning of knee extension. In the simultaneous bendings of the knee and hip the activity was strong toward the end of the movement. The rectus femoris showed a similar activity both in the upper and lower platforms. As for foot positions, the rectus femoris showed the smallest potentials with the foot in plantar flexion and the largest ones with the foot in dorsal flexion.


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The gastrocnemius was analysed in 10 male volunteers during knee flexion and extension with the foot in normal, plantar flexion and dorsal flexion positions. Hewlett-Packard surface electrodes, an electromyographic signal amplifier, a computer equipped with an AID conversion plaque (Model CAD 10/26), a software specially designed to record and analyse the signals, a horizontal leg press, and electrogoniometers were used. The gastrocnemius muscle showed strong potentials at the end of knee extension and beginning of knee flexion. The muscle presented a similar activity both in the zipper and lower platforms. As to bilateral action, the right gastrocnemius presented stronger potentials on the upper platforms, whereas the potentials were bilaterally similar on the lower platforms. As for foot position, the gastrocnemius presented strong potentials when the foot was in plantar flexion. The remaining positions had no effect on the work of the muscle.


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Mass spectrometric methods were developed and validated for the analysis in chicken muscle of a range of antibiotic growth promoters: spiramycin, tylosin, virginiamycin and bacitracin, and separately for two marker metabolites of carbadox (quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid and 1,4-bisdesoxycarbadox), and a marker metabolite of olaquindox (3-methyl-quinoxaline-2-carboxylic acid). The use of these compounds as antibiotic growth promoters has been banned by the European Commission. This study aimed to develop methods to detect their residues in muscle samples as a means of checking for the use of these drugs during the rearing of broiler chickens. When fed growth-promoting doses for 6 days, spiramycin (31.4 mu g kg(-1)), tylosin (1.0 mu g kg(-1)), QCA (6.5 mu g kg(-1)), DCBX (71.2 mu g kg(-1)) and MQCA (0.2 mu g kg(-1)) could be detected in the muscle 0 days after the withdrawal of fortified feed. Only spiramycin could consistently be detected beyond a withdrawal period of 1 day. All analytes showed stability commercial cooking process, therefore raw or cooked muscle could be used for monitoring purposes.


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Limb-girdle muscular dystrophies are a heterogeneous group of disorders characterized by progressive degeneration of skeletal muscle caused by the absence or deficiency of muscle proteins. The murine model of Limb-Girdle Muscular Dystrophy 2B, the SJL mice, carries a deletion in the dysferlin gene. Functionally, this mouse model shows discrete muscle weakness, starting at the age of 4-6 weeks. The possibility to restore the expression of the defective protein and improve muscular performance by cell therapy is a promising approach for the future treatment of progressive muscular dystrophies (PMD). We and others have recently shown that human adipose multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (hASCs) can differentiate into skeletal muscle when in contact with dystrophic muscle cells in vitro and in vivo. Umbilical cord tissue and adipose tissue are known rich sources of multipotent mesenchymal stromal cells (MSCs), widely used for cell-based therapy studies. The main objective of the present study is to evaluate if MSCs from these two different sources have the same potential to reach and differentiate in muscle cells in vivo or if this capability is influenced by the niche from where they were obtained. In order to address this question we injected human derived umbilical cord tissue MSCs (hUCT MSCs) into the caudal vein of SJL mice with the same protocol previously used for hASCs; we evaluated the ability of these cells to engraft into recipient dystrophic muscle after systemic delivery, to express human muscle proteins in the dystrophic host and their effect in functional performance. These results are of great interest for future therapeutic application.


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We have shown that rats chronically treated with Arginine (Arg), although normoglycemic, exhibit hyperinsulinemia and decreased blood glucose disappearance rate after an insulin challenge. Attempting to investigate the processes underlying these alterations, male Wistar rats were treated with Arg (35 mg/d), in drinking water, for 4 wk. Rats were then acutely stimulated with insulin, and the soleus and extensorum digitalis longus muscles, white adipose tissue (WAT), and liver were excised for total and/or phosphorylated insulin receptor (IR), IR substrate 1/2, Akt, Janus kinase 2, signal transducer and activator of transcription (STAT) 1/3/5, and p85 alpha/55 alpha determination. Muscles and WAT were also used for plasma membrane (PM) and microsome evaluation of glucose transporter (GLUT) 4 content. Pituitary GH mRNA, GH, and liver IGF-I mRNA expression were estimated. It was shown that Arg treatment: 1) did not affect phosphotyrosine-IR, whereas it decreased phosphotyrosine-IR substrate 1/2 and phosphoserine-Akt content in all tissues studied, indicating that insulin signaling is impaired at post-receptor level; 2) decreased PM GLUT4 content in both muscles and WAT; 3) increased the pituitary GH mRNA, GH, and liver IGF-I mRNA expression, the levels of phosphotyrosine-STAT5 in both muscles, phosphotyrosine-Janus kinase 2 in extensorum digitalis longus, phosphotyrosine-STAT3 in liver, and WAT as well as total p85 alpha in soleus, indicating that GH signaling is enhanced in these tissues; and 4) increased p55 alpha total content in muscles, WAT, and liver. The present findings provide the molecular mechanisms by which insulin resistance and, by extension, reduced GLUT4 content in PM of muscles and WAT take place after chronic administration of Arg, and further suggest a putative role for GH in its genesis, considering its diabetogenic effect. (Endocrinology 150: 2080-2086, 2009)


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While it is understood that body composition impacts on physical conditions, such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease, it is only now apparent that body composition might play a role in the genesis of common mental disorders, depression and anxiety. Sarcopenia occurs in ageing and comprises a progressive decline in muscle mass, strength and function, leading to frailty, decreased independence and poorer quality of life. This review presents an emerging body of evidence to support the hypothesis that shared pathophysiological pathways for sarcopenia and the common mental disorders constitute links between skeletal muscle and brain function. Contracting skeletal muscle secretes neurotrophic factors that are known to play a role in mood and anxiety, and have the dual role of nourishing neuronal growth and differentiation, while protecting the size and number of motor units in skeletal muscle. Furthermore, skeletal muscle activity has important immune and redox effects that impact behaviour and reduce muscle catabolism.