63 resultados para mudo
Santamaría, José Miguel; Pajares, Eterio; Olsen, Vickie; Merino, Raquel; Eguíluz, Federico (eds.)
Projecte de cinema mut. El restaurant de la gent. 'Proyecto de cine mudo. El restaurant de la gent'.
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Resumen en inglés
El origen y naturaleza de la investigación refieren al filme de vanguardia mudo como forma plástica y recurso técnico adjunto a los nuevos medios mecánicos de principios del siglo veinte – léase, fotografía, fotomontaje, cine, impresión offset - y sus correspondencias creativas y metodológicas con la vanguardia del software informático y nuevos medios digitales. En este sentido, la propuesta conceptual y formal señala este campo de correspondencias y combinatorias como plataforma de análisis crítico y proyectual, antes que un sistema homogéneo de interpretación y sistematización del ámbito de interés. El filme de vanguardia deriva de las mediaciones sociales, científicas y políticas de las vanguardias artísticas en arte, diseño y arquitectura de las primeras décadas de la era industrial. A este respecto, los filmes seleccionados se realizaron durante el período mudo; es decir, no hay diálogos ni banda sonora incorporada al material fílmico. Sin embargo, en estricto rigor, tampoco es correcto identificarlos a tábula rasa con la denominada estética muda; puesto que esta obra refiere otra interfaz, otro vector y botón de búsqueda de los pioneros de la nueva visión mecánica...
This thesis reports on the investigations, simulations and analyses of novel power electronics topologies and control strategies. The research is financed by an Australian Research Council (ARC) Linkage (07-09) grant. Therefore, in addition to developing original research and contributing to the available knowledge of power electronics, it also contributes to the design of a DC-DC converter for specific application to the auxiliary power supply in electric trains. Specifically, in this regard, it contributes to the design of a 7.5 kW DC-DC converter for the industrial partner (Schaffler and Associates Ltd) who supported this project. As the thesis is formatted as a ‘thesis by publication’, the contents are organized around published papers. The research has resulted in eleven papers, including seven peer reviewed and published conference papers, one published journal paper, two journal papers accepted for publication and one submitted journal paper (provisionally accepted subject to few changes). In this research, several novel DC-DC converter topologies are introduced, analysed, and tested. The similarity of all of the topologies devised lies in their ‘current circulating’ switching state, which allows them to store some energy in the inductor, as extra inductor current. The stored energy may be applied to enhance the performance of the converter in the occurrence of load current or input voltage disturbances. In addition, when there is an alternating load current, the ability to store energy allows the converter to perform satisfactorily despite frequently and highly varying load current. In this research, the capability of current storage has been utilised to design topologies for specific applications, and the enhancement of the performance of the considered applications has been illustrated. The simplest DC-DC converter topology, which has a ‘current circulating’ switching state, is the Positive Buck-Boost (PBB) converter (also known as the non-inverting Buck-Boost converter). Usually, the topology of the PBB converter is operating as a Buck or a Boost converter in applications with widely varying input voltage or output reference voltage. For example, in electric railways (the application of our industrial partner), the overhead line voltage alternates from 1000VDC to 500VDC and the required regulated voltage is 600VDC. In the course of this research, our industrial partner (Schaffler and Associates Ltd) industrialized a PBB converter–the ‘Mudo converter’–operating at 7.5 kW. Programming the onboard DSP and testing the PBB converter in experimental and nominal power and voltage was part of this research program. In the earlier stages of this research, the advantages and drawbacks of utilization of the ‘current circulating’ switching state in the positive Buck-Boost converter were investigated. In brief, the advantages were found to be robustness against input voltage and current load disturbances, and the drawback was extra conduction and switching loss. Although the robustness against disturbances is desirable for many applications, the price of energy loss must be minimized to attract attention to the utilization of the PBB converter. In further stages of this research, two novel control strategies for different applications were devised to minimise the extra energy loss while the advantages of the positive Buck-Boost converter were fully utilized. The first strategy is Smart Load Controller (SLC) for applications with pre-knowledge or predictability of input voltage and/or load current disturbances. A convenient example of these applications is electric/hybrid cars where a master controller commands all changes in loads and voltage sources. Therefore, the master controller has a pre-knowledge of the load and input voltage disturbances so it can apply the SLC strategy to utilize robustness of the PBB converter. Another strategy aiming to minimise energy loss and maximise the robustness in the face of disturbance is developed to cover applications with unexpected disturbances. This strategy is named Dynamic Hysteresis Band (DHB), and is used to manipulate the hysteresis band height after occurrence of disturbance to reduce dynamics of the output voltage. When no disturbance has occurred, the PBB converter works with minimum inductor current and minimum energy loss. New topologies based on the PBB converter have been introduced to address input voltage disturbances for different onboard applications. The research shows that the performance of applications of symmetrical/asymmetrical multi-level diode-clamped inverters, DC-networks, and linear-assisted RF amplifiers may be enhanced by the utilization of topologies based on the PBB converter. Multi-level diode-clamped inverters have the problem of DC-link voltage balancing when the power factor of their load closes to unity. This research has shown that this problem may be solved with a suitable multi-output DC-DC converter supplying DClink capacitors. Furthermore, the multi-level diode-clamped inverters supplied with asymmetrical DC-link voltages may improve the quality of load voltage and reduce the level of Electromagnetic Interference (EMI). Mathematical analyses and experiments on supplying symmetrical and asymmetrical multi-level inverters by specifically designed multi-output DC-DC converters have been reported in two journal papers. Another application in which the system performance can be improved by utilization of the ‘current circulating’ switching state is linear-assisted RF amplifiers in communicational receivers. The concept of ‘linear-assisted’ is to divide the signal into two frequency domains: low frequency, which should be amplified by a switching circuit; and the high frequency domain, which should be amplified by a linear amplifier. The objective is to minimize the overall power loss. This research suggests using the current storage capacity of a PBB based converter to increase its bandwidth, and to increase the domain of the switching converter. The PBB converter addresses the industrial demand for a DC-DC converter for the application of auxiliary power supply of a typical electric train. However, after testing the industrial prototype of the PBB converter, there were some voltage and current spikes because of switching. To attenuate this problem without significantly increasing the switching loss, the idea of Active Gate Signalling (AGS) is presented. AGS suggests a smart gate driver that selectively controls the switching process to reduce voltage/current spikes, without unacceptable reduction in the efficiency of switching.
Pío Collivadino was a highly recognized painter in life, occupying the most important charges in the artistic field and receiving awards in his country and abroad, which turned him into an inescapable reference of young Argentinean artists who earned recognition throughout the twentieth century. Why, then, with the time, his work began to fall to the wayside? In response to this question, the present article, based on the analysis of the work of that artist, proposes to problematize the notion of subjectivity, both in its individual dimension and its national character, underlining the role that the figure of the artist meets for its formation. Developing the concepts of light-color and body-mass, from Collivadino painting, this article will attempt to explain the relation between the emergence of an Argentinean subjectivity, at the beginning of 20th century, and the art, not only at the level of the issues addressed, but, especially, taking into consideration its formal characteristics.
O objecto de estudo deste trabalho é a construção da identidade masculina afro-americana, e representação desta no cinema liberal de Hollywood. Isolam-se três momentos de particular relevo: o período do cinema mudo antes da Primeira Guerra Mundial, os anos 1960-70 e por fim, a década de 1990. Traçar-se-á um percurso analítico que examina obras-chave da história do cinema comercial de Hollywood bem como manifestações do cinema independente afro-americano entabulando um diálogo permanente com o contexto histórico e social, nomeadamente a luta pelos direitos civis, a afirmação do Black Power, traduzida cinematograficamente na Blaxploitation, para finalmente se concentrar em Boyz n the Hood escolhido como sintomático de um impulso regenerativo das representações masculinas afro-americanas, sob forte ataque dos media populares nas últimas décadas do século XX.
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El PAP (Proyecto de Aplicación Práctica) propone un plan de fortalecimiento empresarial para la Fundación Cine Sinú, en torno a la creación, el desarrollo y la promoción de proyectos artísticos, educativos y culturales en el área audiovisual, todos ellos encaminados a fortalecer procesos de transformación social en la región Caribe colombiana y las diferentes comunidades del país.
Historia y educación tecnológica de los diversos sistemas de proyección de imágenes en movimiento, desde los sombras chinas hasta las pantallas gigantes actuales. Dentro el bloque de pre-cine, se muestra la linterna mágica y los diferentes aparatos para crear ilusión de movimiento. En el bloque del nacimiento del cine Edison y los lumière empiezan el periodo mudo, donde se incluyen las primeras experiencias sobre pantallas gigantes. En el bloque de cine sonoro, las diversas técnicas de proyección espectacular de los años 50-60 se presentan como alternativas a la aparición de la televisión. Y en los años 80-90, las pantallas gigantes y las nuevas técnicas de visionado complementan las de la imagen electrónica.
No consta el depósito legal. Cine mudo
Cine mudo
Cine mudo
Estudiar la integración del sordomudo. Expone las características del niño sordomudo y explica el concepto de la integración, los valores de la misma y las posturas que existen ante ella, concluyendo, con unas ideas generales sobre la integración del niño sordomudo en los aspectos familiar, escolar y social. 1) La integración es el proceso y el resultado de incluir a una persona en el mayor número posible de las actividades normales de una sociedad y de cada ámbito concreto de la misma. 2) La integración es contraria a la marginación y es equivalente a la normalización. 3) La especificación por ámbitos sociales concretos de la integración da como resultados, una integración familiar, escolar, laboral y social general. 1) El sordo es una persona que puede ser incluido dentro de todos los campos específicos sociales, integrándose en los mismos con mayor o menor necesidad de apoyo. 2) La integración familiar del sordo debe conseguirse sea cual sea el grado de su pérdida auditiva y la integración escolar puede conseguirse en mayor o menor grado, de acuerdo con el nivel de pérdida auditiva y con el dominio que se posea del lenguaje, pero en ningún caso es necesaria la educación especial total. Mientras que la integración laboral es un derecho del sordo como persona y como poseedora de unas posibilidades laborales en algunos campos superiores a las del oyente.