982 resultados para morphological characters


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The evolutionary associations between closely related fish species, both contemporary and historical, are frequently assessed by using molecular markers, such as microsatellites. Here, the presence and variability of microsatellite loci in two closely related species of marine fishes, sand seatrout (Cynoscion arenarius) and silver seatrout (C. nothus), are explored by using heterologous primers from red drum (Sciaenops ocellatus). Data from these loci are used in conjunction with morphological characters and mitochondrial DNA haplotypes to explore the extent of genetic exchange between species offshore of Galveston Bay, TX. Despite seasonal overlap in distribution, low genetic divergence at microsatellite loci, and similar life history parameters of C. arenarius and C. nothus, all three data sets indicated that hybridization between these species does not occur or occurs only rarely and that historical admixture in Galveston Bay after divergence between these species was unlikely. These results shed light upon the evolutionary history of these fishes and highlight the genetic properties of each species that are influenced by their life history and ecology.


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Purpose: To investigate the effects of gamma-ray radiation on the physiological, morphological characters and chromosome aberrations of minitubers. Materials and methods: Minitubers of one potato cultivar, 'Shepody', were irradiated with 8 doses of gamma-rays (0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80 Gy [Gray]) to investigate the effects of radiation on emergence ability, plant height and root length, morphological variations, chromosome aberrations, M-1 (first generation mutants) tuber number and size of minituber plants. Results: Compared with the non-irradiated controls, the whole period of emergence was prolonged by 10-15 days for minitubers treated with gamma-ray radiation, but low doses of radiation (10, 20 and 30 Gy) promoted the emergence percentage of minitubers. With an increase in radiation dose, the emergence percentage, plant height and root length of minituber plants were significantly inhibited at 40 and 50 Gy. No emergence occurred at 60 Gy and higher doses. After radiation, a series of morphological variations and chromosome aberrations appeared in minituber plants. Radiation with 20 Gy promoted tuber formation, and the average number and diameter of M-1 tubers per plant were significantly increased over the control by 71% and 34%, respectively. Conclusion: Low doses of radiation (10-30 Gy) might be used as a valuable parameter to study the improvement of minitubers by gamma-ray radiation treatment.


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Sponge classification has long been based mainly on morphocladistic analyses but is now being greatly challenged by more than 12 years of accumulated analyses of molecular data analyses. The current study used phylogenetic hypotheses based on sequence data from 18S rRNA, 28S rRNA, and the CO1 barcoding fragment, combined with morphology to justify the resurrection of the order Axinellida Lévi, 1953. Axinellida occupies a key position in different morphologically derived topologies. The abandonment of Axinellida and the establishment of Halichondrida Vosmaer, 1887 sensu lato to contain Halichondriidae Gray, 1867, Axinellidae Carter, 1875, Bubaridae Topsent, 1894, Heteroxyidae Dendy, 1905, and a new family Dictyonellidae van Soest et al., 1990 was based on the conclusion that an axially condensed skeleton evolved independently in separate lineages in preference to the less parsimonious assumption that asters (star-shaped spicules), acanthostyles (club-shaped spicules with spines), and sigmata (C-shaped spicules) each evolved more than once. Our new molecular trees are congruent and contrast with the earlier, morphologically based, trees. The results show that axially condensed skeletons, asters, acanthostyles, and sigmata are all homoplasious characters. The unrecognized homoplasious nature of these characters explains much of the incongruence between molecular-based and morphology-based phylogenies. We use the molecular trees presented here as a basis for re-interpreting the morphological characters within Heteroscleromorpha. The implications for the classification of Heteroscleromorpha are discussed and a new order Biemnida ord. nov. is erected.


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Based on recent molecular phylogenetic studies, the Old World bat family Miniopteridae, composed of species in the genus Miniopterus, has been shown to contain complex paraphyletic species, many of which are cryptic based on convergent morphological characters. Herein we resolve the phylogenetic relationships and taxonomy of the species complex M. manavi on Madagascar and in the Comoro Archipelago, where these animals occur in different bioclimatic zones. First using mitochondrial cytochrome-b sequence data to define clades and then morphology to corroborate the molecular data, including comparisons to type specimens, we demonstrate that animals identified as this taxon are a minimum of three species: M. manavi sensu stricto occurs in at least the central portion of the Central Highlands; M. griveaudi has a broad distribution in lowland northern and central western Madagascar and the Comoros (Anjouan and Grande Comore), and M. aelleni sp. n. has been found in northern and western Madagascar and the Comoros (Anjouan). In each case, these three clades were genetically divergent and monophyletic and the taxa are diagnosable based on different external and craniodental characters. One aspect that helped to define the systematics of this group was isolation of DNA from one of the paratypes of M. manavi collected in 1896 and new topotypic material. Miniopterus manavi is most closely allied to a recently described species, M. petersoni. At several localities, M. griveaudi and M. aelleni have been found in strict sympatry, and together with M. manavi sensu stricto show considerable convergence in morphological characters, but are not immediate sister taxa. In defining and resolving the systematics of cryptic species, such as miniopterid bats, the process of defining clades with molecular tools, segregating the specimens accordingly, and identifying corroborative morphological characters has been notably efficient.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Stenocionops furcatus is a spider crab found in the western Atlantic, from Georgia, USA to Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, on sand, coral, rocks or mud bottoms from the intertidal zone to 180 m. We describe all laboratory-reared larval stages of S. furcatus obtained from the northern coast of São Paulo State, Brazil, and compare our data with existing larval descriptions for the genus and other mithracids. The larval development of S. furcatus consists of two zoeal stages and one megalopa. The durations of the first and second zoeal stage were similar to4 and 5 days respectively, the megalopa appearing 10-18 days after hatching. Our results show that the zoeae of S. furcatus differ from those of other Mithracidae by possessing four setae on the proximal lobe of the coxal endite of the maxilla, instead of five, and by the presence of mid-dorsal setae on the third abdominal somite in the second zoeal stage, which are lacking in other mithracids. Larval descriptions for Stenocionops in two previous publications were attributed to the subspecies S. furcatus coelatus from the Caribbean. Larvae from Brazilian waters closely resemble one of these accounts, suggesting that this taxon extends beyond the West Indies and that the other description represents larvae of S. furcatus furcatus. Additional morphological details, not available previously, are provided.


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O gênero Miogryllus inclui um número considerável de espécies, sendo que a maioria delas ainda não está descrita. A quantidade de detalhes morfológicos sobre as espécies conhecidas nem sempre é suficiente para seu reconhecimento, faltando dados sobre as estruturas fálicas e da pars stridens, bem como aqueles referentes à cariologia. O presente trabalho tem o propósito de suprir tal situação para o caso de M. piracicabensis.


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The phylogeny of Celastraceae subfamily Salacioideae (ca. 255 species in the Old and New World tropics) and tribe Lophopetaleae (ca. 29 species in southern Asia and the Austral-Pacific) was inferred using morphological characters together with plastid (matK, trnL-F) and nuclear (ITS and 26S rDNA) genes. Brassiantha, a monotypic genus endemic to New Guinea, is inferred to be more closely related to the clade of Dicarpellum (New Caledonia) and Hypsophila (Queensland, Australia) than it is to Hippocrateoideae or Salacioideae. This unambiguously supported resolution indicates that a nectary disk positioned outside the stamens has been convergently derived in these two lineages. The clade of Kokoona and Lophopetalum is resolved as more closely related to Breria and Elaeodendron than it is to Hippocrateoideae or Salacioideae. Sarawakodendron, a monotypic genus endemic to Borneo, is resolved as sister to Salacioideae. Salacioideae are inferred to have an Old World origin that was followed by a single successful radiation within Central and South America. We infer that capsular fruits are primitive within the clade of Hippocrateoideae + Sarawakodendron + Salacioideae, with berries a synapomorphy for Salacioideae. Based on the resolution of Sarawakodendron as sister to Salacioideae, we hypothesize that the filaments of Sarawakodendron arils are homologous to the spiral filaments in the mucilagenous pulp of Salacioideae.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi (Order Glomales, Class Zygomycetes) are a diverse group of soil fungi that form mutualistic associations with the roots of most species of higher plants. Despite intensive study over the past 25 years, the phylogenetic relationships among AM fungi, and thus many details of evolution of the symbiosis, remain unclear. Cladistic analysis was performed on fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) profiles of 15 species in Gigaspora and Scutellospora (family Gigasporaceae) by using a restricted maximum likelihood approach of continuous character data. Results were compared to a parsimony analysis of spore morphological characters of the same species. Only one tree was generated from each character set. Morphological and developmental data suggest that species with the simplest spore types are ancestral whereas those with complicated inner wall structures are derived. Spores of those species having a complex wall structure pass through stages of development identical to the mature stages of simpler spores, suggesting a pattern of classical Haeckelian recapitulation in evolution of spore characters. Analysis of FAME profiles supported this hypothesis when Glomus leptotichum was used as the outgroup. However, when Glomus etunicatum was chosen as the outgroup, the polarity of the entire tree was reversed. Our results suggest that FAME profiles contain useful information and provide independent criteria for generating phylogenetic hypotheses in AM fungi. The maximum likelihood approach to analyzing FAME profiles also may prove useful for many other groups of organisms in which profiles are empirically shown to be stable and heritable.


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The use of morphological data obtained from field (plot test) and glasshouse trials to identify and discriminate among four Iranian and two New Zealand lucerne (Medicago sativa L.) cultivars was investigated, following guidelines established by the International Union for the Protection of New Varieties of Plants (UPOV) for cultivar registration and the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) for seed certification. Data were collected for terminal leaflet length, width and ratio, angle of stem growth, date of first flowering, stem height at first flowering, flower colour, cutting recovery height, and disease scores. None of these characters were sufficient to identify or discriminate among the six cultivars. The results indicate a need to find cost-effective and efficient laboratory techniques to enhance the assessment of distinctness of lucerne cultivars (UPOV) and for determining cultivar purity for lucerne seed certification (OECD).