988 resultados para molecular logic, molecular computation, molecular sensors, fluorescent molecular devices, fluorescent sensors


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Molecular logic-based computation is a broad umbrella covering molecular sensors at its simplest level and logic gate arrays involving steadily increasing levels of parallel and serial integration. The fluorescent PET(photoinduced electron transfer) switching principle remains a loyal servant of this entire field. Applications arise from the convenient operation of molecular information processors in very small spaces.


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The competition between Photoinduced electron transfer (PET) and other de-excitation pathways such as fluorescence and phosphorescence can be controlled within designed molecular structures. Depending on the particular design, the resulting optical output is thus a function of various inputs such as ion concentration and excitation light dose. Once digitized into binary code, these input-output patterns can be interpreted according to Boolean logic. The single-input logic types of YES and NOT cover simple sensors and the double- (or higher-) input logic types represent other gates such as AND and OR. The logic-based arithmetic processors such as half-adders and half-subtractors are also featured. Naturally, a principal application of the more complex gates is in multi-sensing contexts.


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Nucleic Acid hairpins have been a subject of study for the last four decades. They are composed of single strand that is

hybridized to itself, and the central section forming an unhybridized loop. In nature, they stabilize single stranded RNA, serve as nucleation

sites for RNA folding, protein recognition signals, mRNA localization and regulation of mRNA degradation. On the other hand,

DNA hairpins in biological contexts have been studied with respect to forming cruciform structures that can regulate gene expression.

The use of DNA hairpins as fuel for synthetic molecular devices, including locomotion, was proposed and experimental demonstrated in 2003. They

were interesting because they bring to the table an on-demand energy/information supply mechanism.

The energy/information is hidden (from hybridization) in the hairpin’s loop, until required.

The energy/information is harnessed by opening the stem region, and exposing the single stranded loop section.

The loop region is now free for possible hybridization and help move the system into a thermodynamically favourable state.

The hidden energy and information coupled with

programmability provides another functionality, of selectively choosing what reactions to hide and

what reactions to allow to proceed, that helps develop a topological sequence of events.

Hairpins have been utilized as a source of fuel for many different DNA devices. In this thesis, we program four different

molecular devices using DNA hairpins, and experimentally validate them in the

laboratory. 1) The first device: A

novel enzyme-free autocatalytic self-replicating system composed entirely of DNA that operates isothermally. 2) The second

device: Time-Responsive Circuits using DNA have two properties: a) asynchronous: the final output is always correct

regardless of differences in the arrival time of different inputs.

b) renewable circuits which can be used multiple times without major degradation of the gate motifs

(so if the inputs change over time, the DNA-based circuit can re-compute the output correctly based on the new inputs).

3) The third device: Activatable tiles are a theoretical extension to the Tile assembly model that enhances

its robustness by protecting the sticky sides of tiles until a tile is partially incorporated into a growing assembly.

4) The fourth device: Controlled Amplification of DNA catalytic system: a device such that the amplification

of the system does not run uncontrollably until the system runs out of fuel, but instead achieves a finite

amount of gain.

Nucleic acid circuits with the ability

to perform complex logic operations have many potential practical applications, for example the ability to achieve point of care diagnostics.

We discuss the designs of our DNA Hairpin molecular devices, the results we have obtained, and the challenges we have overcome

to make these truly functional.


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Metal nanoparticles (NPs) respond to electromagnetic waves by creating surface plasmons (SPs), which are localized, collective oscillations of conduction electrons on the NP surface. When interparticle distances are small, SPs generated in neighboring NPs can couple to one another, creating intense fields. The coupled particles can then act as optical antennae capturing and refocusing light between them. Furthermore, a molecule linking such NPs can be affected by these interactions as well. Here, we show that by using an appropriate, highly conjugated multiporphyrin chromophoric wire to couple gold NP arrays, plasmons can be used to control electrical properties. In particular, we demonstrate that the magnitude of the observed photoconductivity of covalently interconnected plasmon-coupled NPs can be tuned independently of the optical characteristics of the molecule-a result that has significant implications for future nanoscale optoelectronic devices.


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Molecular logic-based computation continues to throw up new applications in sensing and switching, the newest of which is the edge detection of objects. The scope of this phenomenon is mapped out by the use of structure-activity relationships, where several structures of the molecules and of the objects are examined. The different angles and curvatures of the objects are followed with good-fidelity in the visualized edges, even when the objects are in reverse video.


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Genetically-engineered bacteria and reactive DNA networks detect edges of objects, as done in our retinas and as also found within computer vision. We now demonstrate that simple molecular logic systems (a combination of a pH sensor, a photo acid generator and a pH buffer spread on paper) without any organization can achieve this relatively complex computational goal with good-fidelity. This causes a jump in the complexity achievable by molecular logic-based computation and extends its applicability. The molecular species involved in light dose-driven 'off-on-off' fluorescence is diverted in the ‘on’ state by proton diffusion from irradiated to unirradiated regions where it escapes a strong quencher, thus visualizing the edge of a mask.


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Since the introduction of molecular computation1, 2, experimental molecular computational elements have grown3, 4, 5 to encompass small-scale integration6, arithmetic7 and games8, among others. However, the need for a practical application has been pressing. Here we present molecular computational identification (MCID), a demonstration that molecular logic and computation can be applied to a widely relevant issue. Examples of populations that need encoding in the microscopic world are cells in diagnostics or beads in combinatorial chemistry (tags). Taking advantage of the small size9 (about 1 nm) and large 'on/off' output ratios of molecular logic gates and using the great variety of logic types, input chemical combinations, switching thresholds and even gate arrays in addition to colours, we produce unique identifiers for members of populations of small polymer beads (about 100 m) used for synthesis of combinatorial libraries10, 11. Many millions of distinguishable tags become available. This method should be extensible to far smaller objects, with the only requirement being a 'wash and watch' protocol12. Our focus on converting molecular science into technology concerning analog sensors13, 14, turns to digital logic devices in the present work.


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A RET network consists of a network of photo-active molecules called chromophores that can participate in inter-molecular energy transfer called resonance energy transfer (RET). RET networks are used in a variety of applications including cryptographic devices, storage systems, light harvesting complexes, biological sensors, and molecular rulers. In this dissertation, we focus on creating a RET device called closed-diffusive exciton valve (C-DEV) in which the input to output transfer function is controlled by an external energy source, similar to a semiconductor transistor like the MOSFET. Due to their biocompatibility, molecular devices like the C-DEVs can be used to introduce computing power in biological, organic, and aqueous environments such as living cells. Furthermore, the underlying physics in RET devices are stochastic in nature, making them suitable for stochastic computing in which true random distribution generation is critical.

In order to determine a valid configuration of chromophores for the C-DEV, we developed a systematic process based on user-guided design space pruning techniques and built-in simulation tools. We show that our C-DEV is 15x better than C-DEVs designed using ad hoc methods that rely on limited data from prior experiments. We also show ways in which the C-DEV can be improved further and how different varieties of C-DEVs can be combined to form more complex logic circuits. Moreover, the systematic design process can be used to search for valid chromophore network configurations for a variety of RET applications.

We also describe a feasibility study for a technique used to control the orientation of chromophores attached to DNA. Being able to control the orientation can expand the design space for RET networks because it provides another parameter to tune their collective behavior. While results showed limited control over orientation, the analysis required the development of a mathematical model that can be used to determine the distribution of dipoles in a given sample of chromophore constructs. The model can be used to evaluate the feasibility of other potential orientation control techniques.


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Molecular information gathering and processing – a young field of applied chemistry - is undergoing good growth. The progress is occurring both in terms of conceptual development and in terms of the strengthening of older concepts with new examples. This review critically surveys these two broad avenues. We consider some cases where molecules emulate one of the building blocks of electronic logic gates. We then examine molecular emulation of various Boolean logic gates carrying one, two or three inputs. Some single-input gates are popular information gathering devices. Special systems, such as ‘lab-on-a-molecule’ and molecular keypad locks, also receive attention. A situation deviating from the Boolean blueprint is also discussed. Some pointers are offered for maintaining the upward curve of the field.


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Molecules are the smallest possible elements for electronic devices, with active elements for such devices typically a few Angstroms in footprint area. Owing to the possibility of producing ultrahigh density devices, tremendous effort has been invested in producing electronic junctions by using various types of molecules. The major issues for molecular electronics include (1) developing an effective scheme to connect molecules with the present micro- and nano-technology, (2) increasing the lifetime and stabilities of the devices, and (3) increasing their performance in comparison to the state-of-the-art devices. In this work, we attempt to use carbon nanotubes (CNTs) as the interconnecting nanoelectrodes between molecules and microelectrodes. The ultimate goal is to use two individual CNTs to sandwich molecules in a cross-bar configuration while having these CNTs connected with microelectrodes such that the junction displays the electronic character of the molecule chosen. We have successfully developed an effective scheme to connect molecules with CNTs, which is scalable to arrays of molecular electronic devices. To realize this far reaching goal, the following technical topics have been investigated. 1. Synthesis of multi-walled carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) by thermal chemical vapor deposition (T-CVD) and plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) techniques (Chapter 3). We have evaluated the potential use of tubular and bamboo-like MWCNTs grown by T-CVD and PE-CVD in terms of their structural properties. 2. Horizontal dispersion of MWCNTs with and without surfactants, and the integration of MWCNTs to microelectrodes using deposition by dielectrophoresis (DEP) (Chapter 4). We have systematically studied the use of surfactant molecules to disperse and horizontally align MWCNTs on substrates. In addition, DEP is shown to produce impurityfree placement of MWCNTs, forming connections between microelectrodes. We demonstrate the deposition density is tunable by both AC field strength and AC field frequency. 3. Etching of MWCNTs for the impurity-free nanoelectrodes (Chapter 5). We show that the residual Ni catalyst on MWCNTs can be removed by acid etching; the tip removal and collapsing of tubes into pyramids enhances the stability of field emission from the tube arrays. The acid-etching process can be used to functionalize the MWCNTs, which was used to make our initial CNT-nanoelectrode glucose sensors. Finally, lessons learned trying to perform spectroscopic analysis of the functionalized MWCNTs were vital for designing our final devices. 4. Molecular junction design and electrochemical synthesis of biphenyl molecules on carbon microelectrodes for all-carbon molecular devices (Chapter 6). Utilizing the experience gained on the work done so far, our final device design is described. We demonstrate the capability of preparing patterned glassy carbon films to serve as the bottom electrode in the new geometry. However, the molecular switching behavior of biphenyl was not observed by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM), mercury drop or fabricated glassy carbon/biphenyl/MWCNT junctions. Either the density of these molecules is not optimum for effective integration of devices using MWCNTs as the nanoelectrodes, or an electroactive contaminant was reduced instead of the ionic biphenyl species. 5. Self-assembly of octadecanethiol (ODT) molecules on gold microelectrodes for functional molecular devices (Chapter 7). We have realized an effective scheme to produce Au/ODT/MWCNT junctions by spanning MWCNTs across ODT-functionalized microelectrodes. A percentage of the resulting junctions retain the expected character of an ODT monolayer. While the process is not yet optimized, our successful junctions show that molecular electronic devices can be fabricated using simple processes such as photolithography, self-assembled monolayers and dielectrophoresis.


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Molecules bonded between two metal contacts form the simplest possible molecular devices. Coupled by the molecule, the left and right contact-based states form symmetric and antisymmetric pairs near the Fermi level. We relate the size of the resulting energy splitting DeltaE to the symmetry and degree of delocalization of the coupling molecular orbital. Qualitative trends in molecular conductances are then estimated from the variations in DeltaE. We examine benzenedithiol and other molecules of interest in transport. (C) 2005 American Institute of Physics.