871 resultados para mold manufacturing


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Diplomityö tehtiin Pohjoismainen Solumuovi Oy:lle. Tutkimusongelmaksi määriteltiin hyvin selkeästi tiedon puute muottien suunnittelusta sekä valmistuksesta. Työn tavoite oli parantaa solumuovituotteiden valmistuksessa käytettävien muottien laatua. Työn rajaus asettuu uusien muottien suunnittelu- ja valmistusprosessin parantamiseen. Työssä käsiteltiin tämän prosessin lisäksi mm. mallisuunnittelua, sekä koneen ja prosessien ominaisuuksia niiden muoteille asettamien vaatimusten pohjalta. Muottien ominaisuuksien oikeaoppinen suunnittelu on erittäin tärkeässä roolissa tulevien tuotantokustannusten muodostumisessa. Oikeaoppisella suunnittelulla tarkoitetaan työssä muottien eri osa-alueiden toisiinsa kytkeytymisen ymmärtämistä, niin muotin toimivuuden, lopputuotteen laadun sekä muotin tehokkuuden kannalta. Muottien ominaisuudet määräävät ideaalitilanteessa pitkälti koneiden sykliaikoja käytettävän raaka-aineen ja kappaleen dimensioiden lisäksi. Tämän vuoksi tilanteessa, jossa itse kone toimii moitteettomasti vakuumin, materiaalinsyötön, jäähdytyksen ja höyrytyksen osalta, saadaan muotin oikeaoppisella suunnittelulla lyhennettyä sykliaikoja ja vähennettyä virhekappaleiden määrää. Solumuovimuotin suunnitteluperiaatteita on lähes yhtä monta kuin suunnittelijoita. Mitään yksittäistä periaatetta ei voida suoraan tuomita vääränä, koska näillä muoteilla pystytään valmistamaan laadun kriteerit täyttäviä tuotteita. Useimmat suunnitteluperiaatteet pohjautuvat kuitenkin vain tietyn osa-alueen hallintaan, jonka jälkeen loput osa-alueet suunnitellaan tämän ehdoilla. Työssä saatujen tulosten pohjalta voidaan sanoa, että muotin tuottavuus on erityisesti kiinni kokonaisuudesta, ei yksittäisestä osa-alueesta.


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The success of manufacturing composite parts by liquid composite molding processes with RTM depends on tool designs, efficient heat system, a controlled injection pressure, a stabilized vacuum system, besides of a suitable study of the preform lay-up and the resin system choice. This paper reports how to assemble a RTM system in a laboratory scale by specifying heat, injection and vacuum system. The design and mold material were outlined by pointing out its advantages and disadvantages. Four different carbon fiber fabrics were used for testing the RTM system. The injection pressure was analyzed regarding fiber volume content, preform compression and permeability, showing how these factors can affect the process parameters. The glass transition temperature (Tg) around 203 ºC matched with the aimed temperature of the mold which ensured good distribution of the heat throughout the upper and lower mold length. The void volume fraction in a range of 2% confirmed the appropriate RTM system and parameters choice.


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Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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This study evaluated the effect of specimens' design and manufacturing process on microtensile bond strength, internal stress distributions (Finite Element Analysis - FEA) and specimens' integrity by means of Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Laser Scanning Confocal Microscopy (LCM). Excite was applied to flat enamel surface and a resin composite build-ups were made incrementally with 1-mm increments of Tetric Ceram. Teeth were cut using a diamond disc or a diamond wire, obtaining 0.8 mm² stick-shaped specimens, or were shaped with a Micro Specimen Former, obtaining dumbbell-shaped specimens (n = 10). Samples were randomly selected for SEM and LCM analysis. Remaining samples underwent microtensile test, and results were analyzed with ANOVA and Tukey test. FEA dumbbell-shaped model resulted in a more homogeneous stress distribution. Nonetheless, they failed under lower bond strengths (21.83 ± 5.44 MPa)c than stick-shaped specimens (sectioned with wire: 42.93 ± 4.77 MPaª; sectioned with disc: 36.62 ± 3.63 MPa b), due to geometric irregularities related to manufacturing process, as noted in microscopic analyzes. It could be concluded that stick-shaped, nontrimmed specimens, sectioned with diamond wire, are preferred for enamel specimens as they can be prepared in a less destructive, easier, and more precise way.


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the viability of the use of spent laying hens' meat in the manufacturing of mortadella-type sausages with healthy appeal by using vegetable oil instead of animal fat. 120 Hy-line® layer hens were distributed in a completely randomized design into two treatments of six replicates with ten birds each. The treatments were birds from light Hy-line® W36 and semi-heavy Hy-line® Brown lines. Cold carcass, wing, breast and leg fillets yields were determined. Dry matter, protein, and lipid contents were determined in breast and leg fillets. The breast and legg fillets of three replicates per treatment were used to manufacture mortadella. After processing, sausages were evaluated for proximal composition, objective color, microbiological parameters, fatty acid profile and sensory acceptance. The meat of light and semi-heavy spent hens presented good yield and composition, allowing it to be used as raw material for the manufacture of processed products. Mortadellas were safe from microbiological point of view, and those made with semi-heavy hens fillets were redder and better accepted by consumers. Values for all sensory attributes were evaluated over score 5 (neither liked nor disliked). Both products presented high polyunsaturated fatty acid contents and good polyunsaturated to saturated fatty acid ratio. The excellent potential for the use of meat from spent layer hens of both varieties in the manufacturing of healthier mortadella-type sausage was demonstrated.


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The purpose of this paper is to propose a multiobjective optimization approach for solving the manufacturing cell formation problem, explicitly considering the performance of this said manufacturing system. Cells are formed so as to simultaneously minimize three conflicting objectives, namely, the level of the work-in-process, the intercell moves and the total machinery investment. A genetic algorithm performs a search in the design space, in order to approximate to the Pareto optimal set. The values of the objectives for each candidate solution in a population are assigned by running a discrete-event simulation, in which the model is automatically generated according to the number of machines and their distribution among cells implied by a particular solution. The potential of this approach is evaluated via its application to an illustrative example, and a case from the relevant literature. The obtained results are analyzed and reviewed. Therefore, it is concluded that this approach is capable of generating a set of alternative manufacturing cell configurations considering the optimization of multiple performance measures, greatly improving the decision making process involved in planning and designing cellular systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A broader characterization of industrial wastewaters, especially in respect to hazardous compounds and their potential toxicity, is often necessary in order to determine the best practical treatment (or pretreatment) technology available to reduce the discharge of harmful pollutants to the environment or publicly owned treatment works. Using a toxicity-directed approach, this paper sets the base for a rational treatability study of polyester resin manufacturing. Relevant physical and chemical characteristics were determined. Respirometry was used for toxicity reduction evaluation after physical and chemical effluent fractionation. Of all the procedures investigated, only air stripping was significantly effective in reducing wastewater toxicity. Air stripping in pH 7 reduced toxicity in 18.2%, while in pH 11 a toxicity reduction of 62.5% was observed. Results indicated that toxicants responsible for the most significant fraction of the effluent`s instantaneous toxic effect to unadapted activated sludge were organic compounds poorly or not volatilized in acid conditions. These results led to useful directions for conducting treatability studies which will be grounded on actual effluent properties rather than empirical or based on the rare specific data on this kind of industrial wastewater. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nowadays, there is a trend for industry reorganization in geographically dispersed systems, carried out of their activities with autonomy. These systems must maintain coordinated relationship among themselves in order to assure an expected performance of the overall system. Thus, a manufacturing system is proposed, based on ""web services"" to assure an effective orchestration of services in order to produce final products. In addition, it considers special functions, such as teleoperation and remote monitoring, users` online request, among others. Considering the proposed system as discrete event system (DES), techniques derived from Petri nets (PN), including the Production Flow Schema (PFS), can be used in a PFS/PN approach for modeling. The system is approached in different levels of abstraction: a conceptual model which is obtained by applying the PFS technique and a functional model which is obtained by applying PN. Finally, a particular example of the proposed system is presented.


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Green tapes of Li(2)O-ZrO(2)-SiO(2)-Al(2)O(3) (LZSA) parent glass were produced by aqueous tape casting as the starting material for the laminated object manufacturing (LOM) process. The rheological behavior of the powder suspensions in aqueous media, as well as the mechanical properties of the cast tapes, was evaluated. According to xi potential measurements, the LZSA glass powder particles showed acid surface characteristics and an IEP of around 4 when in aqueous media. The critical volume fraction of solids was about 72 wt% (27 vol%), which hindered the processability of more concentrated slurries. The glass particles also showed an anisometric profile, which contributed to an increase in the interactions between particles during flow. Therefore, the suspensions could not be processed at high solids loadings. Aqueous-based glass suspensions were also characterized by shear thickening after the addition of dispersants. Three slurry compositions were formulated, suitable green tapes were cast, and tapes were successfully laminated by LOM to a gear wheel geometry. A higher tensile strength of the green tapes corresponded to a higher tensile strength of the laminates. Thermal treatment was then applied to the laminates: pyrolysis at 525 degrees C, sintering at 700 degrees C for 1 h, and crystallization at 850 degrees C for 30 min. A 20% volumetric shrinkage was observed, but no surface flaws or inhomogeneous areas were detected. The sintered part maintained the curved edges and internal profile after heat treatment.


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This paper analyzes the internationalization of new multinationals from emerging countries. It also focuses on Production`s role in firm internationalization, a subject seldom addressed because the discipline of International Manufacturing is still embryonic, while International Business tends to overlook production. The authors integrate International Business and International Manufacturing concepts and frameworks in order to analyze new multinationals from emerging countries, using the empirical evidence of a survey plus case studies of Brazilian multinationals for understanding late-movers` strategies and competences, with emphasis on production. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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UV-LIGA is a versatile technique which allows the fabrication of metal parts with high aspect ratio (height / width) through the combination of a photolithographic processing of a polymer and the electroforming of a metal inside the cavities engraved in the polymer. This low-cost technique is used in a variety of areas including microfluidic, optics, instrumentation, plastic molding and telecommunications, among others. To approximate Colombia to this modern technologies for materials processing, the Materials Science and Technology Group has started an appropriation process of microfabrication techniques, specifically, this paper presents the results of UV-LIGA technique implementation for the fabrication of Nickel microparts, and examine the effects of mold geometry on the growing speed and integrity of the obtained deposits, important parameters in order to achieve the fabrication of complex micrometric parts that leads to devices with commercial applications.


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In this work, supercritical technology was used to obtain extracts from Ocimum basilicum (sweet basil) with CO(2) and the cosolvent H(2)O at 1, 10, and 20% (w/w). The raw material was obtained from hydroponic cultivation. The extract`s global yield isotherms, chemical compositions, antioxidant activity, and cost of manufacturing were determined. The extraction assays were done for pressures of 10 to 30 MPa at 303 to 323 K. The identification of the compounds present in the extracts was made by GC-MS and ESI-MS. The antioxidant activity of extracts was determined using the coupled reaction of beta-carotene and linolenic acid. At 1% of cosolvent, the largest global yield was obtained at 10 MPa and 303 K (2%, dry basis-d.b.); at 10% of cosolvent the largest global yield was obtained at 10 and 15 MPa (11%, d.b.), and at 20% of cosolvent the largest global yield was detected at 30 MPa and 303 K (24%, d.b.). The main components identified in the extracts were eugenol, germacrene-D, epi-alpha-cadinol, malic acid, tartaric acid, ramnose, caffeic acid, quinic acid, kaempferol, caffeoylquinic acid, and kaempferol 3-O-glucoside. Sweet basil extracts exhibited high antioxidant activity compared to beta-carotene. Three types of SFE extracts from sweet basil were produced, for which the estimated cost of manufacturing (class 5 type) varied from US$ 47.96 to US$ 1,049.58 per kilogram of dry extract.


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Australia struggles to achieve economic competitiveness, prevent expansion of the trade deficit and develop value-added production despite applications of policy strategies from protectionism to trade liberalisation. This article argues that these problems were emerging at the turn of the century, and that an investigation of music technology manufacturing in the first two decades of this century reveals fundamental problems in the conduct of relevant policy analysis. Analysis has focused on the trade or technology gap which is only symptomatic of an underlying knowledge gap. The article calls for a knowledge policy approach which can allow protection without the negative effects of isolation from global markets and without having to resort to unworkable utopian free-trade dogma. A shift of focus from a 'goods traded' view to a knowledge transaction (or diffusion) perspective is advocated.


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This paper analyzes the geography of regional competitiveness in manufacturing in Brazil. The authors estimate stochastic frontiers to calculate regional efficiency of representative firms in 137 regions in the period 2000-2006, in four sectors defined by technological intensity. The efficiency results are analyzed using Markov Spatial Transition Matrices to provide insights into the transition of regions between efficiency levels, considering their local spatial context. The results indicate that geography plays an important role in manufacturing competitiveness. In particular, regions with more competitive neighbors are more likely to improve their relative efficiency (pull effect) over time, and regions with less competitive neighbors are more likely to lose relative efficiency (drag effect). The authors find that the pull effect is stronger than the drag effect.