959 resultados para mobile phase composition


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A simple procedure for the simultaneous detection of cyclopiazonic acid (CPA) and aflatoxin B1 from fungal extracts is presented, using a methanol and water mobile phase and fluorescence detection. This methodology has been tested with standard solutions of both mycotoxins CPA and Aflatoxin B1 and with methanolic extracts of Aspergillus section Flavi strains, previously characterized for their mycotoxin production profile. Previously available methodology required the use of two different chromatographic runs for these mycotoxins, with distinct columns and detectors (fluorescence detection with a post-column photochemical derivatization (PHRED) for aflatoxin B1 and UV detection for CPA). The proposed method detects both mycotoxins in a single run. Data from these assays will be presented and discussed.


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Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Verfahrens- und Systemtechnik, Diss., 2010


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The conditions for the analysis of selected doping substances by UHPSFC-MS/MS were optimized to ensure suitable peak shapes and maximized MS responses. A representative mixture of 31 acidic and basic doping agents was analyzed, in both ESI+ and ESI- modes. The best compromise for all compounds in terms of MS sensitivity and chromatographic performance was obtained when adding 2% water and 10mM ammonium formate in the CO2/MeOH mobile phase. Beside mobile phase, the nature of the make-up solvent added for interfacing UHPSFC with MS was also evaluated. Ethanol was found to be the best candidate as it was able to compensate for the negative effect of 2% water addition in ESI- mode and provided a suitable MS response for all doping agents. Sensitivity of the optimized UHPSFC-MS/MS method was finally assessed and compared to the results obtained in conventional UHPLC-MS/MS. Sensitivity was improved by 5-100-fold in UHPSFC-MS/MS vs. UHPLC-MS/MS for 56% of compounds, while only one compound (bumetanide) offered a significantly higher MS response (4-fold) under UHPLC-MS/MS conditions. In the second paper of this series, the optimal conditions for UHPSFC-MS/MS analysis will be employed to screen >100 doping agents in urine matrix and results will be compared to those obtained by conventional UHPLC-MS/MS.


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The integration of information which can be gained from accessory [i.e. age (t)] and rock-forming minerals [i.e. temperature (T) and pressure (P)] requires a more profound understanding of the equilibration kinetics during metamorphic processes. This paper presents an approach comparing conventional P-T estimate from equilibrated assemblages of rock-forming minerals with temperature data derived from yttrium-garnet-monazite (YGM) and yttrium-garnet-xenotime (YGX) geothermometry. Such a comparison provides an initial indication on differences between equilibration of major and trace elements. Regarding this purpose, two migmatites, two polycyclic and one monocyclic gneiss from the Central Alps (Switzerland, northern Italy) were investigated. While the polycyclic samples exhibit trace-element equilibration between monazite and garnet grains assigned to the same metamorphic event, there are relics of monazite and garnet obviously surviving independent of their textural position. These observations suggest that surface processes dominate transport processes during equilibration of those samples. The monocyclic gneiss, on the contrary, displays rare isolated monazite with equilibration of all elements, despite comparably large transport distances. With a nearly linear crystal-size distribution of the garnet grain population, growth kinetics, related to the major elements, were likely surface-controlled in this sample. In contrast to these completely equilibrated examples, the migmatites indicate disequilibrium between garnet and monazite with a change in REE patterns on garnet transects. The cause for this disequilibrium may be related to a potential disequilibrium initiated by a changing bulk chemistry during melt segregation. While migmatite environments are expected to support high transport rates (i.e. high temperatures and melt presence), the evolution of equilibration in migmatites is additionaly related to change in chemistry. As a key finding, surface-controlled equilibration kinetics seem to dominate transport-controlled processes in the investigated samples. This may be decisive information towards the understanding of age data derived from monazite.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The Sm, Eu, and Yb tri- and dichlorides were investigated by Knudsen effusion mass spectrometry. It was found out by the analysis of mass spectra and ionization efficiency curves that the vapor composition is complex due to the partial high temperature decomposition/disproportionation of the samples. Up to five vapor species were identified for both LnCl3 (LnCl3, LnCl2, Ln2Cl4, Ln2Cl5, and Ln2Cl6) and LnCl2 (LnCl3, LnCl2, LnCl, Ln, and Ln2Cl4). The quantitative evaluation of vapor composition was made. It indicates that the disproportionation of SmCl2 and EuCl2 is negligible in the temperature range studied whereas that of YbCl2 and the decomposition of SmCl3 and YbCl3 cannot be neglected.


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Reversed-phase high performance liquid chromatographic methods for the analysis of Haloacetic acids have been developed and compared to conventional direct detection methods. Haloacetic acids commonly found in drinking water, including monochloro-, dichloro-, bromo-, iodo- and trichloroacetic acids- have been studied. The ion pairing agent benzyltributylammonium ion was studied in detail using indirect UV and indirect fluorescence detection. Five different competing ions were evaluated to decrease analysis times and lower the detection limit by this new method. The direct detection method utilized an ammonium sulfate buffer and UV detection yielding a detection limit of 100 ppb. The indirect method developed has the advantage of being able to simultaneously analyze UV and non-UV absorbing ions and molecules but requires long equilibration times and demonstrated lower sensitivity than the direct method. ^


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This work deals with the method validation for the determination of acetic, propionic and butyric acids (VFAs) in wastewaters from anaerobic reactors by HPLC-DAD. Separation was performed using a C18 column and the mobile phase composition were water pH 3.0 and methanol 90:10 (v/v). The detection and quantification was carried out at 220 nm. The method shows good linearity (r²>0.996), with adequate accuracy (89-102%) and relative standard deviations lower than 18%. The matrix effect was considered low (-4.1, -3.9 and 1.4%). The developed method is fast, simple and cheap; and it was applied in wastewater samples from anaerobic reactor.


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Abstract An accurate, reliable and fast multianalyte/multiclass ultra-performance liquid chromatography–tandem mass spectrometry (UPLC–MS/MS) method was developed and validated for the simultaneous analysis of 23 pharmaceuticals, belonging to different classes amphenicols, sulfonamides, tetracyclines, in honey samples. The method developed consists of ultrasonic extraction followed by UPLC–ESI–MS/MS with electrospray ionization in both positive mode and negative mode. The influence of the extraction solvents and mobile phase composition on the sensitivity of the method, and the optimum conditions for sample weight and extraction temperature in terms of analyte recovery were extensively studied. The identification of antibiotics is fulfilled by simultaneous use of chromatographic separation using an Acquity BEH C18 (100 mm x 2.1 mm, 1.7 µm) analytical column with a gradient elution of mobile phases and tandem mass spectrometry with an electrospray ionization. Finally, the method developed was applied to the determination of target analytes in honey samples obtained from the local markets and several beekeepers in Muğla, Turkey. Ultrasonic-extraction of pharmaceuticals from honey samples is a well-established technique by UPLC–ESI–MS/MS, the uniqueness of this study lies in the simultaneous determination of a remarkable number of compounds belonging to 23 drug at the sub-nanogram per kilogram level.


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A practical set of HPLC methods was developed for the separation and determination of the eggplant steroidal glycoalkaloids, solanine, chaconine, solasonine, solamargine, and their aglycones, solasodine and solanidine. A gradient method was initially developed, but proved to be neither robust nor practical. Three separate isocratic methods using acetonitrile and ammonium dihydrogen phosphate were developed and shown to be more repeatable, less subject to fluctuations in mobile phase composition, and less time consuming. The effect of adjusting buffer pH, column temperature, and buffer type (triethylammonium phosphate vs. ammonium dihydrogen phosphate) were evaluated. It was also discovered that, by addition of 10% methanol to the acetonitrile portion of the mobile phase, more control over the separations was possible. The use of methanol as a mobile phase entrainer greatly improved separations in some cases and its effectiveness was also dependent upon column temperature. Assessments of the method recovery, limit of detection, and limit of quantitation were made using extracts from S. melongena and S. linnaeanum.


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Dentre as ferramentas para alcançar o tratamento ótimo para a malária, se destaca a monitorização das concentrações dos antimaláricos nos fluídos biológicos. Ao se considerar que o Coartem® é empregado na terapia de primeira linha para o tratamento da malária falciparum, justifica-se a realização deste estudo que objetivou validar metodologia analítica para determinação de lumefantrina em amostras de sangue total, adsorvidas em papel de filtro, e em plasma, por cromatografia líquida de alta eficiência (CLAE), em pacientes com malária por Plasmodium falciparum não complicada, empregando-se extração líquido-líquido. Foram realizados estudos de seletividade, linearidade, curva de calibração, limites de detecção e quantificação, recuperação, precisão intra e inter-ensaio, estabilidade e robustez. As amostras, para o estudo de aplicabilidade do método proposto, foram coletadas de pacientes com malária falciparum utilizando Coartem® (arteméter-20mg + lumefantrina- 120mg) no D3. As condições cromatográficas otimizadas foram: comprimento de onda de 335nm, fluxo 1,2mL/min. e fase móvel composta por acetonitrila-água (60:40, v/v) pH=3,5. A extração líquido-líquido demonstrou ser eficiente, pois a recuperação média foi de 101,3% para plasma e 84,3% para sangue total. O método foi seletivo e linear em intervalo de concentração de 160 a 1760ng/mL. Os limites de detecção e de quantificação foram 32ng/mL e 160ng/mL. O coeficiente de variação médio intra-ensaio, do plasma e sangue total, respectivamente, foram 10,88 e 8,38% e inter-ensaio de 13,21 e 11,78%. O analito demonstrou ser estável em sangue total adsorvido em papel de filtro por até 70 dias. Modificações no pH, fluxo e composição da fase móvel não alteraram significativamente a resolução do analito de interesse, sugerindo uma robustez adequada. O método demonstrou ser eficaz na quantificação de lumefantrina em amostras de sangue total de pacientes com malária falciparum bem como os parâmetros de validação estão de acordo com as recomendações dos órgãos regulamentadores no Brasil.


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No presente trabalho foram estudadas as separações de 18 flavonóides (9 agliconas e 9 glicosídeos) pelas técnicas de Cromatografia Líquida de Alta Eficiência em fase reversa (RP-HPLC) e Cromatografia Micelar Eletrocinética em fluxo reverso (RF-Meck). Em ambas as técnicas foram avaliados solventes puros (metanol, acetonitrila e tetrahidrofurano) e suas misturas como formas de promover a variação de seletividade, através da modificação da fase móvel em HPLC, e da natureza do aditivo orgânico em RF-Meck. Nos estudos efetuados em HPLC utilizando-se gradiente, pode-se comprovar a possibilidade da modelagem do fator de retenção em funçã da proporção de solvente utilizados (MeOH, ACN, THF e suas misturas). Pode-se ainda, com base nos dados de retenção e na análise hierárquica de c1usters, diferenciar quatro diferentes grupos de sistemas cromatográficos com diferentes seletividades para flavonóides agliconas, e outros quatro com diferentes seletividades para glicosídeos. Os sistemas cromatográficos mais ortogonais (cada um pertencente a um grupo de seletividade) foram aplicados na separação de uma planta modelo (Azadirachta indica), de onde pode-se escolher a fase móvel mais seletiva para se otimizar a separação dos flavonóides glicosilados presentes nas folhas desta planta. No método final otimizado pode-se identificar e quantificar cinco dos flavonóides majoritários presentes, sendo três glicosídeos de quercetina (rutina, isoquercitrina e quercitrina) e dois glicosídeos de kaempferol (astragalin e nicotiflorin), em amostras de duas diferentes procedências (Piracicaba-SP e Silvânia-GO). Nos estudos envolvendo a separação dos dezoito flavonóides por RFMEKC pode-se comprovar diferenças significativas de seletividade quando se varia a natureza do solvente orgânico utilizado como aditivo, além de se observar tendências na migração em função das propriedades do solvente adicionado e da estrutura molecular do flavonóide. O solvente de menor eficiência para separação dos flavonóides foi o MeOH. Através da análise dos eletroferogramas obtidos através de um planejamento experimental de misturas, e das trocas de pares críticos observadas nos vários eletrólitos utilizados, obteve-se um método de separação com apenas um par crítico em menos de 12 minutos de corrida. O coeficiente de variação obtido para o fator de retenção foi de 1,5% e para área de 3%, considerando-se cinco injeções. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado com sucesso na identificação dos flavonóides majoritários presentes na planta modelo (Neem), obtendo-se o mesmo resultado do estudo anterior. Como forma de avaliar a concentração de flavonóides totais presentes em espécies vegetais é comum a análise de extratos após hidrólise ácida (conversão de todos glicosídeos em agliconas). Desta forma otimizou-se uma metodologia de separação em RP-HPLC de 8 flavonóides agliconas comumente presentes em alimentos e extratos vegetais de uso cosmético. A otimização foi efetuada mediante um planejamento experimental de misturas, para escolha da fase móvel mais seletiva, e de um planejamento fatorial composto central, para otimização das condições de gradiente. O método obtido foi o mais rápido já visto dentro da literatura consultada. A separação em linha de base foi efetuada em menos de 15 minutos, com coeficientes de variação de área entre 0,1 e 1,8%, coeficiente de correlação de 0,9993 a 0,9994 na faixa de 5 a 100 µg/mL, e limites de quantificação estimados na faixa de 0,1 a 0,21µg/mL. O método desenvolvido foi aplicado na otimização das condições de hidrólise de um extrato de Neem. A otimização foi efetuada através de metodologia de superfície de resposta, levando-se em consideração a concentração de ácido adicionada, o tempo de reação, a temperatura, e a concentração de um antioxidante (ácido ascórbico) adicionado. O resultado da otimização foi uma metodologia de hidrólise com tempo de reação igual a 5 minutos, utilizando-se 1,4 mol/L de HCI, 119°C e 500 µg/mL de ácido ascórbico. Através das metodologias de análise e de hidrólise desenvolvidas pode-se constatar a presença e quantificar no extrato de Neem os flavonóides agliconas quercetina, kaempferol e miricetina. Com o objetivo de se avaliar quais os componentes presentes em extratos vegetais são os responsáveis pelo poder antioxidante atribuído a determinadas plantas, foi montado um sistema de avaliação de poder antioxidante \"on-line\" com reação pós-coluna em HPLC (baseado na literatura) utilizando-se como \"radical livre modelo\" o ABTS. A análise da planta modelo (Neem) neste sistema mostrou que os flavonóides glicosilados identificados nas partes anteriores deste trabalho são os responsáveis pelo poder antioxidante atribuído a esta planta. De posse desta informação, e visando a obtenção de extratos para aplicações cosméticas com poder antioxidante, modelou-se a extração dos flavonóide do Neem em função da composição do solvente extrator (água, etanol , propilenoglicol e suas misturas), de acordo com um planejamento simplex centróide ampliado. Além da previsão da concentração dos princípios ativos pode-se ainda prever outras propriedades dos extratos obtidos, tais como, índice de refração e densidade, muitas vezes constituintes de especificações técnicas de acordo com as aplicações a que se destinam (cremes, xampús, etc).


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Dissertação composta por 02 artigos.


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In the last decades, the effects of the air pollution have been increasing, especially in the case of the human health diseases. In order to overcome this problem, scientists have been studying the components of the air. As a part of water-soluble organic compounds, amino acids are present in the atmospheric environment as components of diverse living organisms which can be responsible for spreading diseases through the air. Liquid chromatography is one technique capable of distinguish the different amino acids from each other. In this work, aiming at separating the amino acids found in the aerosols samples collected in Aveiro, the ability of four columns (Mixed-Mode WAX-1, Mixed-Mode HILIC-1, Luna HILIC and Luna C18) to separate four amino acids (aspartic acid, lysine, glycine and tryptophan) and the way the interaction of the stationary phases of the columns with the analytes is influenced by organic solvent concentration and presence/concentration of the buffer, are being assessed. In the Mixed-Mode WAX-1 column, the chromatograms of the distinct amino acids revealed the separation was not efficient, since the retention times were very similar. In the case of lysine, in the elution with 80% (V/V) MeOH, the peaks appeared during the volume void. In the Mixed-Mode HILIC-1 column, the variation of the organic solvent concentration did not affect the elution of the four studied amino acids. Considering the Luna HILIC column, the retention times of the amino acids were too close to each other to ensure a separation among each other. Lastly, the Luna C18 column revealed to be useful to separate amino acids in a gradient mode, being the variation of the mobile phase composition in the organic solvent concentration (ACN). Luna C18 was the column used to separate the amino acids in the real samples and the mobile phase had acidified water and ACN. The gradient consisted in the following program: 0 – 2 min: 5% (V/V) ACN, 2 – 8 min: 5 – 2 % (V/V) ACN, 8 – 16 min: 2% (V/V) ACN, 16 – 20 min: 2 – 20 % (V/V) ACN, 20 – 35 min: 20 – 35 % (V/V) ACN. The aerosols samples were collected by using three passive samplers placed in two different locations in Aveiro and each sampler had two filters - one faced up and the other faced down. After the sampling, the water-soluble organic compounds was extracted by dissolution in ultra-pure water, sonication bath and filtration. The resulting filtered solutions were diluted in acidified water for the chromatographic separation. The results from liquid chromatography revealed the presence of the amino acids, although it was not possible to identify each one of them individually. The chromatograms and the fluorescence spectra showed the existence of some patterns: the samples that correspond to the up filters had more intense peaks and signals, revealing that the up filters collected more organic matter.