985 resultados para mixed-bank program


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Devenir parent en accueillant un enfant en vue de l’adopter en contexte de protection de la jeunesse, dans le cadre du programme Banque-mixte, est une expérience particulière, puisque l’enfant arrive dans la famille sans aucune garantie qu’il pourra être adopté. Également, les parents Banque-mixte, en tant que famille d’accueil, ont l’obligation d’amener l’enfant à des visites avec ses parents d’origine et doivent composer avec la présence d’intervenants dans leur vie privée. À l’aide d’une démarche de théorisation enracinée, la présente étude vise à comprendre comment le parent Banque-mixte développe son sentiment de filiation, c’est-à-dire le sentiment d’être le parent de l’enfant qu’il accueille, alors qu’il n’est ni le parent légal, ni le parent biologique. Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été réalisées avec 25 parents afin d’aborder des thèmes tels que les motivations sous-jacentes à leur projet parental, l’expérience du processus pour devenir une famille Banque-mixte et la relation avec l’enfant. Les résultats permettent de jeter les bases d’une nouvelle théorie, selon laquelle le sentiment de filiation précède la filiation légale dans ces circonstances. Ainsi, le parent Banque-mixte ne devient pas un parent au moment du jugement d’adoption; il le devient bien avant, à partir du moment où il atteint un point de non-retour, c’est-à-dire où il constate de manière rationnelle ou émotionnelle que cet enfant est le sien. En l’absence d’un lien de sang et d’un lien légal, le parent Banque-mixte construit son sentiment de filiation sur la base de son profond désir d’enfant et de trois piliers qui lui permettent de justifier son sentiment d’être le parent, soit l’exercice du rôle parental, la construction d’une relation significative avec l’enfant, ainsi que la reconnaissance par autrui de son rôle de parent. Lorsque le parent Banque-mixte n’est pas confronté à l’incertitude de voir l’enfant retourner dans son milieu d’origine, il doit patienter en attendant la concrétisation de l’adoption, mais l’absence de filiation légale ne remet pas en question son sentiment d’être le parent. Par contre, le fait de se sentir le parent avant de le devenir légalement peut générer des tensions dans l’expérience du parent Banque-mixte, puisque le statut de famille d’accueil est en dissonance avec le sentiment de filiation. Afin de minimiser les effets indésirables de l’incertitude, les intervenants de l’adoption et de l’enfant développent différentes stratégies pour rassurer et protéger les parents Banque-mixte, en plus de minimiser l’inquiétude quant à la probabilité du retour de l’enfant dans son milieu familial d’origine. Finalement, guidés par leur besoin de vivre leur filiation de manière exclusive, les parents Banque-mixte font l’effort de mettre à distance les parents d’origine, tout en conservant une certaine ouverture uniquement dans le but de permettre à l’enfant d’intégrer sainement ses origines. En conclusion, les retombées pour l’avancement des connaissances, l’amélioration des pratiques et l’élaboration de nouvelles législations sont discutées.


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Purpose – The purpose of this research is to show how the self-archiving of journal papers is a major step towards providing open access to research. However, copyright transfer agreements (CTAs) that are signed by an author prior to publication often indicate whether, and in what form, self-archiving is allowed. The SHERPA/RoMEO database enables easy access to publishers' policies in this area and uses a colour-coding scheme to classify publishers according to their self-archiving status. The database is currently being redeveloped and renamed the Copyright Knowledge Bank. However, it will still assign a colour to individual publishers indicating whether pre-prints can be self-archived (yellow), post-prints can be self-archived (blue), both pre-print and post-print can be archived (green) or neither (white). The nature of CTAs means that these decisions are rarely as straightforward as they may seem, and this paper describes the thinking and considerations that were used in assigning these colours in the light of the underlying principles and definitions of open access. Approach – Detailed analysis of a large number of CTAs led to the development of controlled vocabulary of terms which was carefully analysed to determine how these terms equate to the definition and “spirit” of open access. Findings – The paper reports on how conditions outlined by publishers in their CTAs, such as how or where a paper can be self-archived, affect the assignment of a self-archiving colour to the publisher. Value – The colour assignment is widely used by authors and repository administrators in determining whether academic papers can be self-archived. This paper provides a starting-point for further discussion and development of publisher classification in the open access environment.


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In metropolitan cities, public transportation service plays a vital role in mobility of people, and it has to introduce new routes more frequently due to the fast development of the city in terms of population growth and city size. Whenever there is introduction of new route or increase in frequency of buses, the nonrevenue kilometers covered by the buses increases as depot and route starting/ending points are at different places. This non-revenue kilometers or dead kilometers depends on the distance between depot and route starting point/ending point. The dead kilometers not only results in revenue loss but also results in an increase in the operating cost because of the extra kilometers covered by buses. Reduction of dead kilometers is necessary for the economic growth of the public transportation system. Therefore, in this study, the attention is focused on minimizing dead kilometers by optimizing allocation of buses to depots depending upon the shortest distance between depot and route starting/ending points. We consider also depot capacity and time period of operation during allocation of buses to ensure parking safety and proper maintenance of buses. Mathematical model is developed considering the aforementioned parameters, which is a mixed integer program, and applied to Bangalore Metropolitan Transport Corporation (BMTC) routes operating presently in order to obtain optimal bus allocation to depots. Database for dead kilometers of depots in BMTC for all the schedules are generated using the Form-4 (trip sheet) of each schedule to analyze depot-wise and division-wise dead kilometers. This study also suggests alternative locations where depots can be located to reduce dead kilometers. Copyright (C) 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.


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At first, the article has an introduction of the basic theory of magnetotelluric and the essential methods of data acquisition and preprocessing. After that, the article introduces the methods together with their predominance of computing transfering function such as the Least-square method, the Remote-Reference method and the Robust method. The article also describe the cause and influence of static shift, and has a summarize of how to correct the static shift efficiently, then emphasizes on the theories of the popular impedance tensor decomposition methods as Phase-sensitivity method, Groom and Bailey method, General tensor-analyzed method and Mohr circle-analyzed method. The kernal step of magnetotelluric data-processing is inversion, which is also an important content of the article. Firstly, the article introduces the basic theories of both the popular one-dimensional inversion methods as Automod, Occam, Rhoplus, Bostick and Ipi2win and the two-dimensional inversion methods as Occam, Rebocc, Abie and Nlcg. Then, the article is focused on parallel-analysis of the applying advantage of each inversion method with practical models, and obtains meaningful conclusion. Visual program design of magnetotelluric data-processing is another kernal part of the article. The bypast visual program design of magnetotelluric data-processing is not satisfied and systemic, for example, the data-processing method is single, the data-management is not systemic, the data format is not uniform. The article bases the visual program design of magnetotelluric data-processing upon practicability, structurality, variety and extensibility, and adopts database technology and mixed language program design method; finally, a magnetotelluric data management and processing system that integrates database saving and fetching system, data-processing system and graphical displaying system. Finally, the article comes onto the magnetotelluric application.takeing the Tulargen Cu-Ni mining area in Xingjiang as the practical example, using the data-processing methods introduced before, the article has a detailed introduction of magnetotelluric data interpretation procedure.


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In the proposed model, the independent system operator (ISO) provides the opportunity for maintenance outage rescheduling of generating units before each short-term (ST) time interval. Long-term (LT) scheduling for 1 or 2 years in advance is essential for the ISO and the generation companies (GENCOs) to decide their LT strategies; however, it is not possible to be exactly followed and requires slight adjustments. The Cournot-Nash equilibrium is used to characterize the decision-making procedure of an individual GENCO for ST intervals considering the effective coordination with LT plans. Random inputs, such as parameters of the demand function of loads, hourly demand during the following ST time interval and the expected generation pattern of the rivals, are included as scenarios in the stochastic mixed integer program defined to model the payoff-maximizing objective of a GENCO. Scenario reduction algorithms are used to deal with the computational burden. Two reliability test systems were chosen to illustrate the effectiveness of the proposed model for the ST decision-making process for future planned outages from the point of view of a GENCO.


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Nous présentons une nouvelle approche pour formuler et calculer le temps de séparation des événements utilisé dans l’analyse et la vérification de différents systèmes cycliques et acycliques sous des contraintes linéaires-min-max avec des composants ayant des délais finis et infinis. Notre approche consiste à formuler le problème sous la forme d’un programme entier mixte, puis à utiliser le solveur Cplex pour avoir les temps de séparation entre les événements. Afin de démontrer l’utilité en pratique de notre approche, nous l’avons utilisée pour la vérification et l’analyse d’une puce asynchrone d’Intel de calcul d’équations différentielles. Comparée aux travaux précédents, notre approche est basée sur une formulation exacte et elle permet non seulement de calculer le maximum de séparation, mais aussi de trouver un ordonnancement cyclique et de calculer les temps de séparation correspondant aux différentes périodes possibles de cet ordonnancement.


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This thesis investigates a method for human-robot interaction (HRI) in order to uphold productivity of industrial robots like minimization of the shortest operation time, while ensuring human safety like collision avoidance. For solving such problems an online motion planning approach for robotic manipulators with HRI has been proposed. The approach is based on model predictive control (MPC) with embedded mixed integer programming. The planning strategies of the robotic manipulators mainly considered in the thesis are directly performed in the workspace for easy obstacle representation. The non-convex optimization problem is approximated by a mixed-integer program (MIP). It is further effectively reformulated such that the number of binary variables and the number of feasible integer solutions are drastically decreased. Safety-relevant regions, which are potentially occupied by the human operators, can be generated online by a proposed method based on hidden Markov models. In contrast to previous approaches, which derive predictions based on probability density functions in the form of single points, such as most likely or expected human positions, the proposed method computes safety-relevant subsets of the workspace as a region which is possibly occupied by the human at future instances of time. The method is further enhanced by combining reachability analysis to increase the prediction accuracy. These safety-relevant regions can subsequently serve as safety constraints when the motion is planned by optimization. This way one arrives at motion plans that are safe, i.e. plans that avoid collision with a probability not less than a predefined threshold. The developed methods have been successfully applied to a developed demonstrator, where an industrial robot works in the same space as a human operator. The task of the industrial robot is to drive its end-effector according to a nominal sequence of grippingmotion-releasing operations while no collision with a human arm occurs.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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In this paper, we propose three novel mathematical models for the two-stage lot-sizing and scheduling problems present in many process industries. The problem shares a continuous or quasi-continuous production feature upstream and a discrete manufacturing feature downstream, which must be synchronized. Different time-based scale representations are discussed. The first formulation encompasses a discrete-time representation. The second one is a hybrid continuous-discrete model. The last formulation is based on a continuous-time model representation. Computational tests with state-of-the-art MIP solver show that the discrete-time representation provides better feasible solutions in short running time. On the other hand, the hybrid model achieves better solutions for longer computational times and was able to prove optimality more often. The continuous-type model is the most flexible of the three for incorporating additional operational requirements, at a cost of having the worst computational performance. Journal of the Operational Research Society (2012) 63, 1613-1630. doi:10.1057/jors.2011.159 published online 7 March 2012


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Sponsored by NIH/NCI contract N01-CO-35403.


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This research focuses on developing a capacity planning methodology for the emerging concurrent engineer-to-order (ETO) operations. The primary focus is placed on the capacity planning at sales stage. This study examines the characteristics of capacity planning in a concurrent ETO operation environment, models the problem analytically, and proposes a practical capacity planning methodology for concurrent ETO operations in the industry. A computer program that mimics a concurrent ETO operation environment was written to validate the proposed methodology and test a set of rules that affect the performance of a concurrent ETO operation. ^ This study takes a systems engineering approach to the problem and employs systems engineering concepts and tools for the modeling and analysis of the problem, as well as for developing a practical solution to this problem. This study depicts a concurrent ETO environment in which capacity is planned. The capacity planning problem is modeled into a mixed integer program and then solved for smaller-sized applications to evaluate its validity and solution complexity. The objective is to select the best set of available jobs to maximize the profit, while having sufficient capacity to meet each due date expectation. ^ The nature of capacity planning for concurrent ETO operations is different from other operation modes. The search for an effective solution to this problem has been an emerging research field. This study characterizes the problem of capacity planning and proposes a solution approach to the problem. This mathematical model relates work requirements to capacity over the planning horizon. The methodology is proposed for solving industry-scale problems. Along with the capacity planning methodology, a set of heuristic rules was evaluated for improving concurrent ETO planning. ^


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BACKGROUND: Communities are a pivotal setting in which to promote increases in child and adolescent physical activity behaviours. Interventions implemented in these settings require effective evaluation to facilitate translation of findings to wider settings. The aims of this paper are to i) present findings from a RE-AIM evaluation of a community-based physical activity program, and ii) review the methodological challenges faced when applying RE-AIM in practice.

METHODS: A single mixed-methods case study was conducted based on a concurrent triangulation design. Five sources of data were collected via interviews, questionnaires, archival records, documentation and field notes. Evidence was triangulated within RE-AIM to assess individual and organisational-level program outcomes.

RESULTS: Inconsistent availability of data and a lack of robust reporting challenged assessment of all five dimensions. Reach, Implementation and setting-level Adoption were less successful, Effectiveness and Maintenance at an individual and organisational level were moderately successful. Only community-level Adoption was highly successful, reflecting the key program goal to provide community-wide participation in sport and physical activity.

CONCLUSIONS: This research highlighted important methodological constraints associated with the use of RE-AIM in practice settings. Future evaluators wishing to use RE-AIM may benefit from a mixed-method triangulation approach to offset challenges with data availability and reliability.


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As world communication, technology, and trade become increasingly integrated through globalization, multinational corporations seek employees with global leadership experience and skills. However, the demand for these skills currently outweighs the supply. Given the rarity of globally ready leaders, global competency development should be emphasized in higher education programs. The reality, however, is that university graduate programs are often outdated and focus mostly on cognitive learning. Global leadership competence requires moving beyond the cognitive domain of learning to create socially responsible and culturally connected global leaders. This requires attention to development methods; however, limited research in global leadership development methods has been conducted. A new conceptual model, the global leadership development ecosystem, was introduced in this study to guide the design and evaluation of global leadership development programs. It was based on three theories of learning and was divided into four development methodologies. This study quantitatively tested the model and used it as a framework for an in-depth examination of the design of one International MBA program. The program was first benchmarked, by means of a qualitative best practices analysis, against the top-ranking IMBA programs in the world. Qualitative data from students, faculty, administrators, and staff was then examined, using descriptive and focused data coding. Quantitative data analysis, using PASW Statistics software, and a hierarchical regression, showed the individual effect of each of the four development methods, as well as their combined effect, on student scores on a global leadership assessment. The analysis revealed that each methodology played a distinct and important role in developing different competencies of global leadership. It also confirmed the critical link between self-efficacy and global leadership development.


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The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the impact of undertaking peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBST) on quality of life (QoL), and to determine the effect of participating in a mixed-type, moderate-intensity exercise program on QoL. It was also an objective to determine the relationship between peak aerobic capacity and QoL in PBST patients. QoL was assessed via the CARES questionnaire and peak aerobic capacity by a maximal graded treadmill test, pretransplant (PI), post transplant (PII) and following a 12-week intervention period (PIII). At PII, 12 patients were divided equally into a control or exercise intervention group. Undergoing a PBST was associated with a statistically but not clinically significant decline in QoL (P < 0.05). Following the intervention, exercising patients demonstrated an improved QoL when compared with pretransplant ratings (P < 0.01) and nonexercising transplant patients (P < 0.05). Moreover, peak aerobic capacity and QoL were correlated (P < 0.05). The findings demonstrated that exercise participation following oncology treatment is associated with a reduction in the number and severity of endorsed problems, which in turn leads to improvements in global, physical and psychosocial QoL. Furthermore, a relationship between fitness and QoL exists, with those experiencing higher levels of fitness also demonstrating higher QoL.