988 resultados para mission statement


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Aims The value of clinical definitions of the metabolic syndrome has been questioned, with confusion surrounding their intended use and purpose. Our aim was to construct a mission statement that outlines the value of the metabolic syndrome in clinical and public health settings.

Methods Case studies have been used to demonstrate three key points.

Results We argue here for recognition of obesity as being a crucial element within the metabolic syndrome but perhaps even more important before its development. We also contend that the concept does indeed have a role as a risk prediction tool, and that it could provide a useful metric for the scale and progress of the looming global epidemic of diabetes and cardiovascular disease.

Conclusions Through appreciation of its purpose, and recognition of both its limitations and those attributes that make it unique and valuable, we believe we have demonstrated here that the metabolic syndrome deserves its place in the global toolbox of diabetes and CVD prevention.


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Draft of the Medical Library's Vision and Mission Statements, and Guiding Principles.


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Recent natural disasters such as the Haitian earthquake 2011, the South East Queensland floods 2011, the Japanese earthquake and tsunami 2011 and Hurricane Sandy in the United States of America in 2012, have seen social media platforms changing the face of emergency management communications, not only in times of crisis and also during business-as-usual operations. With social media being such an important and powerful communication tool, especially for emergency management organisations, the question arises as to whether the use of social media in these organisations emerged by considered strategic design or more as a reactive response to a new and popular communication channel. This paper provides insight into how the social media function has been positioned, staffed and managed in organisations throughout the world, with a particular focus on how these factors influence the style of communication used on social media platforms. This study has identified that the social media function falls on a continuum between two polarised models, namely the authoritative one-way communication approach and the more interactive approach that seeks to network and engage with the community through multi-way communication. Factors such the size of the organisation; dedicated resourcing of the social media function; organisational culture and mission statement; the presence of a social media champion within the organisation; management style and knowledge about social media play a key role in determining where on the continuum organisations sit in relation to their social media capability. This review, together with a forthcoming survey of Australian emergency management organisations and local governments, will fill a gap in the current body of knowledge about the evolution, positioning and usage of social media in organisations working in the emergency management field in Australia. These findings will be fed back to Industry for potential inclusion in future strategies and practices.


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The South Carolina Office of the Attorney General reports to the Office of State Budget its annual accountability report that includes a mission statement, program goals and objectives, and performance measures.


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En la actualidad el Pacífico es visto como un espacio de oportunidades para aprovechar, bien sea de manera individual o a través de la creación de iniciativas comunes que conduzcan a mayores acercamientos a esta región. Si se apela a las iniciativas, es preciso estudiar el Acuerdo del Pacífico – AP, un espacio conformado por México, Colombia, Perú y Chile, que se plantea como principal objetivo el acercamiento a la región de Asia – Pacífico. Así, el presente documento intenta hacer un aporte a la disciplina de las Relaciones Internacionales por medio de un análisis de estas dos iniciativas, haciendo énfasis sobre el Acuerdo del Pacífico, también llamado Alianza del Pacífico, espacio que en la actualidad se perfila como uno de los de mayor dinamismo y relevancia en Latinoamérica.


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Debido a la importancia del sector funerario en Colombia, el trabajo que se presenta a continuación, describe el sector funerario de acuerdo a tres temas de interés. El primer capítulo, comprende la descripción de la industria y sus servicios. El segundo capítulo analiza los indicadores de concentración y financieros en los años del 2000 al 2010. Finalmente, la tercera sección muestra los aspectos internacionales del sector como lo son las instituciones y asociaciones del gremio, la regulación y la innovación a nivel global.


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Dada la confluencia de Turquía en Asia, Medio Oriente, los Balcanes y Europa, el gobierno está en la necesidad de responder a los desafíos de ser un Estado pivote. Es en este punto donde su política exterior se convierte en la mayor herramienta para sobresalir y sobrevivir en un ambiente heterogéneo. El objetivo de esta monografía de grado es analizar la política exterior turca en el marco del Complejo de Seguridad Regional de Medio Oriente a partir de los aportes de la Escuela de Copenhague y su Teoría de los Complejos de Seguridad Regional, para comprender sus estrategias de soft y hard power en su política exterior a fin de analizar si se consolidó un smart power que permita posicionar a Turquía en una potencia regional.


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This paper examines the inclusion of sustainability into marketing activities of the top Australian firms. The results found that almost half of organisations (46%) did not integrate sustainability or environmental issues into their mission statement. Of those that did include sustainability in their mission, few then integrated environmental issues into other areas of their activities, as reported on their corporate web sites. This suggests that while sustainability is frequently talked about within organisations as being important, it does not necessarily translate in to a strategic integration across activities. Firms might therefore be using environmental issues tactically, which could unfortunately result in superficial attempts at becoming environmentally sustainable.