96 resultados para microemulsão
The goal of this study was to produce and characterize a new microemulsion gel-like carrier system (MEG) by using the pseudo-ternary phase-diagram concept. The diclofenac diethylamine (DDA) was incorporated in the MEG and its in vitro release and permeation profiles were performed using Franz-type diffusion cells. The results revealed that the commercial DDA emulgel provided significantly higher Kp of DDA (2.2-fold) as compared to the MEG. Similar data were obtained in the permeation studies in which DDA Kp 4.7-fold higher. Therefore, MEG presents higher potential as a topical delivery system for DDA when compared to the commercial DDA emulgel.
Iron oxide nanoparticles were synthesized in microemulsion systems composed by Triton X-100/hexyl alcohol/cyclohexane/aqueous solution. The nanoparticles were synthesized in microemulsions containing different amounts of ammonium, in order to evaluate the influence of this parameter on the size of the nanoparticles and on the phase transformation after heat treatment. Powder materials were obtained after centrifugation, washing and drying, and they were analyzed as synthesized and after heating at 350, 500 and 1000 °C. It was observed that the higher amount of ammonium induced smaller particles and minor phase transformation, possibly due to a preferential nucleation process.
In this paper, thiosemicarbazones 4-N-cinnamoyl-thiosemicarbazone (CTSC), 4-N-(2'-methoxycinnamoyl)-thiosemicarbazone (MCTSC), and 4-N-(4'-hydroxy-3'-methoxybenzoyl)- thiosemicarbazone (HMBTSC) were solubilized in an oil-in-water (O/W) microemulsion system (ME_OCS), forming systems CTSC_ME_OCS, MCTSC_ME_OCS and HMBTSC_ME_OCS. The effectiveness of these systems in the process of inhibiting AISI 1020 carbon steel corrosion was evaluated in a saline solution (NaCl 0.5%), using a galvanostatic method. The tested thiosemicarbazones showed higher inhibitory effects (85.7% for CTSC_ME_OCS, 84.0% for MCTSC_ME_OCS, and 83.3% for HMBTSC_ME_OCS). The surfactant OCS (dissolved in H2O) and the ME_OCS system showed lower efficacies, with 71.0% for OCS and 74.0% for ME_OCS system.
Pequenas partículas de fase peroviskita de BaMnO3 foram preparadas por dois métodos: a rota da coprecipitação convencional (RCC) e o método convencional de microemulsão (MCM). As técnicas instrumentais utilizadas para caracterizar as amostras foram: microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), difratometria de raios X (XRD), termogravimetria (TG) e análise térmica diferencial (DTA). A síntese de materiais em sistemas coloidais auto-organizados tem por objetivo aumentar a homogeneidade de tamanho e forma das partículas. Nos últimos anos aumentou a busca por materiais mais uniformes visando o aperfeiçoamento da microestrutura. A rota de microemulsão é um método alternativo para a síntese de materiais porque permite o controle da relação entre as concentrações de água e do tensoativo, (w), o qual controla o tamanho das gotículas de microemulsão denominadas microreatores. Peroviskita pura obtida de microemulsão forma-se em temperatura menor do que a fase precipitada, e resulta.em partículas com distribuição de tamanho mais adequada, de aproximadamente 0,1 mm de diâmetro comparado com a média de 0,5 mm das partículas coprecipitadas.
Estudo de alguns esfeitos na precipitação de partículas esféricas de sílica via microemulsão inversa
Partículas esféricas de sílica foram obtidas via microemulsão inversa em sistema AOT / Heptano / H2O, utilizando-se soluções de silicato de sódio como precursor. Variações de condições experimentais durante a precipitação levam à mudanças no tamanho e na forma das partículas. O objetivo deste trabalho é otimizar a obtenção de partículas de sílica com homogeneidade de forma e tamanho, variando-se a ordem de adição dos reagentes, a concentração da solução de silicato de sódio, a razão água/surfactante (W), a ordem de mistura dos reagentes e a purificação do produto obtido. As micrografias evidenciaram que para se obter partículas esféricas, com faixa estreita de tamanho, utiliza-se duas microemulsões inversas a partir das soluções de ácido nítrico e de silicato de sódio, sendo que a mistura destas deve ser feita adicionando-se a microemulsão contendo o silicato de sódio sobre a microemulsão contendo o ácido nítrico. A relação silicato de sódio:água mais adequada de para os objetivos do trabalho é de 1:10. A purificação mais eficiente é aquela feita em duas etapas, com etanol e com água quentes. A partir dos resultados obtidos, pode-se verificar também que quanto maior o W maior será o tamanho médio de partícula.
The underground reservoirs of fuel retailing system represent an environmental threat, because once in bad conservation, these tanks allow fuel leakage and infiltration. For soil contaminated with fuel, such as diesel oil, the present study introduces the microemulsion systems used by the method of washing. In tests carried out in column with a sample of sandy soil artificially contaminated and previously characterized as to its void level to porosity, to permeability which is an important parameter concerning the study of the method of washing. While microemulsions were characterized for their viscosity and wettability, a variation of active matter was also done departing from the original formulation. The hydraulic diffusivity of the microemulsion was studied so as the injection of such fluid in a soil with sandy characteristics. The results of the extractions revealed the excellent performance of these systems which get to remove around 95% of diesel fuel. This proves the efficiency of the microemulsion in the process of removal of diesel fuel from the soil with the advantage of being a system easily obtainable and less aggressive to the environment when compared to organic solvents.
The large investment in exploration activities offshore Brazil has generated new findings, generally in carbonate reservoirs, with different wettability conditions usually considered in the sandstone, strongly water-wet. In general, the carbonates reservoirs tend to be oil-wet, it difficult to mobilize of oil these reservoirs. These oils can be mobilized by different methods, or it may reverse the wettability of the surface of the reservoir and facilitate the flow of oil, improving production rates. Thus, the objective of this work was to study the influence of inversion on the wettability of the rock in the production and recovery of petroleum from carbonate reservoirs, using microemulsions. Three systems were chosen with different classes of surfactants: a cationic (C16TAB), an anionic (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90). Studies of the influence of salinity on the formation of the microemulsion as well as the characterization of fluids using density and viscosity measurements were also performed. To verify the potential of microemulsion systems in changing the wettability state of the chalk oil-wet to water-wet, contact angle measurements were performed using chalk of neutral-wet as surface material. Overall, with respect to the ionic character of the surfactants tested, the cationic surfactant (C16TAB) had a greater potential for reversal in wettability able to transform the rock wettability neutral to strongly water-wet, when compared with the anionic surfactant (SDS) and nonionic (Unitol L90), which showed similar behavior, improving the wettability of the rock to water. The microemulsions of all surfactants studied were effective in oil recovery, resulting in 76.92% for the system with C16TAB, 67.42% for the SDS and 66.30% for Unitol L90 of residual oil
During natural gas processing, water removal is considered as a fundamental step in that combination of hydrocarbons and water favors the formation of hydrates. The gas produced in the Potiguar Basin (Brazil) presents high water content (approximately 15000 ppm) and its dehydration is achieved via absorption and adsorption operations. This process is carried out at the Gas Treatment Unit (GTU) in Guamaré (GMR), in the State of Rio Grande do Norte. However, it is a costly process, which does not provide satisfactory results when water contents as low as 0.5 ppm are required as the exit of the GTU. In view of this, microemulsions research is regarded as an alternative to natural gas dehydration activities. Microemulsions can be used as desiccant fluids because of their unique proprieties, namely solubilization enhancement, reduction in interfacial tensions and large interfacial area between continuous and dispersed phases. These are actually important parameters to ensure the efficiency of an absorption column. In this work, the formulation of the desiccant fluid was determined via phases diagram construction, employing there nonionic surfactants (RDG 60, UNTL L60 and AMD 60) and a nonpolar fluid provided by Petrobras GMR (Brazil) typically comprising low-molecular weight liquid hydrocarbons ( a solvent commonly know as aguarrás ). From the array of phases diagrams built, four representative formulations have been selected for providing better results: 30% RDG 60-70% aguarrás; 15% RDG 60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás, 30% UNTL L60-70% aguarrás, 15% UNTL L60-15% AMD 60-70% aguarrás. Since commercial natural gas is already processed, and therefore dehydrated, it was necessary to moister some sample prior to all assays. It was then allowed to cool down to 13ºC and interacted with wet 8-12 mesh 4A molecular sieve, thus enabling the generation of gas samples with water content (approximately 15000 ppm). The determination of the equilibrium curves was performed based on the dynamic method, which stagnated liquid phase and gas phase at a flow rate of 200 mL min-1. The hydrodynamic study was done with the aim of established the pressure drop and dynamic liquid hold-up. This investigation allowed are to set the working flow rates at 840 mL min-1 for the gas phase and 600 mLmin-1 for the liquid phase. The mass transfer study indicated that the system formed by UNTL L60- turpentine-natural gas the highest value of NUT
An interesting development in surfactants science and technology is their application as corrosion inhibitors, since they act as protective films over anodic and cathodic surfaces. This work aims to investigate the efficiency of saponified coconut oil (SCO) as corrosion inhibitor and of microemulsified system (SCO + butanol + kerosene oil + distilled water), in saline medium, using an adapted instrumented cell, via techniques involving linear polarization resistance (LPR) and mass loss coupons (MLC). For this, curves of efficiency versus SCO concentration (ranging between 0 and 75 ppm) have been constructed. According to the obtained results, the following efficiency levels were reached with OCS: 98% at a 75 ppm concentration via the LPR method and 95% at 75 ppm via the MLC method. The microemulsified system, for a concentration of 15 ppm of SCO, obtained maximum inhibition of 97% (LPR) and 93% (MLC). These data indicate that it is possible to optimize the use of SCO in similar applications. Previous works have demonstrated that maximal efficiencies below 90% are attained, typically 65% as free molecules and 77% in microemulsified medium, via the LPR method in a different type of cell. Therefore, it can be concluded that the adapted instrumented cell (in those used methods) showed to be an important tool in this kind of study and the SCO was shown effective in the inhibition of the metal
Polyester fibers are the most used fibers in the world and disperse dyes are used for dyeing these fibers. After dyeing, the colorful dyebath is discharged into effluent streams, which needs a special treatment for color removal. Surfactants interaction with dyes has been evaluated in several studies, including the textile area, specifically in the separation of dyes from textile wastewater. In this work a cationic surfactant was used in a microemulsion system for the extraction of anionic dyes (disperses dyes) from textile wastewater. These microemulsion system was composed by dodecylamonium chloride (surfactant), kerosene oil (organic phase), isoamyl alcohol (cosurfactant) and the wastewater (aqueous phase). The wastewater that results after the dyeing process is acid (pH 5). It was observed that changing the pH value to above 12.8 the extraction could be made, resulting in an aqueous phase with low color level. The Scheffé net experimental design was used for the extraction process optimization, and the obtained results were evaluated using the program "Statistica 7.0". The optimal microemulsion system was composed by 59.8wt.% of wastewater, 30.1wt.% of kerosene, 3.37wt.% of surfactant and 6.73wt.% of cosurfactant, providing extraction upper than 96%. A mix of reactive dyebath (50%) and disperse dyebath (50%) was used as aqueous phase and it presented extraction upper than 98%. The water phase after extraction process can be reused in a new dyeing, being obtained satisfactory results, according to the limits established by textile industry for a good dyeing. Tests were accomplished seeking to study the influence of salt addition and temperature. An experimental design was used for this purpose, which showed that the extraction doesn't depend on those factors. In this way, the removal of color from textile wastewater by microemulsion is a viable technique (that does not depend of external factors such as salinity and temperature), being obtained good extraction results even with in wastewater mixtures
Leather tanneries generate effluents with high content of heavy metals, especially chromium, which is used in the mineral tanning process. Microemulsions have been studied in the extraction of heavy metals from aqueous solutions. Considering the problems related with the sediment resulting from the tanning process, due to its high content in chromium, in this work this sediment was characterized and microemulsion systems were applied for chromium removal. The extraction process consists in the removal of heavy metal ions present in an aqueous feeding solution (acid digestion solution) by a microemulsion system. First three different solid sludge digestion methods were evaluated, being chosen the method with higher digestion capacity. For this digestion method, seeking its optimization, was evaluated the influence of granule size, temperature and digestion time. Experimental results showed that the method proposed by USEPA (Method A) was the most efficient one, being obtained 95.77% of sample digestion. Regarding to the evaluated parameters, the best results were achieved at 95°C, 14 Mesh granule size, and 60 minutes digestion time. For chromium removal, three microemulsion extraction methods were evaluated: Method 1, in a Winsor II region, using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution; Method 2, in a Winsor IV region, being obtained by the addition of the acid digestion solution to a microemulsion phase, whose aqueous phase is distilled water, until the formation of Winsor II system; and Method 3, in a Winsor III region, consisting in the formation of a Winsor III region using as aqueous phase the acid digestion solution, diluted in NaOH 0.01N. Seeking to optimize the extraction process only Method 1 (Systems I, II, and VIII) and Method 2 (System IX) were evaluated, being chosen points inside the interest regions (studied domains) to study the influence of contact time and pH in the extraction percentiles. The studied systems present the following compositions: System I: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase 2% NaCl solution; System II: Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution with pH adjusted using KOH (pH 3.5); System VIII: Aqueous phase - Acid digestion solution (pH 0.06); and System IX Aqueous phase Distilled water (pH 10.24), the other phases of Systems II, VIII and IX are similar to System I. Method 2 showed to be the more efficient one regarding chromium extraction percentile (up to 96.59% - pH 3.5). Considering that with Method 2 the microemulsion region only appears in the Winsor II region, it was studied Method 3 (System X) for the evaluation and characterization of a triphasic system, seeking to compare with a biphases system. System X is composed by: Surfactant Saponified coconut oil, Cosurfactant 1-Butanol, Oil phase Kerosene, Aqueous phase Acid digestion solution diluted with water and with its pH adjusted using 0.01N NaOH solution. The biphasic and triphasic microemulsion systems were analyzed regarding its viscosity, extraction efficiency and drop effective diameter. The experimental results showed that for viscosity studies the obtained values were low for all studied systems, the diameter of the drop is smaller in the Winsor II region, with 15.5 nm, reaching 46.0 nm in Winsor III region, being this difference attributed to variations in system compositions and micelle geometry. In chromium extraction, these points showed similar results, being achieved 99.76% for Winsor II system and 99.62% for Winsor III system. Winsor III system showed to be more efficient due to the obtaining of a icroemulsion with smaller volume, with the possibility to recover the oil phase in excess, and the use of a smaller proportion of surfactant and cosurfactant (C/S)
Pequenas partículas de fase peroviskita de BaMnO3 foram preparadas por dois métodos: a rota da coprecipitação convencional (RCC) e o método convencional de microemulsão (MCM). As técnicas instrumentais utilizadas para caracterizar as amostras foram: microscopia eletrônica de varredura (SEM), difratometria de raios X (XRD), termogravimetria (TG) e análise térmica diferencial (DTA). A síntese de materiais em sistemas coloidais auto-organizados tem por objetivo aumentar a homogeneidade de tamanho e forma das partículas. Nos últimos anos aumentou a busca por materiais mais uniformes visando o aperfeiçoamento da microestrutura. A rota de microemulsão é um método alternativo para a síntese de materiais porque permite o controle da relação entre as concentrações de água e do tensoativo, (w), o qual controla o tamanho das gotículas de microemulsão denominadas microreatores. Peroviskita pura obtida de microemulsão forma-se em temperatura menor do que a fase precipitada, e resulta.em partículas com distribuição de tamanho mais adequada, de aproximadamente 0,1 mm de diâmetro comparado com a média de 0,5 mm das partículas coprecipitadas.
Estudo de alguns esfeitos na precipitação de partículas esféricas de sílica via microemulsão inversa
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
Microemulsions (ME) are thermodynamically stable and isotropic systems of two immiscible liquids (oil/water), stabilized by an interfacial film of surfactants, discovered by Hoar and Schulman in 1943. The study of ME formation is based on three areas of theory: (1) solubilization, (2) interfacial tension and (3) thermodynamics. ME structures are influenced by the physicochemical properties and proportions of their ingredients. The goal of this review is to assess the state of the art of microemulsified systems, from a theoretical viewpoint. Also, recent progress on their clinical application and use as carriers for insoluble compounds is discussed.
Pós-graduação em Ciências Farmacêuticas - FCFAR