923 resultados para metal trace analysis
This paper describes the automation of a fully electrochemical system for preconcentration, cleanup, separation and detection, comprising the hyphenation of a thin layer electrochemical flow cell with CE coupled with contactless conductivity detection (CE-C(4)D). Traces of heavy metal ions were extracted from the pulsed-flowing sample and accumulated on a glassy carbon working electrode by electroreduction for some minutes. Anodic stripping of the accumulated metals was synchronized with hydrodynamic injection into the capillary. The effect of the angle of the slant polished tip of the CE capillary and its orientation against the working electrode in the electrochemical preconcentration (EPC) flow cell and of the accumulation time were studied, aiming at maximum CE-C(4)D signal enhancement. After 6 min of EPC, enhancement factors close to 50 times were obtained for thallium, lead, cadmium and copper ions, and about 16 for zinc ions. Limits of detection below 25 nmol/L were estimated for all target analytes but zinc. A second separation dimension was added to the CE separation capabilities by staircase scanning of the potentiostatic deposition and/or stripping potentials of metal ions, as implemented with the EPC-CE-C(4)D flow system. A matrix exchange between the deposition and stripping steps, highly valuable for sample cleanup, can be straightforwardly programmed with the multi-pumping flow management system. The automated simultaneous determination of the traces of five accumulable heavy metals together with four non-accumulated alkaline and alkaline earth metals in a single run was demonstrated, to highlight the potentiality of the system.
Environmental pollution continues to be an emerging study field, as there are thousands of anthropogenic compounds mixed in the environment whose possible mechanisms of toxicity and physiological outcomes are of great concern. Developing methods to access and prioritize the screening of these compounds at trace levels in order to support regulatory efforts is, therefore, very important. A methodology based on solid phase extraction followed by derivatization and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis was developed for the assessment of four endocrine disrupting compounds (EDCs) in water matrices: bisphenol A, estrone, 17b-estradiol and 17a-ethinylestradiol. The study was performed, simultaneously, by two different laboratories in order to evaluate the robustness of the method and to increase the quality control over its application in routine analysis. Validation was done according to the International Conference on Harmonisation recommendations and other international guidelines with specifications for the GC-MS methodology. Matrix-induced chromatographic response enhancement was avoided by using matrix-standard calibration solutions and heteroscedasticity has been overtaken by a weighted least squares linear regression model application. Consistent evaluation of key analytical parameters such as extraction efficiency, sensitivity, specificity, linearity, limits of detection and quantification, precision, accuracy and robustness was done in accordance with standards established for acceptance. Finally, the application of the optimized method in the assessment of the selected analytes in environmental samples suggested that it is an expedite methodology for routine analysis of EDC residues in water matrices.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
In this communication, we discuss the details of fabricating an off-line fibre optic sensor (FOS) based on evanescent wave absorption for detecting trace amounts of Fe3+ in water. Two types of FOS are developed; one type uses the unclad portion of a multimode silica fibre as the sensing region whereas the other employs the microbent portion of a multimode plastic fibre as the sensing region. Sensing is performed by measuring the absorption of the evanescent wave in a reagent medium surrounding the sensing region. To evaluate the relative merits of the two types of FOS in Fe3+ sensing, a comparative study of the sensors is made, which reveals the superiority of the latter in many respects, such as smaller sensing length, use of a double detection scheme (for detecting both core and cladding modes) and higher sensitivity of cladding mode detection at an intermediate range of concentration along with the added advantage that plastic fibres are inexpensive. A detection limit of 1 ppb is observed in both types of fibre and the range of detection can be as large as 1 ppb–50 ppm. All the measurements are carried out using a LabVIEW set-up.
The electrochemistry of nanostructured electrodes is investigated using hydrodynamic modulated voltammetry (HMV). Here a liquid crystal templating process is used to produce a platinum modified electrode with a relatively high surface area (Roughness factor, Rf = 42.4). The electroreduction of molecular oxygen at a nanostructured platinum surface is used to demonstrate the ability of HMV to discriminate between Faradaic and non-Faradaic electrode reactions. The HMV approach shows that the reduction of molecular oxygen shows considerable hysteresis correlating with the formation and stripping of oxide species at the platinum surface. Without the HMV analysis it is difficult to discern the same detail under the conditions employed. In addition the detection limit of the apparatus is explored and shown, under ideal conditions, to be of the order of 45 nmol dm(-3) employing [Fe(CN)(6)](4-) as a test species. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
We report on the realization of Atom Trap Trace Analysis for39Ar and its first application to dating of groundwater samples. The presented system achieves an atmospheric39Ar count rate as high as 3.58 ± 0.10 atoms/h allowing for the determination of the39Ar concentration in less than a day. We demonstrate that the measured count rates are proportional to the39Ar concentration by intercomparison with Low-Level Counting results and by measurements on prepared argon samples with defined concentration. For a geophysical application, we degas three different groundwater samples and gas chromatographically extract the argon. The39Ar ages inferred from the count rates extend over the accessible dating range and are in agreement with the Low-Level Counting results as well as with complementary isotope data.
Includes bibliographical references.
Aiming to introduce a multiresidue analysis for the trace detection of pesticide residues belonging to organophosphorus and triazine classes from olive oil samples, a new sample preparation methodology comprising the use of a dual layer of “tailor-made” molecularly imprinted polymers (MIPs) SPE for the simultaneous extraction of both pesticides in a single procedure has been attempted. This work has focused on the implementation of a dual MIP-layer SPE procedure (DL-MISPE) encompassing the use of two MIP layers as specific sorbents. In order to achieve higher recovery rates, the amount of MIP layers has been optimized as well as the influence of MIP packaging order. The optimized DL-MISPE approach has been used in the preconcentration of spiked organic olive oil samples with concentrations of dimethoate and terbuthylazine similar to the maximum residue limits and further quantification by HPLC. High recovery rates for dimethoate (95%) and terbuthylazine (94%) have been achieved with good accuracy and precision. Overall, this work constitutes the first attempt on the development of a dual pesticide residue methodology for the trace analysis of pesticide residues based on molecular imprinting technology. Thus, DL-MISPE constitutes a reliable, robust, and sensitive sample preparation methodology that enables preconcentration of the target pesticides in complex olive oil samples, even at levels similar to the maximum residue limits enforced by the legislation.
Purpose: To evaluate the comparative efficiency of graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry (GFAAS) and hydride generation atomic absorption spectrometry (HGAAS) for trace analysis of arsenic (As) in natural herbal products (NHPs). Method: Arsenic analysis in natural herbal products and standard reference material was conducted using atomic absorption spectrometry (AAS), namely, hydride generation AAS (HGAAS) and graphite furnace (GFAAS). The samples were digested with HNO3–H2O2 in a ratio of 4:1 using microwaveassisted acid digestion. The methods were validated with the aid of the standard reference material 1515 Apple Leaves (SRM) from NIST Results: Mean recovery of three different samples of NHPs, using HGAAS and GFAAS, ranged from 89.3 - 91.4 %, and 91.7 - 93.0 %, respectively. The difference between the two methods was insignificant. A (P= 0.5), B (P=0.4) and C (P=0.88) Relative standard deviation (RSD) RSD, i.e., precision was 2.5 - 6.5 % and 2.3 - 6.7 % using HGAAS and GFAAS techniques, respectively. Recovery of arsenic in SRM was 98 and 102 % by GFAAS and HGAAS, respectively. Conclusion: GFAAS demonstrates acceptable levels of precision and accuracy. Both techniques possess comparable accuracy and repeatability. Thus, the two methods are recommended as an alternative approach for trace analysis of arsenic in natural herbal products.
The Potentiometric Stripping Analysis (PSA) is described with emphasis on ultramicroelectrode applications with a laboratory developed computer based instrumentation. The technique potentialities as compared with the voltammetric approach are pointed out based on the current literature. Some results of trace metals analysis including zinc, cadmium, lead and copper in vinegar and canned food samples are presented. The mainly advantage found in our laboratory was the technique capability to analyse natural samples with minimum matrix interference and the low level of noise found in our determinations.
"U.S. Atomic Energy Commission Contract AT(29-1)-1106."